This essay originated as an informal email message to a friend who asked
for some thoughts about the Covid-19 pandemic. From this friend, it was
widely distributed around the world. The intention in writing it, was not to
distribute or publish it, but since it has broad currency, this writer decided to
repair it, improve it, and offer it anew, in the hope that it might be helpful to
other students of spiritual astrology. Along the way suggestions have been
offered, which have been received with gratitude, and included, when appropriate. Please forgive the inconvenience that rewrites sometimes produce
mixed tenses, which are unavoidable in attempting to maintain the spirit of
the original, creative intent.
Cycles are regular, rhythmic, recurrent phenomena. We live in a world of
cycles. The Krebs metabolic cycle is measured in milliseconds, some astronomical cycles last millions of years. There are cosmological spirals like the
spirals within spirals, within spirals … spoken of in The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception. In astrology there are unary cycles, like the annual cycle of the Sun, binary cycles, like the famous Jupiter-Saturn cycle, and there are orientation cycles like the precession of the equinoxes. There are relationships between the cosmological cycles and the planetary cycles, but those
relationships are a closely kept secret of the mystery schools. One British
mathematician spent many years of his life trying to solve that mystery, and
was unsuccessful. Cycles are a basic tool in the evolutionary creation. They
offer the repetition of circumstances that bring about evolutionary development, and they provide opportunities for gradual change.
Epidemics or pandemics are not cyclical. The do not occur regularly, but they
can be expected. For instance, whenever any species becomes over-populated, one can expect an epidemic. Though epidemics are not, themselves,
cyclical, their astrological representations often have cyclical components.
Coincidences of conjunctions of several outer planets, which are cyclical, are
often present at the times of epidemics. For this reason, a little study of astrological cycles should be helpful to understanding the Covid-19 pandemic.
Saturn is the astrological ruler of time. In ancient Greek mythology, he was
Chronos, as in chronological. Thus all cycles of time begin with Saturn or
Capricorn. Our year begins when the Sun enters Capricorn at the winter
solstice, though it is now marked in January, because of errors in calendration
in past centuries. The evolutionary creation began with the Saturn period.
In the Rosicrucian Fellowship astrology courses, we are taught that the midheaven, and its movement, if dominant, indicates a life best spent in more
spiritual activities. If the midheaven progresses faster than the ascendant,
it is an indication of dominance. In the same way that the midheaven in the
horoscope corresponds to the cusp of Capricorn in the zodiac, the ascendant
corresponds to the spring equinox, Aries in the northern hemisphere, and
Libra in the southern hemisphere. In spring nature bursts forth with new
forms. From this, and the teaching of Max Heindel about the movements of
the progressed midheaven and ascendant, we can see that just as cycles of
time begin with Capricorn, cycles of form begin with the vernal equinoctial
All binary (two planet) cycles begin and end with the conjunction. Recently
there have been several major conjunctions in Capricorn. From the above, it
can be seen that we are in the process of endings, and new beginnings. Since
Capricorn is in the vertical, like the midheaven, they are likely to be new spiritual beginnings.
The greatest new beginning that a human can currently experience is initiation. The infinitive “to initiate” means to begin or to start. We know from the
writings of Max Heindel, that initiation, as spiritual as it is, is not all pleasant. Often the candidate for initiation suffers a serious illness as a prelude to
initiation. The illness accomplishes several things. It liquidates as much past
destiny as the candidate can bear. The soul material from that liquidation
gives the candidate a boost in soul power, necessary to accomplish the initiation. The illness also has a humbling effect and, thereby, opens the candidate to receive the spirit more deeply into the personality. The suffering also
brings out more compassion in the candidate. All of these things promote
new spiritual progress.
Using the principle of analogy, it can be seen how humanity, world wide, is
suffering to some positive end. When an individual suffers, intuition can reveal the cause of suffering. When humanity suffers, spiritual astrology, with
intuition, can help humanity to find the cause of the suffering.
Capricorn is an earth sign and Saturn, its ruler, is, in its dark side, the planet
of selfishness. Selfishness about things of the earth, is a good definition of
materialism. Materialism is currently the greatest block to spiritual development. A block that needs removal.
The Covid-19 virus, and other Covid viruses, are believed to have originated
in bats. Traditionally, bats are ruled by the nocturnal sign axis of Capricorn
and Cancer, but they are usually most associated with Capricorn. Bats are
peculiar in the animal kingdom because they sleep with their heads down.
