Disease is really a fire, the invisible fire which is The Father endeavoring to break up the crystallized conditions which we have gathered in our bodies. We recognize fever as a fire, but tumors, cancers, and all other diseases are really also the effect of that invisible fire, which
endeavors to purify the system and free it from conditions which we have
brought about by breaking the laws of Nature.
Again, we may say that disease is a manifestation of ignorance, the only
sin, and healing is a demonstration of applied knowledge, which is the only
salvation. Christ is an embodiment of the Wisdom Principle, and in
proportion as the Christ is formed in us we attain to health. Therefore,
the healer should be spiritual and endeavor to imbue his patient with high
ideals so that we may eventually learn to conform to God's laws which
govern the universe, and thus attain permanent health in future lives as
well as now.
The Old Testament opens with the account of how man was led astray by the false light of the Lucifer Spirits, giving birth to all the sorrow and
suffering in the world; it closes with the promise that the Sun of
Righteousness shall rise, with Healing in its wings. And in the New
Testament we find the Sun of Righteousness, The True Light, come to save
world, and the first fact that is stated in regard to Him is that He is of
Immaculate Conception.
Now this point should be thoroughly understood, that it is the Luciferian
taint of passion which has brought sorrow, sin, and suffering into the
world. When the creative power is used for sense gratification, whether in
solitary or associated vice, with or without legal marriage, that is the sin
which cannot be forgiven; it must be expiated. Humanity as a whole is now
suffering for that sin. The debilitated bodies, the sickness that we see
around us has been caused by centuries of abuse, and until we learn to
subdue our passions there can be no true health among the human race.
Prior to the impregnation of the desire body with this demoniac
principle, conception was immaculate and a sacrament. Men walked in the
presence of the Angels then, pure and unashamed. The act of fertilization
was as chaste as that of the flower. Therefore when the mischief has
been wrought, immediately the messenger, or Angel, girded them with leaves to
impress upon them the ideal which they must learn to live, namely, that of the
plant. Whenever we are able to perform the act of generation in a pure,
chaste, and passionless manner as the plant does, an immaculate conception
takes place and a Christ is born, capable of healing all the suffering of
humanity, capable of conquering death and establishing immortality, a true
light to lead humanity away from the will-o'-the-wisp of passion; through
self-sacrifice to compassion.
This then is the great ideal toward which we are striving: to cleanse
ourselves from the taint of egoism and self-seeking. Therefore we look upon
the emblem of the Rose Cross as an ideal. The seven red roses typify the
cleansed blood; the white rose shows the purity of life; and the golden
radiating star symbolizes that inestimable influence for health, helpfulness
and spiritual uplift which radiates from every servant of humanity.
Until the Christ life illumines us from within we do not comprehend,
neither do we follow, the laws of Nature, and consequently we contract
diseases by our ignorant contravention of these laws. As Emerson put it, a
man who is sick is a scoundrel in the act of being found out; he has broken
the laws of Nature. That is why it is necessary that the gospel of Christ
should be preached; that every one of us should learn to love our God with
our whole heart and our whole soul and our brother as ourselves, for all our
trouble in the world, whether we recognize it or not, comes from the one
great fact of our selfishness. If the alimentative function is deranged,
what is the reason? It is not that we have overtaxed our system because we
have been angered, and exhausted our nervous force by trying to get someone
to serve our selfish ends, and we feel resentful because we have not
succeeded? In every case selfishness is the prime cause of most diseases;
selfishness is the supreme besetting sin of ignorance.
The disabilities which affect humanity may be divided into two large
classes: mental and physical. The mental troubles are particularly
traceable to the abuse of the creative function, when they are congenital,
with one exception which we shall note later. The same holds true in case
of impairment of the faculty of speech. This is reasonable and easy to
understand. The brain and the larynx were built with half of the creative
force by the Angels, so that man who, prior to the acquisition of these
organs, was bisexual and able to create from himself alone, lost that faculty
when these organs were created and is now dependent upon the cooperation of
another of opposite polarity or sex in order to generate a new vehicle for
an incoming Spirit.
When we use spiritual sight to look at man in the Memory of Nature during
the time when he was yet in the making, we find that wherever there is now a
nerve, there was first a desire current; that the brain itself was made of
desire substance in the first place and also the larynx. It was desire that
first sent a motive impulse through the brain and created these nerve
currents, that the body might be moved and obtain for the Spirit
whatever gratification was indicated by desire. Speech, also, is used for
the purpose of obtaining a desired object or end. Through these faculties
man has obtained a certain mastery over the world, and if he could just flit
from one body to another, there would be no end to his abuse of his power
for gratifying every whim and desire. But under the Law of Consequence he
takes with him into a new body, faculties and organs similar to those which
he left behind in the one preceding.
When passion has wrecked the body in one life, it is stamped upon the
seed atom. In the next descent to rebirth it is therefore impossible for
him to gather sound material with which to build a brain of stable
construction. He is then usually born under one of the common signs, and
usually also, the four common signs are on the angles; for through these
signs passionate desire finds it difficult to express itself. Thus the
powerful impulse which formerly ruled in his brain and which might be used for
the purpose of rejuvenescence is absent; he lacks incentive in life and
therefore he becomes helpless — a log upon the ocean of life — often insane.
But the Spirit is not insane; it sees, knows, and has a keen desire to use
the body, though that may be an impossibility, for often it cannot even send a
correct impulse along the nerves. The muscles of face and body are therefore
not under the control of its will. This accounts for the lack of
coordination which makes the maniac such a pitiable sight. And thus the
Spirit learns one of the hardest lessons in life, namely, that it is worse
than death to be tied to a living body and unable to find expression through
it because the desire force necessary to accomplish thought, speech, and
motion has been spent in unrighteous living in a previous life and left the
Spirit without the necessary energy to operate its present fleshly
Though mental disabilities, when congenital, are generally traceable to
abuse of the creative function in a past life, there is at least one notable
exception to this rule: Where a Spirit, who has a particularly hard life
before it, comes down to rebirth and feels upon entering the womb that the
panorama of the coming life then shown it marks an existence too hard for it
to undergo, it sometimes tries to run away from the school of life. At this
time the Recording Angels or their agents have already made the connection
between the vital body and the sense centers of the brain in the forming
foetus; therefore the effort of the Spirit to escape from the mother's womb
is frustrated, but the wrench that is given by the Ego deranges the
connection between the etheric and physical sense centers, so that the vital
body is not concentric with the physical, causing the etheric head to extend
above the physical cranium. Thus it is impossible for the Spirit to use the
dense vehicle; it is tied to a mindless body which it cannot use, and the
embodiment is practically wasted.
We also find cases where a great shock later in life causes the Spirit to
endeavor to run away with the invisible vehicles. As a result a similar
wrench is given to the etheric sense centers in the brain, and the shock
deranges the mental expression. Everybody has probably felt a similar
sensation on receiving a fright; a surging as of something endeavoring to get
out of the dense body; that is the desire and vital bodies, which are so
swift in their action that an express train is as a snail by comparison. They
see and feel the danger and are frightened before the scare is transmitted
to the inert and slow physical body in which they are anchored, and which
prevents their escape under ordinary strain.
But at times, as said, the fright and shock are sufficiently severe to
give them such an impulse that the etheric sense centers are deranged. This
most frequently happens to persons born under common signs, which are the
weakest in the zodiac. However, as a ligament that has been stretched and
torn may gradually regain comparative elasticity, so also, in these cases,
it is easier to restore the mental faculties than in those cases where
congenital insanity, brought over from past lives, has caused inadequate
With regard to physical abnormalities and deformities, the rule seems to
be that as the physical indulgence of passion reacts on the mental state, so
the abuse of the mental powers in one life leads to physical disability in
later existences. An esoteric maxim says, "A lie is both murder and suicide
in the Desire World." The teachings of the Elder Brothers given in The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception explain that whenever an occurrence takes
place, a certain thought form generated in the invisible world makes a
record of the incident. Every time the event is talked about or commented
upon, a new thought form is created which coalesces with the original and
strengthens it, provided they are both true to the same vibration. But if
an untruth is told concerning what happens, then the vibrations of the
original and those of the reproduction are not identical; they jar and
jangle, tearing each other to pieces. If the good and true thought form is
sufficiently strong, it will overcome and break down the thought forms based
upon a lie, and the good will overcome the evil but where the lies and
malicious thoughts are the stronger, they may overcome the true thought form
of the occurrence and thus demolish it. Afterwards they will jar among
themselves, and all will in turn be annihilated. All things, in the
ultimate, work together for good.
