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Simplified Scientific Christianity |
Transit means passing — the passage of a celestial body over the meridian over a place.
The progressed positions of planets are the principal significators of events, but the transitory position of the planets in space at the actual time of events strengthen or weaken effects of aspects in the progressed horoscope, according to whether they are akin in nature or not. These so-called transits are the planetary positions in the ephemeris for the actual or current year of events.
The major planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are more potent in their action than the minor planets for the reason of their slow motion in the heavens. Their vibrations are felt strongly when within 1 1/2 degree orb. They culminate when the aspect is exact, and last until 1 1/2 degree past. Their effects depend on the importance of the planet which they aspect, and the houses through which they are transiting (passing), bearing on such departments of life as the particular house indicates.
Mars more than any other celestial body affects the average person strongly when in transit over sensitive points in the horoscope. It designates the field of action, whether battle, business, or breaking ground. Where Mars is powerful in the chart, there the native has the ability to go in and conquer — himself or others.
Mars by position shows his potential power to act, also the instruments with which he works to best advantage. Mars has the power to destroy that which is wrong and harmful in our environment; and it enthusiastically champions the cause of righteousness.
The wonderful energy of Mars must not be suppressed, but controlled and refined. This is an important and potent lesson which the subject of our study especially will have to learn.
In its transits Mars brings out the latent forces in a positive way in the sign and house it passes through; therefore Mars may be used frequently to forecast the actual time of an event.
Saturn points out what we lack — in what we are most deficient. It is the Father principle urging us to develop good habits and good qualities in order to solve and master the problems of existence. Saturn is in reality the "great benefic." We must learn to understand its purpose: to overcome fear, to purify the mind, to cultivate faith, hope, and love.
The effect of a transit is greatest when it is in conjunction with a radical planet, particularly when it is in an angle. The trine, sextile, square, and opposition are also quite effective, but in a lesser degree.
If the progressed Moon, New Moon, or total eclipse comes within orb of a transit, when it is making an aspect to the radical planets, setting off the condition then prevailing in the horoscope, bringing it to fruition on the physical plane, there is also a corresponding change in consciousness, an opportunity for learning spiritual values, and for soul growth.
Much of the effect of transiting planets is to impel to decisive action and extract concrete results.
A lunation is a conjunction of the Sun and Moon — a New Moon. In our ephemeris all New Moons, Full Moons, and eclipses are plainly marked for each month.
When a lunation falls within 1 1/2 degrees of an aspect to any of the planets of the Radix, or within aspect to any other vital point in the horoscope, it has a decided effect upon affairs during the ensuing month, and will easily take the place of an aspect of the progressed Moon, which is needed to fructify the planetary indications then in force.
The Moon completes its passage through the zodiac in 28 days, staying about 2 1/2 days in each sign. In progression, as you have learned, this means years.
The transiting Moon in daily life is important in choosing the right time for doing certain affairs. In illness and for operations the Moon's daily place must be taken into consideration for effecting the best results of remedies applied, etc. Physicians especially should be interested in this phase of Astrology.
However, the effect of the transiting Moon should be applied in its relation to the radical and progressed charts. The ephemeris gives the daily aspects between the Moon and planets which is very helpful in planning one's affairs. The student would do well to get thoroughly familiar with the current ephemeris, tabulating the effects of transits in his own case — and looking ahead for aspects forming. Again, here as in everything else, moderation holds good. One can become too fanatical. Checking one's aspects is meant only for self-development, service to humanity, and sharpening the power of observation.
When a New Moon is a solar eclipse, it produces: first the usual effect of a lunation during the current month if in aspect with any of the radical planets. Secondly: similar effects during the months of the following year, when aspects of the same nature are formed with place of the eclipse. That is to say, if an eclipse fell, for instance, on Uranus in 23 degrees of Aries, in this boy's horoscope, it not only will have an influence at the time when the eclipse is formed, but also when a lunation of about the same degree would fall in Cancer, making a square — this in midsummer — or another in opposition in Libra in the Fall; again another square in midwinter from Capricorn.
