Hysteria, epilepsy, tuberculosis, and cancer were all found to result from
the erratic propensities of a past life. It was noticed that though many of
the subjects had been, in the past lives investigated, almost maniacal in the
gratification of their lasciviousness, they were at the same time of a highly
devotional and religious nature. In such cases, it seems that the physical
body generated in the present life was normally healthy and their disability
altogether mental, while in other cases where the indulgence of the passional
nature was coupled with a vile character and a cruel disregard of others,
epilepsy together with rachitis, hysteria, and a deformed body were the
present result. Frequently, cancer, especially cancer of the liver or breast
In this connection, however, we wish again to warn students not to draw
hasty conclusions that these are hard and fast conditions. The number of
investigations made, though very large and an arduous task for one researcher
to handle, are too few to be really conclusive in matters involving millions
of human beings. They are, however, in line with the teachings given by the
Elder Brothers regarding the effect of materialism in bringing about rachitis,
a softening of a part of the body that should be hard, and tuberculosis, which
hardens tissues that should be soft and pliable. Cancer is essentially similar
in effect; and when we consider that the sign Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the
planet of generation, and that the lunar sphere is under the sway of Jehovah,
the God of generation, whose Angels announce and preside over birth as
instanced in the case of Isaac, Samuel, John the Baptist, and Jesus, we
readily see that abuse of the creative function can cause both cancer and
lunacy in the most differentiated forms.
Impairment of
Regarding lack of vision or disabilities of the organ of sight, it has long
been known among researches that it is the effect of extreme cruelty in a past
life. Recent investigations have developed the further information that much
of the eye trouble now prevalent among people is due to the fact that our eyes
are changing; they are, in fact, becoming responsive to a higher octave of
vision than before, because the ether surrounding the Earth is becoming more
dense and the air is growing more rare. This is particularly true in certain
parts of the world, Southern California among others. It is noteworthy in this
connection that the Aurora Borealis is becoming more frequent and more
powerful in its effects upon the Earth. In the early years of the Christian
Era this phenomenon was almost unknown, but in the course of time as the
Christ wave which descends into the Earth during part of the year, infuses
more and more of its own life into the dead, earthly lump, the Etheric Vital
Rays become visible at intervals. Later they became more and more numerous and
are now commencing to interfere with our electric activities, particularly
with telegraphy, which service is sometimes completely demoralized by these
radiating streamers.
It is also noteworthy that the disturbances are confined to wires going east
and west. Rays or lines of force from the plant Group Spirits, radiate in all
directions from the center of the Earth towards the periphery and then
outwards, passing through the roots of plants or trees, then upwards towards
the top of same.
The currents of the animal Group Spirits, on the other hand, encircle the
Earth. The comparatively weak and invisible currents generated by the Group
Spirits of the plants, and the very strong powerful rays of force generated by
the Christ Spirit now becoming visible as the Aurora Borealis, have hitherto
been of about the same nature as static electricity, while the currents
generated by the animal Group Spirits and which encircle the Earth may be
likened to dynamic electricity which gave the Earth its power of motion in a
bygone age. Now, however, the Christ currents are becoming more and more
forceful and their static electricity is being liberated. The etheric impulse
which they give will inaugurate a new era, and the sense organs now possessed
by mankind must accommodate themselves to this change. Instead of the etheric
rays which emanate from an object bringing a reflected image to the retina of
our eyes, the so-called "blind spot" will be sensitized and we shall look out
through the eye and see directly the thing itself instead of the image upon
our retina. Then we shall not only see the surface of the thing we observe,
but we shall be able to see through it as those who have cultivated the
etheric vision do now.
As time goes on and the Christ by His beneficent ministration attracts more
and more of the interplanetary ether to the Earth, thus making its vital body
more luminous, we shall be walking in a sea of light, and when we learn to
forsake our ways of selfishness and egotism through the constant contact with
these beneficent Christ vibrations, we shall also become luminous. Then the
eye as it is now constituted would not be of service to us, therefore it is
now beginning to change and we are experiencing the discomfort incident to all
Shell Shock
It was found by examining a number of people in normal health that each of
the prismatic atoms composing the lower ethers radiated from itself the lines
of force which set spinning the physical atom in which it is inserted, enduing
the whole body with life. The united trend of all these units of force is
toward the periphery of the body, where they constitute what has been called
the "Odic Fluid," also designated by other names. When the air pressure from
without is lowered by residence in a high altitude, a tendency to nervousness
becomes manifest because the etheric force from within rushes outward
unchecked; and were the man not able to shut off the outflow of solar energy
in part by an effort of will to overcome the difficulty, no one could live in
such a place.
We have heard of "shell shock" and we are aware that numbers of people who
had not even the slightest wound were found dead on the battlefield. In fact,
we had seen and spoken with people who had passed out in this manner but were
at a loss to know why death had resulted. They all disclaimed fear and were
unanimous in their assertion that they had suddenly become unconscious and a
moment later they had found themselves in their present condition. They were
unlike their fellows in that they had not a single scratch on their bodies.
Our preconceived idea that it must have been a momentary fear at a
particularly close call which, though unrealized, had caused their demise,
prevented a full investigation; but the ascertained results of the
consequences of a fall led us to believe that something similar might take
place in this connection; this surmise was correct.
