The Message of the Stars
by Max Heindel and
Augusta Foss Heindel
(Part 11)
There is no doubt that this person has resorted to mouth breathing, which
has aggravated the throat trouble, but by consistent continuance of the
treatment here outlined she will soon experience less difficulty in breathing
and it will then be an easy matter to learn to breathe through the proper
channels, the nostrils.
A healer having Leo on the Ascendant and whose Saturn is not in Virgo
would probably be the best one to help this patient.
No. 28: Accidents To Head,
Poor Oxygenation
Good Aspects: Saturn sextile Jupiter, trine Mars and Uranus.
Bad Aspects: Jupiter opposition Mars and Uranus; Moon opposition Venus;
Sun and Mercury square Uranus, Mars and Jupiter.
This is the horoscope of a man born on March 16, 1865, at 3 P.M., in
England, and it affords a good example of how accidents are also crises are
shown in the horoscope. The main affliction comes from the fact that the
Sun and Mercury are in close conjunction in the Eighth House, occupied by
Pisces. This itself is unfortunate for the reasoning faculty. They are
both square to Jupiter in Sagittarius, which also has a strong influence
upon the mind. But worst of all, they are square to Mars, the planet of
dynamic energy, impulse, etc., and Uranus, the planet of lightning-like
action, which precludes forethought. When action is dictated by intuition
generated under good aspects, all is well and the person is better off than
when he is forced to use the comparatively slow reason. But when
Chart No. 28
it is generated under the adverse aspects of the square and
opposition, it results in such rattle-brained foolhardiness and absolute lack
of thought and intelligence that the person is generally mentally
incompetent. So we see at the very first glance that we have here before us a
person who on account of weak mentality is apt to get into trouble and
accidents. But the injuries which he has received in consequence of his lack
of forethought were all to the head and as the horoscope does not show any
serious affliction to Aries, which rules the head, except that Mars and
Mercury, which rule the two hemispheres of the cerebrum, are square, what
then caused these accidents, we may ask. The answer is found in the
progression of the Sun, which corresponds with the time when this person was
injured, the Moon also bearing its part in bringing about these accidents.
In 1876, when he was eleven years of age, the Sun and Moon were both in
conjunction with Neptune in the sign Aries and at that time he met with an
accident which caused the first injury to his head. In 1896 the progressed
Sun was in opposition to Saturn from Aries; you will notice that Saturn is
retrograde so that although he is in the last degrees of Libra his
influence is thrown backward into that sign and works as an opposition
between Libra and Aries, affecting the head. The Sun was also parallel to
Saturn and this is one of the most inimical influences in the whole gamut,
for it destroys all vitality of the person who is under its sway for a number
of years. (One of the writers can testify to this from personal experience,
having felt it for ten or twelve years.) At the same time the progressed
Moon was in opposition to Mars and Uranus and square to the Sun and
Mercury at birth; thus there were very severe afflictions at that time and the
poor man suffered a considerable injury.
The third accident came in 1908, at the age of forty-three. At that time
the Sun was in opposition to the Moon's radical place and the progressed
Moon was in conjunction with Uranus and Mars, square to the Sun and Mercury,
radix. The opposition of the Sun to the Moon occurred from Taurus, which
governs the lower part of the head, where he was hurt.
In consequence of these various accidents the man is now suffering from
chronic headaches and he is on the verge of insanity. Various doctors have
been called on for advice but no one is able to put his finger on the seat
of the trouble. Consulting our ephemeris we find that during the man's
lifetime Saturn will continue to retrograde further back into Libra, and
that his influence in Aries is becoming stronger with every year. Saturn
always causes bruises and depression; we are therefore satisfied that there
must be a depression of the skull and an examination should be made to find
this and have it removed. But he square of the Sun and Mercury to Mars and
Uranus in Gemini, which rules the lungs, shows also that there is something
the matter with the oxygenation of the system, and Saturn in Libra indicates
that there is a scarcity of urine. These defects can be remedied by breathing
exercises and through regulating the diet. When that is done there will be at
least a large measure of relief.
A healer with Aries rising, whose Saturn is not in Aquarius, will be best
able to look after this patient.
No. 29: Goitre
Chart No. 29
As the hour of birth of the person in this horoscope is not known, we
place Aries in the First House, Taurus in the second, etc.
Mercury and the Moon are significators of the mind, and we find them in
opposition. This in itself is not a sign of good mentality. We further
find that Jupiter in the mercurial sign Gemini is square to Uranus in Virgo
16-20 and Mars is also in the sign Virgo,; thus all the significators point
to a weak and even an erratic mentality. In the last few years Mercury has,
moreover, progressed past the natal places of Uranus and Mars, thus
accentuating the trouble.
A person may, however, have a weak mind and yet it may not become
entirely unbalanced, provided there are no other malefic aspects between the
natal planets or the progressed positions. The person may be
constitutionally below the stature of the normal mind, and still retain unto
the last sufficient hold upon himself or herself so that it does not become
an actual disease.
