Obsession is a state in which a discarnate spirit has taken permanent
possession of the body of someone after dispossessing the owner. Sometimes
people who have formed a habit of drunkenness or some other low vice seek to
excuse themselves by claiming to be obsessed. Whenever a person makes that
statement concerning himself, one may nearly always be sure that it is nothing
but an excuse. A thief who has stolen something here in the material world
does not go about telling people of his theft; neither does an obsessing
entity go around proclaiming the fact. It is very certain that such an entity
does not care what is thought about the man whose body he has stolen, so there
is no reason why he should tell and risk being exorcised.
There is an infallible means of knowing whether or not a person is really
obsessed: namely' by diagnosis of the eye. "The eye is the window of the
soul," and only the true owner is capable of contracting and expanding the
iris, or pupil, of the eye. If we take a person who claims to be obsessed or
whom we think is obsessed to a darkened room, we shall find that the pupil of
his eye will not expand if he is obsessed. Neither will the pupil contract
when we bring him into the sunlight or when he is asked to read small type,
nor expand if we ask him to look at a distant object. In short, the pupil of
the eye will respond neither to light nor to distance when a person is
obsessed. Lack of such response does not always indicate obsession, however.
There is also a disease, called locomotor ataxia, in which the iris will not
respond to distance but is responsive to light.
Earthbound Spirits gravitate to the lower regions of the Desire World
which interpenetrate the ether, and are in constant and close touch with those
people on Earth most favorably situated for aiding them in their evil designs.
They usually stay in this earthbound condition for fifty, sixty, or seventy-
five years, but extreme cases have been found in which such people so remain
for centuries. So far as the writer (Max Heindel) has been able to discover,
there seems to be no limit to what they may do or how soon they will let go.
But all the while they are piling up for themselves an awful load of sin, nor
can they escape suffering therefore; for the vital body reflects and etches
deeply into the desire body a record of their mis-deeds, and when at last they
do let go and enter the purgatorial existence, they meet the retribution which
they well deserve. This suffering is naturally lengthy in proportion to the
time they have continued their nefarious practices after the death of the
dense body — another proof that "Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet
they grind exceedingly small."
When the Spirit has left the sin body, as we will call this vehicle — in
contrast to the soul body — to ascend to the Second Heaven, it does not
disintegrate as quickly as the ordinary shell left behind by normal people,
for the consciousness in it is enhanced by its dual composition; that is to
say, being composed of both a vital and desire body, it has an individual or a
personal consciousness that is very remarkable. It cannot reason, but there is
a low cunning present which makes it seem as though it were actually endowed
with a spiritual presence, an Ego, and this enables it to live a separate life
for many centuries. The departed Spirit meanwhile enters the Second Heaven,
but having done no work on Earth to desire or merit a prolonged stay there or
in the Third Heaven, it stays there only sufficiently long to create a new
environment for itself and it is then reborn much earlier than usual — to
satisfy the cravings for material things which draw it so strongly.
When the Spirit returns to Earth, this sin body is naturally attracted
towards it, and usually stays with it all its life as a demon. Investigations
have proved that this class of soulless creatures was very prevalent during
biblical times. It was to them that our Saviour referred as devils — they
being the cause of various obsessions and bodily ills such as are recorded in
the Bible. The Greek word "daimon" describes them accurately.
We are told in The Rosicrucian Cosmo-
Conception that man is a threefold Spirit, and that he functions in a
threefold body; of these bodies only one can be seen with the physical eye.
Paul says in I Corinthians 15:40: "There are celestial bodies and bodies
terrestrial," in 15:44 "There is a natural body and there is a spiritual
body." The Rosicrucian teachings recognize both the natural and the spiritual
bodies spoken of by Paul, but they also hold that these two bodies are
interpenetrated by an invisible vehicle called the vital body which keeps the
dense body in health, building and restoring during sleep what man with his
desires has torn down during the day; also that man's threefold body
corresponds to various invisible worlds which surround him and that it
consists of the same grades of substance. The dense physical, the etheric, and
the desire worlds, the various planes of existence, are of different degrees
of density and interpenetrate one another. For instance, in the desire world
the density of desire stuff causes it to act analogously to smoke, the
heaviest of which clings low about the earth, while the purer or lighter rises
into the air.