Thus a person who lives a clean life, endeavoring to obey the laws of God
and striving earnestly for truth and righteousness, will create
thought-forms about him of a corresponding nature; his mind will run in
grooves that harmonize with truth; and when the time comes in the second
heaven to create the archetype for his coming life, he will readily,
intuitively, by force of habit from the past life, align himself with the
forces of right and truth. These lines being built into his body, will create
harmony in the coming vehicles, and health will therefore be his normal
portion in the coming life. Those who, on the other hand, have in the past
life taken a distorted view of things, displayed a disregard for truth, and
exercised cunning, extreme selfishness, and a disregard for the welfare of
others, are bound in the second heaven to see things in an oblique manner
also, because that is their habitual line of thought. Therefore, the
archetype built by them will embody lines of error and falsity; and
consequently, when the body is brought to birth, it will exhibit a weakness
in various organs, if not in the whole bodily organization.
Again we warn students not to draw quick conclusions from these tentative
rules. It is not our intention to imply that everyone that has a seemingly
healthy body has been a paragon of virtue in his past life, and he who
suffers from one disability or another has been a scapegrace
or good-for-nothing. None of us are able to tell at the present time
"the whole truth and nothing but the truth." We are deceived because our
senses are illusive. A long street seems to narrow in the distance, when,
as a matter of fact, it is just as wide a mile away as where we are
standing. The Sun and the Moon seem much larger when near the horizon than
when at the zenith; but, as a matter of fact, we know that they do not gain
in size by descending toward the horizon, nor lose by ascending into the
mid-heaven. Thus we are constantly making allowances for and correcting sense
illusions; similarly, with everything else in the world. What seems to be
true is not always so, and what is true today regarding conditions of life
may change tomorrow. Therefore it is impossible for us to know truth in the
ultimate under the evanescent and illusory conditions of physical existence.
It is only when we enter the higher realms, and particularly into the
Region of Concrete Thought, that the eternal verities are to be perceived;
hence we must necessarily make mistakes again and again, even despite our
most earnest efforts always to know and tell the truth. On that account it
is impossible for us to build a thoroughly harmonious vehicle. Were that
possible, such a body would really be immortal, and we know that immortality
in the flesh is not the design of God. Paul says that "flesh and blood cannot
inherit the kingdom of God."
But we know that even today only a very small percentage are ready to
live as near the truth as they see it, to confess it and profess it before
men by service and by righteous and harmless living. We can only understand
that such must have been few and far between in the by-gone days, when man
had not evolved the altruism that came to this planet with the advent of our
Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. The standards of morality were much lower
then, and the love of truth almost negligible in the greater part of
humanity, who were engrossed in their endeavors to accumulate as much wealth
or gain as much power or prestige for themselves as possible. They were
therefore naturally inclined to disregard the interests of others, and to
tell a lie seemed in no way reprehensible and sometimes even appeared
meritorious. The archetypes were constantly full of weaknesses, and the
organic functions of the body today are interfered with to a serious degree as
a result, particularly as the Western bodies are becoming more high strung
and more sensitive to pain on account of the Spirit's growing consciousness.
From the esotericist's standpoint there are four classes of insanity.
Insanity is always caused by a break in the chain of vehicles between the Ego
and the physical body. This break may occur between the brain centers and
the vital body, or it may be between the vital and desire body, between the
desire body and the mind, or between the mind and the Ego. The rupture may
be complete or only partial.
When the break is between the brain centers and the vital body, or between that and the desire body, we have the mentally disabled. When the break is between the desire body and the mind, the violent and impulsive desire body rules and we have the raving maniac. When the break is between the Ego and the mind, the mind is the ruler over the other vehicles and we have the cunning maniac, who may deceive his keeper into believing that he is
perfectly harmless until he has hatched some diabolical, cunning scheme.
Then he may suddenly show his deranged mentality and cause a dreadful
There is one cause of insanity that it may be well to explain, as it is
sometimes possible to avoid it. When the Ego is returning from the
invisible world toward re-embodiment, it is shown the various
incarnations available. It sees the coming life in its great and general
events, much as a moving picture passing before its vision. The it is given
the choice, usually, of several lives. It sees at that time the lessons
it has to learn, the fate it has generated for itself in past lives, and
what part of that fate it will have to liquidate in each of the embodiments
offered. The it makes its choice and is guided by the agents of the
Recording Angels to the country and family where it is to live its coming
The panoramic view is seen in the Third Heaven where the Ego is naked and
feels spiritually above sordid material considerations. It is much wiser
then that is appears here on Earth, where it is blinded by the flesh to an
inconceivable extent. Later, when conception has taken place and the Ego
draws into the womb of its mother, on about the 18th day after that event,
it comes in contact with the etheric mold of its new physical body which has
been made by the Recording Angels to give the brain formation that will
impress upon the Ego the tendencies necessary to work out its destiny.
There the Ego sees again the pictures of its coming life as the drowning
man perceives the pictures of his past life — in a flash. At that time the
Ego is already partially blind to its spiritual nature, so that if the coming
life seems to be a hard one, it will oftentimes shrink from entering the womb
and making the proper brain connections. It may endeavor to draw itself
out quickly and then, instead of being concentric as the vital and dense
bodies should be, the vital body formed of ether may be drawn
partially above the head of the dense body. In that case the connection
between the sense centers of the vital body and the dense body are disrupted
and the result is congenital idiocy, epilepsy, St. Vitus Dance, and similar
nervous disorders.
The inharmonious relation between the parents which sometimes exists is
often the last straw that makes an Ego feel that it cannot enter such an
environment. Therefore, it cannot be too seriously impressed upon prospective
parents that during the gestatory period it is of the utmost importance that
every thing should be done to keep the mother in a condition of contentment
and harmony. For it is a very hard task for the Ego to go through the womb;
it taxes all its sensibilities to the very utmost, and inharmonious
conditions in the home it is entering are, of course, an added source of
discomfort, which may result in the above named dreadful state of affairs.
Black magic in its minor forms, such as hypnotism, for instance,
sometimes causes congenital idiocy in a future life. The hypnotist deprives
his victims of the free use of their bodies. Under the law of consequence he
is then tied to a body with a malformed brain, which prevents his
expression. We must not infer, however, that every case of congenital idiocy
is due to such malpractice on the part of the Ego in a past life; there are
also other causes which may bring congenital idiocy as a result.
Drugs and breathing exercises, such as the Eastern aspirant uses, have a dreadfully destructive effect upon the Westerner's body, and it will therefore be seen that their use is altogether undesirable. Many a man is today in the insane asylum or in the grave of the consumptive on account of breathing exercises, and the effects of drugs are well known. The atoms of the Western body have
been highly sensitized, and the exercises which may be used with impunity by an Eastern person, will cause the atoms of the Western body to run riot. It is extremely difficult to bring them into proper repose again.
Where a person becomes a medium for a disembodied Spirit which enters the
body, as in the case of the trance medium where it takes possession of the
body and uses it as the owner might do, there is little if any harm done,
provided the Spirit control does not abuse his privilege. In fact, there
are some cases where Spirit controls have better idea of caring for a body
than the owner himself, and may sometimes improve the health. But Spirits
of a high ethical nature do not usually control a medium, it is rather
earthbound and low Spirits who obtain a control over mediumistic persons, and when in possession of the body they may use it to gratify their low passions for drink and sex. Thus they cause a disturbance to the system and a deterioration of the
In the case of the materializing medium, we may say that the influence is
always injurious. The materializing Spirit entrances the victim and then
draws the ether of the vital body out through the spleen, for the difference
between the materializing medium and the ordinary person is the fact that
the connection between the vital body and the dense body is exceedingly lax,
so that it is possible to withdraw this vital body to a very great extent.
