From the occultist's standpoint there are four classes of insanity. Insanity
is always caused by a break in the chain of vehicles between the Ego and the
physical body. This break may occur between the brain centers and the vital
body, or it may be between the vital and desire body, between the desire body
and the mind, or between the mind and the Ego. The rupture may be complete or
only partial.
When the break is between the brain centers and the vital body, or between
that and the desire body, we have the mentally disabled. When the break is between the
desire body and the mind, the violent and impulsive desire body and the mind,
the violent and impulsive desire body rules and we have the raving maniac.
When the break is between the Ego and the mind, the mind is the ruler over the
other vehicles and we have the cunning maniac, who may deceive his keeper into
believing that he is perfectly harmless until he has hatched some diabolical,
cunning scheme. Then he may suddenly show his deranged mentality and cause a
dreadful catastrophe.
There is one cause of insanity that it may be well to explain, as it is
sometimes possible to avoid it. When the Ego is returning from the invisible
world toward re-embodiment, it is shown the various incarnations available. It
sees the coming life in its great and general events, much as a moving picture
passing before its vision. Then it is given the choice, usually, of several
lives. It sees at that time the lessons it has to learn, the fate it has
generated for itself in past lives, and what part of that fate it will have to
liquidate in each of the embodiments offered. Then it makes its choice and is
guided by the agents of the Recording Angels to the country and family where
it is to live its coming life.
This panoramic view is seen in the Third Heaven where the Ego is naked and
feels spiritually above sordid material considerations. It is much wiser then
than it appears here on earth, where it is blinded by the flesh to an
inconceivable extent. Later, when conception has taken place and the Ego draws
into the womb of its mother, on about the 18th day after that event, it comes
in contact with the etheric mold of its new physical body which has been made
by the Recording Angels to give the brain formation that will impress upon the
Ego the tendencies necessary to work out its destiny.
There the Ego sees again the pictures of its coming life as the drowning man
perceives the pictures of his past life — in a flash. At that time the Ego is
already partially blind to its spiritual nature, so that if the coming life
seems to be a hard one, it will oftentimes shrink from entering the womb and
making the proper brain connections. It may endeavor to draw itself out
quickly and then, instead of being concentric as the vital and dense bodies
should be, the vital body formed of ether may be drawn partially above the
head of the dense body. In that case the connection between the sense centers
of the vital body and the dense body are disrupted and the result is
congenital idiocy, epilepsy, St. Vitus Dance, and similar nervous disorders.
The inharmonious relation between the parents which sometimes exists is
often the last straw that makes an Ego feel that it cannot be too seriously
impressed upon prospective parents that during the gestatory period it is of
the utmost importance that everything should be done to keep the mother in a
condition of contentment and harmony. For it is a very hard task for the Ego
to go through the womb; it taxes all its sensibilities to the very utmost, and
inharmonious conditions in the home it is entering are, of course, an added
source of discomfort, which may result in the above named dreadful state of
Black magic in its minor forms, such as hypnotism, for instance, sometimes
causes congenital idiocy in a future life. The hypnotist deprives his victims
of the free use of their bodies. Under the law of consequence he is then tied
to a body with a malformed brain, which prevents his expression. We must not
infer, however, that every case of congenital idiocy is due to such
malpractice on the part of the Ego in a past life; there are also other causes
which may bring congenital idiocy as a result.
Drugs and breathing exercises, such as the Eastern aspirant uses, have a
dreadfully destructive effect upon the body, and it will therefore be seen
that their use is altogether undesirable. Many a man is today in the insane
asylum or in the grave of the consumptive on account of breathing exercises,
and the effects of drugs are well known. The atoms of the Western body have
been highly sensitized in the ordinary course of evolution, and the exercises
which may be used with impunity by an Eastern person, whose body is not so
highly sensitized, will cause the atoms of the Western body to run riot. It is
extremely difficult to bring them into proper repose again.
Where a person becomes a medium for a disembodied Spirit which enters the
body, as in the case of the trance medium where it takes possession of the
body and uses it as the owner might do, there is little if any harm done,
provided the Spirit control does not abuse his privilege. In fact, there are
some cases where Spirit controls have a better idea of caring for a body than
the owner himself, and may sometimes improve the health. But Spirits of a high
ethical nature do not usually control a medium, it is rather earthbound and
low Spirits such as Indians and others of a like nature who obtain a control
over mediumistic persons, and when in possession of the body they may use it
to gratify their low passions for drink and sex. Thus they cause a disturbance
to the system and a deterioration of the instrument.
