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Astrology Independent Study Module No. 25

The Measure of Amenability to Planetary Vibrations
Part III

   After what has been said it will not be difficult to understand that the Uranian characteristics, in which love becomes compassion, give a wisdom that is not dependent upon reasoning and a love that is not fixed upon one object alone but includes all that lives and moves and has its being. These are similar to the characteristics that are to be evolved by humanity during the Venus Period when perfect love will have cast out all fear, when man will have conquered all the lower phases of his nature, and when love will be as pure as it is universally inclusive.

   When these Uranian vibrations are felt by advancement in the higher life through aspiration, there is great danger that we may disregard the restrictions of law in anticipation before we are really ready to govern ourselves by the law of love divine: namely, that we may disregard the laws that are in the world; that we may not render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, whether in obedience or coin; that we may not be careful to avoid the appearance of evil; that we may think that we have so far transcended the stage of ordinary humanity that we can live as super-humans; that the passion of Mars has in our case been changed to Uranian compassion, which is sexless. Under these misapprehensions many people who endeavor to tread the path disregard the laws of marriage and enter into relationships as soul-mate or affinity. They feel the Uranian ray but cannot quite respond to its sublime purity; therefore they experience a counterfeit Venusian sensation which usually ends in adultery and sex perversion, so that instead of the natural animal passion of Mars having been transmuted to the compassion of Uranus, it has a matter of fact degenerated into something that is far worse than the fullest sex expression of the Martian ray performed in a frank and proper manner.

   This is a danger that cannot be too strictly guarded against, and it behooves everyone who endeavors to live the higher life not to aspire to the Uranian ray until he first becomes thoroughly imbued with the altruistic vibrations of Jupiter; for more misery is brought into the world by those who have aspired too high and fallen low than by those who are not sufficiently aspiring. That pride goes before a fall is an ancient and very true proverb, which it behooves everyone of us to take to heart.

   The Christ took part in the marriage at Cana. Marriage is a regular Christian institution and must exist until abolished in the kingdom to come; the bodies we will have then will not wear out and therefore there will be no need of marriage to generate new ones. Let it also be understood that the minister who marries people cannot really mate them. The finding of the true mate should be done before the marriage ceremony is performed and not after.

   As we have seen, Mars, Venus, and Uranus mark three stages in the emotional development of humanity. During the stage where a person is only amenable to Mars, animal passion rules supreme, and he or she seeks unrestricted gratification of all his or her lower desires in the general intercourse with his or her fellow men but particularly with sexual relations. During the stage where a person becomes amenable to the rays of Venus, love softens the brutality of his desires, and the animal passions are somewhat held in leash. A person is even, under the higher phases of this planet, ready to sacrifice himself and his desires for the benefit and comfort of the loved ones. When a person has evolved to the point where he can feel the ray of Uranus, the passion of Mars gradually turns to compassion; then the love of Venus, which is only for one particular person, becomes all-inclusive so that it embraces all humankind regardless of sex, or any other distinction, for it is the divine love of soul for soul which is above all material considerations of whatever nature.

   The mentality also evolves through three stages according to the amenability of the person to the vibrations of the Moon, Mercury, and Neptune. While man is only amenable to the Lunar influence, he is childlike and easily guided by the higher powers which have led him through the various stages mentioned in the previous self-study module. Under the stellar ray of Mercury a person gradually develops his intellectual powers and becomes a reasoning being. As such a person is placed under the law of cause and effect and made responsible for his actions, so that he may reap what he has sown, and learn thereby the experiences which life has to teach him under the present regime.

   Being inexperienced, a person makes mistakes in whatever direction is indicated by the afflictions to Mercury in his horoscope, and consequently he suffers a corresponding penalty of sorrow and trouble. If a person has not the mentality to reason about the connection between his mistakes and the sad experiences growing from them during his lifetime, the panorama of life which unfolds in the post-mortem state makes this clear, and leaves with him an essence of "right feeling" which we know as conscience.

   This conscience keeps a person from repeating past mistakes, when the feeling generated has become sufficiently strong to overbalance the tendency to yield to the particular temptation which caused him suffering. Thus a person gradually develops a spiritual consciousness which is above and beyond human reason, but which nevertheless is also connected with reason in such a manner that someone who has this cosmic consciousness knows the reason why such and such a thing is and must be, and why he ought to perform a certain action.

   This cosmic consciousness is developed under the ray of Neptune, and differs from the intuitional right feeling developed under the ray of Uranus in the following very important particulars: The person who has developed the Uranian quality of intuition arrives at the truth instantaneously without the necessity of thinking the matter over or reasoning, but is unable to give anything but the result; he cannot connect the various steps in logical sequence whereby the final result was reached. The man or woman, however, who develops the Neptunian faculty also has the answer to any question immediately, and in addition is able to tell the reason why that answer is the proper and right one.