The vital body is the vehicle whereby the solar currents which give us
vitality are specialized. Deprived of the vitalizing principle, the body of
the medium at the time of the materialization sometimes shrinks to almost
one-half its usual size; the flesh becomes flabby and the spark of life
burns very low. When the séance is over and the vital body replaced the
medium is awakened and in normal consciousness. He then experiences a feeling
of the most terrible exhaustion and sometimes, unfortunately, resorts to
drink to revive the vital forces. In that case, of course, the health will
very soon suffer and the medium will become a total wreck. At any rate,
mediumship should be avoided, for apart from this danger to the instrument
there are other and far more subtle bodies, and particularly in connection
with the after-death state.
Obsession is a state where a discarnate Spirit has taken permanent
possession of the body of someone after dispossessing the owner. But
sometimes people who have formed the habit of drunkenness or some other low
vice seek to excuse themselves by claiming to be obsessed. Wherever a
person makes that statement concerning himself, one may nearly always be
sure that it is nothing but an excuse, for a thief who has stolen something
here in the material world does not go about and tell people of his theft,
neither does an obsessing entity go around proclaiming the fact. It is very
certain that such an entity does not care what is thought about the man whose
body he has stolen, so that there is not reason why he should tell and risk
being exorcised.
There is an infallible means of knowing whether a person is really
obsessed, namely, by diagnosis of the eye. "The eye is the window of the
soul," and only the true owner is capable of contracting and expanding the
iris, or pupil of the eye, so that if we take a person who claims to be
obsessed or whom we think is obsessed, to a room which is darkened, we shall
find that the pupil of his eye will not expand if he is obsessed. Neither
will the pupil contract when we bring him into the sunlight, nor expand if
we ask him to look at an object at a distance or contract when he is asked
to read small type. In short, the pupil of the eye will respond neither to
light nor to distance when a person is obsessed, but there is also a certain
disease called locomotor ataxia, where the iris will not respond to distance
but is responsive to light.
No one who maintains a positive attitude of mind can ever become
obsessed, for so long as we assert our individuality that is strong enough to
keep all outsiders away. But in spiritualistic séances where the sitters
are negative there is always a great danger. The best way to avoid becoming
obsessed would be to maintain this positive attitude, and anyone who is at
all negatively inclined should avoid going to spiritualistic séances, crystal
gazing, and other methods of evoking spirits. This is bad practice,
anyway, for those who have gone beyond have their work to do there and
should not be brought back here.
At the moment of death when the seed atom in the heart, which contains
all the experiences of the past life in a panoramic picture, is ruptured,
the spirit leaves its physical body taking with it the finer bodies. It
then hovers over the dense body which is now dead, as we call it, for a time
varying from a number of hours to three and one-half days. The determining
factor as to the time is the strength of the vital body, the vehicle which
constitutes the soul body spoken of in the Bible. There is then a pictorial
reproduction of the life, a panorama in reverse order from death to birth,
and the pictures are etched upon the desire body through the medium of the
reflecting ether in this vital body. During this time the consciousness of
the Spirit is concentrated in the vital body, or at least it should be, and
it has therefore no feeling about the matter. The picture that is impressed
upon the vehicle of feeling and emotion, the desire body, is the basis of
subsequent suffering in the life in Purgatory for evil deeds, and of
enjoyment in the First Heaven on account of the good done in the past life.
The investigations of later years have revealed the additional fact that
there is another process going on during these important days following
death. A cleavage takes place in the vital body similar to that made by the
process of initiation. So much of this vehicle as can be termed "soul,"
coalesces with the higher vehicles and is the basis of consciousness in the
invisible worlds after death. The lower part which is discarded, returns to
the physical body and hovers over the grave in the great majority of cases,
as stated in the Cosmo. This cleavage of the vital body is not the same in
all persons but depends upon the nature of the life lived and the character
of the person that is passing out. In extreme cases this division varies
very much from normal. This important point was brought out in many cases
of supposed spirit obsession which have been investigated from Headquarters;
in fact it was these cases which developed the far-reaching and astounding
discoveries brought out by our most recent researches into the nature of the
obsession from which the people who appealed to us were suffering. As might
be expected, of course, the division in these cases showed a preponderance
of evil, and efforts were then made to find out if there were not also
another class of people where a different division with a preponderance of
good takes place. It is a pleasure to record that this was found to be the
case, and after weighing the facts discovered, balancing one with another,
the following seems to be a correct description of the conditions and their
The vital body aims to build the physical, whereas our desires and
emotions tear down. It is the struggle between the vital body and the
desire body which produces consciousness in the Physical World, and which
hardens the tissues so that the soft body of the child gradually becomes
tough and shrunken in old age, followed by death. The morality or
immorality of our desires and emotions acts in a similar manner on the vital
body. Where devotion to high ideals is the mainspring to action, where the
devotional nature has been allowed for years to express itself freely and
frequently, and particularly where this has been accomplished by the
scientific exercises of Retrospection and Concentration, the quantity of
the chemical and life ethers gradually diminishes as the animal appetites
vanish, and an increased amount of the light and reflecting ether takes their
place. As a consequence, the physical health is not as robust among
people who follow the higher path as among people whose indulgence of the
lower nature attracts the chemical and life ethers, in proportion to the
extent and nature of their vice, to the partial or total exclusion of the
two higher ethers.
Several very important consequences connected with death follow this
fact. As it is the chemical ether which cements the molecules of the body
in their places and keeps them there during life, when only a minimum of
this material is present, disintegration of the physical vehicle after death
must by very rapid. This the writer has not been able to verify because it
is difficult to find men of high spiritual proclivities who have passed out
recently, but it would seem that this is so from the fact recorded in the
Bible that the body of Christ was not found in the tomb when the people came
to look for it. As we have said before in relation to this matter, the
Christ spiritualized the body of Jesus so highly, made it so vibrant, that
it was almost impossible to keep the particles in place during His ministry.
As stated before, a worldly life increases the proportion of the lower
ethers in the vital body to that of the higher. Where, in addition, a
so-called "clean life" is lived and excesses avoided, the health during life
is more robust than that of the aspirant to the higher life, because the
latter's attitude to life builds a vital body composed principally of the
higher ethers. He loves "the bread of life" more than physical sustenance
and therefore his instrument becomes increasingly high-strung, nervous, and
delicate, a sensitive conditions which greatly furthers the objects of the
Spirit, but which is a hardship from the physical viewpoint.
In the majority of mankind there is such a preponderance of selfishness
and a desire to get the most out of life as they view that matter, that
either they are busy keeping the wolf from the door or accumulating
possessions and taking care of them, and hence they have very little time or
inclination to undertake the soul culture so necessary to true success in
Therefore there is so little that persists in each life of the majority
and evolution is so frightfully slow that until one is able to view the act
of death from the higher regions of the World of Concrete Thought and, so to
say, look downwards, it does not appear that anything is saved of the vital
body. This body seems to return complete to the physical body and hover
over the grave, there to disintegrate simultaneously with the latter. As a
matter of fact, an increasing part cleaves to the higher vehicles and goes
with them into the desire world, there to be a basis of consciousness in,
and to live through, the purgatorial and heaven lives, generally persisting
until man enters the second heaven and unites with the nature forces there
in his efforts to create for himself a new environment. By that time, it
has been absorbed by the spirit or almost so, and whatever may remain of a
material nature will quickly fade away.
But there are some people who are of such an evil nature that they enjoy a
life spent in vice and degenerate practices, a brutal life, and who delight
in giving pain. Sometimes they even cultivate the esoteric arts for evil
purposes so that they may have a greater power over their victims. Then
their fiendish, immoral practices result in hardening their vital body.
