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Complete Index of Max Heindel's Works

— H —

Habits, Christianity Lectures 128; Questions and Answers, Volume I 26; The Web of Destiny 63, 106

Haeckel, Cosmo-Conception 339, 343; Gleanings of a Mystic 39; Questions and Answers, Volume I 10

Hemoglobin, of blood, Cosmo-Conception 354; Message of the Stars 305, 535, 572; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 34, 156

Hemolysis, nature of, Christianity Lectures 251-252; Cosmo-Conception 353, 355, 357-358; Freemasonry & Catholicism 53; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 185; Questions and Answers, Volume I 49, 90

Hemorrhoids, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 555, 561, 563

Hair, Gleanings of a Mystic 75; differs in sexes, Questions and Answers, Volume I 23; may be used in black magic, Gleanings of a Mystic 103

Half-circle, is symbol of the soul, Questions and Answers, Volume II 368; Simplified Scientific Astrology 165

Half-steps, are transitional states, Cosmo-Conception 227, 234

Hall of Learning, Christianity Lectures 184

Hall of Service, in Tabernacle, Ancient and Modern Initiation 49

Hallucinations, astrological indication of, Message of the Stars 565

Ham, not ancestor of African Race, Questions and Answers, Volume I 54

Hammer, New, Freemasonry & Catholicism 40-41; The Web of Destiny 85

Hands, fractures of, Message of the Stars 562; laying on of, Message of the Stars 58; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 193-194; Questions and Answers, Volume II 128; of musicians, Cosmo-Conception 126; value of, Cosmo-Conception 57, 80

Hannibal, was reborn in Prussia, Teachings of an Initiate 70

Happiness, exists in higher life, Questions and Answers, Volume II 416; is not object of life, Cosmo-Conception 431

Harmlessness, is prerequisite to helpful life, Christianity Lectures 200-203

Harvey, discovered circulation of blood, Cosmo-Conception 445; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 115

Hate, can be absolved only by love, Questions and Answers, Volume II 67; drives good of food away, Christianity Lectures 141; has conical desire forms, The Web of Destiny 95-96

Head, accidents to, Message of the Stars 562, 650; began to form in Lemurian Epoch, Christianity Lectures 220; has seven places of observation, Christianity Lectures 237

Headache, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 541, 545, 547-548, 550-555, 565

Headquarters, Cosmo-Conception 532-533; Letters to Students 30, 31, 131; Rosicrucian Mysteries 199-207; Teachings of an Initiate 155

Healer, is the focus, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 101; magnetic, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 216, 398; magnetic, draws diseased vital body from patient, Questions and Answers, Volume II 414; should be in harmony with patient, Message of the Stars 538-539; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 150; should have knowledge of astrology, Message of the Stars 536-537; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 157-159; should never tell a patient discouraging fact, Message of the Stars 529; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 150; should be spiritual, Letters to Students 20; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 55; Teachings of an Initiate 129, 132

Healing, beginning of, on Mt. Ecclesia, Letters to Students 78; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 209; Teachings of an Initiate 151; depends upon three factors, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 101; different methods of, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 98, 146, 192; Questions and Answers, Volume I 80; Questions and Answers, Volume II 132; Teachings of an Initiate 130, 161; involves faith, Cosmo-Conception 63; is associated with activities of spiritual adviser, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 97; Teachings of an Initiate 129; is demonstration of applied knowledge, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 55; Teachings of an Initiate 131-132; magnetic, Message of the Stars 536; Questions and Answers, Volume I 126-131; requires submission, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 100

Healing, Rosicrucian Fellowship method of, Gleanings of a Mystic 103; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 102; Questions and Answers, Volume I 74; Teachings of an Initiate 128-132, 160

Healing balm, Ancient and Modern Initiation 111

Healing Centers, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 204-205

Healing Power, comes from the Father, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 101; Questions and Answers, Volume II 132

Healing substance, shown Max Heindel in Temple, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 110; Teachings of an Initiate 162

