Spiritual healing is an important phase of the work of The Rosicrucian
Fellowship. Healing is accomplished with the aid of the Invisible Helpers, who
are sufficiently advanced in evolution to be able to leave their physical
bodies and function on the spiritual planes at night. They are under the
guidance of the Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross.
The Healing Department is the office of The Rosicrucian Fellowship through which healing requests are channeled, and any person in any part of the world
may apply for healing to the Healing Department. He contacts the healing force
through his application and through successive weekly letters which maintain
his connection with the Invisible Helpers.
This work is conducted on a freewill offering basis. To be placed on the
Healing List, address as follows: The Rosicrucian Fellowship, Healing
Department, 2222 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, California, 92058, U.S.A.
The New Hygiene
The Rosicrucian motto, "A sane mind, a soft heart, a sound body," implies
the harmonious coordination of mind, soul, and body in a balanced whole, so
that sound mentality, brotherly love, and good health combine to make life a
continual adventure of buoyant hopes and aspirations to live according to the
highest ethics.
One writer and physician defines health as a condition that makes possible
the highest enjoyment of life and the greatest constructive work, and that
shows itself in the best service to the world. He adds, "It involves keeping
the body and mind at the highest levels, living at one's best and not being
satisfied with mere absence from sickness. Health may be defined as the
quality of life that renders the individual fit to live most and serve best."
Health is a quality that lifts, inspires, and urges one on toward effort
and achievement. To develop this balance, the three primary factors — right
thoughts, right actions, and right foods — must become part of daily life.
Factors Determining
the Selection of Food
Many factors determine the selection of food. No two people are alike;
hence, "One man's food is another man's poison." The kinds and amounts of
foods required are influenced by many conditions, such as height, weight,
climate, season, rate of metabolism, state of health, condition of the glands,
individual temperament, age, rate of growth of children, amount of exercise,
and amount of sleep.
Another important factor which is often called "the psychology of
digestion" includes the state of mind at the time of eating and the enjoyment
derived from the food. Never eat solid food while under emotional strain such
as worry, fear, or anger, or while very tired, cold, or otherwise
uncomfortable. Food, to be beneficial, must be thoroughly assimilated. While
tastes for certain foods must often be acquired, an aversion to any particular
food is sometimes a natural warning against that food or combination of foods.
It must be remembered, however, that taste is the result of training and
habit, and every healthy person can and should learn to eat all vegetables and
As the science of dietetics progresses, more diseases are being included
in the class of nutritional disorders. It is now a well-recognized fact that
chronic cases, for example, of asthma, hay fever, catarrh, skin diseases,
etc., respond to correct diet. No diets can be given offhand, however, as
"food tests" must be made and the diet planned according to the patient's
needs and idiosyncrasies. A well balanced diet is safest for healthy people,
as it contains combinations of all elements necessary for maintaining health.
Food Requirements
of the Body
The average proportions of food principles in a good diet are:
carbohydrates, 60 percent; fats, 25 percent; and protein, 15 percent. In
addition, for the regulation of body processes, there must be minerals,
vitamins, water, and cellulose. The general outline given below may prove
helpful in planning a balanced diet according to individual needs.
Food Constituents
I. Carbohydrates
1. Function: to produce heat and energy.
2. Sources: sugars and starches; sugar cane, beets, sweet fruits, honey,
cereals, breadstuffs, potatoes, and starchy vegetables.
II. Fats
1. Function: to produce heat and energy.
2. Sources: butter, cream, vegetable oils, olive oil, nuts, nut products,
cotton seed oil products, chocolate, coconut, avocado.