Thus when the initial aspect of the eclipse is adverse, the latter configurations will be adverse; if it is a good aspect, benefit will be experienced during the months when sextiles and trines are formed.
The increasing and decreasing Moon is also important in its monthly transit. The Moon is increasing in light from the time of its conjunction with the Sun, or the New Moon, till it reaches its opposition or Full Moon. The next two weeks it is decreasing in light — till it meets the Sun again at another lunation.
These two phases of the Moon are very potent in affairs of the world of men. The increasing Moon is the flood tide, strong forces for vigorous efforts: "full speed ahead." The decreasing Moon, or ebb tide, is for assimilating, absorbing, planning, preparing, meditating, contemplating the past and that which is to come, etc.
There are three points to be taken into consideration in reading a horoscope: the radical chart as the face of the clock; the progressed planets are the hour hand; and the daily transits, New and Full Moons, may be compared to the minute hand, which tells the exact time of events. The progressed aspects alone will not act; there must be an exciting factor. The transits act as the match that lights the fuse, and the transiting Moon with its aspects and its lunations is the time-marker.
In order to consider transits for our boy, born in 1932, we will use the 1935 ephemeris. He will then be only three years old, so no progression except the Moon is in force.
In January 1935 his progressed Moon in Leo is trine to radical Uranus in Aries. As Uranus is afflicting the Moon in Radix, this trine will have little beneficial effect, because the lunation on January 5, 1935 in 13.57 Capricorn is a partial eclipse and falls opposite the boy's natal Sun. This is a time to use care and caution in his food and safeguard his health generally.
At the same time, January 6 and 7, Mars is transiting those degrees in Libra, square to his radical Sun. Mars transits his 5th house, which concerns his play and recreation. A square means, Be careful!
Another partial eclipse of the Sun is the lunation of February 3, 1935 in 13.55 Aquarius. This is conjunct his M.C. As his M.C. is trine the Part of Fortune in Gemini, this transit should be beneficial to him through his parents.
On April 3, 1935 the lunation in 12.48 Aries squares his radical Sun, giving similar indications as the January eclipse.
Saturn at the same time transits in Pisces, opposition to the natal Neptune indicating bowel trouble or possibly some hurt to his feet or limbs.
The New Moon of August 29, 1935 in 4.46 Virgo is conjunct the radical Neptune — another short period of anxiety.
As the transiting Uranus in 5.30 Taurus is trine this same Neptune, he may receive help and benefits from friends not only on the material plant, but also from invisible sources such as beauty and harmony.
The transits of the other three major, or superior planets, Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune, are very important, especially affecting the houses, which carry the signs they are in at the time.
Referring to the little table in Self-Study Module 50, where the planets' daily motion and the duration of their stay in the signs is recorded, it is easy to estimate how long the effect of these planetary forces will be in operation.
Jupiter, the great benefic, passes around the horoscope in 12 year — one year in each sign; therefore its benign assistance brings blessings a good deal oftener than the retarding influence of Saturn is felt.
Take the ephemeris for the year 1935. Check up on Jupiter; see in what houses, it is transiting in the boy's chart. Jupiter is unafflicted in the Radix, therefore we look for good effects, mostly. On January 8, 1935, and again on September 7 and 8 Jupiter in Scorpio 18-05 from the 6th house makes an exact trine to the radical Moon in Cancer. The delineation for this aspect reads:
"Jupiter trine Moon brings health, happiness, and financial benefit in accordance with radical indications. If Jupiter retrogrades, it is not so active (Jupiter does here), but the period of good is protracted by its repeated direct passage over the good aspects."
On November 9, 1935, Jupiter enters Sagittarius, advancing — first, to a sextile of Saturn Nov. 21-22; then to a trine of Mercury on Nov. 25; then to a square of Neptune on December 5. Lastly an opposition to Mars on Dec. 17.
These two aspects are rather strong, coming as they do from angles. Jupiter and Neptune are in the fourth house, Mars is in the first house in the Radix. The transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius will be in the seventh house. Possibly affecting the father in a business way.