Health, astrological significators of, Message of the Stars 438-442; basis of, The Web of Destiny 65, 143; is affected by mind, Cosmo-Conception 456; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 122, 180; Questions and Answers, Volume II 153; The Web of Destiny 139; is denoted by parallel and conjunction, Message of the Stars 488; is endangered by heavy meal, Questions and Answers, Volume I 89; is improved by study of higher philosophy, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 203; Questions and Answers, Volume I 286; is less robust among spiritual students, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 72; Questions and Answers, Volume I 283; Teachings of an Initiate 154; The Web of Destiny 29; is not always to be judged by appearance, Cosmo-Conception 449; is of vital importance, Teachings of an Initiate 128-129; The Web of Destiny 139; is the rule among lower animals, Letters to Students 19; of child, is affected by nursery rhymes, Questions and Answers, Volume I 58-59; prevents entrance of disease germs into body, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 176-177; Questions and Answers, Volume II 148-149; results from obeying God's laws, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 62; The Web of Destiny 65-66; results from improvement of higher vehicles, Questions and Answers, Volume I 25; state of, is determined by consistency of matrices, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 43; The Web of Destiny 14

Hearing, Message of the Stars 577

Heart, anchors silver cord, Christianity Lectures 80; Cosmo-Conception 98; contains seed atom of dense body, Christianity Lectures 79; Cosmo-Conception 97, 396, 398; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 70, 91, 215, 217; Questions and Answers, Volume I 20, 114, 119; Rosicrucian Mysteries 37, 156, 175

Heart, diseases of, Message of the Stars 542-543, 545, 547-548, 552-553, 556, 558, 562-563, 565, 617-619, 638-641, 669; has cross stripes, Christianity Lectures 239; Cosmo-Conception 396, 399-400; is an anomaly, Christianity Lectures 239; Cosmo-Conception 393-400; is becoming voluntary muscle, Christianity Lectures 239; Cosmo-Conception 399, 473; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 20, 122; is being educated, Cosmo-Conception 393, 530; Questions and Answers, Volume I 266; is capable of uniting with mind, Cosmo-Conception 18; Teachings of an Initiate 163; is involuntary muscle in ordinary person, Cosmo-Conception 396; is home of altruistic love, Cosmo-Conception 398; is moved by force of seed atom, Christianity Lectures 79; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 215; is on left side of body, Christianity Lectures 238; is penetrated by sex currents, Christianity Lectures 239; Cosmo-Conception 477; is perfectly constructed, Cosmo-Conception 77; is reached by blood in every cycle, Cosmo-Conception 397-398; is secondary vantage of life spirit, Cosmo-Conception 397; is separated from mind by deep chasm, Cosmo-Conception 17; is spoken to in quiet ways, Letters to Students 153; is stopped by rupture of seed atom, Christianity Lectures 80; Cosmo-Conception 98; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 70, 216; palpitation of, Message of the Stars 542-546, 549-550, 559, 562-563, 565

Heat, in blood, enables Ego to operate, Cosmo-Conception 143-144, 350; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 23-24; in blood, is caused by Ego, Christianity Lectures 251; Message of the Stars 305; is manifestation of invisible fire, Freemasonry & Catholicism 7; was only element of Saturn Period, Freemasonry & Catholicism 7

Heaven, kingdom of, Freemasonry & Catholicism 52; Gleanings of a Mystic 180; Teachings of an Initiate 7; knowledge of, is symbolized by pearl, Teachings of an Initiate 7; lies about us in our infancy, Christianity Lectures 76; location of, Questions and Answers, Volume I 124-125; New, Christianity Lectures 240; Gleanings of a Mystic 72, 77; Letters to Students 80; Mysteries of the Great Operas 42, 46; study in, Questions and Answers, Volume II 23-24

Heaven, First, contains New Jerusalem, Christianity Lectures 93; Questions and Answers, Volume I 244-245; experience in, Christianity Lectures 95-96; Cosmo-Conception 116-118, 124; Questions and Answers, Volume I 34, 226; Questions and Answers, Volume II 80, 172; Rosicrucian Mysteries 173-174

