Etheric Vision And
What It Reveals
by A Student
(Part 2)
In the human body complex, the Light Ether is said to be dominantly
positive in men and negative in women. Let us see how this works out. The
senses and colors belong to the negative pole, and women's sensory responses
are often quicker than those of men; they see colors more clearly, and they
suffer less from color blindness. Their etheric aura also shows a larger
proportion of the golden Light Ether. The positive energy of the Light Ether,
however, is evident in the dynamic urge to action which characterizes the
masculine incarnation, and the masculine aura often sparkles thickly with the
energy-points belonging to this ether. The man also shows more of the fiery
egoic drive.
Since light is made up of photons, and the photons consist of both waves
and particles, both appear together throughout space.
In trying to study the Light Ether, the student should look out not at an
object, or against a wall or ceiling, but directly into space itself.
The following quotation is of interest: "Light Ether is a substance of a
peculiar type which has no familiar atom-mosaic that we usually call
matter....We can call light ether a substance but we can also call it
space....keeping in mind may possess certain morphological or
structural features that make it a much more complicated thing than in the
conceptions of Euclidean geometry. In fact, in modern physics the expression
light ether (divested of its alleged mechanical properties) and physical space
are considered synonymous." (Gamow: One Two Three....Infinity).
It may help the student to observe this ether for the first time if he will lie prone upon a bed and gaze into the corner of the ceiling in a room full of light. His eye will not then come to rest upon a surface, but will rest within
space itself, and soon he will begin to see waves and sparkles of the Light
Ether. Eye strain should be avoided.
11. Summary:
The Three Ethers
Before entering upon a discussion of the Reflecting Ether, let us review
the salient features of the three lower ethers as known to physical and esoteric
sciences. First: light belongs to what is called the electromagnetic spectrum,
of which only a small segment, or band, is visible to human eyesight, for the
reason that this band represents the radiation from our Sun, in whose field
our senses were evolved. Had our race evolved on a planet belonging to a giant
red sun, for example, we might have evolved eyesight in the infrared range. It
is a curious fact that when etheric sight begins to unfold, it is the
invisible aspect of light in our own solar spectrum that is usually first
seen: the actual waves of light themselves, and the nuclei of energy sparkling
in the waves. The waves of light ether are actually made up of units, or
packets, of energy, which are waves and particles at one and the same time.
Both are visible, simultaneously, to the etheric vision. The unit of energy is
called the "photon," and it is not merely the unit of solar light, but it is
the unit of all electromagnetic waves.
Photons are packets of energy, says the physicist, which correspond to
atoms and molecules, which are packets of matter. Electrons, protons, and
alpha particles are particles of electricity. All radiant energy consists of
photons. The photon is properly defined as "the building block of the
electromagnetic field." It travels with the speed of light.
The photon is never at rest. The electron, proton, and neutron can be at
rest, but the photon cannot be. Hence the electron, proton, and neutron are
the units of matter, so-called, and in esoteric terms, "packets" of the Chemical
and Life Ethers, which Max Heindel describes as "the stationary ethers."
Radiant energy, however, the unit of which is the photon, represents energy
which is continuously escaping from matter. Esoterically it is the unit of the
Light Ether. The photon itself has no charge, but it carries electromagnetic
energy. Subatomic particles and photons have a spin, and when charged they are
responsive to magnetic fields. Astronomers say there are magnetic fields in
interstellar space, in which new galaxies tend to form; but the esoteric
scientist also sees a rain of cosmic force, electrical or magnetic in nature,
which he calls "the colorless solar ether." It is not identical in nature with
cosmic forces ow with solar and planetary magnetism, but there is a connection
of some sort, which has not yet been determined either by mundane or by esoteric
science. The colorless solar ether is subject to the call of the human mind
and will.
Just as the magnetic fields of space are known to impart spiral activity to
certain subatomic particles (usually nuclei), so also the "animal magnetism"
of esoteric science seems to be accompanied by spiral activity in the Life
Ether, which forms and guides the activities of the Chemical Ether. The two
lower ethers are generally considered together as a working unit, as it is
almost impossible to study them separately.*
Photons are not uniform in magnitude. The amount of energy is in proportion
to the frequency. "X-rays have frequencies one thousandfold larger than
*Science speaks of "bioelectrochemistry" and "bioelectromagnetism."
visible light, so when they give up their energy to atoms, electrons, etc.,
their 'punch' is greater and more easily observed," the physicist explains.
The body structure is formed in the two lower ethers, and the Life Ether
specializes the solar fluid which acts like electricity in the living
organism; the solar fluid is converted from "inorganic" cosmic magnetism to
the "living" magnetism known to esoteric science and now being researched by
physical science.
The electrical energy of the solar fluid energizes the nervous systems of
the human organism, both voluntary and sympathetic. The "two complementary
halves that make up every functioning electric circuit" have been discovered
by biologists. We mention in passing here that the back of the head is found
to carry a positive charge and the front a negative charge; and this front
portion is termed a "silent area," and is supposed to be associated with
extrasensory perception. In esoteric science the keynote of the vital body is
heard humming in the medulla oblongata, and its vibration is often felt in the
back of the head.
The scientific investigators say that there are three axes of magnetic
force to which the human being is subject; and they are testing various
patients in hospitals to see if emissions of cosmic rays, magnetic storms on
the Sun, and other phenomena of the sort have an effect on the nervous
condition of human beings. Esoteric science has taught for centuries that such
cosmic conditions (the macrocosm) do have a reaction in the human organism
(the microcosm). Modern science now uses the terms "macrocosm" and "microcosm"
as freely as esoteric science has done in previous ages, but the "microcosm" of
modern physics tends to be the interior of atoms and molecules and not merely
the human organism as a whole — the infinitely large being the macrocosm and
the infinitely small the microcosm.
An increased understanding of the Light Ether will bring about an important
new science in the matter of color healing and the use of color in promoting
growth in plants and animals. Color therapy is already making great progress,
not merely among esotericists, but in the world of physics, chemistry, and
medicine. It is understandable now, when the nature of light is seen as
consisting of particles as well as waves, that color can have a very clear and
definite physical effect. Even very serious organic diseases have yielded to
color therapy in the hands of experts; not merely nervous and mental, but
actual physical disorders.
Color therapists believe that a ray of color represents an actual substance, and that vitamins and other elements contain these substances, so that in a very real sense the red ray, for example, may be said to give needed iron to the blood, and so forth.
