As the years have gone by much valuable material
brought out by the investigations of Max Heindel and some of his early
students has been lost sight of, in the pages of old magazines, in lecture
notes, and in personal reminiscences handed down from disciple to disciple. In this booklet we have brought together the essential points on the Silver Cord and Seed Atoms, using materials which is not readily available to the present-day student.
We must warn the reader to use this material with
proper caution, however, for Max Heindel had not completed his investigations
at the time of his passing into the higher life in January of 1919. The
reader must therefore evaluate this material in the light of his own knowledge
and experience; most esoteric students have some small degree of first-hand
knowledge which can serve as a guide-line; and furthermore, as Max Heindel has
said, logic is the best guide on this and all other planes of being.
The student will do well to re-read all that Max
Heindel has published on the Silver Cord and Seed Atoms, for although there is
inevitably some repetition, there is also a new ray of light in almost every
We also invite our readers to correspond with us on
anything which seems to them of value in research on the subject of Silver
Cord and Seed Atom. Research must go on without pause, and each one of us has
a duty to the future to retain and pass on every item of scientific knowledge
which can be of use.
We are told in the Cosmo-Conception) that the Silver Cord grows
anew each life: "Other new and important discoveries have been made: for
instance, we know now that the Silver Cord is grown anew in each life (i.e.,
during the uterine period); that one part sprouts from the seed atom of the
desire body in the great vortex of the liver, that the other part grows out of
the seed atom of the dense body in the heart, that both parts meet in the seed atom of the vital body in the solar plexus, and that this union of the higher and lower vehicles causes the quickening. Further development of the cord
between the heart and solar plexus during the first seven years has an
important bearing on the mystery of child life, likewise its fuller growth
from the liver to the solar plexus, which takes place during the second
septenary period (seven to fourteen), is a contributory cause of adolescence.
Completion of the Silver Cord marks the end of child life, and from that time
the solar energy, which enters through the spleen and is tinted by refraction
through the prismatic seed atom of the vital body located in the solar plexus,
commences to give a distinctive and individual coloring to the aura which we
observe in adults."
In notes first published in January, 1928, of Rays from the Rose Cross, Max
Heindel: "It is the Silver Cord which binds the higher and lower vehicles
together. During the first twenty days of the gestation period the blood of
the fetus is nucleated by the life of the mother, and she regulates the
process of body building. Then the Ego begins to work on the foetus from
outside, similarly to the way a Group Spirit works with his charges. At this
time some corpuscles are nucleated, and cell life is dominant in a measure.
The Ego is in the uterus, but has not yet permeated its vehicles. Then the
lower part of the Silver Cord begins to grow out of the seed atom in the heart
and stretches upward, and the upper part grows out of the central vortex in
the desire body in which the Ego is clothed.
"As the Spirit commenced to draw into its vehicles in the fourth or
Atlantean Epoch and gradually interpenetrated them and became dynamically
active, so the individual Spirit commences to permeate the fetus in the
fourth month and gradually takes possession of the forming organism. When the
lower and higher parts of the Silver Cord unite, sentient life begins, and we
have the period of quickening. As the physical seed atom is at the pointed end
of the heart, called the apex, so the seed atom of the desire body is at the
bottom of the great central vortex of that vehicle, which vortex is located in
the liver.
"The seed atom of the vital body during the daytime is located in the
vulnerable spot called the solar plexus. This seed atom is formed of the two
lower ethers, and is the root of that part of the vital body which dies after
each embodiment, sometimes confused with the soul. The vital body seed atom
gathers around it the two lower ethers from which the matrix of the new vital
body is formed when the Ego descends to birth. There is no seed atom of the two higher ethers; they are the immortal part or the part capable of becoming immortal." (We may say in passing that as the Ego works more efficiently to spiritualize the body, these two "immortal" ethers gradually take the place of the two lower ethers.)
It may be inferred, however, that the Silver Cord is something more than a
mere "link" between the Ego and its vehicles. It is also the channel for
special forces which emanate from the threefold Spirit itself, and without
which the vehicles would neither develop in the first place, nor grow.
Take note that the two lower segments of the Cord must be present before
birth from the womb, but that they undergo fuller development during the three
septenary periods which lead to physical adulthood in the body. Although Mr.
Heindel does not mention, in this place, the third segment of the Cord, the
part made of mind-stuff which grows down from the seed atom of the mind in the
frontal sinus to join the seed atom of the desire in the liver, he describes
this elsewhere.
The third segment, made of mind-stuff, is not present in intrauterine life,
nor at birth. The path it will take is, however, shown in the archetype, and
it exists with, or in, the seed atom of the mind as a root, or sprout — a
potential, as we shall see later. The child has the link of mind but little
individual thought activity; it lacks control over its body (unlike animals
which can take care of themselves very soon after birth due to the link with
the Group Spirit.)
The third segment of the Cord develops from the root in the seed atom of
the mind, in mind-stuff, during the third septenary period — there is reason to
believe that it has been growing slowly during the entire period of childhood
and adolescence — but its growth is especially noted during the third septenary
period, from fourteen to twenty-one, and its juncture with the astral cord in
the great vortex of the desire body marks the beginning of adulthood, and then
we say that "the mind is born," at the age of twenty-one, in the same way that
"the desire body is born" at the age of fourteen and "the vital body is born"
at the age of seven. Max Heindel also describes this occurrence as a kind of
quickening," like that of the infant in the womb. The mind, he says is
"quickened" at the age of twenty-one.
We understand, therefore, that this "birth" or "quickening" signals a
special act of the Ego in connection with its incarnational vehicles. Again,
this term "is born" requires elucidation. In various places in Max Heindel's
writings we find statements which show that each of the vehicles is enclosed
in a kind of sheath, like the "caul" in which a child is enclosed during
intrauterine life. As in physical birth, during which the physical infant body
emerges from its uterine sheath, so the vital body emerges from an etheric
sheath at the age of seven (approximately); the desire body emerges from an
astral sheath at the age of fourteen (again approximately) and the mental body
from a sheath at about the age of twenty-one. The individual vehicles are of
course living and working more or less passively within the sheath, guided
and protected by the planetary in which every human being lives and evolves.
The emergence of the vital body at the age of seven from its sheath marks
the end of babyhood. During the next seven years the segment of the Cord
between desire body and vital body continues to develop, and at fourteen the
desire body emerges from its sheath; and in the next seven years, while the
third or mental segment of the Cord is maturing, which connects the seed atom
of the desire body in the liver with the seed atom of the mind in the frontal
sinus, the mind itself is growing strong enough to cast off its sheath at the
age of twenty-one. It is only incidental that the juncture is in the liver as
viewed from the body. The two segments are joined in the great astral vortex
even when the Ego takes its desire body out of the physical body in sleep,
Initiation, astral journeyings, or death.