Heaven, First, had few occupants in earlier times, Letters to Students 54; Questions and Answers, Volume II 173; Rosicrucian Mysteries 79; inhabitants of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 65; Questions and Answers, Volume II 173; Rosicrucian Mysteries 79; is accurately represented in "Sistine Madonna," Ancient and Modern Initiation 65; Rosicrucian Mysteries 79; is earned by good actions, Christianity Lectures 96; Cosmo-Conception 114, 116; Rosicrucian Mysteries 173; is in higher Desire World, Christianity Lectures 92; Rosicrucian Cosmo-conception 113; Rosicrucian Mysteries 173, 178; is not reached by byway, Questions and Answers, Volume II 18; is world of color and tone, Christianity Lectures 93; Cosmo-Conception 119; life in, exists from 1 to 20 years Questions and Answers, Volume II 48; life in, is blessed by presence of loved ones, Questions and Answers, Volume II 22

Heaven, Second, entrance to, is marked by Great Silence, Christianity Lectures 101; Cosmo-Conception 122; Rosicrucian Mysteries 95, 180; is attained by some immediately after death, Questions and Answers, Volume II 172; is in Region of Concrete Thought, Christianity Lectures 93, 100; Cosmo-Conception 122; Mysteries of the Great Operas 104; Questions and Answers, Volume II 159; is place of preparation for coming life, Christianity Lectures 103; Cosmo-Conception 123-129; Letters to Students 170; Questions and Answers, Volume I 224, 346; Questions and Answers, Volume II 134, 196; Rosicrucian Mysteries 116; is place of great activity, Cosmo-Conception 121-129, 340; is place where man becomes one with nature forces, Christianity Lectures 106; Questions and Answers, Volume I 17; is real home of thinker, Cosmo-Conception 124; is realm of tone, Christianity Lectures 93, 103; Cosmo-Conception 119, 123; Rosicrucian Mysteries 180

Heaven, Third, is place of harmony, Cosmo-Conception 129; is in Region of Abstract Thought, Cosmo-Conception 119, 146; Questions and Answers, Volume II 159; Rosicrucian Mysteries 116, 182; is place of awaiting rebirth, Christianity Lectures 111; Cosmo-Conception 129; Rosicrucian Mysteries 182; is place where Ego sees panorama of coming life, Cosmo-Conception 129; is place where thought and feelings are built into Ego, Cosmo-Conception 146; Gleanings of a Mystic 122

Heaven, Third, is source of inspiration for inventors and philanthropists, Rosicrucian Mysteries 182

Heavens, declare the glory of God, Teachings of an Initiate 122-125

Hebrew alphabet, Cosmo-Conception 318, 321, 500; Questions and Answers, Volume I 40, 155

Hebrews, Teachings of an Initiate 61

Heindel, Max, brought over an exercise, Teachings of an Initiate 154; contacts with Teacher, Teachings of an Initiate 100-102; experience of, in healing, Message of the Stars 666-667; experience of, in Temple, Gleanings of a Mystic 11, 20; Teachings of an Initiate 102, 150, 152, 162; health of, Teachings of an Initiate 153; poems by, Cosmo-Conception 3; Rosicrucian Mysteries 40-41, 118-119; saw future of Rosicrucian Fellowship, Teachings of an Initiate 155; experiments of, The Web of Destiny 43; birth of The Rosicrucian Fellowship, role in, The Birth of the Rosicrucian Fellowship; Max Heindel and The Rosicrucian Fellowship, Memoirs, by Augusta Foss Heindel (PDF); Heindel-Steiner Connection, The, by Charles Weber (PDF)

Hel, Mysteries of the Great Operas 88, 121

Hell, Questions and Answers, Volume I 244; Rosicrucian Mysteries 117

Helpers, of humanity must be self-sufficient, Cosmo-Conception 358

Hemorrhage, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 545, 561

Henley, quotations from Letters to Students 26

Herculaneum and Pompeii, destruction of, Christianity Lectures 323; Cosmo-Conception 510

Hercules, Labors of, Christianity Lectures 295

Heredity Succession, existed in Atlantis, Cosmo-Conception 295-296

Heredity, Christianity Lectures 17, 30; Cosmo-Conception 138, 155-157; Questions and Answers, Volume I 30, 65-66; Rosicrucian Mysteries 47