III. Protein
1. Function: to build and repair tissue.
2. Sources: milk, cheese, eggs, nuts, legumes, cereals, avocados.
(Cell, Tissue,
or Food Salts)
Minerals are vital for health and well-being. Although only small
quantities are found in the physical body, each has special functions of
importance. They promote life in every cell and fluid. Indeed, without
minerals, vitamins cannot perform their work and good health cannot be
maintained. In preparing grains and vegetables it is essential to avoid
excessive heat. Use a minimum of water and cover saucepans with air-tight lids
to prevent oxidation during cooking and retain nutrients and precious
Calcium: promotes cell life and growth; forms matrix for tooth and bone
develop-ment; supplies endurance and vitality; keeps water in the body,
sunshine necessary for proper utilization. Sources: fruits, vegetables,
cheese, egg yolk, milk, kelp, walnuts, sesame seeds.
Iodine: active in stimulating normal cell and gland action; beneficial to
nerves. Sources: asparagus, carrots, dulse, garlic, grapes, Irish moss,
mushrooms, pineapple, baked potatoes, watercress.
Iron: body's janitor; carries oxygen from lungs to blood - forming part of
the hemoglobin molecule; gives vitality, magnetism and "pep." Sources: dried
fruits, leafy green vegetables, legumes, brewers' yeast, wholegrain cereals,
egg yolk, blackstrap molasses, nuts.
Manganese: acts as brain and nerve food; coordinates proper transmission of
nerve impulses. Sources: bananas, dandelion, eggs, endive, leafy vegetables,
mint, nearly all nuts, parsley, peas, honey, senna leaves, watercress,
whole grains.
Phosphorous: builds brain and bone; thought builder; aids hair and teeth
growth; stimulates body functions. Sources: beans, cheese, cloves, corn,
dulse, egg yolk, grapes, honey, Irish moss, kelp, lentils, lima beans, milk,
nuts, agar, onions, pineapple, sage, sugar cane juice.
Potassium: necessary for proper functioning of the blood, liver and spleen;
controls muscular system; promotes sleep. Sources: fruits, whole grains, leafy
vegetables, figs, grapes, green peppers, lima beans, honey, green lettuce,
mint, parsley, Swiss chard, watercress, watermelon, tomatoes.
Silicon: powerful antiseptic — acts as body's surgeon; promotes resistance
to infection; sharpens hearing; polishes and hardens bones and teeth; gives
sparkle to eyes, gloss to hair. Sources: apricots, asparagus, barley, cabbage,
cucumbers, figs, lettuce, oats, parsnips, rice, spinach, strawberries,
Sodium: maintains elasticity of the connective tissue; alkaline and
curative agent, dissolves mineral deposits, blood purifier and builder;
promotes digestion; gives strength and endurance. Sources: asparagus, beets,
black figs, carrots, celery, cheese, cucumbers, egg yolk, honey, lima beans,
okra, pumpkin, turnips, strawberries, string beans, wheat germ.
Sulphur: promotes good skin tone, strengthens hair and nails; nervous system benefic; increases bile flow; Amuses liver Sources asparagus, beans, bran, brussels sprouts, cabbage, figs, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chestnuts, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, mustard greens, onions, peas, radishes, rutabagas, wild rice.
Vitamins serve as body regulators They are not food elements but permeate
and vitalize foods which otherwise lack health-promoting qualities. These
substances have a special affinity for organic minerals carrying the Sun force
— the life principle of food. Each vitamin performs specific functions — only
small quantities are required but a deficiency may prove disastrous and it is
essential to eat unrefined quality foods which supply the nutrients known to
aid in better health and strength. Vitamins are not substitutes for vitamin-
rich foods. A balanced diet of fruits, grains, and vegetables is necessary for
greatest benefit from vitamin and mineral supplements. Vitamins are found in
greatest concentration beneath the skin of fruits and vegetables and are
unnecessarily lost when these skins are not utilized in food preparation.
Vitamin A gives a smooth skin; normal vision; resists and disease; promotes
growth and longevity; stored in the body for use as needed; depletes rapidly
under strain and stress. When cooking, it is imperative to use a pan with a
tight-fitting lid; season just before serving to retain vitamin. Sources:
fruits, green and yellow vegetables, leafy greens, peas, prunes, egg yolks,
pumpkin, green beans, soybeans, squash, tomatoes.
