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The Number One

"All is One issued from None."

   An appropriate thought in connection with the reverential approach to the study of numbers in relation to the Bible is voiced in the following words of wisdom by Eusebius: "Mathematical forms are but veils concealing from the vulgar gaze divine things." The number 1 is represented in both Roman and Arabic systems by a single upright line (1) but in the various ancient systems where numerals were also used as letters, the custom of substituting the letter A for the monad was almost universal. Pythagoras, who has been immortalized by his discoveries and teachings in relation to the Divine Science of Numbers, stated: The Monad is the beginning of all things.

   We must come into the realization at the very outset of our study that there is a vast difference between numbers and figures. Numbers are representative of forces which operate on the highest spiritual planes. Figures are but the external hieroglyphs of these spiritual powers as they may be seen and studied upon this outer physical plane. Numbers are the ten supreme Principles upon which the universe (not alone our solar system) is founded. Figures are but the outer shadow-forms of these all-abiding Principles as they are comprehended and interpreted by man.

   The Bible, that high climax in spiritual lore, is founded upon this basic spiritual functioning of Numbers. And it is in an endeavor to present something of this profound and deeply concealed truth in relation to the power and significance of Numbers that this series of lesson-lectures has been prepared.

   All phases of occult instruction are to be found in our Christian Bible. As we turn our attention to its numerical teaching, new and far-reaching vistas open before us, and wondrous indeed are the mighty truths which this phase of its interpretation contains.

   Every number possesses an individual keynote, and every book in the Bible is "set" or attuned to one of these fundamental numbers. As we gain some comprehension of the spiritual meaning of these several keynotes, we shall discover also new and deeper meanings in the various Bible books with which they are in attunement.

   All creation proceeds from unity, and all manifested things must return and be resolved again into unity. Herein is to be found the involutionary and evolutionary cycles of progression, both spiritual and material.

   As all forces of outer expression upon this earth planet were once a component part of the sun, they will eventually return to their source and be resolved back into unity. This is action in harmony with cyclic law. Both involution and evolution are forces of unity in diversity. They are projections of the Supreme Center, emanations of the One for purposes of growth, development, expansion, and experience. From this we may understand that signifies the highest phase of self-expression possible to human comprehension. The early Christians, who as esotericists were students of the spiritual significance of numbers, described the Monad or the One as unity with the godhead.

   We shall approach the study of spiritual numerology both from the cosmic and the personal viewpoints.

   One represents the Light of the Old Testament Dispensation. It also represents light in the New Testament Dispensation, but it is now the man in whom the Christ Light is born within. This follows from the fact that 1 is Fire — the Fire of God, and the manifestation of this divine principle in man.

   Numerically interpreted, I is the foundation tone and dominant note of the musical scale. It has two methods of progress only, namely, the giving forth of itself and the return to its original source or center. By reason of this sacrifice of itself in selfless giving, it always returns to a higher central focus as, for instance, in the ever-ascending series of the octave in the musical scale.

   The Ancient Wisdom declares: "From One Light, Seven Lights; from each of the Seven, Seven times Seven." And again: "The One Spark descends from the Great Flame. It journeys through the seven worlds. In the first it is a stone. It passes into the second, and behold — a plant. In the third it becomes an animal. In the fourth, the Thinker is born." Such is the strength and majesty of One.

   The monad, as previously stated, is a Fire number, and its flame is white. God, who is the source of all the great world religions, has always been worshipped as an all-consuming Fire or Emanation from the Great Unknowable.

   Unity is the supreme First Cause, the reason and purpose of all creation. All things are inherently divine because they are emanations of this supernal Unity. These creations of the One must be perfected before they are again drawn into their single central source. Thus we discover that the purpose of evolution is but to further the forces of unity and to bring into being a greater manifestation of the One, both in the universe and in man. In other words, the processes of both involution and evolution are embraced within the operations of the One, and have for their purpose the spiritualization both of the earth and of man. They constitute, in other words, the redemptive processes of matter.

   Numbers represent initial fundamental principles of harmony or Godhood. The sooner we come to understand something of the operation of these basic principles, and learn to regulate our being in conformity with them, the sooner we shall be lifted into the freedom of a new light that knows no longer the shackles of poverty, disease, and death. It is a knowledge that will enable us to realize ourselves, in the words of Paul, as "heirs and joint heirs with Christ."

   The Law of Vibration is a reaction of the expression of Unity in manifestation. A study of this law is becoming increasingly important for the spiritually awakened scientist. The secrets of transforming the mind and regenerating the body are to be found therein.

   When an ego finds its own number, it has found the path of its own highest self-expression. It has learned the way to connect with the innate divinity, the primal source of its own inner guidance or light, the power of the awakened Christ within.

   The 1 in its personal relationship, is the ego, or the divine spirit represented by the single column or shaft of life, and which bears the glorious heritage of a self-conscious divinity. Infinite are the depths of wisdom concealed within this spirit. This wisdom will be revealed in all its luminosity and power when a bridge has been built in consciousness connecting the outer understanding with the inner hidden soul wisdom. It is to this inner soul wisdom which extends beyond the ages, that veiled ISIS had reference when she declared: "I am all that ever has been, all that is, and all that ever shall be, and no mortal shall ever lift my veil". Even to the greatest human knowledge this inner wisdom is a "light that shineth in the darkness, but which the "dark comprehendeth not".