One night some time ago while in transit to a place in a far country where I
had a mission to perform, I heard a cry. Though the human voice can be heard
only in air, there are overtones which are heard in the spiritual realms at
distances exceeding those traversed by wireless messages. The cry was close
by, however, and I was on the scene in an instant, but not soon enough to give
the needed help. I found a man sliding down a slanting embankment, bare of
vegetation, perhaps a dozen feet in width, and as it proved on subsequent
examination, almost smooth, and without a fissure which would have afforded a
hold for his fingers. To have saved him would have involved materialization of
both hands and shoulders, but there was no time. In a moment he had slid over
the overhanging precipice and was falling to the floor of the canyon below,
probably several thousand feet.
Prompted by a natural spirit of fellow feeling I followed and on the way
observed the phenomenon which is the basis of this article, namely, that when
the body had attained a considerable velocity, the ethers composing the vital
body commenced to ooze out, and when the body crashed to the rocks below, a
mangled mass, there was very little of any ether left in it. Gradually,
however, the ethers drifted together, took form, and hovered with the finer
vehicles above the mangled corpse; but the man was in a stupor and unable to
sense or realize the fact of his altered condition.
As soon as I saw that he was beyond help, I went on, but on thinking the
matter over it dawned on me that something unusual had happened and that it
was my duty to find out if the ethers had left that way in everyone who fell,
and if so, why. Under old time conditions this would have been difficult, but
the advent of the flying machine claims many victims. It was therefore easy to
ascertain the fact that when a falling body has attained a certain velocity,
the higher ethers leave the dense body, and the falling man becomes
insensible. As the body reaches the ground, it is mangled, but the poor man
may regain consciousness when the ether has reorganized itself. He will then
begin to suffer from the physical consequence of the fall. If the fall
continues after the higher ethers have left, the increased velocity dislodges
the lower ethers, and the silver cord is all that remains attached to the
body. This is ruptured at the moment of impact with the ground, and the seed
atom passes on to the breaking point, where it is held in the usual way.
From these facts we came to the conclusion that it is the normal air
pressure which holds the vital body within the dense. When we move with an
abnormal velocity, the pressure is removed from some parts of the body and a
partial vacuum formed, with the further result that the ethers leave the body
and flow into this vacuum. The two higher ethers, which are most loosely
bound, are the first to disappear and leave the man senseless after they have
produced the panorama of life in a flash. Then if the fall continues to
increase the air pressure in front of the body and the vacuum behind, the more
closely bound lower ethers are also forced out, and the body is dead before it
reaches the ground.
When a large projectile passes through the air, it creates a vacuum behind
it by the enormous velocity wherewith it moves, and if the person is within
this vacuum zone while the shell is passing, he suffers in a measure
determined by his own nature and his proximity to the center of suction. His
position is in fact a reverse replica of the man who falls; for he stands
still while a moving body removes the air pressure and allows the ethers to
escape. If the amount of ether dislocated is comparatively slight and is
composed only of the third and fourth ethers which govern sense perception and
memory, he will probably suffer only a temporary loss of memory and inability
to sense things or move. This disability will disappear when the extracted
ethers are again fitted inside the dense body — a much more difficult
achievement than where the physical body succumbs and the reorganization takes
place without reference to that vehicle.
Sclerosis or Hardening
of the Arteries
Our bodies are gradually hardening from childhood to old age, on account of
the chalky substances contained in most of the foods we usually nourish our
bodies upon. This calcareous matter is primarily deposited in the walls of
the arteries and veins, causing what is known to the medical profession as
arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. The arteries of a little child
are exceedingly soft and elastic, like a rubber tube, but gradually as we
advance through childhood, youth, and on toward old age, the walls of the
arteries become harder in consequence of the deposits of chalk left by the
passing blood. Thus in time they may become as stiff and inelastic as a pipe
stem. There is a condition which is called pipe-stem artery. The arteries then
become brittle and may break, causing hemorrhage and death. Therefore it is
truly said that man is as old as his arteries. If we can clear the arteries
and capillaries of this earthly matter, we may gradually prolong life and the
usefulness of our body.
From the occult standpoint, of course, it is no matter whether we live or
die, as the saying is, for death to us does not mean annihilation but only the
shifting of the consciousness to other spheres; nevertheless, when we have
brought a vehicle through the useless years of childhood past the hot years of
youth, and have come to the time of discretion when we are really beginning to
gain experience, then the longer we can prolong the time of experience the
more we may gain. For that reason it is of a certain value to prolong the life
of the body.
In order to accomplish that result, we must first select the foods that are
least impregnated with the choking substances which cause the induration of
arteries and capillaries. These may be stated to by the green vegetables and
all fruits. Next, it is of importance to seek to eradicate the choking matter
which we have already absorbed, if that is possible, but science has not yet
found any food or medicine that will with certainty produce that effect.
Electric baths have been found to be exceedingly beneficial but not entirely
satisfactory. Buttermilk is the best agent for eradicating this earthy
substance and next comes grape juice. If taken continually and in generous
quantities, these substances will considerably ameliorate the hardened
condition of the arteries.
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