When we look for the signs of disability in a horoscope like the present,
we turn to the aspects for our information. Saturn, it appears, as in
conjunction with the Dragon's Tail (26-10), and this adds to his malefic
influence; he is further in conjunction with Neptune in 18 degrees of Taurus,
and also with the fixed star Alcyone in 29 degrees of Taurus. As Saturn is
the planet of obstruction and Taurus rules the throat we naturally look for
some obstruction in that region, and we find that a concretion has taken
place, a growth, a crystallization known as Goitre, a disease which also
further bears out the indications in the former aspects which we have
Were it not for good aspects which we have not hitherto mentioned,
namely, the sextile of Saturn to Mercury and its trine to the Moon, this
person would certainly have become an inmate of an insane asylum, but this
is one of the few cases where Saturn really helps in a material sense, for
even his good aspects will obstruct when coming to the other planets; but
when this obstruction is applied to the Moon, the flightiest planet of all,
and to Mercury, the one next to her in swiftness and instability, both of
then significators of the mind, Saturn does really help to hold the flighty
mind in check, and such a weak mental condition as the one found here will
be vastly benefited by these aspects, whereas if there are no evil aspects
the sextile of Mercury and Saturn will strengthen the mind in a wonderful
As Saturn in Taurus always affects the functions of the opposite sign,
Scorpio, namely elimination, it is of great importance to see that both
kidneys and bowels act freely with a person like this. Nothing but
distilled water should be taken into the system on any account. As the
muscles of the beck are always strained in hill and star climbing, a person
with this disease should be housed on a level and on the lower floor of the
house. A vegetarian diet consisting of uncooked food is preferable to any
other, and it is particularly necessary to get the vegetable salts which may
tone the body and bring the standard of general health as high as possible;
lettuce is the best single vegetable for this purpose.
Good Aspects: The Moon sextile to Uranus and Jupiter; the Sun sextile to
Mars; Venus trine to Jupiter.
Bad Aspects: Saturn opposition to Neptune; the Sun and Mercury square to
Jupiter and Uranus.
Chart No. 30
This is the horoscope of a young man born on September 6, 1900, at 6:00
A.M., and the disability complained of is weakness in the back and limbs,
which prevents him for moving about normally. Astrologically we find
that this is due to several causes. In the first place, there are four
Common signs on the angles, the Sixth House sign, Virgo, being on the
Ascendant which governs the condition of the body. It is a vital point in
that respect. This in itself shows his somewhat indolent nature and a
tendency to give up very easily. We also find Mercury, the ruler of the
Ascendant, in the Twelfth House, denoting hospitals and chronic illness;
he is square to Jupiter and Uranus, which are placed in Sagittarius, the
sign which governs the hips and the great sciatic nerve. The Sun, the
giver of life, is also square to Uranus, the planet of irregularity,
which is conjoined with Jupiter in Sagittarius. And finally, Saturn, the
ruler of the bony structure and its articulations, is placed in Sagittarius
in opposition to Neptune, in Gemini. All these configurations naturally
tend to bring about the conditions complained of if nothing is done to
prevent; but in this case, with four Common, flexible signs on the
angles, with the life-giving Sun sextile to Mars, the planet of dynamic
energy, and with the Moon sextile to Jupiter, the planet governing the
arterial blood, it is quite possible to obtain relief by means obtain relief
by means of exercises which will remove the sluggish conditions.
But we also find other weaknesses of a serious nature latent in this
horoscope. Uranus is in conjunction with nebulous star Antares in
Sagittarius 8 degrees, square to the Sun and Mercury. This implies a grave
danger to the sight and also to the hearing because of Mercury being in
the Twelfth House. These conditions can certainly be overcome if the ounce
of prevention is applied. We take it that because the man is not able to
otherwise occupy himself he is an inveterate reader and this will bring
trouble if persisted in. Massage of the head in the region of the eyes and
ears, and exercise of the limbs and body will aid in restoring this young man
to health. A healer with Taurus on the Ascendant whose Saturn is not in
the patient's Sixth House will probably have the most persistence in the
performance of his work.
No. 31: Eye and Ear Trouble,
Poor Circulation
Mercury, the significator of mind, rises before the Sun and is in the
Twelfth House, conjunction Neptune, its higher octave. This shows that the
mind is naturally inclined toward the higher and more spiritual things of
life, through Jupiter square Mercury from the house of mind indicates that
under severe afflictions this woman may at times follow the example of Job
and reason with God concerning the hard fate she has to bear. The Moon,
which is the other significator of mind, square Venus, shows us that
considerable sorrow may be expected in this life; but the conjunction of
Mercury with the mystical Neptune in the Twelfth House gives her a certain
degree of spiritual development, which brings much comfort through her
communion with the higher worlds, compensating her for her isolation.