Uranus stays seven years in every sign, so its sustained influence in the houses is very long. The houses, you remember, have to do with material conditions and environment, the signs with character — in a general way.
Uranus is the awakener, the altruistic, humanitarian, but also the erratic and iconoclastic planet of sudden and unexpected happenings and impulses — exciting the native to unusual and often strange conduct — if it is much afflicted in the natal chart.
Uranus is square to the Moon in the Radix, therefore its transit through the 12th house, that of sorrow and limitations, where it is placed in Aries will last until the boy is about ten years old. We figure thus: Uranus entered Taurus in June 1934; it will enter Gemini about 1941; then we reckon the 4 degrees and 29 minutes of Gemini in the 12th house (Ascendant is Gemini 4.29). Uranus travels 42 seconds per day or 4 degrees in a year. So — around 1942 it will transit his Ascendant, passing into the first house, and this time will mark some drastic changes in the organism, the mind, and the home conditions.
To help the student become proficient in locating transiting aspects we will tabulate those of Uranus. Its first aspect in 1935 is on May 17-18 in 2.52 Taurus, making square to an afflicted Saturn in Aquarius. A little later, May 28-29, it squares Mercury in Leo. As Uranus retrogrades these aspects are repeated October 29 in 3.26 Taurus, and November 12th in 2.52 Taurus. As the squares are to the 3rd and 9th houses, which govern travel, we assume that care and caution should be exercised in this respect.
On June 10, and October 14, 1935, Uranus in 4.03 Taurus makes a sextile to Venus in Cancer, which may bring gain and pleasure from the sociable Venus, strong in its own second house.
Neptune is the slowest of the nine planets, taking 165 years to travel through the zodiac; so its transits of thirteen to fourteen years in the same sign naturally will have a steady, long-drawn influence through the house or houses it traverses.
It is comparatively easy to compute the position of Neptune Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus in coming years without an ephemeris, when we know their orbital motion. Having a starting point, for instance: Neptune entered Virgo in September 1928. By adding 13-14 years we know it will come to Libra in 1942, to Scorpio in 1955-56, to Sagittarius in 1969, to Capricorn in 1983-84 and so on.
As Neptune advances about 2 degrees per year we approximate its position in 1992, when the age of our subject is 60, to be about 18 degrees in Capricorn, which is in opposition to the radical Moon. The delineation reads: "If Neptune is afflicted in the natal chart, these transits mark a period of weird and uncanny experiences, mental and physical lassitude, etc."
The mission of Neptune, the plant of divinity, is to stir the feelings and stimulate the mental faculties attuning them to the highest vibrations, lifting the consciousness "unto purer spheres," impelling the native to find his spiritual self, to blend and cooperate this with the personality, enabling him to lead (live) a practical, Christian life.
On the lower plane Neptune is subtle, chaotic, bringing out the under-currents of trickiness and fraud. Very few, comparatively speaking, can respond to the high cosmic rays of Neptune, but its purpose is to help humanity forward on the spiral path of Evolution — that man may learn true wisdom, to master himself, to assert his divinity, to foster brotherhood, to acquire Creative Consciousness.
The purpose of presenting this discourse is two-fold. It is well that new students of astrology obtain a perspective of what this Path requires of them in mental training and what it includes in expansion of knowledge and understanding. Those students who are experienced on the Path should periodically remind themselves of the requirements of their chosen Path and refresh their spiritual aims, methods, and objectives. The Astrological Path is a long one, containing many complexities of unfoldment; the "long- range viewpoint" and quiet, unshakable patience are prime requisites for the fulfillment of any of its phases. Some students, in the present life, may be recapitulating knowledge gained through study in past lives, now ready to begin to apply their knowledge and understanding; some may still be continuing their program of absorption, and still others may be taking their first step on this Path. Regardless of present placement, all should have a comprehensive knowledge of the over-all program that is involved in this complex study so that the spiritual ideal and purpose may be held to unwaveringly.