But none of these color deposits could be made in plants without the
keynoting or pattern-making activity of the Life Ether, as we have indicated.
At the borderline of the Life and Light Ethers the strange life-substances
called enzymes do their work. It has been found that "in plants as diverse as
apple trees and lettuce there is a light-sensitive enzyme which regulates
plant growth at all stages from germination to the ripening of fruit. The
government experimental stations (e.g. U.S. Department of Agriculture Research
in Beltsville, Md.) have partially isolated the substance, which is effective
in minute quantities and have reproduced what is apparently its critical
reaction in a test tube. The enzyme exists in two forms, and transforms
reversibly from one to the other upon exposure to appropriate wave-lengths of
light. One form absorbs light in the orange to red range, the other absorbs
far-red light, near the limit of the visible spectrum. The first form triggers
such effects as the reddening of apples and the germination of lettuce seed;
the other form promotes flowering and regulates growth.
"The predominant form of the enzyme in the plant depends upon the color of
light to which the plant is exposed. Both forms are present in about equal
amounts after exposure to light in the middle of the red range. At longer
wave-lengths the reaction favors the orange-red absorbing form, while shorter
wave-lengths (toward the yellow) stimulate the production of the far-red
absorbing form. In the living plant the intensity as well as the wave-length
of the light influences the function of the enzyme. The investigators found
that soybean plants will flower after an extremely short exposure at night to
far-red light but will not flower if the intensity of the light is increased
100 times. Exposure at low intensity to the same wave-lengths stimulates
germination in lettuce seed; exposure at high intensity reduces germination to
about zero."
Esoteric science divides the spectrum of light into positive, negative, and
neutral areas; with the colors below green called "hot," or positive, and the
colors above green being called "cool" and electric, or negative. Green is
neutral, but no color is more important, for this is the color of chlorophyll.
In color therapy the positive or "hot" colors are thought of as streaming
upward, as if from the Earth; the negative or "cool" colors are thought of as
streaming downward from the heavens, while green, the neutral color, draws in
its forces horizontally. Green has been proved to be a primary color in the
new color science.
Whatever may be said of the effects of color on humamn beings as purely
psychological, the same cannot be said of the influences of colored light on
vegetation: some kinds of light promote growth of roots; others of the stems,
leaves, and flowers; others the germination of the seed, and so on; while the
light-sensitive enzyme in the plant tissue proves to be an important link in
the life process.
Science has gone down to the far-red limit of the spectrum, but has not yet
found the "peach-blossom" color known to the esotericist.
Wave-lengths of color will one day be used to open up the spiritual
faculties, for as we have shown, these also belong to the Light Ether forces,
supersensory perception as well as common sensory perception being dependent
upon this Ether, so far as consciousness in the body is concerned.
As far back as there is any written record, we find references to
"reflection" and "images" as illustrating the way in which God's creative
Ideas become objectified in space and time. Now when we look into a pool of
clear water — man's first mirror — we see that the sky which is farthest above
us is the bottom-most part of the reflected scene in the water; while other
objects, including ourselves, occupy intermediate positions between two skies.
In our study of the reflecting Ether, let us keep this image in mind, as neophytes in Mystery Schools have been doing for many thousands of years.
In The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, Max Heindel has
written: "The Reflecting Ether deserves its name for more than one reason, for
the pictures in it are but reflections of the memory of nature. The real
memory of nature is found in a much higher realm. In this Reflecting Ether no
thoroughly trained clairvoyant cares to read, as the pictures are blurred and
vague compared to those found in the higher realms. Those who read in the
Reflecting Ether are generally those who have no choice, who, in fact, do not
know in what they are reading. As a rule ordinary psychometrists and mediums
obtain their knowledge through the reflecting ether. To some slight extent the
pupil of the esoteric school in the first stages of his training also reads in
the Reflecting Ether, but he is warned by his teacher of the insufficiencies
of this ether as a means of acquiring accurate information, so that he does
not easily draw wrong conclusions.
"This ether is also the medium through which thought makes an impression
upon the human brain. It is most intimately connected with the fourth
subdivision of the World of thought. This is the highest of the four
subdivisions contained in the Region of Concrete Thought and is the homeworld
of the human mind. There is a much clearer version of the memory of nature is
found than in the Reflecting Ether."
He also states that the "memory" aspect of this ether resides in the
negative pole, while thought processes make their impression on the brain by
way of the positive pole. He does not say that these poles are magnetic poles, however. The Reflecting Ether is not electrical, nor is it magnetic. Its
"positive" pole is dominant in the front of the brain, in the area where the
"Silent Watcher" (Divine Spirit) has its seat.
We are taught further that the Reflecting Ether is the least dense of the
four ethers; that in the growth cycle it ripens at about the age of twenty-
eight; that it is negative in men and positive in women; that like the Light
Ether it is volatile and migratory; that it is really a hyper-ether, as much
astral as etheric, and even mental, (since it is so closely penetrated by
desire and mind-stuff); and while it appears to be empty at first glance, it
hides within its translucent folds many secrets, in a picture record which
consists not only of reproductions of physical forms but also of feelings and
thoughts. Consequently, when the student-seer learns to read in this ether he
may be surprised to discover that he not only sees the moving pictures of
past events in his life, but may also sometimes see the auric formations and
thought forms which accompanied them, even though he had no clairvoyance at
the time the events occurred.
Another of the oddities of the Reflecting Ether, which makes it difficult to assess the value of what is seen there, is familiar to assess the value of what is seen there, is familiar to most students, for Max Heindel has
mentioned it often. This is the way in which the time stream of the Reflecting
Ether seems to move backward, so that if it is desired to investigate an
event, say, in the year 500, it would be necessary to look first for the year
600, and then allow the record to roll back to the year 500. Yet it is not to
be supposed that this reverse flow is comparable to the backward unrolling of
a moving picture film strip, in which for example the chicken grows back into
a chick and then enters into the eggshell which closes around it. it is more
in the nature of time pulsations which go back to a certain point and then
move forward, according to some as yet undefined law governing the time-
images. For it is common knowledge among esoteric students that pictures of
former incarnations seem to unfold in a perfectly regular and normal way, at
least so far as any one interval is concerned. The exercise of Retrospection
is recommended for development of time-stream vision, with power to regulate
the flow of images.