In the case of the materializing medium, we may say that the influence is
always injurious. The materializing Spirit entrances the victim and then draws
the ether of the vital body out through the spleen, for the difference between
the materializing medium and the ordinary person is the fact that the
connection between the vital body and the dense body is exceedingly lax, so
that it is possible to withdraw this vital body to a very great extent. The
vital body is the vehicle whereby the solar currents which give us vitality
are specialized. Deprived of the vitalizing principle, the body of the medium
at the time of the materialization sometimes shrinks to almost one-half its
usual size; the flesh becomes flabby and the spark of life burns very low.
When the séance is over and the vital body replaced the medium is awakened and
in normal consciousness. He then experiences a feeling of the most terrible
exhaustion and sometimes, unfortunately, resorts to drink to revive the vital
forces. In that case, of course, the health will very soon suffer and the
medium will become a total wreck. At any rate, mediumship should be avoided,
for apart from this danger to the instrument there are other and far more
serious considerations in connection with the more subtle bodies, and
particularly in connection with the after-death state.
Obsession is a state where a discarnate Spirit has taken permanent
possession of the body of someone after dispossessing the owner. But sometimes
people who have formed the habit of drunkenness or some other low vice seek to
excuse themselves by claiming to be obsessed. Wherever a person makes that
statement concerning himself, one may nearly always be sure that it is nothing
but an excuse, for a thief who has stolen something here in the material world
does not go about and tell people of his theft, neither does an obsessing
entity go around proclaiming the fact. It is very certain that such an entity
does not care what is thought about the man whose body he has stolen, so that
there is no reason why he should tell and risk being exorcised.
There is an infallible means of knowing whether a person is really obsessed,
namely, by diagnosing of the eye. "The eye is the window of the soul," and
only the true owner is capable of contracting and expanding the iris, or pupil
of the eye, so that if we take a person who claims to be obsessed or whom we
think is obsessed, to a room which is darkened, we shall find that the pupil
of his eye will not expand if he is obsessed. neither will the pupil contract
when we bring him into the sunlight, nor expand if we ask him to look at an
object at a distance or contract when he is asked to read small type. In
short, the pupil of the eye will respond neither to light nor to distance when
a person is obsessed, but there is also a certain disease called locomotor
ataxia, where the iris will not respond to distance but is responsive to
No one who maintains a positive attitude of mind can ever become obsessed,
for so long as we assert our individuality that is strong enough to keep all
outsiders away. But in spiritualistic séances where the sitters are negative
there is always a great danger. The best way to avoid becoming obsessed would
be to maintain this positive attitude, and anyone who is at all negatively
inclined should avoid going to spiritualistic séances, crystal gazing, and
other methods of evoking spirits. This is bad practice, anyway, for those who
have gone beyond have their work to do there and should not be brought back
At the moment of death when the seed atom in the heart, which contains all
the experiences of the past life in a panoramic picture, is ruptured, the
spirit leaves its physical body taking with it the finer bodies. It then
hovers over the dense body which is now dead, as we call it, for a time
varying from a number of hours to three and one-half days. The determining
factor as to the time is the strength of the vital body, the vehicle which
constitutes the soul body spoken of in the Bible. There is then a pictorial
reproduction of the life, a panorama in reverse order from death to birth, and
the pictures are etched upon the desire body through the medium of the
reflecting ether in this vital body. During this time the consciousness of the
Spirit is concentrated in the vital body, or at least it should be, and it has
therefore no feeling about the matter. The picture that is impressed upon the
vehicle of feeling and emotion, the desire body, is the basis of subsequent
suffering in the life in Purgatory for evil deeds, and of enjoyment in the
First Heaven on account of the good done in the past life.
The investigations of later years have revealed the additional fact that
there is another process going on during these important days following death.
