When we observe so many afflictions in the horoscope of an individual we
wonder what kind of a life was lived in a previous embodiment to cause the
building of such a restricted and uncomfortable vehicle for the Ego to
function in this life. Oh, if we could only be impressed with the idea that we
are the makers of our own destiny, and that we are building at present the
"house" in which we will live in this life as well as in the ones to come! If
the builder of a physical house builds well and carefully he will have the
satisfaction of being comfortable in it. When we understand that this bodily
house is the Temple of the Living God, the Spirit within; when we realize that
we build it be every thought, feeling and action, we are more inclined to
learn how to build it right and provide for ourselves a comfortable "home" in
this life and the ones to come! When we waste our mental faculties by
frittering away our time, then we are not choosing mental material for a
healthy and strong mind to think and create with, and like this poor woman,
we will suffer with fear, restlessness, and frustration.
We find this woman's chart to be rather disheartening. Virgo occupies the
Midheaven with Mars, Venus, Sun, Saturn and Mercury grouped in a stellium
forming a grand-cross with the other planets in the four angles. This is a
severe handicap to overcome. For instance, the progressive, dynamic Mars in
conjunction with the Midheaven, in Virgo, forms a T-square with Neptune
(higher mind) in Gemini in the 7th house which opposes the Moon (instinctive
mind) in Sagittarius in the 1st House. This indicates that mental blocks may
prevent her from cooperating with anyone who tries to help her.
Venus, the Sun, and Saturn are also posited in the 10th House, opposing
Jupiter in Pisces in the 4th house of home and family. This shows that her
domineering mind antagonizes those who are associated with her at home and
create emotional frustrations. This, in turn, arouses the desire nature to
indulge the appetites in various ways, with disastrous consequences for her
health. Venus and Sun in opposition to Jupiter produces physical weakness
through circulatory, liver and abdominal problems and causes her to tire
easily. She also had difficulties with her lower limbs all her life.
We find, however, that the greatest affliction comes from Mercury in
conjunction with Saturn, elevated in its own sign Virgo and also retrograde.
This holds the mind tenaciously in bondage, and produces a supersensitive
mentality which does not forget nor forgive. as we may see, because she
neglected her mind in lives past, she has come back with a mind that is now a
handicap to her. She has always had the feeling that others were trying to
injure her and rebelled at the condition she herself was responsible for,
blaming it on those who loved her and desired to help her. With the Mercury-
Saturn affliction, her suspicious mind always brought her to mistrust any
effort which her relatives made in her behalf. Especially during the last few
years, she would not allow anyone to come near her for fear of being poisoned.
Patients who are partially restricted mentally are the most difficult to help.
It is only when the ego is free from the body in sleep, that the Invisible
Helpers can work on these patients. But when the ego returns to consciousness
and again takes up its daily routine, the stubborn Saturn gets back in its
restricting work, for with five planets in Virgo in the 10th house such an
individual is ruler over the entire family. Since the members of the family
want peace that must bow to her rule, else she makes the home most
uncomfortable for them.
Chart Number 20:
Woman, born on October 4, 1865 at 10:33 AM; Long. 8E, Lat. 53N.
This woman's chart tells us how, through her friends, she was wined and
dined, and also, how she herself entertained royally when she had the means to
do so. It was through this social life that she laid the foundation which
would later cripple her life. Many times she was encouraged to face the truth
about her empty life, but ignored the advice, pretending that she needed her
friends more than Truth. She became totally blind in her late 50's.
Mars, ruler of the Ascendant, in detriment in Libra is in conjunction with
Saturn. The Sun in fall in Libra and Mercury in its own sign of Virgo, both
elevated in the Midheaven, opposing the conjunction Moon-Neptune in Aries in
the 4th, form a T-square with Uranus in Cancer in the 8th house. Mercury also
receives a square from Jupiter dignified in Sagittarius in the 1st house.
These afflictions show the tremendous weakness of the nervous system and
especially in the parts of the body ruled by Aries and Libra. We know that
Aries, the Sun, the Moon and Uranus (the latter controls the ethers, medium of
light transmission) rule eyesight. Uranus afflicted in Cancer explains that
devitalized foods and lack of sleep weakened her vital body. Mercury afflicted
in Virgo shows an unhealthy life style where unbalanced diet, toxic drinks and
smoke hampered the body with difficult digestion and poor assimilation. With
Sun and Mars afflicted in Libra her desire for rich spicy food brought
disastrous consequences on the kidneys which failed to purify the blood from
toxic waste. The blood then fed this waste to the vulnerable organs of the
opposite sign Aries, and, with time she became blind.
Let us study the eye and its mechanism. When a light ray reaches the eye it
is transformed by the various substances it passes through so that it may
properly be used by the body. When it touches the conjunctiva (tissue covering
the cornea) a fragment of the ray is reflected away from the eye. As light
crosses the cornea the highly charged etheric beam that carries the photons
(light particles) is slowed down and redirected toward the crystalline lens.
Then it passes through the aqueous humor which absorbs most of the etheric
energy of the beam and sends it to the blood via the canal of schlemm, saving
this vital force for the body. The light vibration is further stepped down by
the focusing process in the crystalline eye lens. After this, the softer light
beam crosses the vitreous humor (between lens and retina) whose very special
structure acts like a polarizing filter and separates the photons from their
supporting etheric beam before they hit the photoreceptors of the retina.
Their influence on the photoreceptors generates chemical reactions that inform
the brain via the optic nerve.
Mercury rules the optic nerve and retina in general, but the Sun, Uranus and
Neptune rule specific groups of cells. The Sun also rules the lens and cornea,
while the Moon controls both the vitreous and aqueous humors. Since the
different parts of the eye are nourished and maintained by the blood, it is
most vital to keep it clean with good kidneys. When toxic blood goes to the
eye, the aqueous humor loses its normal alkaline balance and can no longer
absorb the above described highly charged etheric beam, then instead of
building the eye, light gradually burns it and blindness follows.
Spiritual vision is an extension of physical sight. There is a tiny canal
(canal of stilling) in the vitreous humor that extends in a straight line from
the blind spot (optic nerve) to the center of the lens and is filled with a
fluid similar to the aqueous humor. When we are concentrating, our ethers
become highly charged and a beam of ether shoots through the center of the
optic nerve, passes through the canal of stilling, is polarized by the lens
and is projected out of the eyes. If the concentration is used to investigate
the memory of nature this beam is focused upon the planetary reflecting ether,
then our one-pointed mind brings its vibration in harmony with the 4th Region
of the World of Thought, then the heart, through right feeling lifts us up to
the World of Life Spirit which is the true memory of nature. The Life Spirit,
the World of Thought and the higher ethers are brought in unison by this
process in a manner similar to the strings of a piano when you depress the
pedal and hit a low C string, then the other octaves, middle C and high C
resonate with it.
Of course this all sounds simple, but one must work many lifetimes to attain
the goal. Some of us did start in the past and have attained some measure of
insight. You may want to go back to Chapter XX of "The Message of the Stars"
to discover the subtle indications of efforts made along these lines in past
lives as described by Max Heindel. Our patient did not experience spiritual
vision and even though she was sad about it, she did not despair for Max
Heindel left us an infallible method with seven exercises in Chapter XVII of "The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception." She trained herself with them and used
most positively the last 15 years of her life in total blindness. She prepared
herself for her next life, and she said before passing on: "Next time I will
'Walk in the light as He is in the light' whether I have eyes or not."
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