Hermaphroditism, Christianity Lectures 228; Cosmo-Conception 268; Freemasonry & Catholicism 77; Message of the Stars 341, 346; Questions and Answers, Volume I 40, 169; Questions and Answers, Volume II 17; Teachings of an Initiate 111, 117; The Web of Destiny 23, 115

Hermit, misses soul growth opportunities, Questions and Answers, Volume I 377

Hernia, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 547, 561, 564

Herod, Ancient and Modern Initiation 47, 92; Mysteries of the Great Operas 32

Heroes, identity of, Letters to Students 164

Herzleide, Christianity Lectures 201; Mysteries of the Great Operas 60

Hiccoughs, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 564-565

Hierarchies, Creative, Christianity Lectures 106, 211; Cosmo-Conception 126, 182-183, 206-207, 220-221, 325-327, 351, 522; Freemasonry & Catholicism 68; Gleanings of a Mystic 22, 135, 166; Message of the Stars 4-5, 30-31, 61; Mysteries of the Great Operas 90; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 217; Questions and Answers, Volume I 17, 119-120; Questions and Answers, Volume II 60, 246, 475, 517; Rosicrucian Mysteries 5-6, 8, 52; Teachings of an Initiate 75

Hierophants, aim to teach man self-mastery, Cosmo-Conception 273; initiated the chosen few, Cosmo-Conception 390-391, 404, 481; in past, chose families, Cosmo-Conception 404; of Lesser Mysteries, are Elder Brother, Cosmo-Conception 520; Gleanings of a Mystic 173

Higher self, Ancient and Modern Initiation 19; Cosmo-Conception 432, 437; Letters to Students 158; Mysteries of the Great Operas 22; Questions and Answers, Volume II 487; Rosicrucian Mysteries 99; Teachings of an Initiate 52: The Web of Destiny 17

Hinduism, Gleanings of a Mystic 8; Questions and Answers, Volume II 94; Teachings of an Initiate 126

Hindus, Ancient and Modern Initiation 63, 107; Christianity Lectures 304, 318-321; Cosmo-Conception 437; Gleanings of a Mystic 8, 10, 91; Letters to Students 90; Questions and Answers, Volume I 280; Questions and Answers, Volume II 290

Hip diseases, astrological indications of,Message of the Stars 543, 548-550, 552, 554, 558

Hiram, King of Tyre, Freemasonry & Catholicism 21

Hoarseness, stellar indications of, Message of the Stars 549-550, 555

Hoenzollerns, warned of death by "white lady," Questions and Answers, Volume II 16

Holiness, test of, Letters to Students 211

Holmes, O.W. quotations from, Ancient and Modern Initiation 44; Christianity Lectures 207; Cosmo-Conception 159; Gleanings of a Mystic 158; Mysteries of the Great Operas 67-68

Holy Ghost, see Holy Spirit

Holy Night, Christianity Lectures 269-270; Cosmo-Conception 390-391; Letters to Students 11, 179; Mystical Interpretation of Christmas 29-30; Questions and Answers, Volume I 191

Holy of Holies, Ancient and Modern Initiation 13, 32, 37; Cosmo-Conception 293; Letters to Students 105; Questions and Answers, Volume II 235; Rosicrucian Mysteries 134

Holy Season, Letters to Students 177; Mystical Interpretation of Christmas 19

Holy Spear, Ancient and Modern Initiation 44; Christianity Lectures 286; Mysteries of the Great Operas 66, 81

Holy Spirit, enters in when Christ in born within, Questions and Answers, Volume II 235; gives red color to man's flesh and blood, Ancient and Modern Initiation 16; has two sides Questions and Answers, Volume II 234; is creative principle in Nature, Christianity Lectures 61; Cosmo-Conception 468; Questions and Answers, Volume I 220-221; The Web of Destiny 99

Holy Spirit, is leader of angels, Cosmo-Conception 333; Questions and Answers, Volume II 339; is highest initiate of Moon Period, Cosmo-Conception 376; Christianity Lectures 247, 300; is represented by color red, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 160; Questions and Answers, Volume II 265, 268; Rosicrucian Mysteries 188; power of, fructifies human ovum Questions and Answers, Volume II 339; sin against, Christianity Lectures 61; Gleanings of a Mystic 56; Questions and Answers, Volume I 220-221