Again, the Reflecting Ether sometimes reverses numbers, so that a number
which seems to read 235 may be in fact 532. However, no analogy can be pushed
too far, and it would not be true to say that numbers reflected in the
Reflecting Ether are turned backward in the way that mirror numbers are, and
as handwriting is. Books and documents seen in the "library" of the Reflecting
Ether are usually read straight-forwardly as in the physical world; but in
many instances the reader then suddenly finds that instead of reading a
script, he has suddenly plunged into the midst of the story or record, which
he views as an omnipresent though invisible spectator.
Take note, however, that the supersensory powers vary greatly, according to
individual bias and and temperament, for just as the physical eye cannot see
an object if the eyelid covers the eye, so clairvoyance cannot show anything
to the seer unless he definitely and consciously turns his attention in a
given direction. Saints of the Church have in many instances achieved
clairvoyance, yet saw nothing in the astral world except the thought-forms of
heaven and hell built up by their own community of faith.
Esoteric students have developed the power to see disembodied spirits, Nature
forces, and the celestial Hierarchies, without ever discovering the nuclear
forces known to modern physics, because they did not think to look for them.
The pictures in the Reflecting Ether generally fade away in a few thousand
years, leaving "holes" where the seer can find nothing. In the charged areas
of the Mystery Temples, however, the Elder Brothers and their Initiates read a
clearer version of the Memory of Nature, which in the fourth or archetypal
region of the World of Thought, carries all of the records pertaining to our
current Earth Period; and as these records are reviewed and vivified in the
mind of each Initiate the corresponding record in the Reflecting Ether is, so
to speak, reinforced and continues to be available even to the relatively weak
vision of the ordinary clairvoyant or beginning student in the esoteric school.
Again, the Teachers on the inner planes will sometimes themselves project into
the Reflecting Ether the pictures they want the neophyte to see and remember;
and thus the neophyte sees records which would not otherwise then be available
to him.
Max Heindel has shown that the Light and reflecting Ethers are very
intimately associated not only in the Golden Wedding Garment, but also in
particular functions of the bodily organism. The student may find this
closeness of function between these two ethers a source of confusion when
first observing them.
When once the student-seer has begun to see the agitation of the Light
Ether with its wing-like movement and its dashing comets of energy in their
filmy packets, he begins to recognize that space is pulsing like the swells of
the ocean, in great slow waves. As he looks into these bluish space-waves he
begins to see what may at first appear to be colorless transparent forms,
sometimes geometrical, but often resembling leaf forms which move in the sea
of ether like underwater plants. Then, as the attention continues to focus in
these deep tides of light, the student may suddenly realize that he is in fact
gazing into the Reflecting Ether, for behind the moving waves of light his
gaze comes to rest upon what seems to be a mirror world, a world with pictures
as bright and clear as images in a mirror. There is no movement her, no
The records in the Reflecting Ether are not easy to read at first sight for
the reason that the ether seems so full of them, all of which can be seen through; so it necessitates practice in separating them before each can be
read. This is done by the power of the will in holding the attention focused
upon one image, not allowing side-images to distract the attention. There is a
tendency in all undeveloped seers simply to relax and allow these pictures to
stream or move past the mental vision, with no attempt to control or analyze
them. The ordinary person may indeed never realize that it is at all possible
to control the stream of images, and he may even boast of the fact that he
cannot "turn-off" the pictures which rush past his eyes. This is the secret of
the negative development which may lead to obsession; or if not to actual
obsession, then at least to mediumship, and perhaps to a lack of mental and
emotional control which medical science would define as "unbalanced" or
The student must therefore exercise discrimination as regards the stream of
images he sees. It may seem to him that the images are irresistibly self-
impelled, but this is not so; they do respond to his will, as he soon discovers
when he makes the effort to control them.
Note that not all of these images are "records." They include, sometimes,
actual scenes and real people living on earth; and again they may include
faces and forms of those who have passed on, and scenes of the inner worlds.
For this Ether may be likened to a two-way mirror, as Max Heindel says,
reflecting the outer universe on the one hand and the inner, spiritual worlds
on the other.
It is often said that every observer colors (by his own mental bias) his
observations of the world as it exists both without and within himself. There
can be no argument about this. Of course we see the world, we experience the
world, through what we are. It cannot be otherwise. But the philosopher of
modern science goes beyond this in saying that it is not only that impressions
of the outside world depend on his mental bias as well as on the individual
sensorium seated in the brain, but that the outside or objective world itself is really and literally changed by the act of observation and experimentation, through the interaction of physical forces, and the pressure of mentally generated forces as in telekinesis. How can this be?
The answer lies, for the esotericist, in the Reflecting Ether, with its strange mirror-like qualities.
It is the Archetypal Force of the Ego, "reflecting" or "projecting" into
the great root substance of Nature, the subconscious mind of the cosmos, which
thus affects its world. The Reflecting Ether, as Max Heindel has shown,
extends all through the First Heaven, and even through the Second Heaven, for
it contains the principle of memory and it has a special connection with the
Region of Archetypal Forces. We may call it the "floor" of the two lower
heavens. When the philosopher of science observes that it may not be necessary
any longer to separate subject from object, the observer from the observed, he
is expressing the spiritual reality of the Archetypal Force as known to esoteric
science. Space and time "collapse" in the realm of the Reflecting Ether, but
the Virgin Spirit-as-Ego Consciousness, remains.
For the physical scientist, the outward attributes of the Reflecting Ether
are of primary concern. He thinks of worlds and universes of matter which are
explained by laws inhering (or reflected) in this subtle plane. But for the
esotericist, it is the inner universe, reflecting into the Reflecting Ether,
which is of primary importance. And what collapses here is the "sense of
barrier," the sense of separation, between mankind and the Living Universe
with its innumerable Hierarchies, from elemental forces to the One Supreme
Being in whom all creation lives, and moves, and has its continuing existence.
Thus Max Heindel's statement that this hyper-ether is a mirror which reflects a twofold reflection, the upper or inner universe and also the downward or outer universe, receives a new application in modern science.
We recall further that Mr. Heindel called both Light and Reflecting Ethers
"migratory" and "volatile." The Reflecting Ether, like the Light Ether, is
luminous, and it flows, which is the reason that at a certain point the seer
finds it difficult to tell where the one leaves off and the other begins.