   It is the promise of the New Age that we shall see no more through a glass darkly, but face to face. By the operations of the One we shall be able to enter into a conscious realization, here and now, of our immortality. We shall no longer live in the erroneous belief that heaven is to be reached only through death, but in the living knowledge that we have but to go into the depths of our own consciousness and there claim the divine values of our eternal selfhood. As a pillar of fire rising triumphantly upward to the stars, the I proclaims the glorious truth. Its emblem is, very fittingly, a crown. Among the books of the Bible, Ezekiel, with its sublime heaven-world imagery, is an expression of the majesty of 1.

   We study the monad from the viewpoints of both the absolute and the relative. From the viewpoint of the absolute, I has been aptly described as the "heavenly celibate working in Chaos". It finds biblical expression in the flat: "Let there be Light!" From the viewpoint of the relative, the celestial monad, the inherent god-man, which is a spark from the Celestial Plane, is set forth upon its evolutionary journey under the guidance of innumerable hosts, returning to its original source only after having fanned the spark into a flame.

   In its first projection, the monad or 1 expresses its inherent dynamic quality as a vertical line of gleaming blue light, an upright pillar of scintillating, dazzling brilliancy. Aided by other Celestial Hosts, the evolving monad later awakens within itself more of its potential godhood, giving it expression in a glory of golden light. A further step toward earth embodiment brings to the monad the first lessons in form building. It now takes on its initial robe of red flame, which marks its first contact with the third of the primary colors, red.

   Individualization, self-expression, epigenesis, and initiative — these are the keywords belonging to 1. In the long evolutionary development undertaken by man for the purpose of unfolding the divine latencies into manifested actualities, two distinct paths open before him. Whichever he chooses, he will give expression to the principle of I but in the one instance it will be in its lower aspects, in the other, in its higher. On the lower plane the I will function as aggressive self-will, egotism, and braggadocio. The powers of the I have not yet transcended the limited personal life. On the higher plane the 1 will express itself through the impersonal self or spirit in terms of spiritual endeavor and universal objectives. This state was exemplified by the Immortal Twelve whose lives were completely dedicated to loving, selfless service. With them the personal had been lifted up to the impersonal so that they were able to enter into the transcendent experience of being moved by the pentecostal tongues of flame.

   Moses, when looking upon the Burning Bush that was not consumed by the flaming fire, contacted the fire of the immortal one within himself. Elijah experienced a yet further development of this same sacred fire of the One when his consciousness was raised to a level enabling him to transcend the experience of death. The experience of the three holy men in the fiery furnace is another instance of like significance. When we learn to abide within the light of this inner flame, we are immune to all external dangers and hurts. We then walk in the light as He is in the light. Only then shall we know the highest meanings of the number One. There is an ancient Rosicrucian admonition which says: "procure a six-penny lamp, keep it supplied with oil and you will be able to light at its flame all the lamps and candles and fires of the whole world without diminishing its flame". Meditation on the deep truth concealed in that statement will bring light on the significance of the number 1.

   Neither in its essential reality nor in its highest expression can the number I ever manifest anything but perfect harmony. Any apparent diversity is but an illusion of the senses in relation to the external world. Those attuned to I should of all people have the least difficulty in learning how to contact the divine center within, and to organize the inner and the outer life in accordance with the Law which is perfect and unalterable.

   The I never knows defeat. Those who come under its law have learned that "the only failure is in ceasing to try". They are always conscious within themselves of the admonition: "Be ye perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect". Nothing short of this high ideal can ultimately and permanently satisfy the 1.

   Evolution begins with 1. In it inheres Divinity. Evolution also closes with I at the completion of the long cycle when all things are again at perfect at-one-ment with the Divine. This is the significance of the circled serpent holding its own tail in its mouth. This is at once a symbol of the I and the crown of immortal life.

   That ecstatic soul vision known biblically as the book of Ezekiel, which when interpreted in relation to its inner meanings, is concerned not only with the times and conditions in which it was written, but is also a revelation of the glories of the new day and the new age that man is soon to know. It reveals the majesty of the dispensation of Air wherein increasing and mighty wonder-workings of God shall be unfolded. As previously mentioned, these visions of Ezekiel, the prophetic seer, are attuned to the numerical emanations of 1.

   The twelve tribes of Israel represent in the light of the New Age understanding, certain qualifications and principles that are correlated with the twelve zodiacal signs. These principles must be evolved within all men as necessary requisites for becoming a part of the new race which will usher in the Dispensation of Air, which we more frequently refer to as the coming Aquarian Age. To each of these specified tribes, Ezekiel has given a certain "portion" or rather the "portion of One".

   We can understand more comprehensively the meaning of this statement as we realize that I in its highest relationships, means a return to the original source, a reunion with the divinity within. One stands for the attainment of the "single eye", that is, single to that only which is good and true, and which manifests the powers of the Christ man within, knowing only the innate divinity in all creation. This is the rightful heritage of I and whoever learns to manifest it will also come to know the glories of that same holy city which was revealed in the vision beheld by the enraptured Ezekiel. In spiritual symbology, "city" means a state of consciousness. It is the city whose gates (centers of spiritual ingress) bore the names of the twelve tribes, each bearing the signature or power of 1. (Ezekiel: 48:30). The ablations offered by the priests (the holy or illumined ones) within the sanctuary (the sacred or inner place) numbered 10. This signifies unity in its highest expression wherein oneness is realized with all good. Such a realization belongs to the New Age and for those coming under the law of 1, is the prime essential for the development of their highest faculties and the accomplishment of their supreme destiny.

Key Thoughts

   "Unity contains all Force and is the cause of all things." In the Ten Principles or Numbers is outlined the "dip of spirit into matter, the experiences engendered thereby, and the final restoration in spirit.

 — Corinne Heline

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