Jupiter is the Midheaven trine to the Ascendant causes her to look upon
life from a more hopeful angle than even people who are not at all afflicted
(in comparison with her), and the strength of her hope is bound to help her
in a degree beyond human measure; for even as the person who gives
way to worry —
Chart No. 31
— and melancholy is thereby made more unhappy or unhealthy, so also the person
who constantly keeps an optimistic spirit is bound to gain thereby
correspondingly in health and happiness. The Sun on the Ascendant, even
though it is afflicted by a square of Uranus, is nevertheless a valuable
asset in recuperation. The Sun sextile Saturn will give her a persistence,
a tenacity of life, that will not let go despite all discouragements.
This woman has been deaf since she was five years of age and this
disability is indicated by the position of Mercury in the Twelfth House, by
his conjunction with Neptune, and his square to Jupiter. This latter aspect
indicates that it is sluggish circulation of the blood which is responsible
for the disability. These aspects of Mercury also make her dumb,
particularly because Mercury is in Taurus, which governs the vocal organs.
She has nevertheless learned to talk, showing that there is no organic
disability but only a functional weakness.
But these are not all of the poor woman's afflictions. You will notice
that the Sun is in Taurus 29. In other words, it is in conjunction with the
Pleiades, a nebular spot in the Zodiac. It is also square to Uranus and
parallel to Mars. Therefore the eyes are sorely afflicted; one is almost
blind, the other not much better, so that there is danger that she may lose
her sight entirely.
On account of her afflictions and the position in which she has been
placed, this woman has been unable to get an education. Nevertheless, by
persistence indicated by Saturn sextile the Sun, she has accomplished much.
She writes a really beautiful letter which tells how she was in comfortable
circumstances up to 1906, when the earthquake in San Francisco deprived her
of her all, and still she has not given up hope. Her mental attitude,
inspired by her Sun conjunction Ascendant and sextile Saturn, is justified in
quite a large measure. The trouble comes from Saturn, the planet of
obstruction, in Aries, the sign which governs the head, and the square of
Jupiter, the planet which governs arterial circulation, to Mercury in Taurus,
the sign which governs the throat. There were also signs of malnutrition,
indicated by the presence of Mars in Cancer, the sign which governs the
stomach, square Venus, which governs the venous circulation. If the system
could be given the proper amount and kind of food and the head and neck
massaged with special attention to manipulations of the ears and eyes,
conditions might be considerably relieved and further progress of
deterioration stopped. An Aquarian whose Saturn is not in Libra or Scorpio
would have a most beneficial effect in this case.
In the case before us we have not the hour of birth, and will therefore
insert the signs in their respective Houses, commencing with Aries in the
First, Taurus in the Second, etc. This person was born November 27, 1867.
Good Aspects: Sun and Mars trine Neptune.
Bad Aspects: The Sun and Mars conjunction Antares; Saturn and Mercury
square Jupiter; Mars conjunction the Moon and Venus; Saturn conjunction
Mercury, Jupiter Square Sun, Uranus square Neptune.
Regarding the mentality of this person, we find that the conjunction of
Saturn and Mercury, particularly in the Eighth House sign, Scorpio, clouds
the mind with gloom. The Moon, which is the other significator of mind,
conjunction Mars in the Ninth House sign, Sagittarius, would have the
Chart No. 32
tendency is somewhat softened and toned down by the presence of Venus
in conjunction with these planets, and we may therefore conclude that this
person is apt to be very much depressed in mind whenever misfortune
overtakes him; that he rebels, at least inwardly, very strongly against the
blows of fate, though Venus may prevent him from expressing his
With regard to the ailments to which this person is subject, we find in
the first place that Jupiter square to Mercury and Saturn, the latter being
in Scorpio, which rules the rectum, gives a tendency to constipation and
hemorrhoids. This configuration also interferes with the circulation of the
arterial blood. His disability is further enhanced by the square of Jupiter
to the Sun, the latter planet being ruler of the organ which circulates the
vital fluid.
But there is a great misfortune in this life, compared with which the
troubles previously mentioned pale into insignificance. The Sun and Mars
are in conjunction with the fixed star Antares in eight degrees of
Sagittarius, and this configuration always brings trouble to the eyes, though
it may not result in blindness from birth. In the present case the crisis
came when the Sun had progressed to the opposition of Uranus, at the same
time striking the square to Neptune. In that year the Moon also was in
conjunction with Neptune in the sign Aries, which rules the head. This
kindled the double fire of Mars and the Sun at birth, with the result that
inflammation of the eyes made the man blind beyond hope of recovery.
It may seen strange that the writers selected this horoscope for
analysis, as the patient is beyond help, but if offers certain points which
it will be well for the student to impress upon his mind. You will notice
that Mars is trine to Neptune, and that the Sun is only about seven degrees
from a trine to Neptune. The culmination of the latter aspect will occur
before even the vital body is brought to birth. This is a very good
indication that the spiritual sight may be awakened in this person and that
it will compensate, or more than compensate, for the loss of the physical
faculty. There is, however, as you will also note, the square of Neptune
and Uranus which makes for mediumship; on that account it would be advisable
for this person to be very closely on his guard during the time when
the spiritual faculty is being developed, and until he is perfectly safe
and balanced in the other world; and it would be a great privilege for a
healer receiving such a case to aid a person stricken by the misfortune of
blindness to cultivate the latent faculty shown by the horoscope.