The diagrams shown on the following pages are simplifications. The third
segment actually follows a complicated path in its growth. The overall picture
is as follows:
The Silver Cord is composed of ether, desire-stuff, and mind-stuff. It is
shaped much like two figure sixes reversed, one of which is upright and the
other horizontally placed, the two being connected at the extremity of the
hooks in the solar plexus. The mind-stuff or third part of the Cord grows from
the seed atom of the mind located in the mind-stuff which interpenetrates the
frontal sinus area, and from this point it passes downward between the
pituitary and pineal glands, turns left to connect with the spleen and crosses
back right to the adrenals and finally joins the second part of the Cord which —
— is made of desire-stuff and is rooted in the great astral vortex
interpenetrating the liver. From here the astral Cord goes to the solar plexus,
where it joins the etheric Cord coming from the seed atom of the heart.
But, as shown in the Cosmo-Conception, this Cord was rooted
first in intrauterine life, and then (as indicated elsewhere) a secondary
development takes place after birth, during the time from birth to
twenty-eight years of age. The union of the first and second segments marks the quickening in the womb, but twenty-one years (and even twenty-eight) are
required for the full maturation of the mental segment and its permanent
juncture with the seed atom of the desire body with the great astral vortex
permeating the liver.
Let the student take note here of a point often misunderstood: the before-birth panorama which the Ego sees reflected in the etheric body as a preview of
the coming life, is seen at the time when it first contacts the fetus, at the
end of the twenty days, and not at the quickening which occurs in the fourth
Max Heindel says again that of the four points where the Cord is attached —
heart, solar plexus, liver, and frontal sinus — only the end of the Cord in the —
— seed atom in the heart is immovable; the other parts with their seed atoms are movable.
During the daytime when we are awake in the body, the threefold Silver Cord
is coiled in a spiral within the dense body, principally about the solar
plexus or epigastrium; but at night when the Ego withdraws from its dense and
vital bodies, leaving them on the bed to recuperate after the labors of the
day, the Silver Cord protrudes from the skull. The ovoid desire body usually
floats above, or near, the sleeping body, resembling a captive balloon.
In this section brief reference will be made to statements found in notes
which Max Heindel left, and which were not verified by his later research.
Please consider them with this fact in mind. The description of the threefold
Cord given in Section I is substantially the whole of the material which Mr.
Heindel himself published. In this section we use the same basic published
data, with the addition of the unverified material, care being taken to let
the student know when the latter material is used.
The unpublished notes deal with that "further development" of the Cord
which tales place after birth in the physical world, and are concerned chiefly with the added unfoldment and maturation of the etheric Cord, together with the extended growth of the mental segment as described in Section I. Of the four ethers, only two have been mentioned thus far. The notes deal further with the other two ethers: the Light and Reflecting Ethers, for which, however, there are no seed atoms.
The mental segment is not in evidence at birth, though visible in the
archetype and present as a potential of its root center, the seed atom of the
mind located near the frontal sinus.
In addition to the growth of threefold Cord of etheric, desire, and mental
substance, the etheric Cord continues to grow during the first twenty-eight
years of life, according to Max Heindel's notes, paralleling the growth of the
Cord as described previously and paralleling also the maturing of the etheric,
desire, and mental bodies. The four ethers mature in septenary periods, and
the four parts of the etheric strand of the Cord mature in the same periods.
From birth to seven years, the Chemical Ether part of the Cord is the most
active. Max Heindel says that the vital body seed atom in the solar plexus
consists both of Chemical and Life Ether; we may therefore assume that the
part of the Cord extending from the heart seed atom to solar plexus seed atom
is made up of these two ethers at birth, although the Chemical Ether
(important to the processes of assimilation and excretion) is the more active.
Mr. Heindel states that the "negative pole" is more active than the "positive
pole" of the ether during childhood, and that the process of maturation has a
special connection with the "positive pole." During the next septenary period,
from seven to fourteen, the Life Ether strand of the Cord is maturing in
preparation for adolescence, its growth synchronizing with the growth of the
desire segment of the Cord from the seed atom of the desire body in the liver
to the seed atom of the vital body in the solar plexus. Its growth is a
contributing cause of adolescence.
At fourteen the desire body is born, and with it the Light Ether matures,
which occasions the "hot-blooded" period of adolescence, the heat of the blood
being a function of the Light Ether, in which the Ego makes its presence felt
in the body. The child now knows himself as an individual and begins to throw
off parental restraint, but the mental segment of the Silver Cord is as yet
incomplete, and the Ego does not have full control of his vehicles; there is a
notable lack of control of the emotional nature; desires, hopes, and wishes.
According to the notes, the Light Ether strand of the etheric Cord grows
between the seed atoms of the desire body in the liver and of the mind in the
frontal sinus. The implication seems to be that the etheric Cord is growing in a continuous line from below upward.
Meanwhile there is a fourth strand of the etheric Cord, corresponding to
the mental segment and its maturing. This fourth strand of the etheric Cord
consists of Reflecting Ether and it continues to mature until the age of
twenty-eight, as described in these notes. This elastic segment accompanies
the mental segment of the Cord, apparently which in the notes Max Heindel says
is the only part of the etheric Cord which goes out to infinity with the
wandering Ego when it withdraws from the body in sleep, Invisible Helpership,
or Initiation. The lowest part of the etheric Cord is not elastic, and though
it lifts up out of the sleeping body to its full length, it stretches no
farther than a few feet. In the material published in his writings before his
death Max Heindel says only that the seed atoms in the frontal sinus area and
in the liver and solar plexus areas are all movable; while the seed atom of
the dense physical body in the apex of the physical heart is immovable.
However, since the Cord sprouts from the seed atom, it is evident that the
Cord attached to the movable seed atom must also be movable.
Analysis of the published material correlated with these experimental notes
suggests that the etheric Silver Cord, though movable, actually stays close to
the body, and this would account for the thicker section seen close to the
body described by clairvoyants.
On stereopticon slides which Max Heindel had prepared, the desire body is
shown floating like a balloon over the sleeping body, attached by the Silver
Cord which pinches into the pattern of the sixes midway between the desire
body and physical body. He has said that there is no difference between sleep —
— and death, except that in the former the Ego can return to the body, while in
death the seed atom in the heart is ruptured and the Cord breaks at the
"sixes" after which the Ego cannot re-enter the body, which is dead.
