Food for Good Health
Astrologically Analyzed
by Katherine B. Holbrook
In the study of astro-diagnosis we look
first to any planet that is adversely
aspected in the natal chart, then the
sign in which such a planet is posited,
and then, if the hour of birth is known,
the house position. Of course, an adversely aspected planet will have a
different effect on the health in one sign than
it would in another, because each sign
governs a certain portion of the human
body, and as each aspect involves two
planets, or luminaries, in different signs
(with the exception of the conjunction)
the effect of both planets must be considered. Also the first and sixth houses
are two vital points in astro-diagnosis,
because the first governs the body, and
the sixth, the health.
All of the foregoing constitutes the
usual procedure by which the student
may determine the weak spots in his
anatomy. These weak spots can lead to
serious illness or disease when they are
activated by neglect of the health, and
it does not matter whether this neglect
is wilful or due to ignorance. Weak
spots in the present natal chart indicating physical illnesses are the result of
a lack of exercise of the will-power in
some manner, in a past life. The reaction in the present life is in the opposite vehicle; thus the lack of asserting
the mental power properly reacts in the
physical body., This constitutes a defect
in the archetype made by the individual
in preparation for rebirth; in whatever
way he failed to use his will in a positive sense in the past, in that same way
he will be unable to use it when working on the archetype for the next life.
Thus we see how necessary it is to
assert will-power constructively in controlling negative inclinations for certain
foods that have an injurious reaction
on the physical body. By so doing we
are able to make the corresponding part
of the body correctly in the next life.
Knowing one has these tendencies to
physical weakness in his present natal
chart is only one step in the right direction. It is just as important to know
what to do to overcome the weakness
before it becomes acute, for then a doctor's advice is necessary. It is necessary
to know and accept the fact that an
unfavorably aspected planet or luminary is an indication that there has
been transgression of the laws of Nature in some respect in some former life.
The weakness is there to overcome in
the present life by the application of
will-power, or to succumb to again.
Right living can keep such a weak spot
dormant, and when it remains so it is
an indication that the person is controlling the particular weakness.
These weak spots can be abused in a
number of ways. Fear, worry, nerve
tension, anger, and constant negative
thinking in any respect, can aggravate
the condition into activity. But by far
the greatest amount of damage to the
human body is done by improper eating. We are inclined to eat too much
or too little for proper nourishment,
although the former prevails. What we
do eat, most of the time, is that which
pleases the palate instead of what we
know would nourish the body. There are
some persons who think they can eat
just as they please, knowing what they
eat is not nourishing, and then try to
adjust the nutritional deficiency in the
diet by taking vitamin pills. This is an
artificial manner of obtaining nourishment, but it may help if one's system
reacts properly to vitamin pills. However,
it is a known fact that some persons do not respond properly to vitamin
pills in the process of metabolism.
Therefore, it is best to obtain the nourishment we need from natural foods
whenever that is possible. However, all
foods do not nourish everyone in the
same manner, as we well know. Each
person has his individual requirement
of the amount and kind of minerals
needed to sustain life in the physical
body, and astrology aids us in determining this.
The Zodiac Cell Salts, known as the
Schuessler Tissue Remedies, consist of
twelve salts. Each sign of the zodiac
rules a different cell salt in the body,
and these twelve salts make up the general chemical structure of the body. A
lack of any one of these twelve salts
will have a tendency to disturb the
chemical structure of the human system.
The twelve salts and their governing
sign are as follows:
Aries — Potassium Phosphate. Taurus — Sodium Sulphate. Gemini — Chloride of Potassium. Cancer — Fluoride of Lime (Calcium Fluoride). Leo — Phosphate of Magnesia. Virgo — Potassium Sulphate. Libra — Sodium Sulphate. Scorpio — Sulphate of Lime (Calcium Sulphate). Sagittarius — Silica. Capricorn — Phosphate of Lime (Calcium Phosphate). Aquarius — Sodium Chloride. Pisces — Phosphate of Iron (Ferrum-Phosphate).
The salt for the sign in which the
individual's natal Sun is posited is the
one that is apt to be used up faster than
the others. This applies especially when
the natal Sun is unfavorably aspected,
or in case of illness. But in either case
the person should have an increased
quantity of this particular salt.
The salt for the sign on the ascendant
in the natal chart, and those signs in
which the individual's Moon and planets
are posited, should also be considered.
