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Simplified Scientific Christianity |
In Astrology Independent Study Module No. 49 we have endeavored to explain thoroughly the method of finding the Adjusted Calculation Date, a date which is used for the simple progression or advancing of the horoscope for any year after birth.
The daily motion of the planets will be (in) progression be the yearly motion. For reference and the convenience of the student we give a table of the average daily motion of the planets.
Deg:Min:Sec: | Stays 1 Sign: | |
Sun | 00:59:08 | 1 month |
Moon | 13:10:00 | 2 1/2 days |
Venus | 01:12:00 | 24 days |
Mercury | 01:23:00 | 18 days |
Jupiter | 00:04:59 | 1 year |
Saturn | 00:02:00 | 2 1/2 years |
Mars | 00:37:28 | 57 days |
Uranus | 00:00:42 | 7 years |
Neptune | 00:00:22 | 13-14 years |
We will proceed to show progressed positions (directions) for any year.
The boy was born July 4, 1932. The Adjusted Calculation Date is July 30, 1932.
The year he is seven corresponds to July 11, 1932.
In front (in the margin) of that date you have marked: A.C.D., July 30, 1939.
The planet's progressed positions on July 11th are as follows:
Sun: 18-56 Cancer; Venus: 0-39 Cancer R.; Mercury: 13-55 Leo; Moon: 23-49 Libra; Saturn: 2-23; Aquarius R; Jupiter: 23-37 Leo; Mars: 13-27 Gemini; Uranus: 23-16 Aries; Neptune: 6-01 Virgo
These positions cover the year from July 30, 1939 to July 30, 1940, and are always to be interpreted in their relation to the birth — or radical chart.
Here you will see the Sun is within orb of the conjunction of the radical Moon. When the Sun by progression forms a conjunction, square, sextile, trine, or opposition to one of the radical planets, the influence begins to manifest when the Sun is 1 1/2 degrees from the exact aspect, and it is felt until the Sun is 1 1/2 degrees past the point of culmination, which of course is the degree and minute of the planet at birth. As the Sun moves about one degree a day, and the time measure of direction is, that one day equals a year, we may say that the influence of the solar aspects is felt for a period of three years. Their effects are particularly strong at times during this period when aspects of the progressed Moon or lunations (New Moons) vivify them.
As the Sun moves about 5 minutes a month (60 minutes equals 1 degree) we can advance or subtract that much to get the time of exact conjunction. The Moon in radix is 18-05 and the progressed Sun is 18-56 : therefore the culmination happens 10 months earlier — namely, Sept. 30, 1938.
The Sun progressed to conjunction of radical Moon, when unafflicted, indicates a three year period of popularity and general success.
The progressed Moon has also left its natal position and square to radical Uranus and reached the opposition to Uranus, which has the effect of disturbing the equilibrium of the organism (Moon in Libra), making him erratic and irritable (opposition Uranus), upsetting the digestion (Moon) and affecting the health (Moon reaches the 6th house). Therefore a time to avoid excitement (Uranus in Aries) and exercise self-control.
In early life, especially, the Moon is the most important of the planets. We are then more amenable to the lunar rays, for the Moon governs infancy and childhood, the mother and home.
The Moon measures "the soul's passage from the shores of eternity, through the waters of the womb to the world of Time." The Moon is the time marker, the minute hand of the clock of destiny," while the Sun (and planets) may be considered as the hour hand. Therefore the Moon more than any other celestial body shows us the exact time when any direction culminates or becomes fruitful of events, indicating changes in the physical and material conditions, or reaction through soul-growth and character building, according to circumstances and environment. When that which is latent in the horoscope is brought to a focus — so to speak.
The Message of the Stars tells us that the Moon measures the period of postnatal growth through its phases of seven days (in progression seven years). Childhood is completed and school age reached when the progressed Moon is square its natal place in the seventh year; then the birth of the vital body takes place.