The art-science called "astr-ology" is the study of universal laws as they apply to evolutionarily unfolding consciousness; consciousness is the one primordial light and the symbols of the "lights" — Sun, Moon, and planets — are used to designate the faculties, vehicles, and powers by which unfolding consciousness becomes aware of divine consciousness. Just as our solar system is one of seven systems comprising a galaxy so each of our "solar-system-lights" is one of a family, inter-related to and interdependent upon each other and the central sun; all being externalizations of the divine creative consciousness of our Logos. Astrology is primarily not a "study of the stars" — that is the astronomer's job. The astrologer is a student of modes of consciousness which are externalized as the planetary, solar, and lunar bodies of our system. We humans have correspondence with these planetary bodies because we and they are creations of the same Divine Source and vibratory affinity aligns us all together in this solar system. The astronomer assists the astrologer in providing scientifically calculated data pertaining to the geocentric and heliocentric relationships of the "lights" to the belt of the zodiacal signs; this data is synchronized with time-space principles of incarnation for the calculation of the natal horoscope which symbolically pictures the present cyclic status of an evolving human consciousness. The "astr" of astrology refers to "star" only exoterically; esoterically and philosophically it refers to that light which is consciousness. It is by the degree and quality of evolving consciousness that all phenomena, experience, and relationship are interpreted; this refers to the physical body as well as to all environments, activities, endeavors, karmic lessons, aspirations, and ideals. All of these factors are symbolically pictured in essence by the natal horoscope; the sum-total of the "contents" of a chart represents the person's basic inclinations and tendencies in viewpoint — the specific result of the way he exercised his inclinations and tendencies in past lives up to the present life. When the astrological student establishes his awareness of the "astro-path" as being the study of consciousness — ever evolving through incarnated experience and patterned by the great archetypal Principles of the Universe — he will then appropriately evaluate each factor of the study to the basic core and thus maintain all evaluations in proper proportion and perspective. Every factor in a correctly calculated horoscope is an exact picturing of results in consciousness from causes in consciousness. Regeneration of consciousness determines improved conditions, more truthful evaluation of experience and a clearer and more perfect apperception of powers — potential and actual.
The ancients were encouraged in their apperceptions of Divine Nature and Consciousness by the technique of "personalization;" modes and facets of the Divine Essence were given exposition as "the gods and goddesses." The anglicized versions of some of these divine names are now applied to our identity of the planets — the name of each planet representing a composite or synthesis of divine potentials, principles, and powers. So, in considering the many phases of the Astrological Path we will also personalize, for concreteness, and, in imagination, consider the nature and abilities of one whom we will call "The Master Astrologer," and whom we will identify as the prototype of all astrologers and astrological students, past, present, and future. His name will be "Astrophilus" (he who loves astrology), and he is one who, through many lives during many centuries of time has dedicated himself to the ever-expanding comprehension of astrological principles. As a Master-Astrologer, he is one who now is able to correlate all phases of learning with astrological symbolism. He will be understood to be the "personalized ideal" of all who walk the "Astro-Path."
Astrophilus always has been, is now, and will continue to be aspiritual aspirant. This means that he does not permit his desire for astrological knowledge to supersede his desire for understanding of right use of astrological knowledge. He dedicates his application of knowledge to the service of human enlightenment because he knows that the enlightenment-service is the basic purpose for the attainment of knowledge in the first place. He knows that the maximum fullness of his knowledge is but a fragment of universal wisdom so, with true humility, he keeps his mind and consciousness ever-open and ever-adjustable to the consideration of new ideas. He is as impersonal and honest in his evaluation of his own chart as he is with the chart of anyone else because he knows that only total honesty will nourish his own unfoldment and ability. His intellectual and analytical endeavors — extensive, profound, and crystalline as they may be — are continually nurtured by prayer; whenever the need is felt, he invites the recharging of his consciousness and intuition by the powers of the Super-mind. Every act or endeavor in his astrological service is dedicated and consecrated by his love for God and fellow-humans. He recognizes that he is "Elder Brother" to — probably — most of humanity, but he never forgets that he himself is as much a child of the Divine Parent as is the most ignorant and uninspired of his fellows. His calculation of each horoscope is an act of spiritual ritual by which the forces of his mind, consciousness, and Spirit are focalized and unified to the fulfillment of his service.