In other stereopticon slides, prepared by early pupils of Max Heindel, the
juncture of the sixes is shown just above the head of the sleeping body,
almost lying on the pillow, while the desire-stuff segment rises up and is
fastened in the great vortex of the desire body which floats like a balloon
above the bed, parallel with the sleeping physical body. Of course, the Cord
rises up through the head, with the movable seed atoms.
According to the notes, the Reflecting Ether segment and, we infer, the
Light Ether segment as well, accompany the higher vehicles and
desire-stuff-mental cord when they leave the body.
The Reflecting Ether strand of the etheric Cord grows downward from the
frontal sinus area to the seed atom in the apex of the heart, thus completing
a circuit, tying the Ego into its vehicles firmly for the incarnation,
according to these notes.
Observe that the seed atom of the heart, which is the oldest of the seed
atoms, having been given in the Saturn Period, is called "really the forces of
that atom." Mr. Heindel says that these forces are of a very high nature; but
as to the etheric counterpart of the atom, it consists of all four ethers,
like all atoms in the body. But in the heart seed atom there is something very
special, something not found in any other atom of the body.
Max Heindel says that this heart seed atom "swims in a sea of the highest
ether," the Reflecting Ether, but it has the other ethers also, as he
indicates elsewhere, since without them there could be no bodily form at all.
But this seed atom in the heart would possess a greater amount of Reflecting
Ether than any other in the body.
The Light and Reflecting Ethers together envelop this special seed atom,
which is the Book of God's Remembrance, containing all records of previous life
cycles, back to the very beginning. It is of course true that the forces of
every atom in the body are, as Mr. Heindel says, an expression of "the
undifferentiated life of God" (crystallizations around the negative pole of
spirit); but the seed atom of the heart is so in a very special sense. Each
molecule and cell of the body has a matrix of the two lower ethers, but is
also surrounded by a sheath of Reflecting and Light Ether. But again, this is
especially so in the case of the heart seed atom which sets the keynote for
all the atoms of the body.
When the Ego rises out of the body in sleep or death, or for work on the
inner planes of Nature, it is the mental and Reflecting Ether segments which
are seen as a fine silvery thread, infinitely elastic, extending into far
distances in inner space according to these notes. The desire-stuff segment is
also elsatic and is part of this Cord in its extension in the Desire World,
where distance is virtually non-existent.
Some esoteric scientists have said that when close to the body the Silver
Cord is very thick, more than an inch in diameter. It is often described as
being as thick as a little finger, or of the size of a clothes line or length
of twine or cord, which diminishes sharply as it winds off into inner space.
We have suggested that it would naturally be thicker near the body, since that
is where the movable etheric Cord is found, while the desire-stuff and mental
segments trail away into inner space.
It would seem that reports of an excessively bulky Silver Cord arise from a
misunderstanding. At death the entire etheric substance of the two lower
ethers rises up from the body, and is so dense as to be seen by many people.
These ethers rising up at the same time that the Ego withdraws would naturally
be taken for the Silver Cord. Again, in mediumistic development much the same
thing happens, because a separation has taken place between the physical body
and the Chemical and Life Ethers which allow these ethers to be drawn up from
the body with the Silver Cord, to which they adhere. In the work of the
Mystery School this is not supposed to happen.
Max Heindel states that an improper cleavage takes place when the wrong
method of development us used, as in mediumistic classes. Negative development
means that a cleavage takes place between the Chemical Ether and the body, or
between the Chemical and Life Ethers, and this is the wrong cleavage which may
result in various physical illnesses such as tuberculosis, heart trouble, nerve
exhaustion, or mental derangement. The proper cleavage, which takes place
between the two higher and the two lower ethers, results from the discipline
of the positive training of the Mystery Schools, which includes the work of
Meditation and Contemplation, and further includes the Evening and Morning
exercises, and the esoteric instruction from the teacher when the pupil
qualifies. But note this: even the Evening and Morning Exercises alone
actually bring about the right cleavage when faithfully performed if the pupil
is living a spiritually oriented life.
A point to be kept in mind concerning the Silver Cord is that the higher
parts of the Cord belong to the higher vehicles and go with them. For example:
the desire-stuff part of the major Cord connects the seed atom of the desire
body in the great vortex in the liver with the seed atom of the vital body in
the solar plexus. It is not that they connect liver with solar plexus; they
connect desire body with vital body, by way of the Cord and seed atoms. This
segment passing from liver to solar plexus (as seen in the body) is made up of
desire-stuff, and is the means, obviously, by which the harmonic essence of
the Desire World is able to pass down and work upon the etheric body and,
eventually, the physical organism.
In the material published during his lifetime, Max Heindel mentions only
the desire-stuff segment as going out with the desire body and mind; but as
has been indicated, stereopticon slides which had had prepared, and which he
used, show the "sixes" lifted up out of the body in their entirety, both in
sleep and in death. This means that the etheric segment too, with its movable
seed atom, is also drawn up out of the body.
In other words, the desire-stuff part of the Cord and the seed atom of the
desire body are of desire-stuff. The seed atom of the desire body is in the great vortex of the desire body, which, while the Ego is within the body, lies
in the area of the physical liver, appearing to clairvoyant vision to be in
the lower part of the liver as the heart seed atom is in the lower tip of that
organ. To repeat: the seed atom of the desire body is not in the physical
liver, but in the great vortex of force of the desire body, which
interpenetrates the liver as seen clairvoyantly.
Similarly, the seed atom of the mind is not in the bones (nor even in the
spaces) of the frontal sinus, but in the mental sheath of mind-stuff which
interpenetrates that region. When the Ego rises out of the dense body in the
desire-stuff and mental sheaths, the ends of the Silver Cord which are
fastened to the seed atoms of desire body and mind must go with it, and their
corresponding lengths of cord. The only etheric Cord which Max Heindel
specifically mentions anywhere as going out is that fourth segment formed of
Reflecting Ether, as stated in the experimental notes. But though this segment
alone is mentioned specifically, it would seem logical that the Light Ether
strand correlative to the desire-stuff Cord might also accompany it. The major
Cord which goes out any great distance from the body consists of Desire World
stuff and mind-stuff. The etheric segment, non-elastic, remains near the body.
It is normal for the Silver Cord to be twined in a sort of spiral within
the body when the Ego is within that vehicle, and it is observed coiled
chiefly around the solar plexus, for there is a great deal of it. Thus when we
say that the Silver Cord is lifted up out of the body with the higher
vehicles, we mean the parts attached to the movable seed atoms. The heart atom
is the only one that is immovable.