When the Moon is opposite its radical position — about the fourteenth year — occurs the birth of the desire body, marking the period of adolescence. And when it makes another square, having traveled three-quarters around the circle of the horoscope, the mental body is born, and one is considered full grown.
In the 28th year the progressed Moon is conjunct its own place. This marks the period of complete manhood or womanhood. Study the chapter on the Moon in the Message of the Stars.
The year he is 14 corresponds to July 18, 1932. Therefore, opposite that date in the ephermeris, we write July 30, 1946. The planets' positions on July 18 are:
Sun: 25-37 Cancer; Moon: 3-35 Aquarius; Venus: 29-02 Gemini R; Mercury: 22-23 Leo; Saturn: 1-53 Aquarius R; Jupiter: 25-01 Leo; Mars: 18-17 Gemini; Uranus: 23-21 Aries; Neptune: 6-13 Virgo
Looking over these positions, relating them to the radical chart, we find the progressed Moon making a close aspect (opposition) to the radical Mercury. Mercury is afflicted by the opposition of Saturn, its only adverse aspect. We will find the Moon's exact position with reference to Saturn and Mercury by first taking its yearly travel:
July 19 — Moon | 17.05 Aquarius |
July 18 — Moon | 03.35 Aquarius |
13.30 |
Then dividing this by 12 we get the progressed monthly motion which is 1 degree 07". Dividing this again by 30 we have the progressed daily motion, being 2'. (1.07 equals 67' divided by 30 equals 2 minutes).
We ask: when is the Moon precisely conjunct Saturn in 2"52 Aquarius? The difference between Moon 3.35 and Saturn 2.52 is 43', divide by 2 (daily motion), gives 21 or 22 days earlier. Counting back from July 30, 1946, we get July 8, 1946, which is the day, when the progressed Moon will make its exact conjunction with the radical Saturn. The opposition to radical Mercury will occur about 5 days earlier, namely, July 25, 1946, because radical Mercury 3.25 is 9' less than the progressed Moon 3.35 on the Adjusted Calculation Date.
These two progressed Moon aspects to afflicted radical planets, Saturn and Mercury, indicate a very critical period in the boy's life. An inner struggle, a pessimistic, gloomy attitude toward his studies and social (family) relationships — Mercury in 3rd house, Saturn in 9th. A conflict through his conscience — Saturn — the higher law — 9th; his schoolwork, schoolmates, and near relatives — 3rd house.
Keen disappointments perhaps in scholastic honors — Mercury in Leo, Saturn ruling 10th house. Such a troubled state of mind may lead to recklessness, lack of caution, resulting in mishaps should he travel — 3rd and 9th. Also possible ill health to mother — Moon.
We want to know, when the progressed Moon will come trine to radical Mars in 8.31 Gemini:
July 30, 1946 — Moon: | 3.35 | Aquarius |
plus 1.07 | monthly motion | |
Aug. 30, 1946: | 4.42 | Aquarius, trine ascendant. (rad.) |
plus 1.07 | ||
Sept. 30, 1946: | 5.49 | |
plus 1.07 | ||
Oct. 30, 1946: | 6.56 | |
plus 1.07 | ||
Nov. 30, 1946: | 8.03 | Mars is 8-31 — difference 28' divided |
plus 14 days: | 0.28 | by 2' per days equals 14 days. |
Dec. 14, 1946 — Moon: | 8.31 | Aquarius trine radical Mars. |
This progressed Moon trine radical Mars (conjunct Asc.) aspect indicates a period of considerable activity, both of mind and body. The adverse aspects of the summer 1946 have accumulated a great deal of pent-up energy, which under the trine will prove to his benefit, if he uses the dynamic force of Mars through the natural outlet of leadership — Mars in 1st. For instance, a desire and urge to excel in athletic skill and prowess — Mars in 1st. Sharpening of the intellect — Mars in Gemini and a stimulation of the creative, inventive image-making faculty — prog. Moon in Aquarius in 9th house trine Mars in Gemini in 1st house.