Good Aspects: Jupiter trine Mercury; Saturn trine Mars.
Bad Aspects: Saturn square the Sun, Moon and Venus; the Moon opposition
to the Sun and Venus; Mercury square Neptune; Mars conjunction Uranus.
We consider first the mind of this woman, to obtain the key to her
condition, for the mind is the most important factor in bringing about
disease and curing it. You may call that Christian Science or whatever you
please, the fact remains and has been made use of by all successful healers,
either consciously or unconsciously, no matter to what school they belong.
And there is more healing in a cheery word from the physician in whom the —
Chart No. 33
— patient has faith, than in all his medicines. Conversely, when the doctor
gives up hope and makes a long face, the patient dies unless he "gets mad,"
or "spunky," as once happened to the writer when he was broken down from
overwork. He went to a hospital to get nursing and quiet, and had to engage a
regular doctor to comply with the rules. He knew that his condition would not
change till the Moon did, and lay patiently waiting, though the case was
approaching a crises, for his mind was too lethargic to set to work; he
expected the Moon to do it all at the proper time. But on the day of the New
Moon his doctor came in with another, and both had faces a yard long. They
did not think he had another hour to live; and he laughed, but it made him
"mad," and he commenced to work on himself with the result that the dropsical
swelling which had almost reached his heart, was gone in a few hours and he
was out in the sunshine getting a dose of new life. Before a month had
elapsed he had not only left the hospital behind, but had written The
Rosicrucian Philosophy. There is no doubt that the fluid could not have
been eliminated before the change of the Moon, but the co-operation of his
mental attitude was necessary to help the lunar forces, and combined with
proper action it brought results. Similarly in every case, the right
attitude of the mind must be cultivated or cure is impossible.
This figure shows an unfortunate person, for the mind is in a bad state.
Saturn is square to the Sun, Moon and Venus. The Moon, which signifies the
instinctual mind, is in opposition to the Sun and Venus, robbing life of all
joy, making her pessimistic and prone to look only on the dark side.
Mercury, the planet of reason, is square to Neptune, the planet of
spiritual perception, all these testimonies tell us that nothing we may say
is likely to make her cheer up.
Such a poor person is a burden to herself and her associates all through
life, so they shun her while she is able to take care of herself, that is to
say, while the body is in comparative health; but the afflictions which make
her mentally miserable also have their effect on the body, for as we mould
the lines of our face to an exact expression of our habitual mode of
thought, so are also our other organs shaped and built by this force, and
the evil effects show themselves as disease. The Sun, Venus and mercury in
the Eighth House indicate that when sickness comes she is going to let it
take its course, and will make no effort to fight for life.
The nature of her sickness is seen to be heart trouble, from the fact
that the Sun is on the cusp of Leo, which governs the heart, in conjunction
with Venus, which governs the venous circulation, and opposed by the Moon,
which rules the liquids of the body. The Sun, Venus and the Moon are
squared by Saturn, the planet of obstruction, and thus we see that there was a
natal tendency to poor heart action and faulty elimination of liquids.
In 1913 the Sun progressed to the conjunction of Uranus and Mars. The
aspects of the Sun are always effective for three years, one and one-half
years before the aspect is exact, and a like period after. Therefore it was
still active in 1914, when the Moon progressed to the conjunction of Saturn
and thus enlivened this square to the Sun, Moon and Venus. Neptune, the
watery planet, also reached the natal Sun by transit, and the poor soul was
released by the total obstruction of the liquids; in other words, the
dropsical condition stopped the heart.
The main effort in such cases should be to get the person to fight. If
she could have been made to see that it was her gloomy outlook on life that
was responsible for her sickness and that if she did not fight here and now,
she would have a harder fate to face next time, it might have helped. No
person who is naturally pessimistic can change over night, but he can do a
whole lot to cultivate optimism if given years, and we should strive to
inculcate this attitude of mind in all, besides trying to be cheerful
ourselves, for that is a healer's greatest asset.
No. 34: Sex, Eye and
Throat Trouble
The type of mind is denoted particularly here by the square of Saturn to
the Sun. This occurs from Cardinal signs, Saturn being essentially
dignified and therefore very powerful, while the Sun is in Libra, the sign of
its debility and greatest weakness. Life and joy come from the Sun, while
Saturn gives gloom and death. Therefore we readily see that this person
must be subject to gloom and melancholy. The sextile of Uranus to Mercury,
the significator of mind, tells that the person is endowed with an almost
uncanny lightining-like intuition, and the square of Uranus to the Moon and
Venus shows that she is indiscreet and too weak for her own good.
You will notice that this square occurs from the Fixed signs, Leo and
Scorpio, and it is therefore a condition which would be very difficult to
overcome. Leo governs the heart, and Scorpio the generative organs, and
thus her secret is told in the horoscope in unmistakeable terms.