They spend a significant amount of time in an inverted position relative to
the earth. The philosophy of materialism is inverted. The philosophy of materialism is that everything originates in matter, not in spirit as mysticism
teaches. In the Rosicrucian philosophy we learn that everything originates
in spirit, and is reflectively projected into matter for the spiritualization of
As imperfect humans, we live in a world of prejudices. Astrology is no exception. Most people have signs and planets that they like or dislike, prejudicially. In this writer’s experience, Capricorn and Saturn, its ruler, generally
seem to be the most disliked sign and planet in the astrological spectrum.
We humans tend to project our prejudices, rather than own up to them. Selfishness seems to be the most ubiquitous human shortcoming. We hate the
things that expose and challenge our selfishness. Saturn rules both selfishness and hatred, so this apparent, general prejudice correlates astrologically.
Since bats are associated with Saturn and Capricorn, it is not surprising that
they should become almost universal objects of hatred. We are the creators
of our thoughts and desires, and our creations come back home to us. Thus,
it is not surprising, that bats should carry so many viruses inimical to us.
Covid-19 is a virus. Nuclei are ruled by Pluto but viruses are ruled by Saturn,
just as bacteria illnesses are ruled by Mars. Bacterial diseases are inflammations (a good Mars keyword). Saturn is the planet of cold. Viral conditions
are, in some ways, conditions of cold. In the English language one common
viral, respiratory, illness is called a “cold” , and its virus is also in the Covid
family. The viruses like the cavities around the nose and eyes, because the
temperature is very slightly lower in those cavities, and the blood moves
more slowly, both of which are ideal conditions for viruses. It is practical,
therefore, to keep those areas warm by steaming or hot applications if there
is a possibility of possibly having contacted a virus.
In astrology Saturn and Mars are called the greater and lesser malefic planets. When misused, they represent the two most basic categories of sin. They are called the sins of omission and commission, respectively. In the sin of
commission one does what shouldn’t be done. In omission one does not do
what ought to be done. In the Mars half of the Earth Period, there were more
inflammatory, bacterial, infectious diseases because humanity had less restraint of desires. In the Mercury half of the Earth Period, the mind has come
more into play and there is more restraint, and also more reserve, about doing what should be done. Even so, the self and the pseudo self (the lower nature) are growing stronger, and so is selfishness. The Lords of Mind worked
on us in our mineral-like state during the Saturn period. The sins of Saturn
are satanic, and the sins of Mars are luciferic. They work together, Mars is exalted in Capricorn. In the Garden of Eden story, the sin of rash sexuality was
a sin of commission, a sin of Mars, but behind the temptation to commission,
was the insecure, selfish desire for immortality, a sin of Saturn.
Viruses are the first human attempt at creating living forms. They are a half
step between a mineral and a plant. Virologists can take organic chemicals
off the shelf, so to speak, and create a virus. A virus cannot live by itself but
it can hold life from another organism. It can reproduce, but it cannot live
on its own, as a plant can. Viruses are single cells, and some have projections
from its their forms. Except for size, a virus is very much like the human
form in the polarian epoch, when we recapitulated the Saturn Period, and
the mineral-like stage of evolution as humans—minerals are also ruled by
Saturn. Recent research has found that there are extremely large viruses.
Unfortunately, our humanity has come into creativity, while still under the
cloud of sin. We are now reaping the consequences of that original selfishness responsible for our fall into matter, as deeply as we have fallen. Viruses
are the product of concentration in an attitude of selfishness, just as Max
Heindel tells us in Questions and Answers.
The conjunction is an aspect of concentration. In a conjunction, the qualities
of both planets, are concentrated and fused together. Saturn rules the conjunction aspect.
When a number of planets are concentrated in a small region of the zodiac,
it is called a stellium. When there are aspects between them, the formation
is called a revolving conjunction. In 2020, the outer planets Pluto, Saturn,
Jupiter and Mars passed through Capricorn. The outer planets represent the
more impersonal activities of greater society, in ephemeral astrology. Pluto
has conjoined with Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars in that order. All of the inner
planets have conjoined with these outer planets, which brings the greater influences into the personal sphere. Only Neptune and Uranus have not been
directly involved in the concentrating, conjunction activity.