   The faculty of intuition built up from the Martian base of passion, through the Venusian stage of love, and through the Uranian ray of compassion depends upon the ability of the person involved to feel very intensely. By love and devotion the heart is attuned to every other heart in the universe, and in this way it knows and feels all that may be known and felt by other heart in the universe; thus it shares the divine omniscience that binds our Father in Heaven to His children, and through the direct heart to heart touch with that omniscience the person obtains the solution to whatever problem is placed before him.

   The noblest men of all ages, Christian saints of the most transcendent spirituality, have attained their wonderful development through the spiritual rays of Uranus because of the intense feeling of oneness with the Divine, and with all that lives and breathes in the universe.

   But there are others who are not thus constituted, and they are not able to walk this path. These through the Moon, Mercury, and Neptune have developed their intellects and attained the same result plus the Neptunian power of ideation.

   This is a very important point, and it is only brought out in the Western Wisdom Teaching, for while it was formerly taught that the spirit involves itself in matter and thereby crystallizes itself into form which then evolves, the Western Wisdom Teaching tells us that there is in addition a third factor in universal advancement, namely, Epigenesis, the faculty whereby the spirit may choose a course that is altogether new and independent of what has gone before. We see the expression of this in all kingdoms relative to form, but in the human kingdom epigenesis expresses itself as genius, a creative instinct which makes man more akin to the Divine than any other of his accomplishments. This is developed under the Neptunian ray when that planet is well placed in the horoscope. There is of course also such a thing as evil genius, a destructive faculty developed under an afflicted Neptune.

   Only the most sensitive people in the world feel the rays of Uranus and Neptune at the present time. To feel these vibrations the connection between the dense physical body and the vital body, which is made of ether, must be rather loose, for when these two vehicles are firmly interlocked, the person is always of a materialistic turn of mind and cannot respond to the higher and more subtle vibrations from the spiritual world. But when the rays from these two planets impinge upon a person whose vital body is loosely connected with the physical, we have what is called a sensitive. The direction and quality of this faculty depend upon the placement and the aspects of the two planets mentioned. Those who are particularly under the domination of an adverse aspect of the Uranian ray usually develop the more undesirable phases of clairvoyance and mediumship. They easily become the prey of entities from the invisible world who have no regard for their victims' desire, even if in a weak manner they should protest.

   Such mediums are generally used in simple trance communications, and in a few cases known to the writer have lived very beautiful and happy lives because of their implicit belief in the spirits that dominated them. In these cases the spirit controls were of a better class than usually met with. But as this Uranian faculty is built up through Mars and Venus, passion is prominent in such natures, and under the influences of obsessing spirits many of these people are driven into gross immorality. Vampirism and kindred disreputable practices are also engendered by a perverse use of the Uranian ray in mediums.

Work for the Student

  (You are welcome to e-mail your answers and/or comments to us. Please be sure to include the course name and Independent Study Module number in your e-mail to us. Or, you are also welcome to use the answer form below. You will find the answers to the questions below in the next Astrology Independent Study Module.)

  1. When you have studied this Astrology Independent Study Module, please set up the practice horoscope below [Birth Place: Melbourne, Australia; Lat.: 38 deg. S.; Long.: 145 deg. E.; Birth Date: November 23, 1912; Birth Time: 6:00 P.M.], and email it to us. (optional)

1. Horoscope Data Sheet:

Name: Astrology Independent Study Module No. 25
Place: Melbourne, Australia
Lat.: 38 deg. S.
Long.: 145 deg. E.
Birth Date: November 23, 1912
Birth Time: 6:00 P.M.
  (Std. Time)
Std Time:
(Choose One:
True Local Time:
Calc. Sid. Time:
Nearest Sid. Time:
Greenwich Mean Time:
Adj. Calc. Date:

House Cusps:

2nd House:
3rd House:
4th House:
5th House:
6th House:
7th House:
8th House:
9th House:
10th House:
11th House:
12th House:


Essentially Dignified:
Critical Degree:

Planets' Declination:

Dragon's Head:
Dragon's Tail:
Part of Fortune:


Dragon's Head:
Dragon's Tail:
Part of Fortune:

True Local Time:

Birth Hour according to Standard Time:
(if Daylight Saving Time in effect, subtract one hour):
Degrees birthplace is East or West of Standard Time Meridian in use at birth:
Multiply this number of degrees by 4 minutes, equals:
(Add if birthplace is East of this Meridian. Subtract if birthplace is West of this Meridian)
Gives True Local Time (T.L.T.) of Birth:

Sidereal Time:

Sidereal Time (S.T.) at Greenwich for noon previous to T.L.T. of birth:
Correction of 10 seconds for each 15 degrees of Longitude (10/15 or 2/3 x Long.):
(Add if West Longitude. Deduct if East Longitude)
Interval between previous noon and true local time of birth:
Add correction of 10 seconds per hour of interval:
Gives Sidereal Time (S.T.) at birthplace at birth hour:
Nearest S. T. in Tables of Houses:

Greenwich Mean Time:
True Local Time of Birth:
Degrees East or West of Greenwich:
Multiply this number of degrees by 4 minutes equals:
(Add, if West Longitude. Deduct if East Longitude)
Gives Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.):
Interval to nearest noon:
Logarithm for this interval
(Permanent Logarithm):

Position of Planets:


Coming Noon Position (after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position (before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
(Direct planets: add to previous noon position if G.M.T. is P.M.; deduct from coming noon position if G.M.T. is A.M. Retrograde Planets, reverse this rule.)
Position of Sun:
House Location of Sun:


Coming Noon Position (after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position (before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
(Direct planets: add to previous noon position if G.M.T. is P.M.; deduct from coming noon position if G.M.T. is A.M. Retrograde Planets, reverse this rule.)
Position of Venus:
House Location of Venus:


Coming Noon Position (after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position (before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
(Direct planets: add to previous noon position if G.M.T. is P.M.; deduct from coming noon position if G.M.T. is A.M. Retrograde Planets, reverse this rule.)
Position of Mercury:
House Location of Mercury:


Coming Noon Position (after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position (before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
(Direct planets: add to previous noon position if G.M.T. is P.M.; deduct from coming noon position if G.M.T. is A.M. Retrograde Planets, reverse this rule.)
Position of Moon:
House Location of Moon:


Coming Noon Position (after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position (before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
(Direct planets: add to previous noon position if G.M.T. is P.M.; deduct from coming noon position if G.M.T. is A.M. Retrograde Planets, reverse this rule.)
Position of Mars:
House Location of Mars:
Position of Saturn:
House Location of Saturn:
Position of Jupiter:
House Location of Jupiter:
Position of Uranus:
House Location of Uranus:
Position of Neptune:
House Location of Neptune:
Position of Pluto:
House Location of Pluto:
Position of Dragon's Head:
House Location of Dragon's Head:

(End of Chart)

Note: Please do not fail to read and reread the web pages in which you find the answers to these questions. After carefully studying the subject matter, strive to condense your answer as much as possible, taking into consideration the principal points.

How to Construct a Chart for South Latitude

  To erect a chart for South latitude simply add 12 hours to the Sidereal Time at birth. First proceed according to instructions given in Simplified Scientific Astrology and Independent Study Modules 1 to 5 of the Astrology Course. Then to the calculated Sidereal Time add 12 hours; if the sum is more than 24, subtract 24 hours and the remainder will be the Sidereal Time at birth, for a birth occurring in South latitude. At the bottom of the page in the Tables of Houses you will see the word Houses followed by 4-5-6-7-8-9; these are the houses you use, that is, you start with the 4th house instead of the 10th as usual. For example, if Cancer is on the 10th house, then in a chart for South latitude it will be on the 4th and Capricorn will be on the 10th house.

  The reason for adding 12 hours to the Sidereal Time and starting with the 4th house cusp in the Tables of Houses, is that houses in the Southern Hemisphere are rotated and inverted in their relationship to the ecliptic from their counterparts in the Northern hemisphere. This procedure makes it possible to use the same Table for both north and south latitudes.

Your Name:

Your E-mail Address:

Your Study Module #25 Answers:

Answers to Astrology Independent Study Module No. 24:

Supplemental Student Material:
The Horoscope Abstracted

   This approach to "abstracting" a horoscope is presented in the hope that it will help students to clarify and focus their understanding of the elements that comprise horoscope-structure and horoscope- delineation. We know that a horoscope is a symbolic picture of human consciousness as it expresses in the triune dimension of incarnation; it is also a picture of cosmic principles as they manifest through the entity called Humanity. These principles are, compositely, the Life of the Universe — they manifest on all worlds and on all planes.

   Astrology depicts the "Brotherhood of Mankind" in a sense that all horoscopical elements are common to all human horoscopes; everyone has Sun, Moon, eight planets, and so on. Every horoscope is constructed by the same calculation patterns, which are essentially the sidereal and zodiacal elementals translated into reference to the place and time of incarnation. In other words, we are all made of the same vibratory stuff; we differ only in our individual particulars as variations of the great abstract horoscope, the basic horoscopical pattern.

   The structure of this pattern is a circle activated by two diameters — one vertical, the other horizontal; these lines form compositely, two pairs of two semi-circles each and four quadrants. The quadrants, in turn, are activated by division of three equal parts; thus the "Life" of the circle is seen to be twelve-fold; these twelve houses of thirty degrees each are the departments of experience by which, and in which human evolution is generated. This structure design is static; it does not change because it is the frame-work in which — and through which — the vibratory life of the horoscope takes place.