Chart No. 34
When such secrets of the soul are revealed by this sacred science, it shows
us also the hidden springs which are causes of the acts we are only too
prone to condemn, and it teaches us that we should pity rather than censure a
soul impelled by such an almost irresistible force as here revealed.
The act itself should, of course, never be condoned, but the tenderest
kindness and the greatest effort to succor should be given to the one who
is thus Aquarius.
The horoscope is, as you know, the clock of destiny, and the position
taken by the planets at birth give certain tendencies for life. From that
natal position the planets move on to different positions with every year
that passes, as the hands of a clock move around its face; thus they bring
to pass events foreshown at birth. Now you will notice that the Sun is in
eleven degrees of Libra in this horoscope, so at nineteen years of age the
Sun entered the sign Scorpio. At twenty-two it reached the conjunction with
the Moon and Venus and a couple of years later the square with Uranus was
reached. During this period the unfortunate tendency spoken of developed
and the seeds of disease were sown which resulted in a number of operations,
both in the lower regions and in the throat, for you must remember that the
opposite is always afflicted. The generative organ can never be hurt without
in some measures it counterpart, the larynx and throat, also being affected.
During the years which intervened between that time and 1914 the Sun had
pursued its path through Scorpio, and reached the affliction of Jupiter,
which occurs from the sign Leo in 23 degrees. This square was also augmented
by the fact that the Moon in its circle around the horoscope had been going
through Taurus, so that was an opposition of the progressed Sun and Moon,
both of them squaring the planet Jupiter at the same time. The Sun's
square to Jupiter will for a few years be an affliction to this poor person.
Uranus at birth was also on the Ascelli in Leo, the nebulous spot that is so
dangerous to the eyes, and from there it squares the Moon. This, also, is
another danger which faces this person, for , as you know, eye trouble is
very often the accompaniment of indiscretion.
Now comes the question as to what can be done for this poor person. As
we have often stated, the first effort should be toward instilling hope into
the mind. Persons suffering with melancholy are always centering their
thoughts upon self, always seeing their own desperate position which appears
to them more hopeless than that of any other. If their interest can be
diverted from self then the battle is more than half won; that should be the
first consideration of the healer.
A simple diet should be prescribed and no highly seasoned dishes permitted
a person of this nature. The sextile of Uranus to the Sun and Mercury and
the trine of Neptune to Jupiter shows that an appeal along the higher lines,
an appeal to the better and noble nature will not meet with a rebuff and it
is possible on account of these positions to elevate this person's ideas
and ideals so that she may become a servant of humanity instead of
driftwood upon the ocean of life. You will note that all the good aspects
are from Cardinal and Fixed signs, that the Common signs are void of
planets, hence there is a great deal of hope. There is energy in this
person, and when this energy has been turned in the right direction, when
she has become thoroughly aroused, then the great sinner may become the great
saint, and a blessing to humanity.
No. 35: Solitary Vice,
Chart No. 35
Good Aspects: Neptune trine Uranus; Uranus sextile the Moon; Jupiter
sextile Venus.
Bad Aspects: Mars conjunction Venus; Sun conjunction Saturn; Uranus
square Mercury; Neptune opposition the Moon.
This is the horoscope of a woman born May 21, 1883, at 5 A.M., Longitude
88 West, Latitude 44, North. The student will at once note that five of the
nine planets are placed in the Twelfth House, which governs sorrow, trouble,
and self-undoing. This has been a characteristic feature in the life. She
is a competent worker in her vocation, stenography and bookkeeping, but has,
nevertheless, found herself unable to obtain employment at various times and
has been at those times on the verge of starvation. This is due to the
opposition of Saturn and Neptune from the Twelfth House to the Moon in the
Sixth, the house of employment. Jupiter, though exalted in the Second House
and sextile Venus, is unable to offset this.
With respect to the mental qualities we find that Mercury is square to
Uranus, and the Moon in opposition to Neptune. This makes her skeptical,
critical, very peculiar and spasmodic in her mental processes, with an
extremely morbid imagination. Uranus is placed in the Fifth House, governing
courtship and the relations among the sexes prior to marriage, and
therefore, squared to Mercury, it indicates an unconventional turn of the
mind, with a tendency to promiscuous relations, involving public criticism
and slander. That in itself is an extremely unfortunate configuration and
condition in a life, but it is only one of a number of afflictions which
point in the same direction, for in the Twelfth House, the house of
sorrow, trouble, and self-undoing, we find Mars, the planet of dynamic
energy, conjoined with Venus, the planet of love, in the fiery sign Aries,
another inflammatory sex condition; and last, but not least, we note Neptune
in Taurus, opposition to the Moon in Scorpio, which governs the generative
organs. This latter is the worst of all for it makes the mind almost insane
upon this subject, conjuring up before the imagination morbid pictures, and
where the configuration occurs from the Sixth and Twelfth Houses it is a
certain indication of inveterate self-abuse. Naturally such practices in
time undermine the health and disease shows itself in the weakest parts of
the body according to the indications of the horoscope. In the present case
we find Saturn on the cusp of Gemini in conjunction with the Sun. Gemini
is the sign which rules the lungs, and the conjunction as we see is almost
exact, wanting only 26 minutes. Thus the cold, crystallizing saturnine
forces are hardening the lungs and producing the disease we know as
tuberculosis, which is slowly sapping her vitality and carrying her toward an
early grave. It may be noted in passing that her mother succumbed to
tuberculosis at the very moment when she gave birth to this child. Mars by
progression has now arrived close to the place of Neptune at birth. This
will unfortunately in all probability accentuate the morbid craving indicated
by Neptune opposition to the Moon, so that if left to herself the end will
not be very far off.