It has been pointed out that when once the student has learned to see the
waves of the Light Ether, and practices sighting into these waves in near-
darkness when the air seems filled with the pulsing tides of bluish light or
mist, his sight comes to rest upon leaf-like forms which float and drift in
the watery ether like underwater plants. Here he may see the familiar frost
pattern of the winter's windowpane, its branches waving in the steady pulsing
flow; and after a time he may become aware of the presence of color, and of
life moving among the forms. It may be that he sees a little tree, which has
the appearance of crystal, moving softly in waves of light; and small
transparent winged shapes cluster, like crystal butterflies, upon its twigs.
He discovers that when he fixes his attention upon this, it seems suddenly to
move in toward him, thus seeming to grow larger, and its colors and details of
structure may be studied as if under magnification. But if the attention
wanders, all disappears.
Although called "volatile" and "migratory," the Reflecting Ether does present pictures as vivid and clear as those seen in a mirror, so that the student may feel as if he had indeed stepped "through the looking glass" when
he has his first experience with this ether.
Looking into the space-waves moving in near darkness, he seems to himself
to be at the bottom of an ocean of dim bluish light, and the great swells
pulsing around him continuously reveal new forms, all of them moving slowly
along like objects carried by sea tides.
Sometimes he may feel convinced that he can really see, with his physical
sight, in this bluish light, and he may fix his eyes upon something in the
room, say a picture which he knows hangs in a certain spot. For a moment
indeed it seems that he is really seeing the picture; and then he realizes
that instead he is seeing the same omnipresent plant forms, glowing,
translucent, and crystalline in the ether. Space is full of patterns: "God
geomterizes." At this point, gazing into the negative pole of the Light Ether,
the student-seer passes insensibly into the vision of the negative pole of the
Reflecting Ether. It is virtually impossible to say when or at what place the
boundary has been crossed.
Note that these "patterns" which swim in the Light Ether shows every indication of being the guide-patterns for the elemental forces which construct earth forms. Geometric patterns and also intricate plant patterns of every sort, together with the life-forms that work through and with them as
beheld here, pertain not merely to records of the past, but directly to the
present-day world.
It is at the boundary between these two ethers that the Archetypal Forces
mysteriously cross over into the space-time continuum. Here is the point where
subjectivity, so-called, becomes objective, and the thought-form hovers on the
verge of chemicalization.
The record inscribed on the seed atom of the heart and in the negative pole
of the Reflecting Ether is only one manifestation of the powers resident in
the Reflecting Ether; it is the specialized record belonging to one individual. The Reflecting Ether of the planet is the "memory" of the entire
globe, receiving reflections from the planet's own mental envelope where the
records — memories of the living Earth Spirit — are held inviolate and
Some pictures in the Reflecting Ether do belong wholly to what we call the
past, whether in the subconscious mind of our present embodiment, or in the
race sub-conscious recorded in the seed atom in the apex of the heart, which we
carry with us from life to life. All of the past resides in that part of the
reflecting Ether, which we call the "sub-conscious," both in man and Nature,
and which can be probed with the right technique.
Apropos of which Max Heindel says: "George du Maurier has written a story
called Peter Ibbetson, wherein this theory of the sub-conscious memory is very
clearly drawn. Peter Ibbetson, a prisoner in an English penitentiary, learned
how to 'dream true;' that is to say, by putting his body in a certain position he learned how to lock the currents of ether within himself so that at night
he was able at will to keep in touch with any scene in his past life that he
desired to; there he could see himself as a spectator (grown man that was)
and he could see himself among his parents and playmates, and in the
environment he was in at the time that scene was enacted. he could see the
whole scene with many more details than he had been able to observe at the
time when the events took place in this material world....He would have been
unable to gain any information concerning the future, but the past had been
inscribed upon the tablet of his heart and was, therefore, accessible under
the proper condition." (Vol. I, Q & A).
Note that the seer does not have to "go" to the Etheric Region in order to read the records in the Reflecting Ether. He does not leave his body or "go" anywhere. He simply reads from the Reflecting Ether which permeates the air he breathes, which has a special connection with the blood stream and the seed-atom in the heart. Max Heindel has said, however, that in his opinion it is
necessary to be able to leave the body consciously in order to read in the
Memory of Nature in the fourth Region of the World of Thought, for this record
exists high up in the mental atmosphere of the planet.
Although the Reflecting Ether is largely confined to the past and the immediate present, yet it is also true that "coming events cast their shadows before;" but by the time these "shadows" are being cast into the Reflecting Ether they are on the very threshold of materialization. Clairvoyants often
see these reflected shadows of the future in the Reflecting Ether, their own
and others', but they do not see the archetypal forces belonging to the higher
level in the World of Thought, and which may change these "shadows" without so
much as a moment's notice. The student-seer should take note, therefore, that
he himself, the Ego, active as a thinking, willing Being in the mental world,
can alter or cancel out any picture seen in the Reflecting Ether; but he does
this, not by attacking the matter-environment, but by treating through
spiritual force and understanding the Creative Idea behind the picture, which
is a property of the World of (Abstract) Thought, homeworld of the human
There are many interesting stories of people who have had flash-dreams of pictures of future events, usually those about to happen. Sometimes these have been in the nature of warnings of danger, and acting upon them has saved the seer's life. But in a great number of cases the pictures are not clear enough or complete enough for the seer to be able to plot a course of action; and
sometimes they show circumstances over which he has no control. In such cases
it is well to remember that the real seat of control is in the archetypal World of Thought, from which point the Ego works with the subtle forces of
Nature and controls every situation in harmony with cosmic law.
The Ego can and does control events which are at the point of materialization and which are, therefore visible as pictures in
the Reflecting Ether, since it is through the positive pole of this ether
that thought makes its impression upon the brain. But let no one become
disturbed by the prophecies of fortune tellers or by his own flash-pictures
and flash-dreams, because these pertain to the Reflecting Ether only, and
can be referred back to spiritual forces in the home-world of the Ego
itself, where it holds the reins of power.
Now how is the record made in the first place? Max Heindel says (Vol. I, Q
& A): "Memory is of three kinds. There is in the first place
the record which is made by our senses....these impressions are engraved upon
the cells of the brain and we are able to consciously to call them back — yet
not always,....for this memory is exceedingly unreliable and capricious, and
were this the only method of gaining a record of our lives the law of cause
and effect would be invalidated — our life would not be a sequence of what we
have done or left undone in the past.