During man's life in the physical world he is constantly building his
invisible bodies by his thoughts, desires, and emotions. If his desires draw
him downward into a life of the senses, if his time is spent in useless
pleasures and self-gratification, or if he has no higher aspiration than that
of accumulating wealth, then his desire body may be likened to heavy, black
smoke. After he passes into the life beyond the grave, he will gravitate to
that realm which is called the purgatorial region, that which is closest to
the dense physical plane. Here he must purge himself of all impure desires; he
must cleanse the desire body before he can rise to that higher realm called
the First Heaven.
If we should take a refined, sensitive man who has lived a pure, clean
life to the slums of a great city and force him to live in those surroundings,
he would suffer, become ill and at the first opportunity he would gravitate
back to his kind. Also if we take a low and degraded man, one who has always
lived in the slums amidst filth and dishonesty and place him in a palace
amidst cultured people, he would be most uncomfortable ant would at the first
chance drift back to his old haunts. Similar conditions exist in the desire
world. The man who has lived a clean and spiritual life, after passing out at
death remains but a short time in the lower part of the desire world. As soon
as he has freed himself from his physical body he quickly rises into the finer
matter of the desire world. But the man who has never known what a pure life
meant, who had not thought of life beyond the grave, is like the thick, black
smoke: he hovers dose to the physical plane. He prefers to cling close to his
old haunts, especially if he has a grudge against someone on the earth plane
and wishes to get even; then he will remain earthbound until he has succeeded
in revenging himself upon the other fellow. He will hover about spiritualistic
séances or the place where his enemy lives until he has succeeded in
influencing some weak or negative person to carry out his plan of revenge. How
often do we read of a murderer or thief making a statement in court that a
feeling came over him suddenly and he could not help committing the crime —
some force made him do it. The poor, weak drunkard is also used by discarnate
spirits and is often forced to drink, for in this way the degenerate in the
desire world gets some satisfaction.
It is a curious fact that subhuman elementals sometimes attach themselves
to certain persons, to a family, or even to a religious society. In such
cases, however, it was always found that their vehicles did not consist of the
hardened sin body composed of an interlocking desire and vital body, but that
the vehicles had been obtained through mediumship practiced by a person of
ordinary good character, and that the ether of these vehicles was in a state
of disintegration. To offset this and to prolong their hold on such vehicles,
they demand from those whom they serve regular offerings of food and the
burning of incense. Though they cannot, of course, assimilate the physical
food, they can and do live upon the ether fumes and odors which arise from it,
and also upon the fumes of incense.
This is only another illustration of the fact that purity of motive will
not protect us when we go contrary to the laws of God, any more than we can
escape a burn if we put our hand on a hot stove, no matter why we did it. But,
nevertheless, it has been found in cases where a medium has been ensouled by
pure motives and high religious devotion, it is very difficult for such evil
entities to hold the vital body for a long time; they soon tire of the effort
and seek another victim who is more in accordance with their nature.
In early childhood the blood very often rises to an abnormal temperature.
During the period of excessive growth it is frequently the reverse, but in
hot-headed, unrestrained youth, passion and temper very often drive the Ego
out by over-heating the blood. We very appropriately call this an ebullition
or boiling over of temper and describe the effect as causing the person to
"lose his head," i.e., become incapable of thought. That is exactly what
happens when passion, rage, or temper overheats the blood, thus drawing the
Ego outside the bodies. The description is accurate when, of a person in such
a state, we say, "he has lost control of himself." The Ego is outside of his
vehicles and they are running amuck, bereft of the guiding influence of
thought, part of the work of which is to act as a brake on impulse. The great
and terrible danger of such outbursts is that before the owner re-enters his
body some disembodied entity may take possession of it and keep him out. This
is called "obsession." Only the man who keeps cool and does not allow excess
of heat to drive him out can think properly.
When a man passes out of life during a quarrel or with a feeling of anger
and revenge in his heart, he will continue for a time to cling about the one
toward whom his anger was directed. Oftentimes such a discarnate Spirit
influences some negative Spirit still in the physical body, who then carries
out his revenge and commits the crime which this disembodied Spirit desires.