In such extreme cases where the animal nature has been paramount, where
there has been no soul expression in the preceding Earth life, the division
in the vital body spoken of before cannot take place at death, for there is
no dividing line. In such a case, if the vital body should gravitate back
to the dense body and there gradually disintegrate, the effect of a very
evil life would not be so far-reaching, but unfortunately there is in such
cases an interlocking grip of the vital and the desire bodies which prevents
separation. We have seen that where a man lives mostly in the higher
nature, his spiritual vehicles are nourished to the detriment of the lower.
Conversely, where his consciousness is centered in the lower vehicles, he
strengthens them immeasurably. It should be understood that the life of the
desire body is not terminated by the departure of the spirit; it has a
residual life and consciousness. The vital body is also able to sense things
in a slight measure for a few days after death in ordinary cases (hence the
suffering caused by embalming, post-mortem examinations, etc., immediately
after death), but where a low life has hardened and endured it with great
strength, it has a tenacious hold on life and an ability to feed on odors of
foods and liquors. Sometimes, as a parasite, it even vampirizes people with
whom it comes in contact.
Thus an evil man may live for many, many years unseen in our very midst,
yet so close that he is nearer than hands and feet. He is far more dangerous
than the physical criminal for he is able to prompt others of a similar bent
to criminal or degenerate practices without fear of detection or punishment
by law.
Such beings are therefore one of the greatest menaces to society
imaginable. They have sent countless victims to prison, broken up homes
and caused an unbelievable amount of unhappiness. They always leave their
victims when the latter have come into the clutches of the law. They
gloat over their victims's sorrow and distress, this being a part of their
fiendish scheme. It is amazing when one searches the Memory of Nature of
the past to find how prevalent this interlocking condition of the desire and
vital bodies was in former centuries and millenniums. We realize, of course,
in a sort of an abstract way, that the farther we go back into the history
of men the more savage we find them, but that in our own historical times
this savagery should have been so common and so brutal and that might was
the measure of right absolutely and beyond dispute, was, to say the least,
quite a shock to the writer. It has been taught that selfishness and desire
were purposely fostered under the regime of Jehovah to give incentive to
action. This in the course of time had so hardened the desire body that when
the advent of Christ took place, there was almost no heaven life among the
people then living.
Earthbound Spirits, such as previously mentioned, gravitate to the lower
regions of the Desire World which interpenetrates the ether, and are in
constant and close touch with those people on Earth most favorably situated
for aiding them in their evil designs. They usually stay in the earthbound
condition for fifty, sixty, or seventy-five years, but extreme cases have
been found in which such people so remain for centuries.
When the Spirit has left the sin body, as we call this body in contrast
to the soul body, to ascend to the Second Heaven, it does not disintegrate
as quickly as the ordinary shell left behind by normal people, for the
consciousness in it is enhanced by its dual composition; that is to say,
being composed of both a vital and desire body, it has an individual or a
personal consciousness that is very remarkable. It cannot reason, but there
is a low cunning present which makes it seem as though it were actually
endowed with a spiritual presence, an Ego, and this enables it to live a
separate life for many centuries. The departed Spirit meanwhile enters the
Second heaven, but having done no work on Earth to desire or merit a
prolonged stay there or in the Third heaven, it only stays there
sufficiently long to create a new environment for itself and it is then
reborn much earlier than usual — to satisfy the cravings for material things
which draw it so strongly.
When the Spirit returns to Earth, this sin body is naturally attracted
towards it, and usually stays with it all its life as a demon.
Investigations have proved that this class of soulless creatures were very
prevalent during Biblical times, and it was to them that our Savior referred
as devils, they being the cause of various obsessions and bodily ills such
as are recorded in the Bible.
In addition to the entities already mentioned who dwell in a sin body
made by themselves, and who thus suffer entirely from their own deeds in the
period of expiation, two classes were found which were similar in certain
respects although different in others. In addition to the divine
Hierarchies and the four life waves of Spirits now evolving in the Physical
World through the mineral, plant, animal, and human kingdoms, there also
other life waves which express themselves in the various invisible worlds.
Among them there are certain classes of sub-human spirits which are
called elementals. It sometimes happens that one of these elementals takes
possession of the sin body of some one of a savage tribe, and thus adds extra
intelligence to that being. At the rebirth of the spirit that generated this
sin body, the usual attracting brings them together, but on account of the
elemental ensouling the sin body, the spirit becomes different from the
other members of the tribe, and we find them then acting as medicine men or
in a similar capacity. These elemental spirits ensouling the sin bodies of
Indians also act upon mediums as spirit controls, and having obtained power
over the medium during life, when he dies, these elemental controls oust him
from the vehicles which contain his life experience. Thus the medium may be
retarded in evolution for ages, for there is no power that can compel these
spirits to let go, once they have gained control of such a body. Therefore,
though mediumship may produce no seeming evil effect in a lifetime, there is a
very, very grave danger after death to the person who allows another to take
possession of his body.
Hysteria, Epilepsy,
Tuberculosis, and Cancer
Hysteria, epilepsy, tuberculosis, and cancer were all found to result
from the erratic propensities of a past life. It was noticed that though
many of the subjects had been, in the past lives investigated, almost
maniacal in the gratification of their lasciviousness, they were at the same
that the physical body generated in the present life was normally healthy
and their disability altogether mental, while in other cases where the
indulgence of the passional nature was coupled with a vile character and a
cruel disregard of others, epilepsy together with rachitis, hysteria, and a
deformed body were the present result. Frequently, cancer, especially cancer
of the liver or breast resulted.
In this connection, however, we wish again to warn students not to draw
hasty conclusions that these are hard and fast conditions. The number of
investigations made, though very large and an arduous task for one
researcher to handle, are too few to be really conclusive in matters involving
millions of human beings. They are, however, in line with the teachings of
the Cosmo given by the Elder Brothers regarding the effect of materialism in
bring about rachitis, a softening of a part of the body that should be hard,
and tuberculosis, which hardens tissues that should be soft and pliable.
Cancer is essentially similar in effect; and when we consider that the sign
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the planet of generation, and that the lunar
sphere is under the sway of Jehovah, the God of generation, whose Angels
announce and preside over birth as instanced in the case of Isaac, Samuel,
John the Baptist, and Jesus, we readily see that abuse of the creative
function can cause both cancer and lunacy in the most differentiated forms.
Regarding lack of vision or disabilities or the organ of sight, it has
long been known among researches that it is the effect of extreme cruelty in a
past life. Recent investigations have developed the further information
that much of the eye trouble now prevalent among people is due to the fact
that our eyes are changing; they are, in fact, becoming responsive to a
higher octave of vision that before, because the ether surrounding the Earth
is becoming more dense and the air is growing more rarer. This is
particularly true in certain parts of the world, Southern California among
others. It is noteworthy in this connection that the Aurora Borealis is
becoming more frequent and more powerful in its effects upon the Earth. In
the early years of the Christian Era this phenomenon was almost unknown, but
in the course of time as the Christ wave which descends into the Earth
during part of the year, infuses more and more of its own life into the
dead, earthly lump, the etheric vital rays become visible at intervals.
Later they became more and more numerous and are now commencing to interfere
with our electric activities, particularly with telegraphy, which service
is sometimes completely demoralized by these radiating streamers.
It is also noteworthy that the disturbances are confined to wires going
east and west. Rays or lines of force from the plant Group Spirits, radiate
in all directions from the center of the Earth towards the periphery and
then outwards, passing through the roots of plants or trees, then upwards
towards the top of same.
The currents of the animal Group Spirits, on the other hand, encircle the
Earth. The comparatively weak and invisible currents generated by the Group
Spirits of the plants, and the very strong powerful rays of force generated
by the Christ Spirit now becoming visible as the Aurora Borealis, have
hitherto been of about the same nature as static electricity, while the
currents generated by the animal Group Spirits and which encircle the Earth
may be likened to dynamic electricity which gave the Earth its power of
motion in bygone ages. Now, however, the Christ currents are becoming more
and more forceful and their static electricity is being liberated. The
etheric impulse which they give will inaugurate a new era, and the sense
organs now possessed by mankind must accommodate themselves to this change.