The conjunction, like all of the aspects, is a geometric relationship. Astrology is all about geometric angles. The more exact the geometric relationship,
the more distinct the astrological influence. This effect is true in both natal
astrology, and ephemeral astrology, which is the study of astrological influence in the world at a given time. However, in ephemeral astrology, there is
another factor, duration. The longer an astrological influence is present, the
greater its effect will be. The inner planets, i.e., planets inside the orbit of the
Earth are Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon. They are called personal planets because their effects in a horoscope mostly effect one’s personal life—
identity, emotion and thought. The effects of the personal planets in ephemeral astrology, are brief and fleeting. The outer planets, i.e., planets outside
of the orbit of Earth, are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Outer
planets are often called societal planets. Mars is an interloper, functioning
mostly as a personal planet but sometimes as a societal planet. The reason
outer planets are call societal planets, is that their positions and mutual aspects, last long enough to affect many people born under their influence. The
slower the planet, the wider its societal influence. For example, the Neptune
sextile Pluto, active in the heavens as this is written, has been in orb since
1942. It will continue in orb through 2037. This means that everyone born in
this period of almost a century will have the same aspect. In turn, this means
everyone born in this period, will be expressing some side of a common attitude relationship (a topic for another essay.) It is in this manner that societal
attitudes manifest and develop. Sometimes, when societal attitudes are dark
and negative, and they become manifest through astrological influence, the
consequence is an epidemic or a pandemic. Rats, another Saturn-Capricorn
animal, were responsible for the great plague. In that case, the prevailing,
causal, saturnian attitude was ignorance.
Pluto is likely to have the greatest influence in this revolving conjunction
because it moves most slowly. This is modified slightly by the fact that most
of humanity cannot yet respond to its influence, especially on its higher side.
Pluto is the planet of power. In physics this kind of power is called potential.
Pluto does not act directly, it influences others to act. Pluto rules Scorpio, a
fixed water sign. One kind of fixed water is the still water behind a dam. It
stands there seeming to do nothing, but the power, or potential, of its influence forces the water through the turbines, to produce useful energy.
Since Pluto aspects the other planets, one after another, it is likely the most
significant planet, and the base for the combined activity of the revolving
conjunction. However, Pluto, like all of the other octave planets, is hard to
get at. The Mafia godfather is one human representation of Pluto. The godfather is an underworld figure who rules by terror, Scorpio is a sign of terror.
The godfather does not give written instructions, nor oral instructions either.
One understands what the godfather wants from his influence. Because of
this, it may take a long time before the reasons behind the actions of this period of time are brought to light. It is certain to be about power, but the inner workings of power, in question, are still not obvious.
Pluto rules Scorpio. Scorpio rules the sexual force. The sexual force is the
most powerful agency humans posses. All creativity is accomplished through
the sexual force. It is also the force that humans have misused. The misuse
has been selfish, which means Saturn is involved. The selfishness of Saturn
combined with the sexual power of Pluto is a microcosmic miniature, of how
our misuse of the sexual force, drove us deeper into matter than was intended in the divine plan. This is one of the things that is, at least partially, being healed by the pandemic. Deep within, the spirit knows what has brought this about.
Saturn is the second slowest planet in the revolving conjunction. Unlike Pluto, it is a planet to which everyone can respond—everyone has fear and selfishness. Saturn and Pluto are the two darkest planets of all the planets. The
manifestation of this is obvious in the ignorance, fear, panic, terror and selfishness, which have abounded in the world during this crisis. The dark, primitive side of humanity is coming out, just as it does in us when we become
Probationers, and we must own and transform our own darkness. Knowing
this, it is extremely important, that we look for the good, stress and strengthen the good, and remain positive during the crisis. This is why we do our spiritual exercises. By performing them, we can have self-control and serve efficiently in times of crisis. One of the greatest services we can offer, is to radiate love and positivity into the psychic background that affects everyone. If we have done our exercises, we have become skilled thinkers and prayers, capable of transmitting like little radio stations. It is our spiritual duty to have faith, be positive, and strengthen the good in these critical times, and this can be done, even in quarantine.
Jupiter is the planet of positivity. Unfortunately, Jupiter is in it detriment in
Capricorn, during the main part of this revolving conjunction. It still works
for the good, but it is stifled in Capricorn. The dark side of Jupiter can be
found in the rapid expansion of the epidemic. However, knowing this, we
can use the focussing agency of Capricorn to strengthen the good, in areas
in which we have specific talents. There are other things about Jupiter, and
things about Mars, that could be said, such as Mars conjoining Pluto indicating governmental mandates for public health, but doing that might distract
from our spiritual purpose at this time. Besides, this writer has not the time,
the space, or the heart, to do that. Omitting these other things, gives others
the opportunity to work them out.