However, he must use caution not to expend his vitality unduly, for the radical square of Mars to Neptune indicates a militant, irascible, impulsive nature, which may bring unhappiness in the home circle — Neptune in 4th house.
To ameliorate this during the year 1946 the progressed Mercury is conjunct radical Jupiter, trine Uranus. His sanguine trait will revive and the mind become more health in outlook. His father may help him considerably here — Jupiter in 4th — or possibly a relative (uncle, Jupiter.) The trine to Uranus invigorates him mentally, bringing unexpected pleasures, impulse to mental work, and a keen desire for esoteric study, or research into hidden causes — Uranus in the 12th. He may become interested in altruistic and humanitarian work under this aspect.
Look in Message of the Stars for progressed lunar directions, page 512 for progressed mutual planetary directions.
Besides progressing the planets we must also make a similar forward movement of the houses, but these must be calculated by the same method as when erecting a natal figure, save that we use the Sidereal Time for the day, which corresponds to the year for which we wish to progress the horoscope.
Using the above year 1946, age 14, we take these factors: Lat. 34 deg. N., Long. 118 deg. W. True Local Time of birth: 2:23 A.M.
Deg.Min.Sec | |
S.T. noon previous to prog. birthday 1946
(ephemeris July 17, 1932): |
07.40.00 |
Correction 10" for longitude: | 00.01.19 |
Interval previous noon to T.L.T: | 14.23.00 |
Correction 10" per hour of interval: | 00.02.24 |
S.T. on progressed birthday: | 22.06.43 |
With this S.T., 22.06.43, we go to the Tables of Houses, using Latitude 34° N. The nearest we find is 22.08.23. We may erect the complete progressed chart by inserting the progressed planet's positions direct from ephemeris (July 18, 1932).
But this is not necessary; the two angles of chief importance are the Midheaven and Ascendant. The M.C. which is spiritual in nature, the Asc., which is the significator in physical and material matters, are to be recorded only.
When the native has changed residence, moving north or south from the place of birth, the latitude of the new residence must be used for progression of the angles.
The progressed M.C. for the year 1946 is 0 Pisces, the Asc. is 19:41 Gemini.
We note, that the progressed M.C. is trine to progressed Venus in 29.02 Gemini retrograde; the progressed Mars in 18.17 Gemini is conjunct progressed Ascendant.
These progressed aspects represent a time of activity, changes, and decisions, which may be of great importance in the trend of his future life work.
The decision remains with the native, however for the prerogative of free will is never removed.
(You are welcome to e-mail your answers and/or comments to us. Please be sure to include the course name and Independent Study Module number in your e-mail to us. Or, you are also welcome to use the answer form below. You will find the answers to the questions below in the next Astrology Independent Study Module.)
1. What day after birth corresponds to the year 1960?
2. What is the boy's age then?
3. In what progressed year does Mercury turn
4. In what year does Venus go direct? How old is he?
5. What is the progressed M.C. for 1962: What is the Asc.?
6. Give all the progressed positions of the planets for 1962.
7. Compute the Moon month by month for 1962.
8. What aspects to the radix does it make — and when?
9. What day after birth corresponds to the year when he is 59?
10. Are there any important directions then?
The word "affluence" is derived from two Latin words: "ad," meaning "to" or "toward," and "fluere" meaning "to flow." We usually use it to refer to conditions that are characterized by abundance, bountifulness, plentifulness of supply and wealth, but a consideration of the derivation of the word gives us the clue to its esoteric meaning. It is basically not a description of conditions but a quality of consciousness by which abundance is realized and manifested. In other words, the human consciousness — the "light by which a human perceives Light" — contains a potential of functioning "affluently" so that, correspondingly, conditions of abundance may flow toward and into human environments and affairs. As the desire to realize health is one of humanity's many endeavors to perceive Light, so is the desire to realize affluence; it is important to consider how a human being can generate the kind of consciousness that makes abundance evident in his life.