Instead of the etheric rays which emanate from an object bringing a reflected
image to the retina of our eyes, the so-called "blind spot" will be
sensitized and we shall look out through the eye and see directly the thing
itself instead of the image upon our retina. Then we shall not only see
the surface of the thing we observe, but we shall be able to see through it
as those who have cultivated the etheric vision do now.
As time goes on and the Christ by His beneficient ministration attracts
more and more of the interplanetary ether to the Earth, thus making its vital
body more luminous, we shall be walking in a sea of light, and when we learn
to forsake our ways of selfishness and egotism through the constant contact
with these beneficent Christ vibrations, we shall also become luminous.
Then the eye as it is now constituted would not be of service to is, therefore
it is now beginning to change and we are experiencing the discomfort incident
to all reconstruction.
It was found by examining a number of people in normal health that each
of the prismatic atoms composing the lower ethers radiated from itself the
lines of force which set spinning the physical atom in which it is inserted,
enduring the whole body with life. The united trend of all these units of
force is toward the periphery of the body, where they constitute what has
been called the "Odic Fluid," also designated by other names. When the air
pressure from without is lowered by residence in a high altitude, a tendency
to nervousness becomes manifest because the etheric force from within rushes
outward unchecked; and were the man not able to shut off the outflow of solar
energy in part by an effort of will to overcome the difficulty, no one could
live in such a place.
We have heard of "shell shock" and we are aware that numbers of people
who had not even the slightest wound were found dead on the battlefield. In
fact, we had seen and spoken with people who had passed out in this manner
but were at a loss to know why death had resulted. They all disclaimed fear
and were unanimous in their assertion that they had suddenly become
unconscious and a moment later they had found themselves in their present
condition. They were unlike their fellows in that they had not a single
scratch on their bodies. Our preconceived idea that it must have been a
momentary fear at a particularly close call which, though unrealized, had
caused their demise, prevented a full investigation; but the ascertained
results of the consequences of a fall led us to believe that something
similar might take place in this connection; this surmise was correct.
One night some time ago while in transit to a place in a far country
where I had a mission to perform, I heard a cry. Though the human voice can
be heard only in air, there are overtones which are heard in the spiritual
realms at distances exceeding those traversed by wireless messages. The cry
was close by, however, and I was on the scene in an instant, but not soon
enough to give the needed help. I found a man sliding down a slanting
embankment, bare of vegetation, perhaps a dozen feet in width, and as it
proved on subsequent examination, almost smooth, and without a fissure which
would have afforded a hold for his fingers. To have saved him would have
involved materialization of both hands and shoulders, but there was no time.
In a moment he had slid over the overhanging precipice and was falling to
the floor of the canyon below, probably several thousand feet.
Prompted by a natural spirit of fellow feeling I followed and on the way
observed the phenomenon which is the way observed the phenomenon which is
the basis of this article, namely, that when the body had attained a
considerable velocity, the ethers composing the vital body commenced to ooze
out, and when the body crashed to rocks below, a mangled mass, there was
very little if any ether left in it. Gradually, however, the ethers drifted
together, took form, and hovered with the finer vehicles above the mangled
corpse; but the man was in a stupor and unable to sense or realize the fact
of his altered condition.
As soon as I saw that he was beyond help, I went on; but on thinking the
matter over it dawned on me that something unusual had happened and that it
was my duty to find out if the ethers left that way in everyone who fell,
and if so, why. Under old time conditions this would have been difficult,
but the advent of the flying machine claims many victims. It was therefore
easy to ascertain the fact that when a falling body has attained a certain
velocity, the higher ethers leave the dense body, and the falling man
becomes insensible. As the body reaches the ground, it is mangled, but the
poor man may regain consciousness when the ether has reorganized itself. He
will then begin to suffer from the physical consequences of the fall. If
the fall continues after the higher ethers have left, the increased velocity
dislodges the lower ethers, and the silver cord is all that remains attached
to the body. This is ruptured at the moment of impact with the ground, and
the seed atom passes on to the breaking point, where it is held in the usual
From these facts we came to the conclusion that is the normal air
pressure which holds the vital body within the dense. When we move with an
abnormal velocity, the pressure is removed from some parts of the body and a
partial vacuum formed, with the further result that the ethers leave the
body and flow into this vacuum. The two higher ethers, which are most
loosely bound, are the first to disappear and leave the man senseless after
they have produced the panorama of life in a flash. Then if the fall
continues to increase the air pressure in front of the body and the vacuum
behind, the more closely bound lower ethers are also forced out, and the body
is dead before it reaches the ground.
When a large projective passes through the air, it creates a vacuum
behind it by the enormous velocity wherewith it moves, and if the person is
within this vacuum zone while the shell is passing, he suffers in a measure
determined by his own nature and his proximity to the center of suction.
His position is in fact a reverse replica of the man who falls; for he
stands still while a moving body removes the air pressure and allows the
ethers to escape. If the amount of ether dislocated is comparatively slight
and is composed only of the third and fourth ethers which govern sense
perception and memory, he will probably suffer only a temporary loss of
memory and inability to sense things or move. This disability will disappear
when the extracted ethers are again fitted inside the dense body — a much
more difficult achievement than where the physical body succumbs and the
reorganization takes place without reference to that vehicle.
Our bodies are gradually hardening from childhood to old age, on account
of the chalky substances contained in most of the foods we usually nourish
our bodies upon. This calcareous matter is primarily deposited in the walls
of the arteries and veins, causing what is known to the medical profession
as arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. The arteries of a little
child are exceedingly soft an elastic, like a rubber tube, but gradually as
we advance through childhood, youth, and on toward old age, the walls of the
arteries become harder in consequence of the deposits of chalk left by the
passing blood. Thus in time they may become as stiff and inelastic as a
pipe stem. There is a condition which is called pipe-stem artery. The
arteries then become brittle and may break, causing hemorrhage and death.
Therefore it is truly said that a man is as old as his arteries. If we can
clear the arteries and capillaries of this earthy matter, we may gradually
prolong life and the usefulness of our body.
From the esoteric standpoint, of course, it is no matter whether we live or
die, as the saying is, for death to us does not mean annihilation but only
the shifting of the consciousness to other spheres; nevertheless, when we
have brought a vehicle through the useless years of childhood past the hot
years of youth, and have come to the time of discretion when we are really
beginning to gain experience, then the longer we can prolong the time of
experience the more we may gain. For that reason it is of a certain value to
prolong the life of the body.
In order to accomplish that result, we must first select the foods that
are least impregnated with the choking substances which cause the induration
of arteries and capillaries. These may be briefly stated to be the green
vegetables and all fruits. next, it is of importance to seek to eradicate
the choking matter which we have already absorbed, if that is possible, but
science has not yet found any food or medicine that will with certainty
produce that effect. Electric baths have been found to be exceedingly
beneficial but not entirely satisfactory. Buttermilk is the best agent
for eradicating this earthy substance and next comes grape juice. If taken
continually and in generous quantities, these substances will considerably
ameliorate the hardened condition of the arteries.
Unfortunately, people seem to lay their bad traits to heredity, blaming
their parents for their faults, while taking to themselves all the credit
for the good. The very fact that we differentiate between that which is
inherited and that which is our own shows that there are two sides to man's
nature, the side of the form, and the life side.
We are drawn to certain people by the law of causation, and the law of
association. The same law which causes musicians to seek the company of one
another in concert halls, gamblers to congregate at the race tracks or in
pool rooms, people of a studious nature to flock to libraries, etc., also
causes people of similar tendencies, characteristics, and tastes to be born
in the same family. When we hear a person say, "Oh, yes, I know I am
extravagant, but i just cannot help it. It runs in the family," it is the law
of association; and the sooner we recognize, that instead of making the law
of heredity an excuse for our evil habits, we should seek to conquer them
and cultivate virtues instead, the better for us.