Vitamin B Complex best known of this family are:
Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine) spark plug or "pep" vitamin
Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) for longevity; skin and eye beauty.
Biotin — for energy and mental health in later life.
Cholin — for liver health; aids fat digestion and gall bladder.
Thus we realize the importance of each vitamin in the B complex and their
correlation to better health. Sources: bran, buttermilk, cheese, yellow corn
meal, dried dates, egg yolk, honey, green lima beans, mushrooms, nuts,
peanuts, raisins, beet greens, leafy greens, whole-grains, rice bran, rice
polishings, buckwheat-cotton-seed-peanut-soybean-wholewheat flours.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) promotes growth: maintains connective tissue;
aids tooth and bone formation; protects blood cell walls; overcomes
infections. Needs replenishing daily; lost rapidly in exposure to room
temperature — less when refrigerated. To prevent vitamin loss, cook in a
tightly-covered container over a low heat using small amounts of liquid; never
use soda when cooking and refrain from thawing frozen foods before cooking.
Acid fruits and vegetables lose less vitamin C than non-acid, even during
canning; non-acid lose nearly all vitamin C in that process. Sources: fruits
including citrus, leafy green vegetables, turnips, pure honey, pineapple, rose
hips, tomatoes, yellow vegetables.
Vitamin D is an essential for metabolism of calcium and phosphorus;
promotes growth during childhood; aids growth, bone and teeth; nerve relaxer.
Sources butter, egg yolk, milk. Non-food sources: sunshine and irradiation.
Vitamin D is needed daily to supply the minimum requirement. Non-dairy
sources: sprouted seeds, mushrooms, sunflower seeds, green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin E (Tocopherol) is indispensable to growth and function of
reproductive glands and organs; strengthens heart muscles; believed to destroy
scar tissue; repairs and strengthens cells; good for skin. Vitamin E is not
harmed in cooking or storing, but is quickly destroy when rancid. Sources:
germ of all cereal grains, alfalfa, avocado, carrots, whole corn, egg yolk,
leafy vegetables, coconut-olive-wheat germ-soybean oils.
Vitamin F (Fats) provide energy; carrier of vitamins; surrounds, protects,
and holds in place kidneys, heart, liver, etc. Preserves body heat in
temperature changes; prolongs digestive process. An excess causes weight gain,
obesity, and indigestion by slowing digestion and absorption. Best stored in
covered containers away from direct light in cool place. Sources: avocados,
eggs, cotton-seed — peanut — safflower — sesame-soybean oils.
Vitamin G assists in prevention of pellagra and its symptoms. Sources:
legumes, milk, green vegetables.
Vitamin K is necessary for blood coagulation. Sources: leafy green
vegetables, beet and carrot tops, yogurt, acidophilus, Swiss chard.
Vitamin P (Rutin) gives healthy skin and arteries; normal blood pressure,
prevents strokes. Sources: lemon and orange peel, green peppers.
Vitamin U is so named for its beneficial action on ulcers. Sources: raw
cabbage juice, celery, fresh greens, raw egg yolk, some vegetable fats.
Sensitive to heat, none in cooked foods.
1. Functions: to dissolve nutritive materials thus making absorption
possible; to prevent constipation; to keep mucous membranes soft; to aid in
regulating body temperatures; to form an essential constituent of tissue cells
and body fluids, such as blood, lymph, and digestive juices.
2. Sources: distilled water and fruit juices are the best sources. Only
water that is free from lime and magnesia compounds should be used, as the
deposit of these in the system causes hardening of the arteries and tissues,
commonly known as "old age." If much mineral deposit has been going on in the
past one meal a day should be omitted and buttermilk or grape juice substituted,
as both act as solvents of calcareous material. Drink plenty of pure water
between meals.