Tuberculosis though serious is not, however, necessarily fatal if she can
be put under restraint so that it becomes impossible for her to gratify the
passion for solitary vice that saps her vitality. Thus the spells of gloom
which are also resultant from the conjunction of Saturn and the Sun in the
Twelfth House can be overcome if she can be given a brighter outlook upon
life. Then the usual measures employed against tuberculosis may probably
save her. Esotericism has an intense attraction for her, indicated by the
exact trine of Neptune and Uranus, also by Uranus sextile to the Moon. By
playing upon those strings and giving her a new interest in life it may be
possible to win her away from her present morbid channels of thought. At
any rate salvation from the evil configurations should always be sought
through the good aspects and substituting the higher for the lower may help
this poor soul out of her condition. Very little can be done physically until
the mental condition is changed. A healer with either Libra or Aquarius
rising and whose Saturn is not in Libra or Scorpio would be beneficial, but
much firmness is needed here and therefore probably the Fixed sign would be
No. 36: Horny, Venereal Growths
and Kidney Trouble
Good Aspects: Mercury sextile Jupiter; the Moon trine Venus.
Bad Aspects: The Sun conjunction Uranus; Mars conjunction Venus; Neptune
square to Saturn.
This is the horoscope of a young man born in Boynton, Missouri, October
11, 1889, at 6:00 P.M. It is a strange case which has puzzled all the
doctors who have been consulted. About five years ago the joints in arms, —
Chart No. 36
— legs and neck commenced to grow stiff, so that by degrees he became
unable to move. At the same time there appeared, instead of the nails, a
strange horny growth on fingers and toes; this grows to a certain length or
stage of development and then it begins to suppurate. This facilities the
removal of growth and when that has been completed the suppuration ceases,
but immediately a new growth begins to form. Lately the jaws have also
commenced to grow stiff, so that now the young man can no longer eat with
The very first glance at the horoscope shows us Uranus, the planet of
spasmodic action, in conjunction with the Sun, and in the sign Libra, which
rules the kidneys. WE also note that Uranus is parallel with Mars, the
planet of dynamic energy; this shows at once that the action of the kidneys
is spasmodic and irregular so that instead of the poisons being eliminated
from the body by these organs they are retained and naturally contaminate
the whole system. But we also find that this patient is poisoned to a
greater extend than ordinarily by a venereal disease contracted about seven
to eight years ago; this is shown as a tendency in the natal horoscope by
the conjunction of Venus, the planet of love, with Mars, the planet of
dynamic energy, in the Fifth House, which governs courtship and the relations
of the sexes before marriage. Saturn is also there with his obstructive
hand and square to Neptune, the planet which governs strange and unusual
conditions. Neptune is in the sign Gemini, which rules the hands and
fingers. About seven years ago, when the Moon was in Pisces by
progression, the sign which governs the toes, it was in opposition to Venus,
Mars and Saturn and square to Neptune. We base our judgment that the
disease was contracted at that time on the fact that the afflicting
planets are in Common or flexible signs; hence it could have been avoided much
effort. As it is, the most drastic measures for purification of the
blood must be adopted; the patient should be brought to California,
treated with daily sun-baths to facilitate copious perspiration, and given
nothing but water and fruit juices until the system has been cleansed.
Measures for the alleviation of pain and disease cannot always be
deferred to a propitious time, but where that is possible the student will
find that remedial treatments given under the propitious planetary rays are
much more efficient and successful than when applied haphazard. Therefore
the following hints may be found valuable.
Surgeons who have watched and tabulated these matters inform us that the
operations performed while the Moon is increasing in light
(click/tap here)
are generally more successful, less liable to cause complications and more
quickly healed than operations performed with the Moon is decreasing in
When a surgical operations seems unavoidable consult the ephemeris and if
the Moon is going through the sign which rules that part of the body where
the operation is to be performed defer it for a day to two till the Moon
gets well into the next sign. This will minimize the danger of
complications, and not infrequently the symptoms change so that
operation is avoided.