Man is essentially spirit and he comes here equipped with a mental and
moral nature, which are entirely his own, taking from his parents only the
material for the physical body. Thus while heredity in the first place is
true only as regards the material of the dense body and not the soul
qualities, which are entirely individual, the incoming Ego also does a
certain amount of work on its dense body, incorporating in it the
quintessence of its past physical qualities. No body is an exact
mixture of the qualities of its parents, although the Ego is restricted to
the use of the materials taken from the bodies of the father and mother.
Hence a musician incarnates where he can get the material to build the
slender hand and the delicate ear, with its sensitive fibers of Corti and its
accurate adjustment of the three semicircular canals. The arrangement of
these materials, however, is to the extent named, under the control of the
In the fetus, in the lower part of the throat just above the sternum or
breast bone, there is a gland called the thymus gland, which is largest during
the period of gestation and which gradually atrophies as the child grows older
and disappears entirely by or before the fourteenth year, very often when
the bones have been properly formed. Science has been very much puzzled
as to the use of this gland, and few theories have been advanced to account
for it. Among these theories one is that it supplies the material for the
manufacture of the red blood corpuscles until the bones have been properly
formed in the child so that it may manufacture its own blood corpuscles.
That theory is correct.
During the earliest years the Ego which owns the child-body is not in
full possession, and we recognize that the child is not responsible for its
doings, at any rate not before the seventh year, and later we have extended
it to the fourteenth year. During that time no legal liability for its
action attaches to the child, and that it as it should be, for the Ego being
in the blood can only function properly in blood of its own making, so that
where, as in the child-body, the stock of the blood is furnished by the
parents through the thymus gland, the child is not yet its own master or
mistress. Thus it is that children do not speak of themselves so much as
"I" in the earlier years, but identify themselves with the family; they
are Papa's girl and Mama's boy. The young child will say "Mary wants this"
or "Johnny wants that," but as soon as they have attained the age of
puberty and have begun to manufacture their own blood corpuscles, then we
hear the boy or girl say, "I" will do this or "I" will do that. From that
time they begin to assert their own identify, and to tear themselves loose
from the family.
Seeing, then, that the blood throughout the years of childhood, as well
as the body, is inherited from the parents, the tendencies to disease are
also carried over, not the disease itself, but the tendency. After the
fourteenth year, when the indwelling Ego has commenced to manufacture its
own blood corpuscles, it depends a great deal upon itself whether or not
these tendencies shall become manifested actualities in its life.
Flesh and alcohol have the tendency to make man ferocious and to turn his
spiritual sight away from the higher worlds and focus vision upon the
present material plane. Therefore the Bible tells us that at the beginning
of the rainbow age, the age where we live in an atmosphere of clear and pure
air, so different from the misty atmospheric condition of Atlantis spoken of
in the second chapter of Genesis, Noah first brewed wine. Material
development has taken place in consequence of the present focusing of our
energies upon the material world, which resulted from partaking of meat and
Christ's first miracle changed water into wine. He had received the Universal Spirit at the baptism, and had no need of artificial stimulants.
He changed the water to wine to give to others less advanced. But no
wine bibbers can inherit the kingdom of God. The esoteric reason is this,
that while the lower ethers vibrate to the seed atoms in the solar plexus and
the heart, and thus keep the physical body alive, the higher ethers vibrate
to the pituitary body and pineal gland. By imbibing this false
rebellious spirit that is fermented outside the body, and is different from
the spirit that is fermented inside, by sugar, these organs are temporarily
dazed and cannot vibrate to the higher world, and so because of age-long
abuse, man has ceased to function in the higher worlds. If he takes too much
of this spirit of alcohol, the organs named may be slightly awakened so that
he sees the lowest realms of the desire world and all the evil things therein;
that happens in the disease known as delirium tremens. To sum up, as the
evolution of soul depends upon acquisition of the two higher ethers from
which the beautiful wedding garment is made, and as these ethers are attuned
to the organs named in the same manner that the lower ethers are attuned to
the seed atom in the heart and the seed atom in the solar plexus, you
will readily understand the deadly effects to the spiritual man, of alcohol
and drugs. To elucidate further I quote an incident of life.
There is an old saying: "Once a Mason always a Mason"; that means that
when anyone has received the initiation of the Masonic Order, and by virtue
of that becomes a Mason, he cannot resign, for he cannot give up that
knowledge and the secrets which he has learned any more than a person who goes
to college can give back his learning received at that institution and
therefore, once a Mason always a Mason, and likewise, once a pupil, a
lay brother, of a mystery school, always a pupil and a lay brother of said
same mystery school. But though that holds good and life after life we come
back connected with the same order that we have been affiliated with in
previous lives, we may in any one life so conduct ourselves that it is
impossible for us to realize this in our physical brains, and I will, as said,
cite for the benefit of all students a case which is very much to the point.
When I was taken into the Temple of the Rosicrucian order in Germany I
was surprised to see a man whom I had known on the Pacific Coast; that is to
say I had seen him a few times; we had never spoken. He seemed at that time
to be in a station in the society, where we were connected, much above mine,
and I had never had personal acquaintance with him. However, he greeted me
there warmly, and seemed to understand all about his connection with said
society, about our meeting there, and so forth; and I looked forward upon my
return to America to getting much information from this brother when I
should be fortunate enough to meet him here in the West. When I arrived at
the city where he was, I was told by mutual friends that he had been expecting
me and was looking forward anxiously to meeting me. Therefore, when I did
meet the gentleman, I at once went up to him and shook him by the hand. He
also seemed to recognize me and called me by name. It seemed there was
every indication that he knew all that had happened while we were both out
of the body. Besides, he had told me in the Temple that he remembered
everything that happened to him when out of the body; this of course I
believed for he was of a much higher degree than the first, into which I had
just been admitted.
On the day of our physical meeting, after a few moments' conversation I
said something which caused him to stare at me blankly. I had referred to
some incident of our meeting in the Temple, and he showed plainly that he
knew nothing whatever of it. I had, however, said so much that I was forced
to say more, or appear very foolish so I told him that he had professed to
remember everything. This he denied, and at the end of the interview he
begged me very earnestly to endeavor to find out why it was that he was a
lay brother of the Rosicrucian Order, yet could not remember that which took
place during his absence from the body. He was as I knew at various Temple
services. He took part, yet in his physical brain he was absolutely
ignorant of that which had occurred. The mystery was solved a little later
when I learned from him, out of the body, the fact that he smoked cigarettes
and used drugs which clouded his brain to such an extent that it had become
impossible for him to carry anything through of his psychic experiences. When
I told him that in the body, he made a valiant effort to rid himself of the
habit which he acknowledged. This case illustrates how careful we should be
to be clean in our habits; in everything to regard this body of ours as the
Temple of God, and refrain from defiling it as we would refrain from defiling
a house of God built of stone and mortar, which is not one millionth part
as holy as the body wherewith we have been endowed. The brain, in particular,
is the great and important instrument whereby we are doing our work in the
Physical World, and we obviously should not use any intoxicants or drugs
which muddle it and thus prevent our making the progress we expect.
It is a trite saying that "man if of few days and full of trouble."
Among all the vicissitudes of life none affects us more powerfully than loss
of health. We may lose fortunes or friends with comparative equanimity, but
when health fails and death threatens, the strongest falter; realizing human
impotence we are more ready to turn to divine power for succor then than at
other times. Therefore, the office of spiritual adviser has always been
closely associated with healing.
Among primitive humans the priest was also "medicine man." In ancient Greece,
Aesculapius was particularly sought by those in need of healing. The church
followed in his steps. Certain Catholic orders have continued the endeavor
to assuage pain during the centuries which have intervened between that day
and the resent. In times of sickness the "good Father" came as a
representative of our Father in Heaven, and what he lacked in skill was made
up by love and sympathy — if he was indeed a true and holy priest — and by the
faith engendered in the patient by the priestly office. His care of the
patient did not commence at the sick bed, nor was it terminated at recovery.