Holy Spirit, see also Jehovah

Holy Water, inculcates faith in Jehovah, Freemasonry & Catholicism 11; quenches desire for light, Freemasonry & Catholicism 32; renders people amenable to priestly rule, Ancient and Modern Initiation 25

Homesickness, reason for, Cosmo-Conception 351

Honeymoon, relic of Moon Period, Christianity Lectures 230; Cosmo-Conception 219

Hope, may vanish before agnosticism and materialism, Cosmo-Conception 517

Horoscope, angles of, Message of the Stars 73-74; Simplified Scientific Astrology 82; delineation of, Message of the Stars 30, 485, 487, 579, 679; does not reveal will of native, Message of the Stars 531; erection of, Questions & Answers, Vol. I 51; Simplified Scientific Astrology 32-92; essentials of, Message of the Stars 481-485; general tenor of, must be considered, 379; houses of, Message of the Stars 72-79; Simplified Scientific Astrology 24-25, 28, 30, 49; indicates self-generated destiny, Cosmo-Conception 162; Letters to Students 206; Message of the Stars 50, 90; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 201; progression of, Message of the Stars 462-485, 522; represents twelve departments of life, Questions and Answers, Volume II 513; reveals mental, moral, and physical disorders, Message of the Stars 607; Teachings of an Initiate 159; reveals propitious time for giving medicine, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 144; Questions and Answers, Volume I 74-75; reveals spiritual cause of disease, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 146; Teachings of an Initiate 159; shows crises in sickness, Christianity Lectures 169; shows difference in texture of souls, Message of the Stars 465; shows incipient disease better than X-ray, Message of the Stars 528; shows only tendencies, Christianity Lectures 161; Message of the Stars 58, 415, 440; Questions and Answers, Volume II 108

Horoscope , shows relation of people, Christianity Lectures 163-166; Message of the Stars 537; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 157-158; shows ruling planet, Christianity Lectures 170; testing of, Message of the Stars 117-118; vital points in, Message of the Stars 482

Horus, Ancient and Modern Initiation 66-67

Hotz, Dr., took spirit photographs, Rosicrucian Mysteries 129

Hours, planetary, Message of the Stars 679; Questions and Answers, Volume II 366; Simplified Scientific Astrology 187-192

Houses, of horoscope, see Horoscope

Human kingdom, is composed of individual Egos, Christianity Lectures 17

Human spirit, counterpart of, Christianity Lectures 215; Gleanings of a Mystic 132; Message of the Stars 345; is linked to Life and Divine Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 215-216; is reflected in desire body, Christianity Lectures 302; Cosmo-Conception 206; is ruled by Sun, Message of the Stars 345; is third aspect of Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 215; seat of, Cosmo-Conception 397; started evolution in Moon Period, Christianity Lectures 301; Questions and Answers, Volume II 518; was awakened by Seraphim, Cosmo-Conception 215; was put under care of Lords of Form, Cosmo-Conception 220, 265; will be absorbed by Divine Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 428; will be most prominent in Jupiter Period, Cosmo-Conception 423; work of threefold Ego in, Christianity Lectures 337

Human Spirits, are beginning to geometrize, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 187; Questions and Answers, Volume I 92; are individualized Egos, Questions and Answers, Volume II 489

Humanity, acquired free will, Cosmo-Conception 288, 363; acquired language, Cosmo-Conception 278; all of, emanated from same source, Ancient and Modern Initiation 86; Cosmo-Conception 183; bodies of, are slowly being purified, Cosmo-Conception 408, 437; builds earth and own bodies, Questions and Answers, Volume II 325; conduct of, is reflected in earth stratum, Cosmo-Conception 506; crystallized Freemasonry & Catholicism 16