"There must be another memory, and this is what scientists have called the
subconscious mind. Just as ether carries to the camera of the photographer a
record of the surrounding landscape and imprints it upon the sensitive plate
to the minutest detail, so the same ether which carries a picture to our eye and imprints it upon the retina carries into our lungs a similar picture which
then is absorbed by the blood, and as the blood passes through the heart this
record is indelibly inscribed upon the sensitive seed atom which is located in
the left ventricle of the heart near the apex. The forces ("soul") of that
seed atom are taken out by the Spirit at death and contains the record of the
whole life to the minutest detail, so that, regardless of whether we have
observed the facts in a certain scene or not, they are, nevertheless there."
(We may add that the third kind of memory is the super conscious memory found in the World of Life Spirit, which is the Christ Consciousness. Cosmo, page 92).
As Max Heindel has said that each atom of the body has a film of Light and
Reflecting Ether, one sees that this must form, collectively, a sheath or
aura. As the Ego evolves greater spirituality, it draws more heavily upon the
cosmic Light and Reflecting Ethers, and the film surrounding the atoms grows
and expands until they enclose the entire body in an extensive aura having
very special properties and powers: the "Golden Wedding Garment" of the
The permanent record of the seed atom goes with the Ego from life to life; but the film of Reflecting Ether on each atom carries a record pertaining to the present life in the body, moment by moment, until death, all of which is focused in the permanent record of the seed atom and carried from life to life.
There is but a small amount of the two higher ethers in the average human organism, and this is found chiefly in blood, brain, and nervous system; and it is precisely the enlargement of the Light and Reflecting Ether aura which brings about a stronger and more extensive memory, and one which is better able to focus the pictures from the planetary Memory of Nature, as well as
from the seed atom of the heart.
Medieval philosophers made the surprising deduction that memory was not a part of the mind; just as we now say that it belongs to the subconscious, whence it may be called up, voluntarily or involuntarily.
Or as Max Heindel puts it in his camera analogy, the Light Ether pictures are focused on the film, which is the Reflecting Ether and permanent record of the seed atom.
Since Light Ether and Space are "almost synonymous" we see that the "pictures" in "space" imprint their images upon the film of the Reflecting Ether, flowing in two directions, one toward the past, the other toward the
14. The Reflecting Ether
and Records of
Previous Incarnations
Not only does the reflecting Ether contain the records pertaining to daily
life, it also contains the records of the hours that are spent in sleep, which
in the case of the esotericist are hours of great activity. Few students
remember the activities of the night hours when as Invisible Helpers they are
working, or studying, in the spiritual worlds. The Invisible Helpers have a
choice of action, and while all of them show an interest in the healing work,
some have other fields of activity as well. They attend classes, and also are
given the opportunity of visiting the regions of Purgatory and First Heaven,
to observe conditions there. Even after the First Initiation, Max Heindel
said, his memory was not yet perfect, and required further training.
Psychologists used to speak of people as being "eye-minded," or "ear-
minded," or "abstractionists" (as we may designate the third group), who could
recall with no images whatever, of any sort. Incredible as it may seem to most
people, there are some who can tell you exactly what they had for breakfast,
describe everything that was on the table, and yet insist they do not "see"
any image at all. Possibly this type of recollection without images belongs to
the mathematical mind, accustomed to thinking without imagery except
mathematical formulas. The esoteric student who is beginning to awaken upon the
inner planes shows similar differences of memory and recall, which are
undoubtedly due to just such differences of mental habit and temperament. Some
will say to themselves, "I was at such and such a place last night and talked
with so and so." Yet asked to describe the scene or the person he cannot do
so, having no image at all in his mind relative to the situation. Perhaps in
daily life he has the same sort of imageless recollection. To improve memory
it may then be necessary to practice building images in the mind, which the
student is to perform every morning upon awakening.
If the student is "ear-minded," if his auditory responses ar acute, he will
be likely to recall words and speeches more vividly than images; and if he is
"eye-minded," and his visual responsiveness is the outstanding quality, he
will bring back a memory of scenery, objects, and people. Obviously, artistic
people are largely "eye-minded," musicians and speakers "ear-minded." But
those who say they recall experiences without images either visual or auditory
are nevertheless also placing on record a true recollection.
Recent psychological experiments at various universities have brought up
the suggestion that forgetting occurs as the result of interference of several
memory-systems of which the images or items are closely similar. This the
contrary of popular belief, which would have it that one remembers more easily
things that are similar. In the case of inner-plane memories, the unusual
events are the most easily recalled; bu the continuous life of study and work,
night after night, is forgotten, largely, because it resembles our daily
activities in many ways.
Along with the ability to recall the experiences of the inner planes where
the Spirit functions during the sleep of the body (provided, of course, that
it has ny higher interests than those of the body), comes the ability to see
the pictures in the negative pole of the reflecting Ether, which relate to
past incarnations. We are told that these records, in a way not yet definable
in scientific terms, are impressed upon the seed-atom of the heart and carried
from life to life; and these seed-atom records are among those which,
reflected into the negative pole of the Reflecting Ether, the student often
sees before sinking to sleep and before awakening in the morning.
Psychologists call them "hypnagogic" visions, visions thrown out of the
subconscious, in sleep or near-sleep. Since they come during sleep, like
dreams, the student is not able to exert any real control over them, but as
the soul-awareness increases he does acquire control. Most "trance" vision
belongs to the area of hypnagogic vision. In the higher order of clear-seeing,
however, the person is wide awake, but relaxes into complete stillness by an
act of will, and then sees these so-called "hypnagogic" visions in full waking
consciousness, and learns to control and direct them.
It is because of the need of complete relaxation that most esoteric schools
in the past were situated in out-of-the-way places, on mountain-tops and deep
in forests or desert places where the air was clear and pure, and there were
only the sounds of Nature. Obviously, when students trained in such quiet
places went out into the noisy thoroughfares of the towns and cities, they
tended to lose their hard-won powers, and had to learn to concentrate in the
midst of noise and confusion.
The Western Mystery School of the Rose Cross has seen and met this problem.
Its training is designed for the use of the city-dweller, and while it may
seem to the student that his progress is slow, he would find, if he were to
make a retreat to some quiet spiritual haven in the country, that he had
actually acquired more power than he had realized, and would compare favorably
with the students resident there who had been trained in solitude.