1. Function: to produce bulk for cleaning intestines by stimulating
Good nutrition implies a moderate food supply which furnishes every
essential substance needed by the body in the right proportions. Some of the
factors which result in poor nutrition are:
1. Insufficient amounts and improper kinds of foods.
2. Physical defects, such as poor teeth, infected tonsils, enlarged
3. Faulty habits of eating and living which include: lack of fresh air and
sunshine; inattention to personal cleanliness; unpleasant surroundings;
unwholesome mental attitudes; too little recreation; improper elimination.
Menu Planning
A carefully planned and balanced menu for each meal may consist of the
Breakfast — Orange juice or fresh fruit and a few almonds may form the
morning meal for persons of sedentary habits who rise late and lunch early.
Those who lead a strenuous life may fortify themselves by a well-selected
breakfast consisting of fruit or fruit juices, cereal, alternating with egg
and whole wheat toad, and a beverage. The fruit should be preferably oranges,
grapefruit, or fresh fruit in season. Stewed or dried fruit may be substituted
Dinner — Soup, a meat substitute, one cooked vegetable, potato or whole
rice, raw salad, and a light dessert may compose the dinner. The dinner soup
is usually a clear soup or consommé, but may be omitted altogether unless
there is special need for stimulating the appetite or for warmth.
Luncheon or Supper — Soup, raw salad, cottage cheese, one slice whole
wheat toast, and a dessert may constitute the supper; or, such foods as
compensate for any dietary deficiency which may have occurred in the other two
meals may be used.
The following classification of foods will be found helpful in planning
Bulk (Cellulose): Coarse vegetables, bran, and whole cereals.
Meat Substitutes
Foods that may be used in place of meat include legumes, nuts, cheese,
eggs, milk and avocados. Vegetables and cereals contain protein in lesser
amounts. Nuts, with the exception of pecans, are very rich in this food
principle, while pine nuts and almonds contain protein in larger percentage
than does meat itself. The soy bean is more than a substitute for meat. It is
rich in lime, and contains vitamins that meat lacks; its protein is
It is very evident that one need have no fear of suffering from lack of
protein when meat is left out of the diet.
Reasons for
Abstaining from Meat
1. The lower animals are evolving Spirits, have sensibilities, and are
animated by the life of God. We must help instead of hinder their evolution.
2. Vegetables have greater sustaining, strengthening, and energy-giving
power than meat, and require less energy for assimilation.
3. Meat is full of toxins and products of decay, also quantities of waste
products of the slain animal, such as uric acid.
4. Vegetable proteins are not subject to putrefaction within the intestines
as are meat proteins.
5. Our cells are built from the food we eat, and we partake of the
characteristics of that material of which our physical bodies are composed.
6. Spiritual development is much more difficult with the lowered vibrations
caused by the utilization of the flesh of animals.
Food Additives and
(Coffee, Tea, Cocoa)
A dogmatic statement in regard to the use of these beverages may
antagonize many persons, as views concerning the effect often are conflicting.
It is unquestionably true that to some persons coffee is a poison, causing
toxic conditions, disordered digestion, and nervous disturbances. On the other
hand, some persons drink it without any bad effects. The same may be said of
tea and cocoa. It is unwise to say that these products will harm no one. The
methylated purines found in coffee are approximately 3 to 9 grains, in tea, 6
to 8 grains, and in cocoa more than 4 grains per ounce.
Many years ago nearly all medical authorities taught that alcohol was a
food, a stimulant, a remedy of the highest value. Today all this is changed.
The result of laboratory researches conducted to deter mine the nature of
alcohol and its effects upon the human body has completely upset and reversed
the old beliefs and teachings.
Alcohol presents a social problem and will be settled only by education.
What are the facts regarding its effects upon health? They are seen in the
nervous system; the digestive tract and circulatory system show impaired
changes from its use. The external effects of alcoholism show in irritability,
increased susceptibility to disease, and lowered vitality. Alcohol is not a
food (it burns too fast for the human machine); it poisons the highest centers
and sets free the lowest instincts in man by impairing the controls of the
Esoteric students know that those who use alcohol cannot function in the
higher worlds because with the lowered vibrations produced by its use the
pituitary body and pineal gland cannot be set in motion, as they function
through the higher ethers.