During sleep, however, the vital body itself as a whole normally remains
with the dense body, but its seed atom is movable and has the capability of
moving up and out of the body with the Silver Cord.
When the Ego leaves the body, it takes not only the higher vehicles — desire
body and mind — with it, but the Silver Cord rises up with it so that only the
lower end, terminating in the seed atom in the heart, remains inside the body.
The juncture of the etheric and desire Cord in the vital body seed atom causes
a "crease" or bend — the "sixes" — in the Cord, and one esotericist has described
feeling that Cord "banging" about his head one night when he happened to leave
the body face downward.
The Cord extends out from the top of the head during life, and since this
lower part of the Cord consists of ether as well as of desire-stuff, it
naturally is the "thick" part of the cord. From this then extends the mental
segment, which is elastic and stretches to any distance whatever, accompanied
by the Reflecting Ether strand, and perhaps also the Light Ether strand.
In the "balloon" of the desire-stuff aura which floats above the sleeping
physical body, the upper end of the desire-stuff segment of the Cord is seen
attached to the great vortex, while the upper portion of the Cord proceeds
from that point to the frontal sinus of the sleeping Soul Body, which is
really rooted in mind-stuff.
The mental aura and desire body act as a single unit, with the Ego in the
Soul Body within it. To separate the mind sheath from the desire sheath is the
work belonging to a higher Initiation which allows the Ego to rise in its
mind-body into the Region of Concrete Thought.
There is a close union between the soul body and the desire body in sleep,
but concentration of will exerted by the Ego to re-enter the body dissolves
that connection.
To summarize: We have (relying on Max Hiendel's notes) a major Cord, two
parts of which (desire-stuff and two lower ethers) develop during intrauterine
life, and a third which develops during youth, which is formed of mind-stuff
(Cosmo); plus a secondary etheric development involving the further
maturing of the two lower ether segments and the growth of the Light and
Reflecting Ether segments in adolescence and adulthood. Of this latter
development, only the Reflecting Ether segment is definitely described as
going out with the Ego from the body; but it seems implicit in the data that
the Light Ether segment may also go out with the Reflecting Ether segment.
This latter is the segment which re-connects with the heart (according to the
notes), where the seed atom has fully active components of both Light and
Reflecting Ethers.
The notes do not make clear just what happens to the lower ether segment,
although, since it is attached to the vital body seed atom in the solar
plexus, and this seed atom is also movable (only the seed atom of the heart
being immovable), it is evident that this basic segment of the etheric Cord
also is capable of rising up from the body, when the Ego rises out of the body
in its higher vehicles. We know at any rate that during sleep the
of the Desire World first revivifies the desire body of the sleeping Ego, then
this in turn works upon the vital body, and the vital body restores the
physical; and from the notes it seems indicated that the flow of life-essence
from the Desire World is really by way of the Silver Cord, all the way down
its length, through the etheric segments, and terminating in the seed atom of
the heart which is the pilot-atom for the entire physical organism.
Discussing sleep, Max Heindel says: "The vital fluid has a function similar
to that of electricity in a telegraph system, for even when such a system is
built with wires connecting different stations, and operators at their keys,
the system will be dead until electricity speeds along the lines and carries
the messages. So is the dense body useless unless the nerves are traversed by
this vital fluid. When that fails in whole or in part, we say that the body is
paralyzed to that extent." (Christianity Lectures). Sleep, he observes,
comes when the fatigue poisons (miasmas) in the body prevent passage of this
solar fluid; and thus we see that sleep is, in a special sense of the word, a
mild form of partial paralysis, or includes this, as recent medical and
psychiatric experiments have begun to prove. Sometimes the Ego awakens for a
moment when coming into the body or going out while this condition of vital
fluid-paralysis is still in force, and then he notes that his body is slow to
respond to his commands although his mind is wholly wide-awake within the
body. Nature has wisely cushioned this period with a kind of anesthesia, and
this is why many students find that they seem to "fall asleep" or become
drowsy on the inner planes just prior to waking in the physical body. Also
this is why the student first falls asleep, as a rule, and then later awakens
to awareness of his surrounding in the Soul World.
Max Heindel says further (Christianity Lectures): "We have in our
body two nervous systems, the voluntary and the involuntary. The first named
is operated directly by the desire nature, and controls the movements of the
body, tends to break down and destroy, only partially restrained in its
ruthless task by the mind. The involuntary system has its particular vantage
in the vital body; it governs the digestive and respiratory organs, which
rebuild and restore the dense body."
The Silver Cord has a very special correlation with this sympathetic
nervous system, especially the pneumogastric or vagus nerve, with which it is
sometimes confused by clairvoyant investigators, for, like the Silver Cord,
the vagus nerve winds from one vital organ to another, and has an associated
activity with the Silver Cord and seed atoms, as will be shown in a later
Just as esoteric scientists have identified, or perhaps confused, etheric
centers with the nerve ganglia of the body, with which they are so intimately
concerned, so also clairvoyants who observed the Silver Cord and who learned
of the nature and extent of the vagus (wandering) nerve in the autonomic
system thought that the one was, perhaps, a reflection or counterpart of the
other, and in this they were not wholly at fault.
Death of the physical body takes place when, as a result of the collapse of
the archetype, the vital body collapses completely and the seed atom in the
apex of the heart is ruptured, the Ego rising out of the body in its astral
aura and taking the etheric matrix with it. When the seed atom is ruptured, it
is the result of the Ego's taking out of that atom its "forces," which hold
the permanent record of the Ego's entire evolution, from the very beginning in
the Saturn Period. The etheric cord is still attached to the ruptured shell of
the seed atom in the apex of the heart, however, and for not more than three
and one-half days after death the vital body, enclosed in the desire body, may
still be seen floating above the body. The floating "double" is in a deep
sleep. During this time it reviews its panorama of the life just past which
has been taken out of the heart's seed atom of the Reflecting Ether.
At the moment of death the vital body my be seen rising out of the body
through the top of the head, then re-forming in the likeness of the person and
floating horizontally there above the dead body. The Silver Cord also goes up
and out with the whole vital body, but the forces of the seed atom in the
heart rise up by way of the pneumogastric nerve and the Cord is seen
protruding outward from the back of the head. The entire vital body (Chemical
and Life Ethers) and the entire Silver Cord and all of the seed atoms rise up
and out of the body; but, as stated, the Cord is still attached to the
ruptured physical atom in the heart.