It is not to be thought that the "sleeping" vision carries over into the
waking state. The point we are making is that the sleeping state gradually
clarifies, or becomes permeated with waking consciousness; and this waking
consciousness then covers both the hours of sleep and the hours of waking, and
also the intermediate zones where the "hypnagogic" visions occur.
In this clarified, or "clear," state the student-seer reads in the negative pole of the Reflecting Ether, and sometimes within that ether he will see pictures from past incarnations, his own and others'.
There are certain important points to be observed in connection with these
visions in the Reflecting Ether. First, the known characteristics of this
ether to transpose some of the images, as in the case of Mme. Blavatsky who
read a page number backward. The mirror-analogy should not be pushed too far,
because, after all, the Reflecting Ether is not a physical looking-glass; it is a four-dimensional mirror in which the three dimensions of space are experienced by consciousness as a reflection.
This means that unlike the mirror-image, which is never mixed up with our
physical selves but remains apart, we ourselves seem to be taken into the
stream of the Reflecting Ether, so that we stand in the very midst of the
events shown taking place there. It is only at first that the pictures rush
past like the moving pictures familiar to us on the theater screen; the
student at some point will find that he has, himself, entered the scene shown
him, and he is likely to assume that he is seeing a picture of his own past
incarnation. And this is usually true. The first pictures seen are generally
those which pertain to our own past incarnations. However, we may not
recognize ourselves, in a scene where many people are shown, and where our
sympathies go out to some one character. Inevitably the student-seer will
assume identity with the character with whom he feels the strongest sympathy,
because he has, through the "reflecting" power of the ether, actually entered
into the emotion-pattern of the character he sees. Thus several women wrote to
Arthur Weigall, the Egyptologist, thanking him for his kind treatment of the
history of Cleopatra — who, they said, they were in their former incarnations!
Now how could these several women all believe that had been Cleopatra?
Obviously they has seen visions of Egypt with Cleopatra central to them all;
and they had felt a powerful emotional identity with the unfortunate queen.
We may assume that the seers were people who had, in very truth, lived in
Egypt and who had known Cleopatra. They may have been servants at court, or
court ladies, friends of the queen. They may even have been her sincerest
enemies, who worked to bring about her downfall and death, and who in
Purgatory between incarnations, had entered into her suffering and learned to
repent their evil. Now, in the incarnation when they at last entered upon the
Way of Initiation, the past opened its doors and showed them the place in
which they had made much karma. They were not only in the midst of the scenes
of Cleopatra's time, they were also in the midst of the waves of emotion which
surged through her court, of which she was the pivot and the center. Each of
the women seers, obviously because of personal vanity and perhaps also because
she was starved for excitement, promptly decided that she herself was
Cleopatra reborn.
Thus we see that there is a memory of emotion as well as a memory of
thought and action, and this also is touched upon in the Reflecting Ether
clairvoyance; though this emotion-memory is for most people more rarely
experienced than the other. However, when the image of the past is not merely
viewed, but entered into in the way described, the emotion-memory comes into
play. Now since most of us identify ourselves with our emotions and feelings
to an even greater degree than with body-sensations and thought, it is natural
that, feeling a strong emotion emanating from a pictured character, we assume
an identity which is not really ours, and thus ridiculous situations arise
such as that of the several women who thought they were Cleopatra.
15. The Reflecting Ether
and Its Relationship
to Matter
Note that every object in the outer universe has its clear and unmistakable
replica in the Reflecting Ether. It is not only the Soul Body or Golden
Wedding Garment that is found there. Everything in the universe has its
reflection in this ether. The laws of reflection in the hyper-ether, however,
are not a simple mirror-type image, although this is the analogy upon which
teachers base their explanations. We suggest that science's newest theories
about matter and anti-matter pivot about this ether; and that as anti-matter
has anti-gravity one may read here a possible explanation of the old saying
that levitation is accomplished by means of the astral light. A current theory
has it that in the beginning matter and anti-matter existed together in a sort
of "cosmic egg," and were separated by some kind of repulsive force as yet
unknown. Max Heindel has said that levitation is accomplished by the reversal
of the polarity of atoms.
The proposition that the negative pole of the Reflecting Ether may constitute the "great negative mass" which underlies the Space-Time continuum of which modern science begins to be aware may come as a shock to students who have not realized how close physics has come to metaphysics.
Max Heindel speaks often of "interplanetary ethers," chief of which are the
Light and Reflecting Ethers. The interplanetary Light Ether, in particular, he
associates with the Cosmic Christ or Solar Logos. But just as matter actually
extends throughout the universe in interplanetary and interstellar space —
there are atoms of matter in every cubic foot of cosmic space; space is not
empty — so also do the ethers; and each planet specializes its own field in
which evolution proceeds for the life-wave belonging to that planet.
Many of the so-called illusions of matter are due, indirectly, to the
properties of the Reflecting Ether, which has been called the Mirror of the
All three of the lower ethers are active within the confines of the
Reflecting Ether. We may, indeed, think of each ether, starting from the top,
as enclosing or enfolding (and interpenetrating) those below it. Thus the
Reflecting Ether "contains," as it were, the Light, Life, and Chemical Ethers.
The Light Ether "contains" the Life and Chemical Ethers; and the Life Ether
"contains" the Chemical Ether, which we may add, in its turn may be said to
"contain" the physical organism.
For example: the Ego impresses thought upon the brain by way of the
positive pole of the Reflecting Ether. Now we know that the thinking and
memory processes of the embodied Ego have not only the electromagnetic
correlations of the Light and Life Ethers, but also the purely chemical
correlations of the Chemical Ether. There is a chemistry of memory and a
chemistry of thought, as well as an electromagnetic pattern and forces in
brain and nerves which transmit thought impulses to the body and which carry
sensory impressions from the body to the brain.
Certain forces in the Light Ether flow in response to the thought-impulse
focused by the Ego in the positive pole of the Reflecting Ether, where the
thought form moves out toward chemicalization, passing downward (which is
outward) by way of the electromagnetic spectrum and Light Ether. Some
biologists have already formulated the theory that the electrical currents in
the voluntary nervous system actually pour out from the brain, where they are
generated. The esotericist points out that the Ego has its seat in the brain.
Max Heindel speaks of the great waves of energy that push out from the brain
when the Ego wills action in the body.