Humanity, desire bodies of, were divided, Cosmo-Conception 394; development of, may be hastened by initiation, Cosmo-Conception 416; evolves in two streams, Freemasonry & Catholicism 17-18; Rosicrucian Mysteries 136; goal of, Freemasonry & Catholicism 57; has become engrossed in materialism, Cosmo-Conception 113, 517; Questions and Answers, Volume II 217; has followed spiral of progression, Questions and Answers, Volume I 11; has narrowly escaped disasters, Cosmo-Conception 113; has the number 9, Cosmo-Conception 500; invisible leader of, give proper teaching Teachings of an Initiate 126; is aided by Leaders, Cosmo-Conception 271, 325, 423, 434, 436, 529; Letters to Students 26, 35; is becoming expert at body building, Cosmo-Conception 222; is divisible into seven rays, Christianity Lectures 170; Cosmo-Conception 439; is given freedom under different religions, Cosmo-Conception 383; is in great need of invisible helpers, Cosmo-Conception 496; is learning to turn evil into good, Teachings of an Initiate 76; is now suffering from misuse of creative force, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 56; Questions and Answers, Volume I 221; is ready to range itself on side of evil, Ancient and Modern Initiation 93; is seventh creative hierarchy, Cosmo-Conception 326-327; is slowly progressing, Gleanings of a Mystic 14; How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming? 14; is still enslaved by Race Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 384; is symbolized by traveling ark, Teachings of an Initiate 201; learns chiefly by hard experience, Cosmo-Conception 392; majority of, are engrossed in material affairs, Gleanings of a Mystic 162-163; misdirected energies of, are being used by Invisible Ones, Teachings of an Initiate 75; mourns loss of spiritual sight, Ancient and Modern Initiation 12; must know good and evil from experience, Cosmo-Conception 383; must learn lessons in age of wine, Questions and Answers, Volume II 295; never lived on Mercury or Venus, Cosmo-Conception 275; previous condition of, Cosmo-Conception 185, 306, 351-352, 401; Letters to Students 38, 95; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 186; Questions and Answers, Volume I 91; progress of, Cosmo-Conception 189-191, 302, 432-433; Teachings of an Initiate 116; recognizes impotency of church, Freemasonry & Catholicism 31

Humanity, salvation of, Gleanings of a Mystic 160; was commanded to be chaste, Questions and Answers, Volume II 286; was divided into twelve groups, Ancient and Modern Initiation 25; was enlightened by Lucifer, Cosmo-Conception 287; was given germ of separate personality, Cosmo-Conception 243; was separated into sexes during Lemuria, Letters to Students 59; will be saved as a whole, Cosmo-Conception 501; will from spiritual fellowship, Cosmo-Conception 305, 312; works with mineral life wave, Cosmo-Conception 427-428; Questions and Answers, Volume II 522

Humans, appear as a flame to spiritual vision, Letters to Students 24; average life of, Teachings of an Initiate 106

Hunding, represents spirit of convention, Mysteries of the Great Operas 91

Huxley, Christianity Lectures 293; Gleanings of a Mystic 38

Hybrids, cannot propagate their species, Christianity Lectures 254; Cosmo-Conception 357; Questions and Answers, Volume I 49-50

Hydremia, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 542, 558

Hydrocele, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 552

Hyperemia, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 557

Hyperborean Epoch, is described in Genesis, Christianity Lectures 219, 331; Cosmo-Conception 330; humanity of, Christianity Lectures 219-227, 261, 328; Cosmo-Conception 165-166, 263, 268-269, 433; Freemasonry & Catholicism 46; Gleanings of a Mystic 22-49; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 13; Questions and Answers, Volume I 168, 197; Questions and Answers, Volume II 272; Teachings of an Initiate 82; marked throwing of planets from Sun, Cosmo-Conception 263; was time of crystallization, Christianity Lectures 261; Cosmo-Conception 331; was time of fire and crust islands, Cosmo-Conception 262, 331; Questions and Answers, Volume I 197; was the Second Epoch, Cosmo-Conception 165

Hypnotic victim, leaves body by negative processes, The Web of Destiny 24

Hypnotism, nature of, Christianity Lectures 68-71; Cosmo-Conception 62, 512; Gleanings of a Mystic 107; Letters to Students 105; Message of the Stars 50; Mysteries of the Great Operas 117; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 67, 170; Questions and Answers, Volume I 68-70, 82, 229-230, 280

Hypnotist, commits sun against Holy Spirit, Christianity Lectures 61

Hypochondria, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 542

Hyslop, Professor, Christianity Lectures 297

Hysteria, Message of the Stars 542, 552, 564; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 78; The Web of Destiny 63

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