Max Heindel says of this condition as it appears in the three-day interval
after death, when the Ego is floating in its etheric and desire bodies above
the "dead" dense body on the bed:
"When the higher vehicles have left the dense body they are still connected
with it by a slender, glistening, silvery Cord, shaped much like two figure
sixes reversed, one upright and one horizontally placed, the two connected at
the extremities of the hooks. One is fastened to the heart by means of the
seed atom, and it is the rupture of the seed atom which causes the heart to
stop. The Cord itself is not snapped until the panorama of the past life,
contained in the vital body, has been reviewed....The Silver Cord snaps at the
point where the sixes unite, half remaining with the dense body (and etheric
double) and half with the higher vehicles. From the time the Cord snaps the
dense body is quite dead" "The rupture (of the seed atom in the heart)
releases the vital body, and that, together with the desire body and mind,
floats above the visible body for not more than three and one-half days, while
the Spirit is engaged in reviewing the past life." These pictures are in the
Light and Reflecting Ethers which are attached to the heart seed atom, and it
is this stuff (ethers) which is etched into the desire body during the
panoramic review.
After the second "rupture," which is the snapping of the Cord at the point
of junction of the two "sixes," the matrix of the two lower ethers remains
with the dense body, to which it is attached by the lowest part of the Silver
Cord, and decays synchronously with it.
The etheric double is itself surrounded by a kind of aura of free ether
atoms — a haze or mist — as it continues to accompany the deceased body. This is
known in legend as the "corpse candle," because it is faintly luminous. It has
been seen floating above graves and in mausoleums, sometimes resembling an
oblong cloud of a bluish, grayish or greenish hue. Sometimes the vital body
matrix itself is seen in the midst of the misty etheric aura, decaying with
the body in the grave, and this has undoubtedly contributed to the folklore of
Esotericists believe that funeral rites should not take place for at least
three and one-half days after death, and that the body should be kept either
in some familiar place or at least in a place that is pleasant and harmonious,
during which time the Ego will have a chance to complete his life
retrospection and to awaken peacefully. However, no matter where or when he
awakens, there will always be friends and angelic helpers present with him. he
will not be alone.
The panorama being terminated by the breaking of the Silver Cord in the
vital body seed atom, the Ego, in its higher vehicles, is free to move away.
His aura has taken on the appearance of the body he has just left, but this
body is not the etheric double, which goes with the corpse and decays
synchronously with it. This new "body" (of the two higher ethers and the
desire body) still resembles the man as he was on earth because the Ego
continues to think of himself in the accustomed way. He will continue to think
of himself as he was on earth throughout his stay in the lower Desire World
undergoing purgation.
Needless to say, Purgatory is not a dreadful place, except for the very
lowest human beings. It is far more comparable to a hospital or asylum than to
a prison. The Egos there are free to live what seems to them a normal life,
and many of them go through the motions of housekeeping for some time after
death. Eventually they outgrow earth desires and earth dreams and wishes, and
by this time the earthly counterpart has melted away so that only the head of
the bodily image remains. Just before or soon after the Ego rises into the
First Heaven the head also disappears. Part of the bliss of Heaven is to have
the kind of body and personality dreamed of on earth; so the appearance of the
Ego in the First Heaven is an idealized body-image, seldom having the
appearance known formerly on earth. Only when the Ego desires to establish
communication with loved ones on earth will it condescend to take upon itself
once more the appearance of the castoff shell.
When the Ego leaves Purgatory and the region of dreams and wishes, it is
occupying an aura composed of the substance of the three higher regions of the
Desire World: the regions of Soul Life, Soul Light, and Soul Power. It still
has the seed atoms of its life just past, and the same mental aura and desire
body, but purified. Doubtless also there must be that part of the Silver Cord
which is made of mind-stuff, for the mind and desire body continue to function
as a unit until this higher astral body is also laid aside, and the Ego rises into the Second Heaven.
One must logically assume that at the end of the purgatorial experience the
desire body and segment of astral Cord are cast off together and a similar
casting of of the mind-stuff Cord must occur at the Ego's ascent into the
Second Heaven. Only the seed atoms and soul essences continue on with the Ego from this point, including some spiritualized portion of the Light and
Reflecting Ethers.
After the Ego rises into the Region of Concrete Thought (Second Heaven) it
seldom thinks of itself as the being who last lived on earth, although it may
still retain the semblance of a head, or assume it from time to time. The Ego
is now working with the Nature Forces and celestial Hierarchies, preparing its
own future world environment and learning body building by working upon the
embodied living beings on earth, so that the dead truly help us to live.
The Ego retains the seed atoms during the sojourn in the Third Heaven — to
which it rises after the mental sheath has been cast off — but the stay here is
usually brief; and when it returns to rebirth through the womb, the parts of
the Silver Cord sprout anew from the points where the seed atoms are
implanted. (See the Cosmo.)
Some esotericists have thought that the Silver Cord is in fact a kind of
ethereal counterpart of the pneumogastric or vagus nerve, which is one of the
most important nerves of the sympathetic system, for tis wanderings in the
body seem very like those of the vagus nerve.
The wandering path of the mind-stuff segment of the Silver Cord might well
be correlative to the path of the vagus, in some parts of its growth at least.
The diagram of the Silver Cord is a simplification. The mind-stuff
segment of the Cord runs from the frontal sinus down between the pineal and
pituitary glands, touching thyroid and thymus, crossing left to spleen, and
back right across the body to the adrenals and liver where it is connected
with the seed atom of the desire body. This does indeed bear a rough
resemblance to the path of the vagus nerve, and an esoteric connection is
indicated in Max Heindel's statement that the seed atom travels upward at
death by way of the pneumagrastric nerve, which touches the heart.
We are told the work of Initiation includes releasing the Ego at all those
points where seed atoms are located, and therefore also where the Silver Cord
is fixed in the body and its sheaths. (This in addition to the work with the
Golden Wedding Garment and Neptunian Spirit Fire.)
Observe that the heart, as a physical organ, lies directly in the center of
the chest, but it is tilted to the left side, so that the apex, or point of
the heart, protrudes from under the breast bone, and that is why we feel it
most clearly there and here it beating there. In the apex the seed atom of the
physical body is placed as has been noted. Some day the heart will be upright
in the chest, the point which is now off to the left will move to the center
of the body, and the heart will be aligned with the organs of spiritual vision
in the head. In meditation, it is the upper part of the heart, which is in the
center of the chest, that is important; and students often feel the currents
which are active in that area.