Therefore, says the biologist, there is "an intricate chemical basis for
how people remember and why they forget." Experiments have shown that learning
is reflected by changes in the cell's production of RNA (ribonucleic acid),
but how the RNA is changed remains as yet unknown. It is known, however, that
the learning process is accompanied by basic changes in the composition of
this complex chemical. Since RNA molecules tell cells what proteins to make,
changes in RNA structures would result in changes in the production of
proteins. These proteins apparently "form the chemical basis for thoughts."
Again a scientific writer comments: "The enormity of the task of
mechanizing and electrifying brain power is illustrated by the fact that the
human brain contains about 10,000,000,000 nerve cells. We do not know how it
translates nerve impulses into sight, sound, or touch, or how it stores and
retrieves vast amounts of knowledge." The esotericist classifies the "brain
power" and nerve impulses in the Light Ether; the storing and retrieving of
knowledge in the reflecting Ether. The Life Ether supplies the life force
which keeps tissues and cells alive and growing, and the Chemical Ether is the
field in which atoms and molecules are cemented magnetically into the patterns
of evolution. Again, Max Heindel comments (The Web of Destiny) that the
vital fluid from the Sun "charges" the Chemical and Life Ethers, and that
"thus charged (they) are the avenues of assimilation which preserve the
individual and of fecundation which perpetuates the race."
Since Reflecting Ether vision is not dependent upon the optic nerve, the physically blind can learn to see in this ether, and see not only inner-plane images but physical-plane images as well. If this seems a poor substitute for physical sight, let us consider that normally no one ever does look out
directly upon the physical world. Ordinarily one sees only the image which has
reached the retina of the eye, which is translated into nerve impulses, these
in turn passing inward to the optical center of the brain, where somehow, the
nerve impulses are translated back into the image and interpreted by the Ego.
And where does this translation take place? Where but in the Reflecting Ether
interpenetrating the brain?
"Within each individual there is a built-in mechanism, not yet discovered,
that allows man to evolve. The DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) that embodies this
mechanism, the genetic code of all living organisms (except the blood and
several viruses) is made up of four chemical bases; adenin, guanine, cytosine,
and thymine, and it is the different combinations of these four chemicals that
provide the specific information used by the cells in the construction of
proteins. It is this DNA which is shaped by evolution. There is constant
competition for survival among these combinations, and in this way organisms
slowly become enriched with experiences that facilitate this survival. No one
yet has discovered the complete base sequence of these different combinations
fro a single genes. Now we are out of the field of generalities of epigenesis
and philosophy and into the alchemist's laboratory, where our alchemists of
old with their four basic elements would feel right at home." (Rays from the Rose Cross, Nov., 1963, page 516.)
Without the Reflecting Ether, the Ego could not express consciousness in
the physical body; that is, it could not be conscious in the physical world.
Consciousness, suggests a philosopher of modern science (Erwin Schrodinger)
appears in the role of a tutor. It "supervises our education," introduces us
to new experiences, but leaves us to carry on our old routines in the form of
"habit" — which we relate to the negative pole of the Reflecting Ether.
Consciousness is concerned with the learning process and is intimately
associated with all that is new. That is, with new experiences and with
creativity, epigenesis, the forces of the positive pole — in a word, the
Esotericists have long recognized phosphorus as important to the thinking
process. Max Heindel says: "Phosphorus is the particular element by means of
which the Ego is able to express as thought and influence the dense body....The
degree of consciousness and intelligence is in proportion to the amount of
phosphorus contained in the brain." "Soul growth enables the brain to
assimilate an increasing amount of phosphorus" (which is a chemical poison).
The term "Astral Light" is not (as is well known) an orientalism, but was
anciently used by Western teachers in reference to the star-like Soul Body and
its aura. Paracelsus refers to it as "the sidereal light." The words of the
great Paracelsus are most significant: "Hidden things of the soul which cannot
be perceived by the physical senses may be found through the sidereal body,
through whose organism we may look into Nature in the same way that the Sun
shines through glass. The inner nature of everything may therefore be known,
through magic in general, and through the powers of the inner or second
sight." In the Rosicrucian Philosophy the descriptive term "Reflecting Ether"
is used instead of "Astral Light," the latter term including the Light Ether
as well as the Reflecting Ether.
We deem it important that oriental and medieval European esotericists have
claimed that heavy bodies can be levitated by means of the Astral Light,
besides noting its function in promoting the other supersensory powers. We may
study the various chemical and electromagnetic properties and processes of the
body singly or collectively; but the root of the mystery is found nowhere else
than in the Reflecting Ether; in the negative pole, which is the Cosmic
Reflector, and in the positive pole which projects the creatively working
archetypal image that represents the future.
In this final section on the Reflecting Ether we turn again to Max
Heindel's statement that "this ether is the medium through which thought makes
an impression upon the human brain. It is most intimately connected with the fourth subdivision of the World of Thought. This is the highest of the four
subdivisions contained in the Region of Concrete Thought and is the home world
of the human mind. There a much clearer version of the Memory of nature is
The fourth subdivision of the Region of Concrete Thought is termed the
Region of Archetypal Forces. (Cosmo). Let us look farther into
what we are taught concerning this region, in order to gain a clearer
understanding of the Reflecting Ether, for it is the record in this Region
which is reflected "down" into the Reflecting Ether, and the cosmic
relationship existing between the World of Thought and the Reflecting Ether
has its microcosmic replica within the aura of the embodied human being.
The records of the Memory of Nature are contained in the negative pole of
the Reflecting Ether, and so is the individual memory. But the Ego directs its
positive thought force into the brain by way of the positive pole of the
Reflecting Ether. This positive thought force, which works through the
positive pole of the Reflecting Ether in the brain and nervous system (the
mind really works everywhere that the "gray matter" is present, throughout the
body) is creative; it is not passively receptive. The negative pole is the
receptor, and therefore contains the memory, being the storehouse of all
images, as hitherto described.
Of the Region of Archetypal Forces, Max Heindel writes: "It is the central
and most important Region in the five worlds wherein man's entire evolution is
carried on. On the one side of this Region are the three higher Regions of the
World of Thought, the World of Life Spirit, and the World of Divine Spirit. On
the other side of the Region of Archetypal Forces are the three lower Regions
of the World of Thought, the Desire and the Physical Worlds. Thus this Region
becomes a sort of 'crux,' bounded on the one side by the Realms of Spirit, on
the other by the worlds of form. It is a focusing point, where Spirit reflects itself in Matter." (Cosmo-Conception)
In another place Mr. Heindel points out that from another viewpoint the
world of Spirit proper really begins only with the World of Life Spirit, which
he calls the first universal world, and that in the broad sense, the material
universe begins with the Region of Abstract Thought, and that above this all
is "pure" Spirit. The World of Abstract Thought is "chaos, the seed-ground of
cosmos," in which the "germinal ideas" — the germs of all causation, and
therefore of evolution, are created by spiritual intelligences in that world.
