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Wagner, Richard, Christianity Lectures 195; Cosmo-Conception 389; Gleanings of a Mystic 153; Mysteries of the Great Operas 52-53; Questions and Answers, Volume I 350-353
Wakes, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 221
Walk, upright is necessary to Ego, Cosmo-Conception 86
Walsungs, Mysteries of the Great Operas 84-85
Wand, of the magician, Ancient and Modern Initiation 44
War, benefits of, Gleanings of a Mystic 112; Letters to Students 135, 148, 156, 222; Questions and Answers, Volume I 204-205; The Web of Destiny 97-98; between heart and mind, Cosmo-Conception 17, 384, 393; between higher and lower self, Letters to Students 157; between vital and desire bodies, Christianity Lectures 62
War, in heaven, The Web of Destiny 85; industrial is more destructive than military, Cosmo-Conception 393; is engendered by creed, Letters to Students 93; is incited by Lucifer Spirits, Mysteries of the Great Operas 39; is instigated by Race Spirits, Cosmo-Conception 334; Questions and Answers, Volume II 545; is not responsible for diseases fostered by obsession, The Web of Destiny 42; is permitted by Race Spirits, Letters to Students 144; is prolonged by mental attitude of people Teachings of an Initiate 89; is return to barbarism, Message of the Stars 38; philosophy of, Questions and Answers, Volume II 541; proper attitude toward, Teachings of an Initiate 94; purpose of, Letters To Students 145-146, 225; Teachings of an Initiate 79; results of, Cosmo-Conception 118; Letters to Students 27, 114; Questions and Answers, Volume I 107-110; Rosicrucian Mysteries 177, 179; Teachings of an Initiate 70, 76, 88; The Web of Destiny 42, 74, 94-102; spiritual aspects of, Gleanings of a Mystic 123; spiritual intensity of, Gleanings of a Mystic 104; victims of, are unconscious following death, The Web of Destiny 97, 102
Warning to astrologers, Message of the Stars 529-532
Warriors, have seen supernatural manifestations, Letters to Students 148
Warts, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 547
Washington, Booker T., Christianity Lectures 336; Cosmo-Conception 313; Questions and Answers, Volume I 196
Water, brings forth life-breathing things, Cosmo-Conception 331; contains earthly matter, Cosmo-Conception 444; contains lines of force, Cosmo-Conception 27; constitutes large part of man, animal and plant, Questions and Answers, Volume II 262; deities of, Mysteries of the Great Operas 79; distilled, is best for body, Cosmo-Conception 445-446; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 115; has great yearning for ether, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 182, The Web of Destiny 114; has drawing power with respect to electric current, Questions and Answers, Volume II 412; hierarch of, Freemasonry and Catholicism 73; in Catholic church, is magnetized, Ancient and Modern Initiation 25; is fluid medium, Christianity Lectures 200; is hardening agent, Christianity Lectures 139; is important in nutrition, Cosmo-Conception 446, 449; is the great solvent, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 118; is weapon of Sons of Seth, Freemasonry and Catholicism 11, 22; may be used in black magic, Gleanings of a Mystic 104; running, should be used by magnetic healers, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 183; Questions and Answers, Volume II 127; should not be taken at meals, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 181; swarms with germ life, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 175; was changed to wine by Christ Jesus, Cosmo-Conception 169; Questions and Answers, Volume II 291; was used in temples in Atlantean Epoch, Questions and Answers, Volume II 289
"Water of Life," Mysteries of the Great Operas 90; Teachings of an Initiate 20
Water power, Questions and Answers, Volume I 13
Water stratum, of earth, Cosmo-Conception 504; The Web of Destiny 25
Water wheel, Christianity Lectures 313; Teachings of an Initiate 109
Water men of Moon Period, Christianity Lectures 215
Watt, James Rosicrucian Mysteries 97
Waves, of sea, are powerful, Christianity Lectures 312
Weakness, general, astrological indication of, Message of the Stars 550
Wealth, Cosmo-Conception 432-464; Questions and Answers, Volume I 366-367
Wedding garment, see Soul body