   The vibratory essence of the great abstract horoscope is found by placement of the zodiacal symbols outside the circle in such a way that zero of each sign falls on one of the twelve cusps; zero of Aries coincides with the cusps of the first house (the Ascendant), zero of Taurus on the second cusp, zero of Gemini on the third, and so on around the wheel. The sequence of signs is invariable — Leo always follows Cancer, Capricorn always follows Sagittarius, etc.

   The magnitude of scope shown by this pattern is seen when we recognize the reason for placing the zodiacal sign symbols outside the wheel, they are cosmic — universal — the levels and realms that are not "just solar system" but which pertain to realizations of evolving life- expressions. They play on Humanity from the Great Without; we are their agencies or instruments for expression on this particular planetary status. To place the zodiacal symbols inside the wheel would imply that God-consciousness is not related to the Life Principles of the universe at large; the principles expressed would then represent something which pertained only to the human expression of Life.

   The expression, in human terms, of these zodiacal signs is found in the placement of the planetary symbols inside the wheel. The interior life of the human consciousness is thus portrayed by the patterns of the planets in relationship to each other and the rhythmic cyclic activation of those patterns. The belt of zodiacal signs is analogous to the etheric bodies which form the matrix of our physical body; the house structure of the wheel is analogous to the dense physical body itself; the planets within the wheel in composite are analogous to the cellular and organic life of the body as a specific Life expression. Then if humanity (human entity) is a specific Life expression it is an archetype; we, as individual human entities, are expressions of "variation of the archetype." Our individual status as a variation of our archetype at a given moment in our evolution is a specific variation of the natal horoscope which archetypes this incarnation; our natal horoscope, in turn, is a momentary expression of the abstract elements which comprise the overall vibratory design — the Great Abstract Horoscope — which is the Horoscope of Humanity. It is made by a wheel with the houses numbered; the signs placed appropriately, starting with zero of Aries on the first cusp; the symbols of the planets placed in the houses and signs of their dignity.

   The suggestion is made, here and now, to every Astro-Philosopher who reads this material to keep on hand a neat, well-done copy of the Great Abstract Horoscope for daily meditation. A continually renewed impression of the vibratory and evolutionary meanings of each factor in this design provides a continual reminder of the spiritual purposes of astro-philosophical study. This meditation impresses the mind with: pattern and form; sequence; archetype; unity-which-expresses-through-diversity; polarity; and vibrational sexuality. It also makes a deep impression on the heart consciousness because it pictures the brotherhood and sisterhood of all men and all women to each other. The meditation on this mandala is a devotional exercise of great power because it opens the consciousness of the Astro-Philosopher who follows it and practices it with a "lifting" that has great regenerating effect. The Great Abstract Horoscope makes no reference whatever to aspects — good, bad, or indifferent. It has nothing whatever to say about good or evil karma, lucky or unlucky days, males and females, enemies, open or secret, and so on. It is simply a symbolic vibrational portrait of Humanity revealing its Ideal Self in symbols. Evolution is depicted in the astrological wheel by tracing a line from the cusp of the first house — the Ascendant — counter-clockwise through the wheel and back to the Ascendant. Because we utilize a flat surface in horoscope design, this line appears as a circle — returning apparently to the same point from which it started. We must realize that if a life is evolving the picturing must represent upward, onward, forever; consequently we recognize that the flat surface of the wheel is, itself, an abstraction of a three-dimensional concept. The flat surface represented by an astrological wheel is really a cross-section of a sphere which has been sliced through the center; it represents space, not only north, south, east, and west from the birthplace on the earth's surface, but above and below the birthplace. This is the physical representation; the action of the wheel is depicted in abstract symbol by the spiral; this spiral does not show on the two-dimensional surface of the wheel, but Astro-Philosophers know that the line starting at the Ascendant, travelling through the wheel and back to the Ascendant, is really the journey through an evolutionary cycle in which spiritual unfoldment is made; when the circling line gets back to the Ascendant point it has reached a higher level and starts the next cycle from that point. The starting point of each cycle would have to be depicted above the surface of the paper on which the wheel is drawn in order to present the picturing of the three-dimensional concept of the cyclic rising into higher and higher levels. Since a flat, two-dimensional surface is our medium of symbolic picturing, we do not create a three-dimensional symbol; the three-dimensional symbol is portrayed, abstractly, by the continual circling through the two-dimensional wheel. A "plain astrologer" may be satisfied with thinking two-dimensionally; an Astro- Philosopher interprets a horoscope dynamically, in terms of life processes being represented by the horoscopical symbol. This "spiraling" will be strongly impressed on your mind if you try the following simple experiment: place the point of your pencil on the point where the Ascendant line conjuncts the circumference of the wheel; let the pencil point travel around the circumference of the wheel in such a way that at the cusps of the fourth, seventh and tenth houses it is raised a little, each time, above the surface of the paper; when it gets back to the Ascendant point after circling the wheel, the pencil-point will be, for example, about an inch above the paper; lift the paper so that the surface touches the pencil point. If it were possible to hold the paper steady, you could, a second time, circle the wheel in the same way and raise the wheel an inch or so again. This is a three- dimensional representation of the wheel and it presents to our minds the evolutionary process which is abstractly depicted by the two-dimensional wheel.