A cleavage takes place in the vital body similar to that made by the process
of initiation. So much of this vehicle as can be termed "soul," coalesces with
the higher vehicles and is the basis of consciousness in the invisible worlds
after death. The lower part which is discarded, returns to the physical body
and hovers over the grave in the great majority of cases. This cleavage of the
vital body is not the same in all persons but depends upon the nature of the
life lived and the character of the person that is passing out. In extreme
cases this division varies very much from normal. This important point was
brought out in many cases of supposed spirit obsession which have been
investigated; in fact it was these cases which developed the far-reaching and
astounding discoveries brought out by our most recent researches into the
nature of the obsession from which the people who appealed to us were
suffering. As might be expected, of course, the division in these cases showed
a preponderance of evil, and efforts were then made to find out if there were
not also another class of people where a different division with a
preponderance of good takes place. It is a pleasure to record that this was
found to be the case, and after weighing the facts discovered, balancing one
with another, the following seems to be a correct description of the
conditions and their reason:
The vital body aims to build the physical, whereas our desires and emotions
tear down. It is the struggle between the vital body and the desire body which
produces consciousness in the Physical World, and which hardens the tissues so
that the soft body of the child gradually becomes tough and shrunken in old
age, followed by death. The morality or immorality of our desires and emotions
acts in a similar manner on the vital body. Where devotion to high ideals is
the mainspring to action, where the devotional nature has been allowed for
years to express itself freely and frequently, and particularly where this has
been accomplished by the scientific exercises of Retrospection and
Concentration, the quantity of the chemical and life ethers gradually
diminishes as the animal appetites vanish, and an increased amount of the
light and reflecting ether takes their place. As a consequence, the physical
health is not as robust among people who follow the higher path as among
people whose indulgence of the lower nature attracts the chemical and life
ethers, in proportion to the extent and nature of their vice, to the partial
or total exclusion of the two higher ethers.
Several very important consequences connected with death follow this fact.
As it is the chemical ether which cements the molecules of the body in their
places and keeps them there during life, when only a minimum of this material
is present, disintegration of the physical vehicle after death must be very
rapid. This the writer has not been able to verify because it is difficult to
find men of high spiritual proclivities who have passed out recently, but it
would seem that this is so from the fact recorded in the Bible that the body
of Christ was not found in the tomb when the people came to look for it. As we
have said before in relation to this matter, the Christ spiritualized the body
of Jesus so highly, made it so vibrant, that it was almost impossible to keep
the particles in place during His ministry. As stated before, a worldly life
increases the proportion of the lower ethers in the vital body to that of the
higher. Where, in addition, a so-called "clean life" is lived and excesses
avoided, the health during life is more robust than that of the aspirant to
the higher life, because the latter's attitude to life builds a vital body
composed principally of the higher ethers. He loves "the bread of life" more
than physical sustenance and therefore his instrument becomes increasingly
high-strung, nervous, and delicate, a sensitive condition which greatly
furthers the objects of the Spirit, but which is a hardship from the physical
In the majority of mankind there is such a preponderance of
selfishness and
a desire to get the most out of life as they view that matter, that either
they are busy keeping the wolf from the door or accumulating possessions and
taking care of them, and hence they have very little time or inclination to
undertake the soul culture so necessary to true success in life.
Therefore there is so little that persists in each life of the majority and
evolution is so frightfully slow that until one is able to view the act of
death from the higher regions of the World of Concrete Thought and, so to say,
look downwards, it does not appear that anything is saved of the vital body.
This body seems to return complete to the physical body and hover over the
grave, there to disintegrate simultaneously with the latter. As a matter of
fact, an increasing part cleaves to the higher vehicles and goes with them
into the desire world, there to be a basis of consciousness in, and to live
through, the purgatorial and heaven lives, generally persisting until man
enters the second heaven and unites with the nature forces there in his
efforts to create for himself a new environment. By that time, it has been
absorbed by the spirit or almost so, and whatever may remain of a material
nature will quickly fade away.
But there are some people who are of such an evil nature that they enjoy a
life spent in vice and degenerate practices, a brutal life, and who delight in
giving pain. Sometimes they even cultivate the occult arts for evil purposes
so that they may have a greater power over their victims. Then their fiendish,
immoral practices result in hardening their vital body.
In such extreme cases where the animal nature has been paramount, where
there has been no soul expression in the preceding earth life, the division in
the vital body spoken of before cannot take place at death, for there is no
dividing line. In such a case, if the vital body should gravitate back to the
dense body and there gradually disintegrate, the effect of a very evil life
would not be so far-reaching, but unfortunately there is in such cases an
interlocking grip of the vital and desire bodies which prevents separation. We
have seen that where a man lives mostly in the higher nature, his spiritual
vehicles are nourished to the detriment of the lower. Conversely, where his
consciousness is centered in the lower vehicles, he strengthens them
immeasurably. It should be understood that the life of the desire body is not
terminated by the departure of the spirit; it has a residual life and
consciousness. The vital body is also able to sense things in a slight measure
for a few days after death in ordinary cases (hence the suffering caused by
embalming, post-mortem examinations, etc., immediately after death), but where
a low life has hardened and endued it with great strength, it has a tenacious
hold on life and an ability to feed on odors of foods and liquors. Sometimes,
as a parasite, it even vampirizes people with whom it comes in contact.