The gratitude of the patient toward the physician was added to the
veneration felt for the spiritual adviser, and as a consequence the power of
the priest to help and uplift his erstwhile patient was enormously increased,
and the tie between them was closer than possible where the offices of
spiritual and medical adviser are divorced.
It is patent that the art of medicine has reached a stage of efficiency
which could not have been attained save by devotion to that one particular
end and aim. The safeguards of sanitary laws, the extinction of insect
carriers of disease are monumental testimonies to the value of modern
scientific methods. Thus it may seem as if all were well and there were no
need of further effort. But in reality, until humanity as a whole enjoys
perfect health, there is no issue more important than the question, How may
we attain and maintain perfect health?
In addition to the regular school of surgery and medicine, which depends
exclusively upon physical means for the care of disease, other systems have
sprung up which depend entirely on mental healing. It is the custom of
organizations which advocate "mind cure," "nature cure," and other like
methods to hold experience meetings and publish journals with testimonials
from grateful supporters who have benefited by their treatments, and if
physicians of the regular school did likewise there would be no lack of
similar testimonies of their efficiency.
The opinion of thousands is of great value, but it does not prove
anything, for thousands may hold an opposite view. Occasionally a single
man may be right and the rest of the world wrong, as when Galileo
maintained that the Earth moves. Today the whole world has been converted to
the opinion for which he was persecuted as a heretic. We maintain that as
man is a composite being, cures are successful in proportion as they remedy
defects on the physical, moral, and mental planes of being.
As the great majority of people do not make a distinction between curing
and healing, it may be well to explain the difference which is primarily one
of cooperation or the lack thereof. One person may undertake to "cure"
another by massage or drugs; the patient in either of these cases is passive
as the clay that is being molded by the potter. There is no doubt that under
such treatment trouble may disappear and the person be made well, but this
is only a temporary relief: he has not received the proper appreciation
of the underlying cause of his disease, he does not understand that the
illness was a consequence of breaking the laws of Nature, and is therefore
very liable to go and do the same things over again with the result that
his malady returns. A "cure" is a physical process. Healing is
radically different; there the sufferer is always required to cooperate both
spiritually and physically with the healer.
To make this clear we can do not better than view the life and work of
our great Leader, the Christ. When people came to Him to be healed they did
not expect a physical treatment, but knew that relief would be given through
the power of the Spirit. They had unlimited confidence in Him, and that
this was essential we see from the incidents recorded in the thirteenth
chapter of Matthew where He is said to have gone among the people with whom
Jesus, the original owner of the body, had dwelt in early youth. They saw
only the outward man: "Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph; are not his
brethren with us?" etc. They believed that nothing great could come out of
Nazareth, and according to their faith it was done unto them, for we read
that "He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief."
But faith without works is dead, and in every case where Christ healed
anyone, this person had to do something; he had to cooperate actively with
the great Healer before his cure could be accomplished. He said, "Stretch
forth thy hand," and when the man did so the hand was healed; to another,
"Take up thy bed and walk," and when he did so the malady disappeared; to
the blind, "Go and bathe in the pool of Siloam"; to the leper, "Show thyself
to the priest, offer your gifts," etc. In every case there was active
cooperation upon the part of the one to be healed, which helped the Healer.
They were simple requirements, but such as they were they had to be complied
with, so that the spirit of obedience could aid the Healer's work. When
Naaman came to Elijah and thought that this prophet was going to come out
with a great show of magic and ceremony to dispel the leprous spots from his
body he was domed to disappointment. And when the prophet sent word to him,
"Go and wash seven times in the river Jordan," he was enraged to the point
of crying out, "Have we not great rivers in Assyria and why should I go and
wash in the Jordan? What nonsense!" He lacked the spirit of submission
which is absolutely necessary in order that the work may be done, and it is
safe to say that had he persisted he would not have received the healing of
his malady. Neither would any of those who were healed by his
malady. Neither would any of those who were healed by the Christ
have been affected unless they had obeyed and had done as they were bidden.
This is a law of Nature that is absolutely sure. It is disobedience that
brings disease. Obedience, no matter whether that involves washing in the
Jordan or stretching forth a hand, shows a change of mind, and the man is
therefore in a position to receive the healing balm which may come through the
Christ, or through a healer of one kind or another as the case may be.
Primarily, in all cases, the healing force comes our Heavenly Father, Who is
the Great Physician.
These are the three great factors in healing: first, the power, from our
Father in Heaven; next, the healer, and third, the obedient mind of the
patient upon which the power of the Father can act through the healer in such
a way as to dispel all bodily ills.
Let us now understand that the whole universe is pervaded with the power
of the Father, always available to cure all ills of whatever nature; that is
the great certainty.
The healer is the focus, the vehicle through which the power is infused
into the patient's body. If he is a proper instrument, consecrated,
harmonious, really and truly in tune with the Infinite, there is no limit to
the wonderful works of the Father which may be performed through him when
opportunity presents a patient of a properly receptive and obedient mind.
Among all the foolish and fallacious nonsense which has been circulated
concerning the Rosicrucians during the past centuries, there is one great
truth: "Members of the Order aim to heal the sick and have superior means
of accomplishing this benevolent purpose." Earlier religious orders have
sought to advance spiritually by castigating and abusing the body, but the
Rosicrucians exhibit the tenderest care for this instrument. There are two
reasons for their healing activities. Like all other earnest followers of
Christ they are longingly looking for "the day of the Lord." They know that
Lucifer, the false Light of Lemuria, implanted passion, inaugurating
begettal in sin, and caused sorrow, pain and death; also that Christ, the
true Light of the coming New Galilee, inaugurated the Immaculate Conception,
and preached the gospel of redemption from sin by love. Celibacy is expedient
for the aspirants in the East, but is contrary to the scheme of evolution for the West, because a new race is to be cradled here, and generative purity is therefore the watchword of the Disciple in this part of the world. A new
race is to be loved into existence, and thus the ills that now
afflict humanity through generations of begetting in passion will cease;
even Death will at last be overcome in the new dispensation, because the
ethereal purity of the bodies will obviate necessity for renewal.
While there is much definite information about that age in the Bible, one
point is shrouded in insoluble mystery: "The day knoweth no man, not even
the Angels in Heaven, nor the Son." Christians in all ages since the Gospel
was first preached have yearned for that day when the Sons of Light shall be
manifest. The Father alone, being Highest Initiate among the Lords of Mind,
is able to foresee the time when the separative, self-seeking mind will
yield to the self-negating, unifying spirit of love. One point is very
clear, however: It will be just as impossible for anyone to live under the
conditions of the New Heaven and the New Earth who has not the properly
constituted body, called "Wedding Garment" in the Bible, as it was for the
degenerate Atlanteans who lacked lungs to breathe when the atmospheric change
It is a scientific fact that the state of the blood affects the mind and
vice versa. A sound body is therefore indispensable to sane mentality.
Only a sane mind can transcend passion; only a sound body can generate
another that is as pure. The Rosicrucians have aimed to heal the body that it
may harbor a sane mind and a pure love, for each conception under those
conditions is a step toward the day of the lord for which we all long so
ardently. This is the reason for the healing activities, and it is the
meaning of our motto, "A Sane Mind, a Soft Heart, a Sound Body."
It has been written in various works that the members of the order took a
vow to heal others free of charge. This statement is somewhat garbled. The
lay brothers took a vow to minister to all according to the best of their
ability free of charge. That vow included healing, of course, in the case
of such men as Paracelsus, who had ability in that direction; by the
combination method of physical remedies applied under favorable stars
and spiritual counsel he was highly successful. Others were not suited to
be healers but labored in other directions, but all were alike in one particular — they never charged for their services, and they labored in
secret without flourish of trumpet or sound of drum.