   The spiralling around the wheel not only represents the travel of a human consciousness through the chapters of experience on different levels but it also represents the abstract pattern of each planet's travel from the sign of its dignity through the twelve zodiacal signs; the dignity sign of each planet — in relationship to the planet — is analogous to the Ascendant in its relationship to the wheel; each is a starting point for a cyclic journey in experience and in consciousness. The Ascendant (starting point) of the wheel is also analogous to the conjunction of the two planets which, as is indicated by this aspect, are starting a cycle of relationship patterns to each other. So we see that the circle of the wheel is, itself, an abstraction of the orbital movement that takes place within the wheel in the inter-relationships made by the planets to each other and to the structure of the wheel and to the zodiacal belt outside.

   The first step in abstracting your natal horoscope is to create a wheel with thirty degrees of each sign for each house, starting with Aries on the Ascendant. (This is, of course, the sign placement of the Great Abstract Horoscope). Then, without using the degree number, place your Sun, Moon, and planets in the right sequence, according to their placement in your chart, in this wheel — all planets in Aries will be in the first house, all planets in Virgo in the sixth house, all planets in Aquarius in the eleventh house, etc. No aspects between planets are, as yet, indicated. Study this wheel in terms of how the planets are grouped in quadrants and triplicities; how they are related to the lower and upper semi-circles and the eastern and western semi-circles; how they are related to the signs of their dignity to determine how far they have traveled in their own journey through the signs. For example, the Moon in Libra is in its own fourth house sign — its dignity, Cancer, is one, Leo is two, Virgo is three, and Libra is four. It has, in this position, a fourth house relationship to its own dignity. Venus in Capricorn is in its own fourth house sign from its dignity in Libra, and its own ninth house sign from its dignity in Taurus. Mercury in Aries is in its own eighth house sign from its dignity in Virgo, and its own eleventh house sign from its dignity in Gemini. Interpret these cyclic placements by key words according to the house sign represented. List all of your planets in this way — create order and pattern in your synthesizing always.

   The next step is to create another similar wheel; but this one will include the numbers pertaining to the sign-degrees on the cusps and the degree and minute placement of the planets according to your chart. (In a horoscope with no intercepted signs, just turn the chart so that the Aries cusp becomes the Ascendant and you have the same picture; however, the second wheel permits you to write in your symbols and degrees so that they are easily readable). A horoscope with intercepted Signs simply has zero of those signs on the appropriate cusp. The point is that the sign placement of your abstract horoscope must coincide — in pattern — to the Great Abstract Horoscope; every house must be covered by its appropriate sign. The second wheel now represents:

   Your horoscope divested of the complexities of incarnation; it is your vibratory consciousness — regardless of your physical sex and all the complications pertaining thereto. This abstraction of your natal horoscope tells the story of your vibratory perspective of the basic chapters of human experience and every house is interpreted by the basic keywords of the planet which rules it abstractly. Thus the second and seventh houses of all abstract horoscopes are ruled by Venus — the principle of equilibrium and perfect exchange; Mars as the ruler of Aries, is the ruler of all abstract horoscopes — the basic key-word of interpretation is self- awareness, the initiating point of all experience cycles. And so on with the others; Moon is the Mother, Saturn is the Father; Mars is the native, Venus is his (or her) complement; the Sun, as ruler of the fifth house through the sign Leo, is will power and love power; Uranus, as ruler of the eleventh through Aquarius, is impersonalized love and the principle of decrystallization — analogous to the sextile aspect relationship between planets; Neptune, as ruler of the twelfth house, through Pisces, is the principle of redemption through incarnation; in the abstract horoscope its placement focalizes where we must learn to make attunement to spiritual powers and ideal pictures in order to release the images of selfishness accumulated through the previous incarnation; Jupiter is the teacher, the religious or philosophic consciousness, the principle of improvement through unfolding understanding; Pluto is the focalizing of the deep resources of the desire nature, the sex urge and the essential source of all regeneration to be made through constructive action by the redirecting of the Mars vibration; Mercury as ruler of the third house through Gemini is the essential symbol of basic, or elementary fraternity — also the conscious intellectual faculties; as ruler of the sixth it is fraternity extended into the level of fellow workers; it represents, through rulership of Virgo, your ability, or consciousness, to work and serve either as labor or as an expression of releasement of the fifth-house Leo vibration of creative love. The composite of the parentage pattern is shown, of course, by the relationship and positions of Moon-Saturn, the rulers of the fourth and tenth houses in the abstract chart — the two planets represent your essential parentage consciousness.