In years to come when humanity will be more enlightened, and judges,
lawyers, and jurymen will have more faith in and knowledge of life after
death, they will not condemn the criminal, but they will then understand that
the murderer who is put to death without time for retrospection is hurled
without preparation into the Desire World and can there be a greater menace to
society than when in the body, for he is then like a wild beast let out of its
cage. He will have greater freedom to carry on his life of crime, although
unseen by those who "have eyes to see but see not." If the authorities,
instead of opening the cage and freeing the animal, will endeavor to tame him
— if they will put him where he can be taught to live a better life — they
will save others from committing crimes while influenced by the hatred of
these unseen Spirits who are earthbound and still full of desire. Capital
punishment, instead of acting as a deterrent, actually fosters crime.
Humanity at present is horrified at the wave of crime that is sweeping
over the entire world. No country is free from it, and especially do we hear
of it in large cities.
The question is often asked, "What is the cause of this degeneracy?" The
occultist can give the reason. He sees the condition in the Desire World. He
knows that the lower division of this region is full of earthbound Spirits who
are clinging close to the physical plane. These creatures were filled with
hate and lust when suddenly they were hurled into this new life. Such Spirits
still cling to their low desires, seeking to gratify them.
In this World of Desire are also many pure Spirits who understand the
conditions and who remain in these lower regions for the express purpose of
working with the weaker ones, teaching and trying to lead them into pure ways.
But like the slum worker in a large city in the material world, these
invisible helpers can reach only a limited number. Many pure and unselfish
Spirits who are still in the physical body are also working lovingly, helping
these invisible workers while out of the body in sleep. This is the field of
work in which the Probationers of the Rosicrucian Fellowship are very active.
They, too, are doing slum work in the purgatorial region.
Should an evil Spirit, however, be able to gratify his lust by influencing
some weaker Spirit or a medium through whom he may feed his lower nature, it
will take him a longer time to overcome his desires, and he will remain
earthbound until entirely purged. If a man dies before he has overcome his
evil nature, he lives among his kind for some time in order to gratify his
tastes for liquor, tobacco, or blood; even the sensualist can obtain
gratification by influencing others to indulge, so that through them he may
obtain vicarious satisfaction .
As the Spirit sheds its earthly body at what is called death, so does it
also discard the next finer sheath called the desire body, when it has
completed its Desire World experience. It then passes on into the Second
The discarded desire shell of the murderer or sensualist takes a much
longer time to disintegrate than that of the advanced Spirit. The shell, or
discarded desire body, into which he has built a separate consciousness, is
drawn to those with whom the Ego had made ties — to those with whom he was
associated while in the physical body. These shells may be used by elementals
who will cling about a medium and pose as Lincoln, Wagner, or some noted
person who no doubt passed into the Second Heaven many years ago.
The suicide, the poor Spirit who through discouragement destroys his
physical body, is one of the most miserable of all earthbound Spirits. He has
destroyed the temple that was the dwelling place of the living God.
Man during his Earth life is preparing the material with which to build
the matrix or archetype of the body which he is to use in his next life. Organ
after organ is strengthened or weakened by his acts in the present life.
Little does he think that his excesses and abuses will reflect back and that
he will bring with him in future lives a weakened body as a result, while a
chaste and simple life builds a healthy body. "As a man soweth, so shall he
also reap."
Thus we see that death does not transform the man; a sinner is not turned
into a saint by the casting off of his outer garment. What a man has sown
while in Earth life, he must reap sometime, somewhere, but he has an
opportunity to repent and to purge himself of his sins while in the lower
Desire World. Or, he may wish to remain in that region after death, preying
upon others, or still clinging to the haunts which attracted him in Earth
life; or he may rob some poor, negative Spirit of his physical body by
obsession in order to continue his life of sin, and so gratify his lower
desires. But sometime he must pay for the offenses committed; sometime,
through sorrow and suffering, he must purge himself of all sins and meet his
Maker in his purified spiritualized body.
No one who maintains a positive attitude of mind can ever become obsessed,
for so long as we assert our individuality, that is strong enough to keep all
outsiders away. But in spiritualistic séances where the sitters are negative
there is always a great danger. The best way to avoid becoming obsessed would
be to maintain this positive attitude. Anyone who is at all negatively inclined
should avoid spiritualistic séances, crystal gazing, and other methods of
evoking Spirits. That is bad practice anyway, for those who have gone beyond
have their work to do there and should not be brought back here.
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