Christ gave two commands to His messengers: "Preach the Gospel" (of the
coming Age) and "Heal the sick." One is as binding as the other, and, for
the foregoing reasons, as necessary. To comply with the second command the
Elder Brothers have evolved a system of healing which combines the best
points in the various schools of today with a method of diagnosis and
treatments as certain as it is simple, and thus a long step has been taken
to lift the art of healing from the sands of experiment to the rock of
exact knowledge.
It is a true, good and valid reason when we say that we want to help others
for Christ's sake. He is now immured in the Earth, groaning and
travailing and waiting for liberation. Pain and sickness are caused by
transgression of the laws of life, therefore, they crystallize the dense
body, give a firmer grip on the vital body and retard the day of our
liberation, as well as His. By helping the sick to attain health and
by teaching them to live in harmony with the laws of life so that they
may maintain health, we are hastening the day of His coming. May God bless
our efforts and strengthen our hands in the Good Work.
Our method of healing is not altogether a spiritual matter. We use
physical means wherever it is possible. There are times even when we send
our patients to a doctor in order that they may obtain quick relief from him
by a certain treatment which we cannot give as promptly by other methods.
Also, the diet of patients receives careful attention, for naturally, as the
body is built up of physical substances, we are giving medicine by using the
right food. But in addition, healing is carried on by the Elder Brothers
through a band of Invisible Helpers whom they are instructing.
These Invisible Helpers are Probationers who during the daytime live a
worthy life of helpfulness and thereby fit themselves or earn for themselves
the privilege of being helpful through the instrumentality of the Elder
Brothers at night. These Probationers are gathered together in bands
according to their temperaments and ability. They are under instruction of
other Probationers who are doctors, and all of them work under the guidance
of the Elder Brothers, who naturally are the moving Spirits in the whole
The system of forming and organizing a band of Invisible Helpers is
accomplished by the use of the effluvia from their vital bodies. The first of
this is obtained at the time when the probationer signs his obligation and
it is renewed every day when he makes the record upon his report blank. So
long as he is faithful and lives the life of purity and service it forms an
unbroken link between him and the Elder Brothers. Each group of healers
usually consists of twelve Probationers besides their instructor and they
are generally taken from the same locality because the night is the same for
them all. It would not be feasible to group one living in Australia with
one living in Alaska for one would be going about his daily work while the
other is taking his nightly rest. But people taken from almost anywhere in
North or South America spend about the identical hours in rest and
recuperation and these Probationers are then grouped according to their
rising signs so that they may form a complete circle.
Regarding the system used to find those who have written to Headquarters
for help, the same method is followed as in finding the Probationers. That
is to say, applicants for relief are required to write the letter of request
with pen and ink. Thus the paper is impregnated with a part of their vital
body and this is taken from the letter by the Elder Brothers. It contains an
accurate gauge of the condition of the individual from whom it came and it
also acts as an "open sesame" to the Helpers who are given charge of this
case. Through that they have free access to his body, and a considerable
number of patients who come for healing write that they have both seen and
felt the Helpers working both inside and outside their bodies. As the
condition of the patient changes so does the record. Therefore the patients
are required to write with pen and ink a few words every week and mail it
to Headquarters. Thus the Elder Brothers are in constant touch with their
condition and are able to direct intelligently the work of restoration
to health.
This work never ceases. It is continuous, as the Sun is always absent
from a part of the globe and the Probationers in that part are active in the
work of healing and helping during the hours of bodily rest.
Anatomically man belongs to the mammals, whose blood corpuscles are not
nucleated. The nuclei found in the blood of lower animals are the vantage
ground of the Group Spirits, but the higher animals are so far advanced upon
the road to individualization that their blood is free from this influence.
In the fetus where the mother acts as a Group Spirit for the first few
weeks, she nucleates the blood, but as soon as the Ego begins work, the
first thing it does is to disintegrate these nucleated blood corpuscles, and
at the time of the quickening not a single such corpuscle remains. The Ego
is master of its vehicle, a heritage which no one may take from it under any
pretense whatever. To do so is black magic, whether the person knows it or
not, and though the benevolent motive would of course have a certain
mitigating effect in another direction, the fat nevertheless remains that
one is upon dangerous ground when attempting to meddle with the blood of
anyone who does not desire it and who has not asked for such treatment.
There is only one exception to this rule. Children until the age of
puberty are, so to say, a part of their parents, because there is stored in
the thymus gland an essence of the parental blood which the child uses in
manufacturing its own supply during the years of childhood, while the desire
body is in the course of gestation. As time goes on the supply in the thymus
gland becomes smaller and smaller and the child attains more and more to a
realization of its own individuality. By the time the thymus gland has
disappeared the desire body has matured sufficiently to take part in the
alchemy of transmuting the Saturnine skeleton into the Jupiterian vehicle
which will thus incorporate the essence of the present physical body.
Interference with the blood stops this process; therefore it is only until the
time of puberty that the parent may at for the child in giving the ether
which admits the Invisible Helper.
The greatest drawback to our healing activity comes from the negligence
of patients. Our requirements are very simple. We only ask them to write
once a week with pen and ink, so that the etheric effluvia coming from the
hand during writing may furnish our Invisible Helpers with a key of
admission to the patient's system. But simple as is this rule, some fail
to write. Here is a case where a person who had for many years had
vertebrae displaced and who was cured by our treatment, though osteopaths,
chiropractors, and several others who had tried, had found it impossible to
replace these vertebrae. The poor man was therefore in constant pain and
sick in bed most of the time, entirely unable to work. The treatment of our
Invisible Helpers replaced the vertebrae, and they are still in place. The
man went to work and it seemed wonderful. But becoming so elated at the
idea that he was so entirely free, he disregarded our instruction to keep
on writing, so that our Invisible helpers might have the chance to keep
his vertebrae in place for a sufficient length of time till they would stay
put. Now comes the following letter showing that we were right in requesting
him to do this, and he did wrong not to obey. He says: "A short time ago
I wrote that I was cured, and would discontinue my weekly letters, but I see
now that I have made a big mistake. Since then my back has pained me nearly
all the time and I am getting round-shouldered again, though the vertebrae
are in place where the injury was. It seems as though I am asking a lot of
you to take this up the second time, but I did not realize the influence the
Invisible Helpers had over me and how much I was dependent on them."
In the coming of the Christ to Earth we have an analogy between it and
the administering of the spiritual Panacea, according to the law, "As above,
so below." There is in every little cell of the human body a separate cell
life, but over and above that is the Ego which directs and controls all
cells so that they act in harmony. During certain protracted illnesses the
Ego becomes so intent upon the suffering that it ceases to vivify the cells
fully; thus bodily ailment breeds mental inaction and it may become
impossible to throw off disease without a special impulse to dispel the
mental fog and start the cell activities anew. That is what the spiritual
Panacea does. As the inrushing Christ Life on Golgotha commenced to
dispel the shell of fear bred by inexorable law that hung like a pall about
the Earth; as it started the millions of human beings upon the path of peace
and good will, so also when the Panacea is applied does the concentrated
Christ Life therein contained rush through the patient's body and infuse each
cell with a rhythm that awakens the imprisoned Ego from its lethargy and
gives back life and health.
In order to describe the Panacea an experience of the author will be
related: A substance was shown to him in the Temple of the Rosicrucians on a
certain memorable night, with which the Universal Spirit could be combined
as readily as great quantities of ammonia combine with water. Three spheres
were suspended one above the other in the center of the Temple, the middle
sphere being about half way between the floor and ceiling. It was much
larger than the other two, which hung one above and one below. Inside the
large central sphere was a smaller contained which held a number of packages
filled with that substance. When the Brothers had placed themselves in
certain positions, when the harmony of certain music had prepared the way,
suddenly the three globes began to glow with the three primary colors,
blue, yellow, and red. To the vision of the writer it was plain how during
the incantation of the formula the container having in it the before
mentioned packages became aglow with a spiritual essence that was not there
before. Some of these were later used by the Brother with instantaneous
success. Before them the crystallizing particles enveloping the spiritual
centers of the patient scattered like magic, and the sufferer awoke to a
recognition of physical health and well-being.
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