   In applying the findings of the abstract chart to your natal chart you perceive the esoteric process of your consciousness being dipped into matter, and its patterns translated into your requirements for experience in incarnation. Your abstract chart shows what you express in incarnation; your natal chart shows how your consciousness interprets incarnation and through which agencies of relationship and experience this consciousness is to be unfolded and perfected.

   "Planets Are People:" in cultivating your inner perceptions of the people in your life, apply the rulers of their natal charts to yours and see how they appear in your incarnation; then relate those points to your abstract chart and perceive your inner consciousness of those people. Any person, male or female, who is identified by your Saturn is a factor of your father picture, in your consciousness; other planets of theirs conjunct your Saturn show that they are, to a degree, sub-variations of your father picture. And so on, with the rulers and planets of other people conjunct your various planets. You will-or can-gain a remarkable elasticization of your astrological consciousness by study of, and meditation on, your abstract horoscope. It has a wonderfully impersonalizing effect on your mind and feelings, making you aware of vibrational patterns which the complexities of the natal chart, alone, obscure. You will, as a result of such study and meditation, unfold another remarkable realization: human life as an expression of esthetic principles of pattern, design, rhythm, color, line — in short, all the essential elements which are common to artistic representations. You will perceive yourself to be, essentially, a dynamic factor in the overall drama, dance, and song of life.

Condensing the Horoscope

   It has been observed that most astrological students, at one time or another, experience a distressing confusion in their efforts to study and analyze individual factors of a chart and trying, at the same time, to relate those factors to the sum total of the chart. This material is offered in the hope that it will serve to focus zodiacal sequences in their formations of cross and trine so that chart-factors will be more clearly perceived. for their individual value as well as for their relationship to the total. Two sheets of paper — at least as large as standard typing paper will be used for mandalas.

   The first step for condensation will be to review what has been said in these articles many times: there is only one horoscope; one Sun, one Moon, one of each of the planets, one Ascendant and one Midheaven, one of each of the houses and signs, one square and one opposition, one conjunction, one sextile and one trine, one radius and one diameter. All of which is so because there is only one Center and one fulfillment of the potentials of that Center.

   The Center is, of course, the creative archetypal idea humanity — of which each human being is a specialized expression, incarnating by law in the triune dimension of time — space — polarity. Your individual identity in this dimension is twofold: your unfulfillments and your relative fulfillments. The purpose of reincarnating is to realize the perfected identity through fulfillment of all potentials. You are an individualized vehicle of the Cosmic Law of Cause (positive polarity) and Effect (negative polarity) because you possess the attributes of expressing your potentials (setting up causes) and reacting to the effects of causes. The perfected Identity is made through the processes of causing and reacting in consistence with Love-Wisdom. Your evolutionary modulations are the ways in which you choose to express (initiate cause) and to react (interpret the effect).

   With a narrow side on top, divide one paper into twelve equal sections — three across and four down. The top line is designated "Fire"; the upper left section is designated "1-Cardinal "; the middle is "2-Fixed "; and the right section is "3-Mutable." The second "across" line is designated "Earth"; the third "Air "; and the fourth "Water." (This entire diagram can be drawn neatly if a compass is used for the circles.)

   In the center of the upper-left "square," place a dot, then draw a straight horizontal to the left about an inch long. End this line with a large black dot.

   As your pencil-point emanated that line from the central dot, you were creating a motion-picture, symbolically, of the chemicalization of polarity-forces. This line, as you know, is the Ascendant of the horoscope-to-be; it symbolizes the appearance of the Sun on the Eastern horizon-the "body of daytime" — and it also symbolizes your chemicalized appearance on this plane at birth-the "dawn" of your incarnation. In this line are symbolically contained the sum-total of your "generic elements" — your qualities of, and capacities for, being a causer and a sympathetic-vibrator to the effects of causes. In these terms is found your vibratory identity as masculine and feminine, respectively. In your physical body is seen a chemical specialization which we call sex; as long as adherence to biological karma is maintained, your consciousness of this specialization is ignited by vibratory contact with persons of the other sex. Your vibratory karma is ignited by persons of either physical sex whose masculine-feminine "vibratory mixtures " represent complementation of consciousness to you. Think about this.

   This line, being a straight one, is the simplest way of picturing your generic potentials distilled from all of your previous incarnations and "brought into focus" during the prenatal development preceding this incarnation. We will now "unfold" the Ascendant-line as a flower unfolds its petals and study the significance of the one cross as the archetype of human relationship-consciousness f rom which all of our interpretation of experience is fundamentally derived.