Most of what Max Heindel has given concerning the evolution of the Silver
Cord in past epochs is found in the second volume of Questions and Answers,
which also recapitulates material in the Cosmo. There we read:
"Three Periods of evolution have preceded our present Earth Period. During
the Saturn Period we were mineral-like, in the Sun Period we had a
constitution like the plants, and in the Moon Period we developed vehicles
similar to the present animals. We say similar, for the constitution of the
world was so different that identical construction would have been an
impossibility. (There is a recapitulation of former periods in each new World
Period, so that in our present Earth Period also the human race traversed the
minerl, plant, and animal stages, before entering upon its humanity proper, as
anthropologist have been able to prove. — Ed.)
"Fancy now, an immense globe circling in space as a satellite about the
sun. It is the body of a great Spirit, Jehovah. As we have soft flesh and hard
bones, so also the central part of the body of Jehovah is denser than the
outside, which is misty and cloud-like. Though His consciousness pervades the
whole, Jehovah appears principally in the cloud, and with Him are His angels,
and other Cosmic Hierarchies.
"From the great firmament of cloud depend millions of cords, each with its
fetal sac hovering close to the dense central part, and as the vital stream
of the human mother circulates through the umbilical cord carrying nourishment
to the embryo during antenatal life for the purpose of evolving a vehicle
wherein the human Spirit may dwell independently when the period of gestation
is completed, so the divine life of Jehovah brooded over us in the cloud and
coursed through the whole human family during this embryonic stage of its
evolution, and we were then as incapable of initiative as the fetus.
"Since then the Manna (Manas, Mens, Mensch, or Man) has fallen from heaven,
from the bosom of the Father, and is now tied by the Silver Cord to the
concrete body during his waking hours, and even in sleep it forms the
connecting link between the higher and lower vehicles. This connection is
broken only at death."
He continues (p. 430): "Having acquainted ourselves with the construction
and function of the Silver Cord as a link between the Ego and its vehicles, we
shall next study its make-up and use in connection with the animal and the
Group Spirit. It has been taught in the Cosmo that the habits, tastes, likes,
and dislikes of each species are due to the fact that they are actuated by a
common Group Spirit. All squirrels hoard a store of nuts for a winter period
of hibernation, all lions crave flesh, horses without exception eat hay, but
one man's meat is another man's poison. If we know the habits of one animal we
know the habits of all belonging to the same family, but it would be futile to
investigate the elder Edison to ascertain the source of Thomas A's genius.
(Even the latest science of genetics does not solve this problem. — Ed.) A
treatise on the habits on the habits of the horse will apply to all horses but
the biography of one man differs entirely from that of every other human being
because each acts under the dictates of an individual indwelling Spirit. The
animals of a certain group are directed by a common intelligence, the Group
Spirit, by means of the Silver Cord. Each animal has its own individual Silver
Cord, so far as the two parts are concerned which connect the dense, vital,
and desire bodies, but the third (mental) part which is connected to the central vortex of the desire body, located in the liver, is the cord of the group spirit. By means of this elastic bond it governs the animals of its tribe without regard to where in the world they may be, with equal facility. Distance is nonexistent from the viewpoint of the inner worlds, and as the animals have no mind of their own, they obey the suggestions of the Group unquestionably. (There are exceptions among domesticated animals. — Ed.)
"In this respect children are an anomaly, for they also have only the two
parts of the Silver Cord developed. However, they have a mind from which the third part is growing. Thus the Ego has no direct communication with its vehicles, and therefore the human offspring, which has the greatest
possibility, is at the same time the most helpless of all creatures on earth, amenable principally to the authority of its physical guardians.
"But though man is now individualized, and emancipated from direct
interference with his action by the leading strings of the cord by which the
Group Spirit forces (there is no other word which will convey the meaning) the
animal to do its bidding, he is not yet fit to rule himself any more than a
child, over which we hold authority till it is of age, is fit to take charge
of its affairs, and Race Spirits (Archangels) still continue to rule the nations. Each nation, except America, has its own Race Spirit which broods in the form of a cloud over the land in which its people live...With every breath they inhale this Spirit...As time flies and we advance, we emancipated from the Race Spirit which has lived in our breath since the time Jehovah Elohim blew nephesh — the vital air — into our nostrils. These Spirits work in the desire body and the Human Spirit, fostering selfishness and egoism. When we learn to build the glorious Wedding Garment, called the soul body, which is woven by loving, self-forgetting service, and the mystic marriage is consummated — when the Christ is immaculately born within — Universal Love will emancipate us forever from Universal Law, and we shall be perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect."
Note particularly that it is because this thrid segment of the Silver Cord
is incomplete in the human being at birth that the human child is the most
helpless of creatures. In animals the third segment is attached to the Group
Spirit and belongs to the Group Spirit, which thus guides the infant animal by means of what is called "Instinct"; but the human child has no such guide. Of course the lines along which the Cord will grow in the human aura are shown in the archetype but it takes twenty-one years for this growth to be completed, when the mental segment of the Cord joins the seed atom of the desire body in the great vortex in the liver, and this ends the adolescence of the human beings so that he becomes the adult, when the Ego is able to control his lower vehicles.
The mind of the Ego is of course active throughout childhood. We know that the child can think, reason, use imagination; but nevertheless it lacks control over the body and emotions, and has no such instinct to guide it as we find in the new born animal. It is dependent upon the care of adults.
No esoteric development is possible for the human being until the third
segment of the Silver Cord is fully grown and connected with the great vortex
of the astral body in the "liver" (as it appears in the body). Nevertheless it
is still true that children can and do possess a rudimentary clairvoyance and
that they have some freedom on the inner planes. (This is also true of
animals.) Max Heindel describes in the early Echoes adventures of two
children who lived at Mt. Ecclesia and who at night while their bodies slept
could be seen playing with fairy companions on the inner planes. Since "space" as known in the physical world is virtually non-existent on the inner planes, the children feel no limitation upon their dream-activities while asleep.
We may add that a number of modern seers have said that they saw a slender
line of light leading from a fairy disporting itself in play to the plant from which it came. Ordinarily this is never mentioned, yet these etheric creatures also are bound by a kind of "Silver Cord" to the physically living creature which they attend, although the fairy being is not to be confused with the plant-soul which will evolve into a human-like being in the far-off Venus Period of our evolutionary scheme.
That there are exceptional animals Max Heindel admits in a number of places
in his writings. The Elberfield horses, for example, could do mathematical
problems and "converse" with humans by spelling out words with their hooves on
a big alphabet drawn on the stable floor. Even these animals, however, would
seem not to be completely cut off from the Group Spirit, although at the point
of individualization. When an animal reaches this stage in its evolution it is
withdrawn from incarnation so that it can take up its true human-like
evolution in the next, or Jupiter Period.