As a Brother, Astrophilus is sincerely appreciative of the endeavors and aspirations of humans on all paths which serve human enlightenment and regeneration. Through his many past lives he has shared the absorption of knowledge with fellow- students who represent all lines of inquiry and investigation. He maintains an essential gratefulness toward all teachers and experiences which serve to further his astrological, philosophical, and spiritual education. In finding a correlation between his chart and any experience, he appreciates the experience, however painful or difficult, because it served to expand his knowledge and understanding. He regrets and resents no experience; the healthy adjustability of his mind — dedicated to the reception of Truth — permits no morbid retention of negative interpretations of experience but rather rejoices in each and every opportunity for the expansion of comprehension and apperception. He seeks always to avoid attitudes or viewpoints of bias and so refuses to retain in consciousness that quality of mental action that breeds prejudice or false approbation. He strives to regard his own experiences with spiritual equity so that he may more perfectly represent the equity of true enlightenment to those he helps.
As a scientist, Astrophilus is first of all a mathematician and geometrician. The technical aspects of his work require a fluent comprehension of all arithmetical principles and of certain principles revealed through geometry. Since algebra is the mathematical exposition of the universal Law of Correspondence, a knowledge of this branch of science enables Astrophilus to evaluate and tabulate any and all vibratory equations to be found in a given chart, or which form the "patterns of linkage" between two or more charts. In his training, back in the early days in Atlantis, Chaldea, and Egypt, Astrophilus learned that accuracy in mathematical calculation and comprehension not only externalized the apperception of a mode of Truth, but acceptance of the mental disciplines involved in training externalized the sincerity of his pursuit of truth. Accuracy is truth externalized; and because of the tremendous complexity of "things" which are studied on the Astrological Path, the willingness to discipline the mental body so that the right results are obtained in mathematical endeavors is an important factor in the astrologer's dedication to his service. Whenever it is possible to do so, Astrophilus always seeks to determine the accuracy of all data; he works with that data in such a way that the maximum accuracy may be obtained. In his teaching-work, Astrophilus encourages his students in every way possible to appreciate the value of mathematical training; he knows from his own experience that Humanity owes a great debt to Mathematics for what it provides in disciplining, harmonizing, and focalizing the mental vehicles and the powers of consciousness. To engage successfully in mathematical endeavors, one cannot be satisfied with anything less than right (truthful) results!
It is interesting — and significant — to note that so many forms of visual exploration are made through a circular frame-work. Our two eyes are focused in such a way that everything we see is through a "circular window;" the astronomer gazes through a circular mechanism to study and explore a portion of the solar system, a galaxy or some other division of the phenomenal universe exterior to the earth; the chemist and biologist peer through a circular microscope to study the "littleness" of material phenomena. In his work as a student of human consciousness, Astrophilus centers his attention also on a circular diagram formed by a certain arrangement of the zodiacal belt which contains a specialized set of symbols placed according to accurate mathematical principles and which convey a revelation of spiritual laws. Astrophilus is a specialist in the sense that his prime objective is to serve the furthering of human enlightenment but the principles which are inherent in his specialized study are germane to all forms of exploration made by other scientists.
As far as scope of knowledge is concerned, Astrophilus "takes hands" with all of his brother-scientists; the essences of his study and exploration are found to be represented in some form or degree in all other branches of study by which the nature of the universe is revealed and comprehended. In the degree that the nature of the universe is comprehended does the realization of unity with the universe unfold. Astrophilus must use the powers of analysis just as a chemist does, but in addition he must also synthesize because his purpose is not to teach the "separateness of man from the universe" but to reveal the unity of humans with each other, with all creatures, and with divine source. The analytical factor in his study pertains to the human as an individualized aspect of consciousness, with particular karmic requirements of experience and particular "personal tendencies." The factor of synthesis is actually a process of the Higher Mind by which Astrophilus may assist the person to experience an expansion of awareness of unity within himself through developing spiritual autonomy and of awareness of unity with other humans through affinity of common destiny and evolutionary goal.