Wedding feast, of higher to lower self, Message of the Stars 13
Wednesday, Cosmo-Conception 411-412; Mysteries of the Great Operas 78
Weight, atomic, Christianity Lectures 216
Werewolf, vs. vampire, Questions and Answers, Volume I 255
West, conditions of, Freemasonry and Catholicism 61; Mysteries of the Great Operas 73
Western Mystery School, Letters to Students 36, 51-52, 99; Teachings of an Initiate 137-151; The Web of Destiny 18
Western Mystery Teaching, Gleanings of a Mystic 47; Questions and Answers, Volume II 484
Western people, Christianity Lectures 319; Cosmo-Conception 316; Questions and Answers, Volume II 110, 290, 500
Western Room, of Tabernacle, Ancient and Modern Initiation 37, 50, 54, 58
Western School of Rosicrucians, Gleanings of a Mystic 182
Western Wisdom Religion, Letters to Students 134, Questions and Answers, Volume II 465; Teachings of an Initiate 57
Western Wisdom School, Letters to Students 181-192, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 47; The Web of Destiny 15
Western Wisdom Teaching, Gleanings of a Mystic 77, 173; Letters to Students 35, 40, 78-79; Teachings of an Initiate 142; The Web of Destiny 15
Western World, Christianity Lectures 309, 329; Cosmo-Conception 113, 510, 518, 520, 523, 529; Letters to Students 29; Teachings of an Initiate 165, 168, 193
"Whatsoever a man soweth," Cosmo-Conception 106
Wheat, symbology of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 33
White, is synthesis of all colors, Ancient and Modern Initiation 16; Cosmo-Conception 253
White Lodge, The, Questions and Answers, Volume I 360-361
White Stone (Philosopher's Stone), Mysteries of the Great Operas 151; Teachings of an Initiate 22
Whitlows, Message of the Stars 547
Whitsunday, Gleanings of a Mystic 156
Widow, Son of, Freemasonry and Catholicism 17, 40; Message of the Stars 23; Questions and Answers, Volume II 299, 444
Wilcox, Ella W.. quotations from, Christianity Lectures 172, 283; Cosmo-Conception 163; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 201; Questions and Answers, Volume I 79; Teachings of an Initiate 87
Wilderness, of world, Freemasonry and Catholicism 17; symbology of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 87; Cosmo-Conception 335; Teachings of an Initiate 190-203
Will, acts upon bodies of man, Christianity Lectures 68; determines action on all planes, Questions and Answers, Volume II 35; effort of, enables newly dead to mold bodies, Questions and Answers, Volume II 30; effort of, is necessary for Invisible Helper to re-enter physical body, Questions and Answers, Volume II 14; enables man to free himself, Cosmo-Conception 362, 485; is an aspect of God, Cosmo-Conception 178, 182, 323-324; Freemasonry and Catholicism 68, 78; is allied to Sun forces, Cosmo-Conception 267; is an indeterminable factor, Message of the Stars 465, 531; Questions and Answers, Volume II 91, 96; is force of Ego, Christianity Lectures 229; is indispensable soul force in propagation, Cosmo-Conception 284; is male power of Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 267; Mysteries of the Great Operas 151; Questions and Answers, Volume I 230, 273, 456; is not shown in horoscope, Message of the Stars 381; Questions and Answers, Volume II 91; is spiritual counterpart of positive creative force, Christianity Lectures 231;
Will, lower, is an expression of desire body, Cosmo-Conception 394; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 48; may overrule power of stars , Message of the Stars 59, 346, 462-466, 531; power of, must be used to correct undesirable habits Letters to Students 222; power of, was much greater in Lemuria than now, Christianity Lectures 234; projects ideas into mind, Cosmo-Conception 88; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 51; projects image in thought, Cosmo-Conception 89; use of, may frustrate fate, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 201; Questions and Answers, Volume II 96; use of, is necessary to hold desire body in control, Questions and Answers, Volume II 112; was cultivated in Lemuria, Christianity Lectures 231; Cosmo-Conception 281
Wind, forces of, Rosicrucian Mysteries 71