It has been shown that there are other constituents than nicotine to
consider when viewing tobacco from a health angle. There are, for instance,
gases of ammonia, pyridine derivatives, and carbon monoxide — all harmful —
although nicotine is probably the most injurious. The youth who looks forward
to excellence in athletics, achievement in business or professions, or to
self-control, will select his habits as carefully as he does his friends, his
food as carefully as his facts, and will not do anything that he knows is
injurious to body and mind. Smokers find that they become nervous, lose their
appetite for wholesome food, show a distinct loss in efficiency, and a loss of
spiritual powers.
Spices and Condiments
The taste for condiments is altogether an acquired one. It is true these
substances may be used in extremely minute quantities for a long time without
apparent injury, but their free use finally irritates the stomach, damages the
liver and kidneys, and many contribute to high blood pressure and hardening of
the arteries. Spices and condiments are not foodstuffs in the ordinary sense,
but stimulate the desire body and passions. Those that contain irritating oils
are mustard, horseradish, pepper, and other spices.
When salt is used in small quantities no evidence of serious injury is
apparent; however, when used too liberally it produces various disorders of
nutrition and overworks the kidneys. In certain forms of disease salt may be
wholly excluded from the diet by order of the physician.
Acid-Base Balance in Foods
Foodstuffs may yield either an acid or a basic ash. Acidity or alkalinity
of foods means the reaction which they will ultimately yield after being
burned in the body. The acids of most fruits are so utilized in the body that
an alkaline or basic ash results. Some other foods, such as cereals and meat,
not acid in taste, are strongly acid when their final products reach the
The human body always maintains a slightly alkaline reaction in the blood
and tissues regardless of the diet. If the food has been potentially acid,
however, the disposal of the excess will result in a strongly acid urine. This
indicates an excess of acid in the blood and tissue-fluids which is likely to
cause kidney and blood vessel disease, a tendency to common colds, gout, and
other ailments.
To keep the body in a state of health and high resistance to disease, the
normal alkalinity of the blood and tissue-fluids must be maintained. This can
be done by a neutral or slightly basic diet, which means avoiding an excess of
acid-producing foods. By referring to the following list a diet may be so
selected as to balance the acid-base factors.
Acidosis relates to a condition of the body in which acids are predominant.
There are two forms of acidosis: true acidosis which is often called acid
condition, referred to above; and relative acidosis, caused by improper
combustion and assimilation of fats, which is counteracted by a low fat diet.
The ash results of prunes, cranberries, and rhubarb are alkaline in
nature, but because of the unoxidizable acid they contain, increase the acidity
of the body.
(Although The Rosicrucian Fellowship advocates a vegetarian diet, meats
and fish included under they proper listing of acid-producing foods, as a
matter of general information.)
Mental Health
A healthy mental Age can be developed just as surely as firm, strong
muscle. Though not easy, most persons can so direct their thoughts and
order their lives to gradually build a high order of self-control.
Mental training means a training in control, in removing unwholesome
states, and in substituting wholesome plans and purposes and gratifying interests.
The most common abnormal mental function is worry. Worry jangles the
vibrations and actuary frustrates the plans one wishes to achieve. Again we
call your attention to the fact that "Christ exhorted us to be unconcerned
about material things, for He knew the effect of fear and worry in retarding
progress. When we do our duty and faithful work to day to day, we are planning
sufficiently for the morrow, and may depend upon that to the cue a Self."
A wholesome mental attitude cannot be acquired suddenly. It is not a gift,
but must be gained by persistent and determined effort to see straight and
keep the values of life clear. All our experiences can be stepping stones;
worry makes them stumbling blocks.