In the Cosmo-Conception, Diagram 1, we are shown a schematic drawing
by which to understand the "relative permanency of the visible and invisible
worlds," on the analogy of the stereopticon with its projected images. The Diagram is drawn from the point of view of the Virgin Spirit, whose Will
corresponds to the operator of the stereopticon machine; which conceives, in
the World of Life Spirit, by means of the divine creative imagination, a concept; this concept takes the form of an Idea in the Region of Abstract
Thought, and the Idea is posited before the Lens of the Mind, in the fourth
subdivision of the World of Thought. This fourth division alone is properly and scientifically designated "the mind." The mind is the lens, but the light
emanates from the Life Spirit, while the slide represents the permanent Idea
created by the Virgin Spirit in the Region of Abstract Thought. That is, this
Permanent Idea is the "Germinal Idea;" so called because it is the "seed" from
which the exterior world-objects spring. The light of the Life Spirit projects
the living, permanent Idea through the Mind, which lies specifically in the
Region of Archetypal Forces, and, therefore, it is these Archetypal Forces
which from this point on are represented by the beams of light which emanate
from the World of Life Spirit. The Archetypal Forces ray downward through the
Region of Concrete Thought and the Desire World, awakening the driving power
of desire, and the image, corresponding to the image cast on the screen by the
stereopticon projector. What are the Archetypal Forces? They are all the
living beings who work on the Archetypes in the Second Heaven, which
Archetypes are thought forms. They include human beings between incarnations, Nature Forces, and the celestial Hierarchies, such as Lords of Mind,
Archangels, Angels, advanced members of our own life wave (Mercurians,
Venusians), etc., and Adepts of our own humanity.
Now when we come to the Physical World, where the image is objectified, we
are shown seven subdivisions, of which the four upper are the ethers which are
the subject of these sections; and of these four ethers, the Reflecting Ether
is the uppermost. It is, Max Heindel says, an Hyper-ether. This ether is the screen upon which the image is projected from the mind. But the forces of the
Desire World are present with the image, just as the heat, light, and
electricity of the stereopticon machine are involved in projecting the image
inscribed on the glass slide on to the screen — or, in another analogy, the
moving picture projected from the film strip.
But the projected image of the stereopticon or moving picture is flat and
two-dimensional. The projected image contained within (not on) the Reflecting
Ether, is three-dimensional. It is projected in depth, and with life and
force. The Memory of Nature and the human mind is comparable, on this analogy, to art galleries and newspapers which carry pictures and symbols, but these are only a portion of the entire physical world itself, the so-called time-space continuum of modern physical science.
The time-space continuum as a whole correlates with the Reflecting Ether,
and therefore modern scientists speak of "traveling in time," or "the
annihilation or collapse of space," and "the collapse of time." Where the
esotericist says that he "reads in the Memory of Nature" — particularly the
Reflecting Ether — the scientists says that he "travels in time." And many
scientific fantasies show this traveling in time as if it were possible for a
person living in the 20th century to return, in actual fact, to a former time
and way of life, retaining as he does his present-day personality and
knowledge. The esotericist questions such a reversal of the time stream. He
does, indeed, travel backward in consciousness in the course of his
Initiations, where he reviews, and remembers, his previous existences — not
only his embodiments as a human being in the Earth Period but his former
existences as animal-like, planet-like or even mineral-like beings of earlier
periods of evolution.
But whereas those periods were experienced with no self-awareness, the
Initiate now views them and enters into them sympathetically (or with empathy,
empathically), in full waking self-consciousness, and in so doing becomes able
to use the forces voluntarily which he then used involuntarily — negatively or
passively — under the guidance of higher spiritual beings.
Now just as the physical body of man is surrounded by and derived from the world around him, so that Divine Spirit and Life Spirit are surrounded by and derived from their corresponding macrocosmic worlds of Spirit; so also the Human Spirit is differentiated within the World of Abstract Thought, and the Mind and Desire Body from their corresponding worlds; while the vital body
consists of the ethers which surround it on all sides, and the physical body
is made up of physical substances as said.
But from another point of view we may say that the universe consists solely
of Spirit: the Divine Spirit which is "reflected" or condensed into the
physical body as its representative; the Life Spirit, which is "reflected" or
condensed into the Vital Body, as its representative; the Human Spirit which
is "reflected" or condensed into the Desire Body and Concrete Mind, as its
twofold representative. But — as we see from a process of elimination — it is the mind itself which is the focus, condensation, or reflection, of pure Virgin Spirit. And the Reflecting Ether is, as it were, a kind of lower polarity or octave of the mind; the subconscious mind, in the sense that it occupies a plane below the true mind.
To call the Reflecting Ether the "lower octave" of the mind is of course a
musical analogy, but such an analogy bears a high degree of accuracy as
regards the World of Thought, for that world is the great cosmic world of
tone, or sound; each cosmic sound pattern created in Cosmic Root Substance by
a Creative Idea sent forth by the Three-fold Spirit in the way shown in
Diagram 1 of the Cosmo-Conception. The World Archetype sings a song emanating from the Solar Logos and the Great Spirits before His Throne who are the Planetary Logoi; and Man, as Virgin Spirit, is part of this Song, and he also sings along with the innumerable spirits of the celestial Hierarchies.
It is known to musicians — and to physicists who have drawn up a science of
sound — that when a certain note is struck, say on a piano, other keys
harmonious to it will vibrate in sympathy, creating overtones, undertones,
chords, and octaves, as the case may be. (See Cosmo-Conception) So the harmony of the threefold Spirit sounds, and by sounding creates tone-patterns in the World of Concrete Thought, which are translated into form and substance in the Physical World. This is why it is said that the
reflecting Ether is the "lower octave" of the fourth or Archetypal Region of
the World of Thought, and therefore reflects, or resounds with the pictures of
the Memory of Nature, and with all other forces which belong to that high realm.
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