Wine, is a false spirit, Cosmo-Conception 169; Questions and Answers, Volume II 290; is an evolutionary factor, Cosmo-Conception 165-172; Questions and Answers, Volume II 291; is being changed back to water, Christianity Lectures 280; is now being abolished from Temple service, Questions and Answers, Volume II 295; stimulates Spirit of man, Gleanings of a Mystic 27; use of, causes self assertion, Gleanings of a Mystic 86; was added to diet of man, Cosmo-Conception 168; Gleanings of a Mystic 26, 219; Letters to Students 219; Questions and Answers, Volume II 290; Teachings of an Initiate 83-84; was changed from water, Cosmo-Conception 169; was given by leaders of man, Christianity Lectures 304; was not given to disciples by Christ Jesus, Letters to Students 218
Winter months, most propitious for spiritual efforts, Letters to Students 174
Wireless telegraphy, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 143; Questions and Answers, Volume I 14; Teachings of an Initiate 131
Wisdom, cosmic, Cosmo-Conception 398; Questions and Answers, Volume II 60; Eastern, Cosmo-Conception 270; human as compared with animal instinct, Cosmo-Conception 79, 84; implies love, Letters to Students 125; is an aspect of God, Cosmo-Conception 182, 323-324; is crystallized pain, Christianity Lectures 236
Wisdom, is generated interiorly, The Web of Destiny 84; is obtained through striving, Cosmo-Conception 22; of Nature, will supersede brain knowledge, Cosmo-Conception 363; of the world, is attained by mystic without intellectual labor, Ancient and Modern Initiation 99; possession of, requires harmlessness, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 129; results when knowledge weds love, Teachings of an Initiate 37; should guide motion, Cosmo-Conception 324-325; the only true, Teachings of an Initiate 38; way of, Teachings of an Initiate 33-39
Wisdom, Lords of, see Lords of Wisdom
Wise men, followed the Star, Ancient and Modern Initiation 13; Christianity Lectures 257, 272-273; Cosmo-Conception 389
Witches' kitchen, Mysteries of the Great Operas 37
"Witching Hour, The," Questions and Answers, Volume I 36
Woe, of the world, is seen by Christian Mystic, Ancient and Modern Initiation 89
Wolff, Caspar, issued Theoria Generations, Cosmo-Conception 338; Questions and Answers, Volume I 10
Wolfram, symbology of, Mysteries of the Great Operas 137
Woman, equality of with man, Mysteries of the Great Operas 128-129; Letters to Students 106; Questions and Answers, Volume I 370-372; eyes of, were opened by Lucifers, Cosmo-Conception 361-362; has been arbiter of world's destiny in past, Questions and Answers, Volume II 110; has greater blood pressure than man, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 29; Questions and Answers, Volume II 82; has positive vital body, Cosmo-Conception 60, 280; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 29; Questions and Answers, Volume II 82; has strong intuition, Cosmo-Conception 92; is allied to lunar forces, Cosmo-Conception 267; is "clothed with the Sun,: Christianity Lectures 155-156; is pioneer in culture, Cosmo-Conception 280; matures earlier than man, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 29; periodical flow of, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 29; Questions and Answers, Volume I 23; treatment of, in Rome, Questions and Answers, Volume I 42
Woman, was educated in Lemuria, Cosmo-Conception 279; was once more advanced than man along material lines, Letters to Students 59
Womb, diseases of, Message of the Stars 543
Word, aided in creation, Cosmo-Conception 374; and hammer of Hiram Abiff, Freemasonry and Catholicism 40; cosmic meaning of, Gleanings of a Mystic 155; creative, see following separate classification; is a rhythmic sound, Questions and Answers, Volume I 58; Rosicrucian Mysteries 98-100; is aspect of Supreme Being, Cosmo-Conception 181; is given to neophyte at proper time, Freemasonry and Catholicism 19; is second only to Power Aspect, Cosmo-Conception 374; is the "Alone Begotten Son," Christianity Lectures 249; Cosmo-Conception 374; lost, will be spoken by larynx, Cosmo-Conception 363; Questions and Answers, Volume I 232, 235, 347-349; Questions and Answers, Volume II 440; of God, Ancient and Modern Initiation 90; Teachings of an Initiate 157; of Jupiter Period, Cosmo-Conception 418; of Lemuria, had power, Cosmo-Conception 278, 295; of Lucifer, Christianity Lectures 235; of power, Freemasonry and Catholicism 19, 27, 72; Mysteries of the Great Operas 18; Questions and Answers, Volume I 16; power of, Questions and Answers, Volume I 314-316; Rosicrucian Mysteries 110-111, 193; still sounds in cosmos, Rosicrucian Mysteries 112; was first sound Christianity Lectures 249, 325; Rosicrucian Mysteries 109; The Web of Destiny 121; was made flesh, Christianity Lectures 105; Cosmo-Conception 181; "was God," Questions and Answers, Volume I 12; Rosicrucian Mysteries 106