Concerning the forces which reside in the seed atom of the heart, Max
Heindel writes (Christianity Lectures): "Physical science knows
that whatever the power which moves the heart, it does not come from without, but is inside the heart....The force in that atom like the forces in all other atoms is the undifferentiated life of God; without that force the mineral could not form matter into crystals; the plant, animal, and human kingdoms would be unable to form their bodies. The deeper we go the plainer it becomes to us how fundamentally true it is that in God we live, and move, and have our being.
"That atom is called the seed atom. The force within it moves the heart and
keeps the organism alive. All the other atoms in the whole body must vibrate
in tune with this atom. The forces of the seed atom have been immanent in
every dense body ever possessed by the particular Ego to whom it is attached,
and upon its plastic tablet are inscribed all the experiences of that
particular Ego in all its lives. When we return to God, when we shall all have
become one in God once more, that record, which is peculiarly God's record, —
— will still remain and thus we shall retain our individuality. Our experiences
we transmute....into faculties; the evil is transmuted into good and the good
we retain as power for higher good, but the record of the experience is of God, and is God, in the most intimate sense."
VI. Genesis of the
Seed Atoms: Our
Cosmic Heredity
In the foregoing sections we have discussed the Silver Cord and Seed Atoms
from the point of view of the importance of the Cord. In the final sections
we will discuss the seed atoms themselves, in terms of their evolution,
present condition, and future development.
We have learned that the Silver Cord grows anew in each life, sprouting
from the seed atoms, and in The Message of the Stars it is stated that: "Mars
and his friend Saturn cut the silver cord and the freed soul soars as an eagle
into the empyrean, seeking the celestial spheres which are its true home.
Therefore Scorpio is symbolized by both a scorpion and an eagle." It is the
great celestial Hierarchs of the constellation Scorpio, known as the Lords of
From, who have special charge of the present fourth or Earth Period, but they
did not give us any of our seed atoms.
As Mars and Saturn terminate the earth life, the Moon marks its beginning.
On page 60 of Simplified Scientific Astrology Max Heindel says: "The
philosophy is that the human body is produced by the lunar forces. At the time
of conception the Moon may be mathematically demonstrated to have been in the
degree which is the Ascendant at birth; at birth it has a different longitude. In
one of these positions the Moon may be said to have magnetized the positive
pole, in the other the negative pole of the seed atom, which as a magnet draws
to itself the chemical substance that builds the dense body. The solar forces
vitalize the body and, as it is constantly decaying, a pabulum is necessary to
repair waste. That nutriment and all material possession are, therefore,
astrologically speaking, derived through the combined influences of the Sun
and the before-mentioned two positions of the Moon."
Observe also that the world globes are built around a seed atom in the
beginning of each new Cosmic Day of Manifestation, and that during the Cosmic
Night the World Spirit of our evolutionary system dissolves its "globes,"
which are its bodies, and takes with it into the long night of Chaos the Seed
Atoms of its Globes, just as the human Ego takes its seed atoms with it into
the Third Heaven, between incarnations.
Modern astronomers tell us that "one theory of the origin of the universe
is known as the Big Bang Theory, according to which all matter in the universe
was once contained in a single primal atom." "About ten to fifteen billions of
years ago," they continue, "there was, for some unexplained reason, a great
explosion which disrupted this primal atom and sent its fragments flying
through space. Later the fragments came together again under the action of
cosmic forces and formed themselves into galaxies, but even though some
portions formed galaxies, the fragmented masses continued to travel away from
each other in open space, continuously expanding into infinity." One may say
that, viewed spiritually, the "explosion" of such a universal atom is
comparable to the "explosion" of a seed in the earth, when the life forces
within it become active in the springtime and begin to force their way upward
to the light and air.
A further development of the Big Bang Theory is that of the "Oscillating
Universe," in which there is a big bang about every eighty-two billions of
years. The galaxies fly apart, but at the end of the cycle they again return
and reconstitute the original or primal atom, and are then ready for another
big bang. This theory is called a "closed universe" theory.
Both aspects of the Big Bang Theory envisage a Primal Atom, which is
strangely reminiscent of that "seed atom" of the World Periods as shown in the Cosmo.
Now we must look at the several human seed atoms once more: the seed atom
of the dense body in the apex of the heart, the vital body seed atom in the
solar plexus, the desire body seed atom in the greater vortex of the liver,
and the mind seed atom in the mind-stuff of the frontal sinus.
The seed atom of the dense body is the oldest, having had its beginning in
the Saturn Period. In that dark period of the evolution of the Solar
Logos — which also includes the Virgin Spirit life wave of the planet
Earth — (Max Heindel writes that we may say we, collectively, are the Earth Spirit) in that
Saturn Period, the Lords of Flame who were Hierarchs from the constellation
Leo radiated from their own divine bodies the seed atom, or germinal body
(Idea and Thought Form) for the infant human race. These Lords of Flame are
called Thrones in Christian esotericism. They also awakened the first, or Will
Principle, in the Virgin Spirit, called the Divine Spirit, because it is our
most godlike attribute, the attribute belonging to the freedom of the Infinite.
Without the divinity of the Will Principle being awakened, there could have
been no evolution, but it is to be understood that it was the passive aspect
of the Will, or Divine Spirit, which was awakened; that is, the docile and
obeying aspect of the Will; for obviously, one must will to obey in order to obey any command. The new humanity had only so much force: the awakened power of Will to obey the spiritual behests of the Lords of Flame. They received the seed atom of the body.
In Diagram 13a of the Cosmo you will find a very helpful and
illuminating representation of the evolutionary scheme. Note that in each
column it is stated that a certain Hierarchy "gave him (man) the germinal thought form of a....body." This germinal thought form is the seed atom; and
we do not find it so incredible that this germinal thought form should have
limitless potentialities when we read of the "genes" and the DNA molecule in
modern biology, the gene being to some degree a "template" upon which all
cells in the body are built, and the DNA the director, so to speak, of the
process by which the hereditary pattern is projected upon the otherwise
similar cells, for it is now understood that every cell of the human body has
the potential of developing into any kind of organ with any variety of
functions, but the "gene" and its powers direct its activities into a special
and distinctive pattern.