Astrophilus, in addition to being a scientist, mystic, and priest, is also an interpretative artist. He seeks to find, through study of horoscopical indications, those modes and techniques by which the person concerned may through regeneration of consciousness become consciously more and more aware of the beauties of his own spiritual consciousness. Every principle used in astrological representation has its counterpart in one — or all — of the fine arts. In an over-all survey of astrological factors, we find design, rhythm, color (by implication), structure, mass (by implication), spectrum, and every conceivable aspect of beauty that can be realized or externalized by human beings. During the many years and lives of his experience, Astrophilus enjoyed contact with artists and artistic interpreters of all kinds. His spiritual affinity to these persons was based on the inspirational factor inherent in all artistic expression and enlightenment-service. To "enlighten" might be thought of as a process by which "light is thrown into consciousness" or "the presence of light in consciousness is revealed." Any human, by whatever mode or means, who serves to reveal harmony to other persons is an inspirator; harmony is the revelation of equilibrium throughout all parts of a thing and it is the conscious re-attainment of equilibrium that characterizes our evolutionary goal. It was from that state that we were projected, as individualizations, at the start of our experience as humans. All apperception of Beauty is a glimpse of the "heaven in our own consciousness," and through his knowledge of alchemy, Astrophilus is able to help people understand how they may effect conscious regeneration of their inner powers and thereby unfold wider and purer apperceptions of the beauty of their divine nature.
After many lives devoted to the practice of realized truths and in accordance with high ethical standards, Astrophilus found a strange and wonderful awakening in his own consciousness. It pertained to a cognition that "the planets" which he had studied for so long in horoscopes were modes by which the divine revealed itself through human consciousness. As a result, Astrophilus found himself becoming more and more conscious of God's presence in all planetary aspects — each aspect being thus perceived to be an indication not of "absolute evil" or "absolute good" but rather that of spirit-ual viewpoint. The hitherto-considered "evil" aspects were then perceived to be, in truth, symbolic pictures of experience-methods by which a human must ultimately realize his own divine nature. All square and opposition aspects register karmically timed and karmically qualified conditionings from which, through incarnate experience, the human is to be brought face-to-face with the results of past thought and action; from experiencing these results he is to apprehend in greater degree those modes of thought and action which further, rather than obstruct, evolutionary unfoldment and realization of the Spirit's highest ideals.
Reader, these things said herein about "Astrophilus" are really being said about you — now an astrological student, perhaps a practitioner — who from some point on the Path may unfold the powers of the perfectly trained mental vehicle, the winged power of intuition and the diamond-clear power of clair-cognition through your continued and devoted application to astrological study. May the Spirit within grant you the strength of patience, the buoyancy of inspirational joy, and the blessing of ever-expanding appreciation of your fellow-humans through the truth-pursuing study of horoscopes as the need for such study may be brought to your attention. Life provides all opportunity to fulfill the Astrological Path.
— Supplemental Student Material Reference: Studies in Astrology, Elman Bacher
Dear Friend,
Congratulations on completing all 51 Independent Study Modules of our Astrology Course. You are entitled to a genuine feeling of accomplishment, for as rewarding and illuminating as the course may be it is still long and tasking. You did a good job and it has been a pleasure working with you.
Learning never ends, we hope your search will not end with this last Astrology Independent Study Module and that the study of astrology will still encompass a major part of your life. By applying what you have learned in your daily life and using this sacred science to help others, you will increase your inner wisdom, understanding and Truth.
May God's blessings provide you with more opportunities to serve — remembering that Loving, Self-forgetting Service to others, is the shortest, the safest and the most joyful road to God.
May God Bless your every effort.
In Fellowship,
Fellow Students of Contemporary Mystic Christianity
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