If the consciousness of "hunger" is indicative of deeply-felt need, then "poverty" is a combination of that need with a conviction that the need can not, will not, or must not be fulfilled. Poverty is the opposite of affluence — it represents a "cut off" condition of consciousness that is represented outwardly by deficiency or relative lack of essential or desired things. We do not feel "poor" in not having something to which we feel indifferent; to "feel poor" is to feel deprived of that for which we have a strong feeling of desire or requirement. The poverty-complex is a form of mind-pattern, of congested quality, by which a human deprives himself of the realizations of affluence; this deprivation is a conviction of lack which characterizes his living generally or manifests in some specific factor or area of his life. The poverty-complex is always a karmic return from abuses or misuses of means and opportunities in past lives. It is essentially constructed on residual fear or guilt brought over — as reaction in the subconscious — from past actions characterized by wastefulness, destructiveness, dishonesty, or dishonor. By wastefulness we undermine our consciousness of right use; by destructiveness we set up a power of repulsion in the subconscious which "negates" our desire to attract that which we now want or require; by dishonesty or dishonor we deprive others of what is rightfully theirs and the subconscious residue, now registering as the poverty-complex, is the enervating and "lifeless" essence of fear and guilt. Whether of short or long duration, the "feeling of poverty" is always an indication, delivered up to the conscious mind by reaction from the subconscious, that a drastic revision of consciousness is required. That revision must be established in the subconscious mind before the improved conditions will appear in outer affairs. In other words, the person's feeling about life and himself must be changed by a process of "openingness" so that he, by expression of his consciousness, can "flow more freely into life" and so that the manifestations of life's abundance can "flow more freely into his affairs." Water is perhaps the most perfect symbol of the principle of life's affluence; remember that it must be released from its states of suspension as cloud, snow, and ice before it can life-givingly flow forth as rivers. It is the power of warmth that releases the water-potentials from their static state as ice and snow; correspondingly, some form of spiritual warmth must be established in the human's subconscious as a means of revitalizing his outlook on himself and his conditions. How is this renewing establishment made? Let us consider what the Great Astrological Mandala (the twelve-housed circle surrounded by the zodiacal belt with Aries as Ascendant-sign) has to tell us:
Look first at the two signs which focalize the two arms of the vertical diameter: Cancer, cardinal water, is at the lower end; Capricorn, cardinal earth, is at the upper end; the total vertical line is the line of generation or parentage. The Moon, ruler of Cancer, is the archetypal mother-symbol; Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, is the archetypal father-symbol. Esoterically, these two signs, and the line which they form as "emanation" from the center of the wheel, refer to the attribute of a human being to generate his own destiny by the way he exercises his consciousness, from incarnation to incarnation. Man qualifies the evolutionary line of his existence by what he establishes in his subconscious mind (Cancer) and by the ways in which he out-pictures these establishments (Capricorn). By his participation in the creative power of thought, each human is the mother and father of the quality of his own evolutionary line. By his powers of reaction in feeling, he is made aware of what he has established in his subconscious mind; by his powers of expression (thought, word, and >deed), he gives embodiment to that which he has established in his subconscious realms. The "conviction of poverty" is a "darkness in the subconscious" — it means that the person, in the past, has identified himself with deprivation by some kind of action representing misuse and/or abuse of opportunities and means. In short, by his defaults in these matters, he "parented" the present condition or situation which he "identities as poverty." Poverty is not a reality of life, it is an individual interpretation of conditions based karmic reaction. Think a moment: Is life "poverty-stricken?" Is our planet "poverty- stricken"? Does every human have the same kind of poverty-complex as every other human? Does everyone have to suffer from the poverty- complex eternally? The answer to all of these inquiries is no. Let us now consider a very important and interesting esoteric astrological clue to the means by which the poverty-complex may be decrystallized so that the locked-up energies may be released affluent-ly:
This clue is found in the planetary exaltations — soulic powers of spiritual apperception distilled from conscious regeneration in past lives — as they are pictured in the Great Astrological Mandala: Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, exalted in Cancer; Moon, ruler of Cancer, exalted in Taurus; Venus, the principle of Equilibrium- through-exchange, rules Taurus and Libra; Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, exalted in Libra; Mars, ruler of Aries, exalted in Capricorn. First, Jupiter exalted in Cancer, as the apperception of the power of "givingness:"
If we desire to overcome a poverty-complex we have to signify our sincerity on that point by doing something of an affluent nature to manifest the desired condition in human experience. That form of expression is what we call "giving." The statement "it is more blessed to give than to receive" is much more than an "old saw." It contains a profound metaphysical and esoteric directive: the act of giving is a blessing to the subconscious mind of the one who gives. If you are convinced, in your congested subconscious, that a desired or required state is "not for you" but you do something to make possible another person's realization of that thing, you take the first and most important step in decrystallizing your own poverty-complex. If your poverty-complex were "total," you would not even think of trying to make that particular thing evident to another person. The fact that you do give of that thing impresses the subconscious mind that you are aware of the thing's availability. With that action, performed in sincere helpfulness of motive, you begin to release the locked-up subconscious energies because giving is affluence in action. You have thereby opened yourself to the possibilities of realizing the desired or required thing in your own affairs and environment. Consequently, the result is that you have established more light in your subconscious mind and that establishment, from then on, becomes a magnet to attract those things consistent with your desire or requirement. With the en-lightened feeling, resulting from the "loosening" provided by your out-giving action and more out-giving consciousness, the exaltation of Mars in Capricorn makes you more aware of what you must do, as personal discipline and development, to make that improved establishment a "permanent fixture" of your soul-consciousness. In other words the new opening-up leads you onto a new path of spiritualizing endeavor which has as its goal the integrated establishment, for permanent use, of the new spiritual realization. One act of sincere and helpful giving-ness starts the affluent process; but exalted Mars — persistent constructive effort — has to be applied so that the poverty-complex of many years' standing may be completely dissolved and the energies pertaining to it may be completely translated into consciousness of Light. That means that more self-honesty may have to be realized; courage and self-confidence may have to be developed; more consistent and thorough application may have to be applied to current conditions and endeavors; all tendencies or inclinations to hold others — mentally, emotionally, or physically — in any kind of undue bondage may have to be relinquished. Remember, you want freedom from your poverty-complex so you must give others the gift of freedom; in order to do that you may have to let go of certain kinds of fear but fearlessness is, itself, an attribute of affluence. How could water flow if it were afraid of moving, or if ice and snow were afraid to melt? We have to be willing to melt and dissolve the secret congestions if we are to realize the consciousness — and evidences — of affluence. The powers of Truth, Courage, Faith, Love, Joy, and Freedom are the "thermal qualities" by which the Spirit melts the paralyzing constrictions established by the "personal ego" in its expression of unregenerate interpretations.
If financial abundance is your desired and/or required symbol of affluence, then the two points which are exalted in Venus-signs give us some clues. The person who exercises disorganized and chaotic stewardship of present materials — no matter how much money he has- -is operating away from affluence because this kind of functioning is concrete evidence of weaknesses at work. The Moon's exaltation in Taurus — the second house sign — might be said to convey the keyword: I establish affluence by right stewardship — now. In the home, in business establishments, in professional activities, or commercial matters, humans cannot establish disorder in patterns of financial exchange and expect to continue to register affluence. We impose burdens on others if we perpetrate disorder in our affairs and, sooner or later, we have to rectify the unbalance. The sign Taurus is polarized by the fixed water-sign Scorpio which refers to consciousness of sex. It has become an established fact, through psychological and metaphysical inquiry, that the consciousness of money is counterparted by the consciousness of sex. Both are aspects of desire for maintenance and perpetuation. It has been determined that congestions in the attitudes toward sex and/or money have a retroactive effect on the opposite. In these days of "evolutionary speeding up," humans are given the opportunities to resolve much karma from many past lives and sex and money have been the desires which have prompted much negative expression in our past experiences.