There is a special need'of these salts if
the Moon or planets are adversely aspected.
As these salts are inorganic and may
not be easily assimilated, it is not advisable to take them in that form without a doctor's advice. However, all of
these salts are contained in the various
foods we eat, such as vegetables, fruits,
and dairy products, and it is in this
form as food that they should be taken
into the human body. In this state they
are easily assimilated by the digestive
system. The following list contains such
foods as are high in the, salts of the
individual signs:
There is much more nourishment obtained from foods that can be eaten uncooked than from those that have to be
cooked, for they contain the living fire
of life. Cooking tends to devitalize food,
and from the above list such foods as
are eaten uncooked will afford the greatest nourishment. The great Initiates
and advanced occult students practically live on such foods, and are able
to maintain life of a very high order by
consuming far less food than the ordinary individual who does not follow this
natural rule.
The planetary influences of foods are:
Jupiter, starches, fats, and oils; Mars,
condiments and other stimulating foods;
Venus, sweets; Moon, watery, salty
foods; Mercury, nerve building foods;
Saturn, bone building foods.
In the selection of proper foods for
nourishment we must keep in mind that
while we need all of the above-mentioned
types of foods there is a negative reaction, as well as a positive, to aspects
that influence our choice and desire for
foods. Starches, oils, and fats are very
necessary in the diet, but we can overdo
the use of. them, which is not conducive
to good health. A person with Jupiter
unfavorably aspected in the natal chart
has a tendency to react to this radiation
negatively. The expansive quality of
Jupiter is often misapplied. When this
planet is in Taurus in a natal chart
there is a tendency to gormandize. Jupiter unfavorably aspected in Cancer
gives a tendency to overeat. This can
result in stomach ailments, with Cancer
governing that part of the anatomy.
There is also a strong inclination in this
aspect to overindulge in all kinds of
The writer has witnessed the result of
Jupiter in Cancer in two friends' charts
she astro-diagnosed. One was well aspected, while the other was unfavorably
aspected by an opposition of the Moon.
The first, while he had a strong desire
for all carbohydrates, was very careful
not to overindulge this desire; the second responded fully to the opposition
of the Moon by indulging without restriction in all forms of carbohydrates,
which ultimately resulted in stomach
and liver ailments.
When Venus is unfavorably aspected
there is an inclination to eat excessively
of sugar and sweets. This is especially
applicable when Venus is in Cancer, and
by reflex in Capricorn. Such persons
need to govern this tendency because
Cancer rules the pancreas gland, and
diabetes may result. When Venus is
unfavorably aspected in Taurus there
is also a strong tendency to be overfond
of sweets, as this sign governs the palate. If we react positively to aspects to Venus we will obtain the energy we
need from sweets by including whole,
some sugars such as honey, molasses,
raw sugar, and sweet fruits in the diet,
instead of eating too much devitalized
white sugar, soda-pops, and candy.
The salt that the human body requires should be obtained principally
from fresh vegetables, but when the
Moon is unfavorably aspected the tendency is to use refined salt much too
An unfavorably aspected Mars gives
an inclination to indulge much too freely
in condiments and stimulating foods, especially in the sign Cancer, and by reflex in Capricorn. In the former it may cause inflammatory stomach disorders,
and in the latter gastric disturbances.
The stimulation such persons desire in
food can be obtained naturally in the
foods listed in this article under the
signs ruled by Mars.
Foods necessary for the nervous system are listed under the signs ruled by
Mercury, and the bone building foods
are listed under Capricorn,
In the matter of proper eating we
need to look to the location of Saturn
in the natal chart. When Saturn is posited in Cancer there can be obstruction
to the flow of gastric juices in the
stomach which are necessary to proper
digestion. This also applies by reflex
when Saturn is posited in Capricorn.
In either case such foods as are easily
digested should be eaten. When Saturn is posited in Virgo there is need to
eat such foods as would be easily assimilated in the process of intestinal digestion, because this sign governs the small
intestine and Saturn here can restrict
proper assimilation of food. Saturn in
this sign also makes the person too critical and fussy about food which, by mental reaction, can interfere with proper digestion.
Nature supplies all we need for bodily nourishment, but each individual
must learn how to select properly for
his requirements as his natal chart indicates.
— Rays from the Rose Cross Magazine, February, 1957, p. 75-78.
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