Thus an evil man my live for many, many years unseen in our very midst, yet
so close that he is nearer than hands and feet. He is far more dangerous than
the physical criminal for he is able to prompt others of a similar bent to
criminal or degenerate practices without fear of detection or punishment by
Such beings are therefore one of the greatest menaces to society imaginable.
They have sent countless victims to prison, broken up homes and caused an
unbelievable amount of unhappiness. They always leave their victims when the
latter have come into the clutches of the law. They gloat over their victim's
sorrow and distress, this being a part of their fiendish scheme. It is amazing
when one searches the Memory of Nature of the past to find how prevalent this
interlocking condition of the desire and vital bodies was in former centuries
and millennia. We realize, of course, in a sort of abstract way, that the
farther we go back into the history of men the more savage we find them, but
that in our own historical times this savagery should have been so common and
so brutal and that might was the measure of right absolutely and beyond
dispute, was, to say the least, quite a shock to the writer. It has been
taught that selfishness and desire were purposely fostered under the regime of
Jehovah to give incentive to action. This in the course of time had so
hardened the desire body that when the advent of Christ took place, there was
almost no heaven life among the people then living.
Earthbound Spirits, such as previously mentioned, gravitate to the lower
regions of the Desire World which interpenetrates the ether, and are in
constant and close touch with those people on Earth most favorably situated
for aiding them in their evil designs. They usually stay in the earthbound
condition for fifty, sixty, or seventy-five years, but extreme cases have been
found in which such people so remain for centuries.
When the Spirit has left the "sin body," as we call this body in contrast to
the soul body, to ascend to the Second Heaven, it does not disintegrate as
quickly as the ordinary shell left behind by normal people, for the
consciousness in it is enhanced by its dual composition; that is to say, being
composed of both a vital and desire body, it has an individual or a personal
consciousness that is very remarkable. It cannot reason, but there is a low
cunning present which makes it seem as though it were actually endowed with a
spiritual presence, an Ego, and this enables it to live a separate life for
many centuries. The departed Spirit meanwhile enters the Second Heaven, but
having done no work on Earth to desire or merit a prolonged stay there or in
the Third Heaven, it only stays there sufficiently long to create a new
environment for itself and it is then reborn much earlier than usual — to
satisfy the cravings for material things which draw it so strongly.
When the Spirit returns to Earth, this sin body is naturally attracted
towards it, and usually stays with it all its life as a demon. Investigations
have proved that this class of soulless creatures were very prevalent during
Biblical times, and it was to them that our Savior referred as devils, they
being the cause of various obsessions and bodily ills such as are recorded in
the Bible.
In addition to the entities already mentioned who dwell in a sin body made
by themselves, and who thus suffer entirely from their own deeds in the period
of expiation, two classes were found which were similar in certain respects
although different in others. In addition to the divine Hierarchies and the
four life waves of Spirits now evolving in the Physical World through the
mineral, plant, animal, and human kingdoms, there are also other life waves
which express themselves in the various invisible worlds. Among them there are
certain classes of sub-human spirits which are called elementals. It sometimes
happens that one of these elementals takes possession of the sin body of some
one of a savage tribe, and thus adds extra intelligence to that being. At the
rebirth of the spirit that generated this sin body, the usual attraction
brings them together, but on account of the elemental ensouling the sin body,
the spirit becomes different from the other members of the tribe, and we find
them then acting as medicine men or in a similar capacity. These elemental
spirits ensouling the sin bodies of Indians also act upon mediums as spirit
controls, and having obtained power over the medium during life, when he dies,
these elemental controls oust him from the vehicles which contain his life
experience. Thus the medium may be retarded in evolution for ages, for there
is no power that can compel these spirits to let go, once they have gained
control of such a body. Therefore, though mediumship may produce no seeming
evil effect in a lifetime, there is a very, very grave danger after death to
the person who allows another to take possession of his body.
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