Always look to the benefics and the good aspects in a horoscope for
directions concerning how and when to treat. Suppose the Sun, the giver of
life, is square to Saturn, the planet of stagnation and death. The tendency
is to rob the person of vitality and if he is taken ill recuperation will be
very slow. Then, to give the most effective and energizing treatment apply
the principle of the day and hour rulers as given in our Simplified
Scientific Astrology; choose the Sun's day (Sunday) and the hours ruled by
the Sun on any day. Treatments on Mars' day (Tuesday) and the hours ruled
by Mars on any day, will also build up wonderfully. Similarly with the
other planets, their virtues and power is greatest during the days ruled by
But the so-called malefics also have their virtues. Poultices intended
to draw suppuration from a wound, or bring a boil to a head are most
efficacious on the hot and inflammatory Mars' day (Tuesday), or in the hours
of Mars on any day, but applications made to disperse a swelling are most
successful when applied on the day of Saturn, the planet of suppression, or
in his hours on any day.
Treatments received on the day and in the hours of the planets which are
well aspected in the patient's horoscope are always more powerful and
beneficial than they would be if given in the hours and on the days ruled
by planets afflicted when he was born.
Six tables of Planetary Hours covering the twelve months, usable for both
North and South Latitude will be found in Simplified Scientific Astrology.
We have now given an exposition of the methods we use in diagnosis of
disease. This we trust will enable the student to work out the subject of
himself in greater detail. And as he uses it unselfishly to aid suffering
human beings, the spiritual qualities will be developed in him so that The
Message of the Stars revealed in each horoscope will be as an open book.
Thus used, this wonderful science will aid him to lay up treasures in heaven
as nothing else in the world can do. And we pray God that this book may be
the means of fostering soul growth in all who aspire to follow the dual
commandment of Christ:
"Preach the Gospel and
Heal the sick."
Important Notice
Despite all we can say, many people write enclosing money for horoscopes,
forcing us to spend valuable time writing letters of refusal and giving us
the inconvenience of returning their money. Please do not thus trouble us,
as it will avail nothing. We use Astrology only for healing purposes. If
you are sick we will gladly help you, but we do not advise people in worldly
affairs either gratis of for pay.
The Planet Pluto
Although discovered only about forty years ago, and of very slow motion,
the planet Pluto has now considerable seemingly reliable astrological data
gathered about it. By inserting Pluto in old charts, and taking the keys
handed down in mythology, it has been possible to fashion many keywords and
keyphrases which enable astrologers to interpret correctly the influence of
this planet in any sign, house and aspect.
These keywords are numerous and include such well-known ones as
transformation, transmutation, redemption, regeneration, degeneration, death
and rebirth, unity, cooperation, dictatorship, disappearance, underworld,
gangster, and coercion. It will be seen that these are very largely connected
with the eighth house, the house of inheritance and death.
In mythology Pluto was God of the nether world, called Hades, or the Hell
of orthodoxy, where burns the Eternal Fire. This fire corresponds to sex, the
procreating force. When analyzed, Pluto indicates all phases of sex, and, as
sex activities are the strongest in matters of life and death, so this planet
may well be termed the powerhouse of the planetary family. It should not be
strictly termed a malefic, we believe, but rather as uncompromising, giving no
favors and demanding that benefits be earned.
Pluto can well be allocated to the underworld, for the word means
wealth, being applied to him because corn, the wealth of early
times, was sent from beneath the earth as his gift. Plutus, the God of Wealth,
was represented as blind, indicating that when man focuses his attention on
material things he fails to see the more worthy things around him. Truly, "the
love of money is the root of all evil."
Our word plutocrat is derived from Pluto, and means power or
domination through wealth derived from sources other than one's own labor.
Such wedth is within the jurisdiction of the eighth house, the natural
zodiacal position of Scorpio. It stems from inheritances, legacies, bonuses,
windfalls, insurance, and similar sources. It has been earned in a previous
incarnation and comes from hidden sources as an inheritance in the present
Pluto and Proserpina, his wife, ruled over the Spirits of the dead in the
Lower World; here we have a direct analogy with the eighth house rulership of
death. Pluto and Proserpina are correlated with the male and female principles
in Nature, the principles of procreation.
Another correlation with eighth house matters becomes evident when we
consider the function of Ceres, Goddess of Corn and the mother of Proserpina,
from whom the word cereal is derived. In the growth-cycle of corn, as
of most plants, an old plant dies, but the seed from which it sprang is buried
and regenerates — out of death comes rebirth.
Pluto, generally accepted as ruler, or co-ruler with Mars, of the sign
Scorpio, governs the excretory organs which control the sewage system of the
body, as well as municipal sewage systems. Here we see Pluto's role as
regenerator and transformer, for all excretory mater, when buried in the
earth, is transformed, regenerated, or redeemed, and will reappear,
phoenixlike, in other forms.
On its positive side, Pluto works for unity through organization. The
regeneration of body and mind takes place when sense gratification is
discontinued, the life forces ascending through the serpentine spinal cord as
a fluid or gas, vitalizing the pineal gland, which comes under the rulership
of the spiritual Neptune. Then men may soar to great heights by the force of a
renewed mind. As a result, the Plutonian rulership is converted or transferred
to the head sign Aries (ruled by Mars), the seat of thought and of the pineal
On its negative side, Pluto engenders tyranny, dictatorship, and
orgatiization for the purpose of dominadon. Thw Pluto influences the lords of
the underworld, gangsters, and murderers. When in the eighth house of a natal
horoscope, it may indicate a mysterious death, possibly through surgery, or
after disappearance.