Jupiter, together with Saturn, indicates part of the redemption in the purpose of this suffering. Jupiter conjoins Saturn approximately every twenty
years. A Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurs approximately 242° forward in
the zodiac from the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction that preceded it. For example, if one Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurs at 0° of Aries, the next will be
near 2° of Sagittarius, and the next near 4° of Leo, and so on. From this it
can be seen that the conjunctions will remain in one astrological element for
roughly 180 years. The figure of interlocking triangles formed by connecting
the the points of successive conjunctions is called the trigons of Saturn and
Jupiter. The first conjunction in an element, that is not followed by a reversion to the element preceding it, sets the tone for the entire period of the
trigons in that element. Perhaps an example will help.
The first Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in the most recent passage of the trigons
through the earth element was in Virgo in 1802. Due to the differences in the
angles of inclinations of the orbits and the expansion and contractions of the
orbits, the next conjunction did not occur in Taurus as might be expected,
instead, the conjunction of 1921 occurred in the late degrees of Aries. How
ever, the next conjunction in 1842 occurred in the earth sign Capricorn. All of
the following conjunctions occurred in earth signs until, 1981 which was the
first conjunction in an air sign, Libra. The 1842 conjunction in Capricorn set
the tone for all of the rest of the conjunctions in earth signs. That Capricorn
conjunction occurred in the 8th house of the United States horoscope. The
8th house is the house of death. Every United States president elected under
a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in an earth sign died in office. Ronald Reagan
was elected under the Libra conjunction. There was a threat on his life but
he survived, and the cycle was broken. The next conjunction, in 2000, was in
Taurus so there was a reversion to the earth element. The next Jupiter-Saturn
conjunction occurred on December 21, 2020, the date of the winter solstice
when the Sun again enters Capricorn. Because there will be no reversion to
an earth element, the 2020 conjunction sets the tone for approximately the
next 180 years. The conjunction of 2020 was in Aquarius, the sign of altruism. Jupiter will have retrograde and direct conjunctions with Pluto before
the winter solstice so we can expect other waves of woes for the earth. Jupiter
will not conjoin Saturn until the solstice, so the main parts of the revolving
conjunction will not be complete until then.
We know from the Rosicrucian philosophy, that altruism is the antidote for
egoism. So it appears that after we have reaped the sorrow from selfishness
and materialism, the time will be ripe for altruism. This trigon in the air
element, beginning in Aquarius, will be a time to be able to manifest the
qualities of the coming Aquarian age. This writer does not believe this will
be the second coming of Christ, whom we will meet in the air, but it will be a
good time to prepare the world for that event, when it does come. This is our
coming work, and we can be confident that we will be working with the tide
of the times.
As of this rewriting in mid 2022, no clear manifestation of the air sign trigon
of Saturn and Jupiter has become noticeable to this writer. Perhaps he is
not sufficiently perspicacious. Perhaps the Saturn-Jupiter trigon is analogous to the lunation cycle. We do not see the New Moon until at least a day
has passed since the culmination of a New Moon. Often there is nothing noticeable in the lunation cycle until the first sextile of Sun and Moon. The first
sextile of Saturn and Jupiter occurs on 19 June 2023.
While this kind of historical astro-analysis might be factual, this writer balks
at doing it. As Rosicrucian aspirants, we are not meant to be mere observers
and commentators of the passage of the events of the world. We are meant to
be active agents. We are children of fire, and it behooves us, as such, to initiate Aquarian Age activities as the impulse comes to us. The Aquarian Age
comes to birth and life, through us and our deeds. Hopefully, this essay will
motivate its readers to take our responsibility to heart.
Is this the only interpretation of the astrology of the pandemic? Certainly
not! There are potentially others which would be valid and helpful. It would
be wonderful if others worked out and expressed other interpretations in the
way that instrumentalists present different interpretations of a composition.
There are too many sides to the truth, for it to be wise, to look to only one
interpreter. We want the whole truth and it is our duty, as truth seekers, to
bring it out. If it can be done in a manner to inspire others to action, so much
the better. This interpretation is intended for Rosicrucian aspirants striving
to serve humanity. It is not comprehensive—service is a mighty task which
requires all of uf. Perhaps that is the realization, that the Aquarius trigon
conjunction is about.
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