   From the central dot of this first drawing, draw an upward vertical, a downward vertical, and the other horizontal — to the left. We now have an archetypal — pure — picture of the "skeleton" of the four macrocosms of identity — the masculine-feminine of the male and the feminine- masculine of the female. Counter-clockwise, starting with the Ascendant, place the symbols for Aries, Capricorn, Libra, and Cancer — respectively — at these points. The twofold vertical now composites the line of generation — the dynamic process by which substance for the new life is generated by the "collaboration" of the parents. Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is mother; Capricorn, its complement, is father. Both are life-givers; one — the male — impregnates; the other — the female — receives the impregnation.

   Now, from the mid-point of the Cancer-line, draw three-quarters of a circle upward through the mid-point of Libra to the mid- point of Capricorn then downward to the mid-point of Aries. The three quadrants traversed by this line — compositing nine houses — symbolize the nine months of the pre-natal period, from conception to birth. The Libra-line symbolizes the timing during this period when the physical sex of the incarnation-to-be becomes objectified and the potentials of the opposite sex are subjectified — to be subsequently out pictured, during incarnation, by the mate. The complement of this pattern will be seen in drawing the "nine-houses line" from Capricorn downward and upward to Libra — in other words "from father to daughter" as the Cancer-Aries line is "mother-to-son." If it were possible to draw these two lines simultaneously the picture would be that of turning the "parental vertical" through the pre-natal period to the point of birth; an "X-ray" of coordinating the generic elements for the incarnation-to-be.

   An individual incarnates through his/her particular parents by the magnetic action of sympathetic vibration of his/her masculine-feminine combination to their individual and collective masculine- feminine combination. The other — and very important — factor of this magnetic action is the "attraction of differences" — the child 's individuality contrasting with the individuality of each parent. All relationship between people serves evolution and relationship means vibratory exchange. If the child were a duplicate of "half of his father and half of his mother" no exchange could be made — hence no vibratory attraction would be possible.

   The " individuality" of the child-to-be is seen in the one remaining quadrant of this drawing — the three houses of Aries-to- Cancer. This is the involution — after birth — into the use of physical and etheric vehicles and no one can do that but the child himself. He, no one else, uses his body his mind, his feelings, emotions, abilities and talents. The parents provide body-substance at conception and they exercise their own minds in love-service to the child after birth, but the child's involution for use of vehicles is, of necessity, an individual matter. (The complementation of this is, of course the quadrant from Libra to Capricorn.) What is "contained" in the composite chemical and etheric vehicle is, of course, that which is to be expressed, redeemed, and fulfilled in the incarnation.

   This drawing of pictures in symbols presents a strange and remarkable fact: each human-being is his own parentage, his own fraternity, and his own complementation — husbandhood — wifehood. Other people are related to us by our feeling-reaction to them but all of our feeling- reactions emanate from the same source — our consciousness. Therefore, other people are chemicalized expressions — or outpicturings of our own vibratory mixtures. Knowing this, the great Ones have told us to "Love Ye One-Another."

   Now we have pictured the basis of human relationships: the masculine-feminine male who is a causer of effects and reactor to effects ("giver" and "taker ") and she who is bi-polar female- causer and reactor, giver and taker. All human relationships are derivatives of this four-fold basis. Therefore, the Cardinal Cross in our first diagram represents the" four-in-one " identity, the four ways by which human-beings say "I AM." But identity is not sufficient unto itself, it needs expression to perfect itself. So, each one of these cardinal signs emanates from itself — just as a line is emanated from a dot, or a plane from a line — two expressions of spiritual identity — love and wisdom. Love is the spiritual goal — redemption — of desire; wisdom is the spiritual goal — redemption — of ignorance. Desire- ignorance is the twofold karmic compulsion to reincarnation; through it we forge the evolutionary path from virginity to ideality-realization. The cardinal signs are, abstractly, the corner-stones of our "house of life" — the rooms of which are the twelve houses of the one horoscope.

   There is, as was said before, only one cross as a pattern, the interchange of positive and negative. Now to correlate the fixed cross and the mutable cross with the cardinal cross, create a twelve-housed wheel in each of the two remaining sections of the top line, which you have already designated as"fixed" and "mutable," respectively, of fire. On "fixed" place the symbol for Leo on the Ascendant, Taurus at tenth, Aquarius at seventh, and Scorpio at fourth; "mutable" place the symbol Sagittarius on the Ascendant, Virgo at tenth, Gemini at seventh, and Pisces at fourth. Let your eyes travel from Aries to Leo to Sagittarius. You are impressing your mind with the fact that the three signs of the Fire-Trine initiate the first representations of the cross of the great mandala. The pattern of elements in each are parallel: Fire-Son, Earth-Father, Air-Female complement and Water- Mother. (Reversing these wheels makes Fire the male complement.) From Aries through nine signs to Capricorn is "exaltation" — maturity — of the "I AM"; from being a "begotten, " the arch-symbol of expression — Mars — fulfills itself in "fatherhood" — becoming a life-giver. This symbolizes the first three quadrants of the progressed Moon after birth — the climax of physical, mental, and emotional involution. (Spiritual involution is attained during the 28th and 30th years — the completion of the first cycle of progressed Moon and transiting Saturn.)