In its adverse aspects, Pluto has been likened to the Dweller on the
Threshold (the composite elemental entity created on the invisible planes by
our untransmuted evil thoughts and acts in past lives). In its positive
aspects, it has been compared with the Holy of Holies. No planet can indicate
more depraved or drastic condidons, or, conversely, more exalted heights of
The essential qualities of a planet's "spiritual nature" must coincide
with the essential qualities of the sign it rules. Therefore, in a study of
Pluto, it is necessary also to consider the sign Scorpio, concerning which
considerable authentic information has come to us through past centuries, and
of which Pluto and Mars are generally accepted by leading astrologers as co-
As a fixed, watery sign, Scorpio may be likened to ice, compressed and
immobile. As an emotional significator it is feeling in its most intense form.
It is the source of desire-power from which all humanity derives its emotional
pabulum, to be transmuted through love for the regenerating of Life. From this
source, all living things derive their creative expression and perpetuation.
Because we have used this power in many ways during many incarnations, all
human beings have a great area of "submerged" desire-potential, unseen in the
present lifetime, which stems directly from our affiliation to this resource.
This mutual affiliation has been referred to by many thinkers as the
"collective unconscious."
In terms of conventional, orthodox viewpoint we may say that Scorpio
represents or symbolizes the "source of evil." This expresses the attitude of
people who see life as black or white — essentially good or essentially evil.
Such a concept has been, and still is, necessary, because it serves as a
guidepost for the conduct of evolving humanity.
As man evolves, however, his love-consciousness becomes more spiritualized
and his intelligence more developed. Self-love becomes love of mate and
progeny, and eventually, "brotherly love," the forces of sexuality are raised
in vibratory quality to extend into levels of creativity and mental power.
Through it Al the consciousness of the individual ripens and matures into
desire for improvement, expansion in wider acquaintance with the universe and
other people and, ultimately, for wisdom and realization of ideals. Thus life
is not "entirely black" or "entirely white," but a process of developing.
Scorpio, through the eighth house patterns, makes possible the extension of
experience into the transcedent expressions of the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and
twelfth houses-those ruling the mind, social standing, friends, and sorrow.
Scorpio appears evil only to the mind that sees evil as a "static entity."
When viewed in a more dynamic context, Scorpio is the source of all love, all
aspiration, and, through fulfillment of relationship-experience, the source of
all wisdom.
There is an unpleasant psychological factor involved in the Scorpio
vibration which must be considered, and that is the frustration of the
unreleased generative urge. This creates a congestion in the desire nature
which results in myriad emotional nervous, and mental ills that may afflict
humanity in almost any phase of development. It is true that there are a few
persons in incarnation at any time who do not require this particular form of
release, but they are few and far between.
It is natural and healthy that people, generally speaking, experience the
fulfillment of the mating urge in the companionship of love relationship. Not
many Egos are yet physiologically or emotionally ready for a life of
celibacy, and it would be dangerous, individually and to society, for most
people to undertake such a life at their present stage of development.
This, however, is not intended as an argument for indiscriminate use of
the sex force for purposes of propagation or pleasure. This same force, when
conserved, can be transmuted into spiritual force and released in the form of
mental creativity and epigenesis. For people who are aware of the true nature
and ultimate goal of the creative agent now termed "sex force," and of the
means of channeling it upward, there is no need to experience the frustration
and ailments which occur when it is entirely unreleased.
An unfulfilled Scorpio (or Pluto) in the natal chart, however — that is, a
configuradon in which it does not appear that this force will be released
legitimately either for propagation or creative purposes — indicates the
possibility that the person may yield to expressions of cruelty, dishonesty,
murder, and other destructive impulses as a substitute satisfaction for this
thing which, in his desire nature, screams for gratification. As the physical
body may erupt with boils due to unreleased toxic conditions, so the
consciousness may erupt with all kinds of black urges to release a potent
desire urge. The history of humanity's development as a sexual organism is
riddled with chapters of fear, perversion, disease, and madness, because so
many people have lived, emotionally, by standards ranging from false
puritanism to promiscuity, completely removed from the process of natural
experience and healthy, loving fulfillments.
We are finally beginning to get at the roots of these emotional diseases
and are being forced to the conclusion that life cannot be well lived unless
it is based on a philosophy of healthy, constructive, loving, and happy
releases. The remedy for emotional diseases if found in enlightened,
spiritualized education, plus the vitalized determination to live healthy,
expressive, beautiful, and loving lives, in relation to self and to others. In
this way the desire resource is transmuted and expressed in terms that make
for evolution, as well as the redemption of karmic debts into spiritualized
The most significant lessons Pluto would teach will be learned, and the
highest potential of Scorpio will be realized, with the development of pure
minds, pure thoughts, and pure living. Then the adverse aspects of planet and
sign will be powerless to affect we, and we will be able to make tremendous
spiritual growth under their benign influences.
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