Here in the Saturn Period our progenitors, from whom we receive our cosmic
heredity where our physical bodies are concerned, were the Thrones, or Lords
of Flame from Leo. Leo rules the heart, and their seed atom, or germinal
thought form, rules from a throne in the heart. This seed atom is the atom
which was placed in the semen of the father prior to the birth of the
individual, while the matrix was placed in the womb of the mother. But if the
seed atom comes from the Hierarchs, the Lords of Flame, where does the matrix
come from? Obviously, the matrix is a product of the vital body seed atom
given as a germinal idea or thought form (by the Lords of Wisdom) in the
second or Sun Period when the Life Spirit Power was awakened.
The thought form or seed atom body descended one plane farher down in each
World Period; each time it was modified by cosmic Hierarchs as evolution
proceeded, for the seed atom has the power of infinite unfoldment. The seed
atom or thought form bestowed upon man by the Lords of Flame was the imaged
representation of the "Germinal Idea" conceived by them in the Region of
Abstract Thought. The Thrones, as Diagram 13A of the Cosmo shows,
had their highest level of activity in the World of Divine Spirit, and we
remember that the dense physical body is a "reflection," "condensation," or
"crystallization," in a certain sense, of the Divine Spirit in man.
In the Sun Period, or second Cosmic Day, the Hierarchs of Cancer, the
Cherubim, awakened the Life Spirit in humanity and gave man the vital body seed atom, or germinal vital body; and the printing in the second column of
the diagram mentioned says clearly: "which was then a thought form." In the third column, representing the third Day or Moon Period, we read that the Seraphims, or Lords from Gemini, awakened the Human Spirit (which now becomes the Ego) and gave the germ (seed atom) of the desire body "which was then a thought form."
Finally, in the lowest, the fourth or Earth Period, the Lords of Form were
given charge of our evolution. The Lords of Form represent the constellation
Scorpio; and the esoteric scientist really does mean that spiritual
Intelligences did in actual fact come to our solar system from that far-off
constellation which, with Sagittarius, lies between us and the center of our
galaxy. The Lords of Mind from Sagittarius gave to mankind the seed atom, or
germ of the mind as thought form; but later on in the Earth Period the
Mercurians came to help us to develop that mind. The germ of mind was given to
the pioneers of humankind in the Lemurian Epoch; then the germ of mind was given to the masses in the Atlantean Epoch.
The masses of mankind received the germ of mind in the Atlantean Epoch. The
germ of mind is the seed atom of the mind. The pioneers, however, received the
germ of mind in Lemuria. ["In this Epoch (Lemurian)....the Lords of Mind gave
the germ of Mind to the greater part of the pioneers...." — Cosmo] At
the end of our evolution in the Vulcan Period, the mind will embody all powers of all the perfected lower vehicles. This is foreshown in the fact that, between embodiments of rebirths on Earth, the Ego takes with it into the Third Heaven the seed atoms of all of the four vehicles, and that the midregion of —
— the World of Thought is called the Region of Archetypal Forces, and the point —
— where Spirit focuses into matter. This region is the most important to the
evolution of the seed atoms. Each seed atom is worked over and improved in
each World Period.
When, after receiving the germ of mind from the Lords of Mind from
Sagittarius, infant mankind was led astray by the Martian Lucifer Spirits,
certain ones of the more advanced humanity of the planets Venus and Mercury
came to our assistance. We say, a more advanced humanity of those planets,
because our life wave of Virgin Spirits (to the number of about sixty billion
monads) is distributed on all the planets of out solar system, with the
exception of the two outer "mystery" planets, so-called: Neptune and Pluto.
Evolution differs from planet to planet, however, so the Egos are not all
equal in development, the Venusians and Mercurians being ahead of earth
humanity in civilization. However, even among these advanced races some were
less advanced than others, and their backward ones, at first exiled, so to
speak, to their moons, later were sent to earth to finish their karmic lessons
here by aiding us. Meanwhile, the moons which once circled the two inner
planets, dissolved and gradually were swept up into the asteroid belt,
according to esoteric findings. Moons from other planets may also be there, as
from Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
The Venusians worked with the masses of earth mankind, fostering the
plastic arts and teaching the lessons of love, beauty, and harmony. The
Mercurians established the Mystery Schools in which the King-Priests were
educated, and which evolved into the Mystery Schools which are still with us
today. Each School teaches the Nine Lesser Mysteries. The Mercurians work only with the individual Ego, more particularly with the Ego who is preparing for Initiation.
Apropos of this we learn that astrologically the planet Mercury rules the
worldly-wise intellect, and when an individual has a trend toward the "black"
path, it is generally shown by so-called "bad" aspects to Mercury in the
horoscope. Thus anyone who is in the esoteric and who has a square or opposition
to Mercury should examine his thoughts carefully and weed out all that tend to
separativeness, intellectual conceit or vanity, or a desire to gain esoteric
knowledge without making the needed sacrifices. Sacrifice is the law of
The mind is the path. Without the mind there can be no Path, because the
mind is the bridge between the Ego and its vehicles. When that bridge is
broken down, say by practice of the black arts, then the Virgin Spirit loses
all of its vehicles and their seed atoms, and must return to Chaos to start
its career anew in another, future Day of Evolution in a different life wave.
Meanwhile, we become ever closer to the Mercurians, who are our own elder
brothers in evolution, but note that the term "Elder Brother of the Rose
Cross" is not a term which is applied to them. The Elder Brothers of the Rose
Cross belong to Earth's own humanity, who have been taught by the Mercurians
from the time the link of mind was given in Lemuria, and are now at the very
head of Earth humanity's evolution. In other words, our "Elder Brothers of the
Rose Cross" are the younger brethren of the Mercurians.
From all of which it is apparent that the seed atoms belong essentially to
the Archetype, and their forces belong essentially to the Archetypal Forces,
where spirit focuses into matter; and that they are the signatures of our
cosmic heredity.
The Region of Archetypal Forces in one sense divides the worlds of matter
from the worlds of spirit. From another viewpoint all planes or worlds below
the World of Life Spirit are worlds of matter — including the Third Heaven
(Region of Abstract Thought) which is "Chaos, the seed-ground of Cosmos," with its billions of "germinal Ideas."
We have traced the evolution of the seed atoms through the three
involutionary World Periods, and to the end of the present Earth Period. What
happens to them in the Jupiter Period, Venus Period, and Vulcan Period?
The first Great Initiation "gives the stage of consciousness which will be
attained by ordinary humanity at the end of the Earth Period; the second that
to which all will attain at the end of the Jupiter Period; the third gives the
extension of consciousness to be reached at the close of the Venus Period; the last brings the Initiate the power and omniscience to which the majority will attain only at the end of the Vulcan Period." (Cosmo)
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