Word (creative), has a message, Gleanings of a Mystic 155; is used by Adepts, Questions and Answers, Volume II 440; molds root substance, Cosmo-Conception 375; was formerly used, Cosmo-Conception 276, 281, 295; will be spoken by perfected larynx, Cosmo-Conception 363, 425-429; Questions and Answers, Volume I 12, 16, 349; will be spoken in New Galilee, Questions and Answers, Volume II 293
Words, use of, is highest human privilege, Cosmo-Conception 236; will be understood in Jupiter Period, Cosmo-Conception 234
Wordsworth, quotations from, Christianity Lectures 75; Letters to Students 64; Questions and Answers, Volume I 295
Work, secular, should be done "as unto the Lord," The Web of Destiny 124
Work, of Ego, is union with higher self, Cosmo-Conception 432
World, concrete, is evanescent manifestation, Questions and Answers, Volume II 548; dense, substance of necessary to sustain visible body, Questions and Answers, Volume II 33; has dominion over man, Cosmo-Conception 386; invisible, Christianity Lectures 37-38; is God's training school, Gleanings of a Mystic 180; Questions and Answers, Volume I 10, 14, 187; is school of experience, Christianity Lectures 19; is seeking something, Letters to Students 137; is unwilling to consider anything too unselfish, Cosmo-Conception 385; of Divine Spirit, see Divine Spirit, World of God, see God, World of; of Life Spirit, see Life Spirit, World of; of Thought, see Thought, World of; of Virgin Spirits, see Virgin Spirits, World of; Physical, see Physical World; sin of, was taken away by Christ, Cosmo-Conception 408; spiritual, is reflected in spinal canal, Questions and Answers, Volume II 377; Western, Cosmo-Conception 17, 113, 315, 470, 510, 518, 520-521, 523, 529; Questions and Answers, Volume II 229
World change, is to come, Gleanings of a Mystic 181
World drama, is acted and re-enacted, Teachings of an Initiate 96
World globes, Cosmo-Conception 247
World mystery, is explained by Cosmo, Letters to Students 42
World Savior, Cosmo-Conception 389
World Soul, is crucified, Cosmo-Conception 85
World Temple, is built by two classes of people, Mysteries of the Great Operas 46
World War [WWI], Ancient and Modern Initiation 93; Teachings of an Initiate 66-95
Worlds, are divided into five regions, Cosmo-Conception 29; five lower, are field of man's evolution, Cosmo-Conception 88, 188; formation of, Cosmo-Conception 187, 375
Worlds, have each an evolutionary scheme, Cosmo-Conception 168-188; higher, Cosmo-Conception 188, 270, 277, 407; Rosicrucian Mysteries 32; inner, facts of, Christianity Lectures 30; interpenetrate, Christianity Lectures 58; Cosmo-Conception 53, 55, 187, 233; invisible life in, Christianity Lectures 27-38; Letters to Students 116; Questions and Answers, Volume II 23, 29, 55, 159, 177, 187, 477; safest guide in, is logic, Cosmo-Conception 440; seven, vary in density, Cosmo-Conception 29, 54, 186-188; some are denser than ours, Cosmo-Conception 233; spiritual, seasons in, Questions and Answers, Volume I 103-104; three densest, are comparatively evanescent, Cosmo-Conception 188; three, for each planet, Cosmo-Conception 53; time, is non-existent, Gleanings of a Mystic 169; touch with, is lost with man, Cosmo-Conception 294; vibrate at different rate, Cosmo-Conception 187, 375; visible and invisible, Cosmo-Conception 24-55, 186-188; were called into existence separately, Cosmo-Conception 188, 375
Worms, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 562
Worry, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 550; evil of, Gleanings of a Mystic 116; The Web of Destiny 79, 90-93, 108
Wotan, Letters to Students 69; Mysteries of the Great Operas 78, 82, 90-91, 99, 122; Questions and Answers, Volume II 549
Wound, in Redeemer's side, Christianity Lectures 198; in side of Amfortas, Christianity Lectures 203
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