Consider this in the light of the programs of heavy taxation we are now dealing with. Also, in the light of what is being revealed in these times regarding the sexual aspects of human nature — the karmic conditions of the generative consciousness which are being revealed in so many complex forms. Therefore, a man's "poverty-laden consciousness of money" could well be found to have its roots in psychogenetic conditions of a constrictive kind and these conditions all require more charging by the consciousness of love and/or good will toward other humans. Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, is exalted in Libra, the seventh house-sign of the Great Mandala. This is the insignia, in a simple astrological way, of the Golden Rule — the perfect fulfillment of experience through harmonized consciousness of human relationship and the consciousness of spiritual justice which that form of realization includes. Affluence is the provide-ence of Life for our sustainment. That "providence" is already established for our use but if anything in our consciousness seeks to deprive another of what is his rightful fulfillment, then we cut off our recognition of Life's affluence; we limit our expression of affluence; and poverty sets in.
The traditional symbol of the Sun — the point circumscribed by a circle — may well be taken, for this consideration, as the symbol of all affluent potentials, the symbol of Life's entire provide-ence. From what it represents, all things necessary for our evolution are emanated — just as everything pictured in a horoscope is "emanated" from the central point. The Sun, as ruler of the fire-sign Leo, may then be taken as the symbol of the affluence of spiritual light — all Love, all Wisdom, all Truth, all Beauty, all Ideation which humans can realize and, as well, all material representations which we interpret from spiritualized consciousness. Power in all possible degrees is represented by the Sun and, thus, it represents every possible degree of power which a human may realize. Power is — it is part of our "life-job" to unfold recognition of it in ourselves.
Since poverty is an illusion created by the relatively unevolved human consciousness, it is not strictly true, from a philosophical standpoint, that "Saturn is the symbol of poverty." Such an interpretation does Saturn an injustice. Saturn speaks to us, through our fears and guilts, of the unfulfilled areas of our experience; when these areas are fulfilled, security is established in consciousness and consequently that form of inner ease which generates affluence is brought about. Also, the square aspects in the individual chart represent areas of inner tension and each of these can be interpreted as a "poverty-potential." Alchemical regeneration by expressing the spiritual attributes of the planetary points involved will "melt the ice" of the inner congestion. The person who suffers from a sense of "poverty of education" must first heal his subconscious mind by re-charging it with a strong desire to learn; the desire to learn is the desire to experience affluence on the mental plane and this form of affluence can only be experienced when the mind is allowed to open. Tendencies to prejudice, dogmatism, opinionatedness, and mental tyranny must be loosened and the humility of a true learner must be established in the subconscious. If schooling, per se, is not available then the true learner will open his mind to the awareness of other channels of study and learning: libraries, bookstores, public lectures are abundantly available for all in these times. If specific schooling is the desired thing, then the person will have to indicate his sincere desire by being willing to organize his life and affairs for the realization of the goal. People can learn much by the inexpensive method of becoming more perceptive of the world around them.
The poverty of love, friendship, and companionship is, perhaps, the most tragic of all karmic congestive evidences. People who suffer from these deprivations might well give attention to the fact that love and friendship are states of consciousness — establishing them in consciousness makes possible the affluent expression of them and the affluent realization of them in relationships. It is also important to recognize that many people who deeply yearn for relationship-joys and companionship-fulfillments are not friendly with themselves, however devoted they may possibly be to others. Respect and appreciation for one's self, as an expression of Divine Life, and one's potentials for revealing that which is good and beautiful, may have to be established in place of self-contempts, inferiority-feelings, and the like. Lack of harmony in such relationship-patterns as those with a parent or fraternal relative may have to be transformed by expanding the relationship consciousness in more universal ways. But, always, we should remember that the will to truthful understanding of others may — and can — unlock the tight areas of any human relationship. We must be affluent in our good will toward others if we would realize affluence in our experience.
— Supplemental Student Material Reference: Studies in Astrology, Elman Bacher
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