In view of the above, we see that functional diseases of the nervous
system frequently are caused by worry. Both hysteria and neurasthenia are
direct results.
To train oneself in small things is to begin to build a power which, when
crises arise, will enable one to be strong and self-sufficient. Children
should be encouraged to face their problems without always expecting to be
Open-mindedness and breadth of view favor a sound mind with ability to see
new relationships, to understand new meanings, and to find new values, making
for variety, interests, and health.
Health Habits
Health laws are the laws of proper living. However, health can be affected
by outside influences, such as one's home surroundings and community environment.
The achievement of health and the overcoming of latent weaknesses depend
upon building up well-ordered habits of thought and daily living. Habits need to
be flexible in order that they may help us to change and improve our mental
and physical modes of living. Unhygienic habits like taking unwholesome
stimulants, entertaining depressing thoughts, etc. are definitely destroyers
of health. By analyzing our health schedule we may find ways to improve it,
such as adding an hour's daily exercise out of doors, making certain additions
and omissions in the diet, modifying sleeping arrangements for better air
circulation, etc.
Correct habits of eating and hygienic living include fresh air and
sunshine, daily outdoor exercise, personal cleanliness, cheerful and pleasant
surroundings, wholesome mental attitudes, recreation, and proper elimination.
Careful attention should be given to elimination through the bowels,
kidneys, and skin, as health and nutrition are to a great extent dependent
upon the prompt and regular disposal of the body wastes.
The bowels can be regulated best by following certain rules regarding
habit formation, diet, drinking water between meals and exercise.
The habit of evacuating the bowels at a regular time each day will prevent
constipation among nearly all healthy people. Before or after breakfast and
after the evening meal are times considered most favorable. The drinking of a
glass or two of water immediately upon rising will stimulate peristalsis and
assist greatly in the formation of a prompt, regular habit of elimination. In
fact, drinking water freely all during the day is important for this purpose.
Irregularity of meals and overeating, or the continued use of concentrated
foods, especially carbohydrates, contribute greatly to constipation.
Spiritual Healing
In spiritual healing, in order to facilitate the work of the Invisible
Helpers, the patient must cooperate on all planes, for in the final analysis
true health is dependent upon a harmonious coordination of Spirit, mind,
emotions, and body. Often the cause of ill health exists in the finer
invisible vehicles of a patient. For instance, anger, malice, or worry, will
defeat the purpose of the most careful diet, generating toxic conditions,
while faith, hope, love, and cheerfulness stimulate rhythm and harmony of the
body, promoting the free flow of vital forces. Perhaps the most powerful way
in which each person can help himself is to cultivate constructive emotions,
which promote good health or aid in its restoration.
The patient who asks for Divine help and healing must prove his ability to
receive this blessing. We note that Christ always gave the person to be healed
something to do. Disobedience brings disease; obedience, no matter whether it
involves washing in the Jordan or stretching forth a hand, shows a change of
attitude, and the person is thus in a position to receive the healing balm
which may come through Christ from our Heavenly Father, Who is the Great
One need not neglect physical methods because he asks for spiritual
healing. The spiritual law must become operative in daily affairs or the
physical vibrations cannot be raised in harmony with the law of health.
If physical treatment or a doctor's advice are required, we should
remember that the doctor, too, with his knowledge, is a channel through which
the Divine Physician works to further physical perfection. Good health depends
primarily upon right relationship with God, in Whom we live and move and have
our being. Therefore, the right attitude towards life is as much a health
factor as is the condition of the body used by the indwelling Ego.
New Age Vegetarian Cookbook (published by The Rosicrucian Fellowship) — A vegetarian classic containing hundreds of delicious recipes and menus. Here you will actually find several books in one! A section on the sources and uses of vitamins and minerals with 65 pages of food Values is provided. In addition, there is an herb section which includes
many familiar herbs which can be used as medicinal remedies as well as
seasonings in meal preparation. For those just starting on the road to
vegetarian cooking, this is an excellent choice to learn the basics.
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