   Since the generic sequence is from Fire to Earth to Air to Water we can now complete our tabulation of the other "emanations." The three wheels of the Earth-line will have as Ascendants, Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo respectively the three wheels of the Air-line will have Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini respectively; the three wheels of the Water-line will have Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces as ascendant, respectively. Place the symbols for the other three structure points appropriately in all the wheels — the last of which, Pisces Ascendant, will represent the cross that focalizes the most feminine, receptive and reflective of all twelve. The line of gestation in each wheel is (being two-fold): from female of vertical to male of horizontal (as Cancer to Aries) and from male of vertical to female of horizontal (as Capricorn to Libra) — always traversing three quadrants.

   For practical application, since the planetary ruler of a chart focalizes the vibration of the Ascendant sign, it is suggested that these mandalas be studied in reference to the generic chart; this is the variation of the natal chart in which the chart is turned (unless the ruler of the Ascendant is in the Ascendant sign) so that the cusp covered by the sign containing the ruler appears as the Ascendant. If the person is male and that sign is a male sign, that variation is the male generic chart; the sign male and the person female, reverse and read as female, etc. Apply the "gestation line" to the generic chart that coincides with physical sex for parentage identification — correlate with natal chart. The two generic variations "splice" the generic composite of the natal horoscope and the generic elements can therefore be studied separately.

   Now the second paper for further condensation.

   From the center of the page create a wheel of about two inches in radius; place the zodiacal symbols in regular sequence about an inch from the circumference. Between this ring of sign-symbols and the circumference, forming a second ring, place the symbols from the Ascendant counter-clock-wise: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces; Libra, Aquarius, Gemini; Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo. Cardinal signs, fixed signs, and mutable signs cover cardinal houses, fixed houses, and mutable houses. This inner ring of the signs shows us the "unfoldment" of the elements in terms of their Love-Wisdom potentials — the spiritual expressions of identity. This "spread" shows us decanates in action. The Identity-congestion, Desire- congestion, and Ignorance-congestion of the cardinal, fixed, and mutable crosses, respectively, find their redemptions through the Love-Wisdom attributes that are inherent in each sign as an expression of the "I AM" principle.

   Each house of the horoscope is a specialized environmental-experience-relationship focus for evolution; the sign-sequence of the Great Mandala synchronizes principle with activity; in other words, the philosophical principles inherent in each of the basic twelve "experience- departments" are pictured by the essential meaning of the sign that is abstractly identified with it. Variations of sign-placement on cusps of houses are matters of individual evolution; but we can perceive them with greater clarity if we recognize that all variations are emanations — not "differences" — from an archetypal base.

   The zodiacal belt around the outside of every horoscope is a complete and unbroken sequence always. The "spread" of each element into the trine-formation, enclosing the wheel, is the spiritual enfoldment of each of the four generic bases throughout the chart. The confusion felt by students is toward the sequence of "cardinal, fixed, mutable" being synchronized with "Fire, Earth, Air, Water." Recognize now, if you have never done so before, that the seeming "mixing up" of cross with trine is a symbolic picturing of a Cosmic Truth: Microcosm is never separate from the Love-Wisdom of its Macrocosm — or "Humanity from Father-Mother God."

   Think about this — quietly, deeply, and with focused concentration. It has been stated over and over by teachers through religion and philosophy for ages of time; let the realization emanate from your inner knowing.

   Since we, as "Ascendants" are microcosm of Father-Mother God the Law of Correspondence (as above, so below; as below, so above) applies to us in this way: our own potentials for Love-Wisdom are in us eternally — regardless of our congestions, confusions, and darknesses. These darknesses of consciousness are evidences of "un-love " and " un-wisdom" having been expressed — but we ourselves are the sources of their transmutations.

   Try this condensation with many charts if you have them available. List planets in each chart by cross, then identify their trine-placement. Make "sketch wheels" utilizing the "decanate-spread" — starting from the Ascendant sign to establish the picture in your mind that each sign is a consciousness power that can express into higher and higher octaves. Your whole approach to chart-analysis and synthesis will be simplified and clarified thereby.

— Supplemental Student Material Reference: Studies in Astrology, Elman Bacher

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