But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation
seeketh after a sign, and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of
the prophet Jonas:
For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's
belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of
the earth.
The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this
generation, and shall condemn it; because they repented at the preaching of
Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.
— Matthew 12:39-41
This great allegory, like so many other allegories of the
Bible, can be correctly interpreted only if one has the occult key. Its
interpretation involves some of the profoundest occult truths, going back to
the very basis of our evolutionary scheme
According to the Western Wisdom Teachings as given out by
the Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross through Max Heindel, there are seven
great Days in our scheme of manifestation: the Saturn, Sun, Moon, Earth,Venus,
Jupiter, and Vulcan Periods, and a great Cosmic Night following each Period.
In each of these Periods there are Revolutions, or shorter periods of
manifestations, of the evolving life waves which recapitulate previous
conditions in the different Periods. At the present time we are in the fourth
or Earth Revolution of the fourth or Earth Period.
"Now, Jonah means dove, a well recognized symbol of the
Holy Spirit, or third Aspect of the Triune God. During the three 'days'
comprising the Saturn, Sun, and Moon Revolutions of the Earth Period, and in
the 'nights', or rest periods, between, the Holy Spirit (Jehovah), with the
assistance of other great Creative Hierarchies, worked in the Great Deep,
perfecting (from without) the inward parts of the Earth and man, and
removing the dead weight of the Moon. (The Moon became the home of that part
of humanity too crystallized to stay on the parent planet.) Then the Earth
emerged from its watery stage of development in the middle of the Atlantean
Epoch, 'Jonah, the Spirit Dove,' or Holy Spirit Principle, having accomplished
the salvation of the greater part of mankind.
"Neither the Earth nor its inhabitants were capable of
maintaining their equilibrium in space, and the Cosmic Christ therefore
commenced to work with and on us, finally at the Baptism descending as a
dove (not in the form of a dove, but as a dove) upon the man Jesus.
And as Jonah, the dove of the Holy Spirit, was three Days and three Nights
in the Great Fish (the Earth submerged in water), so at the end of our
involutionary pilgrimage must the other dove, the Christ, enter the
heart of the Earth for the coming three revolutionary Days and Nights to
give us the needed impulse on our evolutionary journey. He must help us to
etherealize the Earth in preparation for the Jupiter Period when we will
function in bodies of ether."
Thus the man Jesus gave up his dense and vital bodies to the
Christ Spirit, so that Christ Jesus might function here on the Earth for three
years, teaching and preaching the precepts which form the basis of the
Christian religion. At the Crucifixion, the Christ Spirit was liberated from
the bodies of Jesus and entered into the Earth to become its indwelling
planetary Spirit, radiating its great Love-Wisdom Power outward to humanity so
that the individualized Christ Spirit within each human being might be
impinged upon and fostered into greater brilliance. So will He, "a
greater than Jonas," aid humanity to unfold the Christ Within and
become liberated from the bonds of materiality.
— Rays from the Rose Cross Magazine, May, 1975, page 215
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