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The Cosmic Blessings of Moses

   Leviticus, the book of the first law, closes with a description of conditions similar to those upon the Earth today, wherein the spiritual and the material exist in striking contrast to one another. Deuteronomy, the book of the second law, closes with a vision of the New Earth and the New Race which will inhabit it, as foreshadowed in the cosmic blessings of Moses.

   The blessings Moses bestows upon the twelve tribes parallel in many respects the blessings Jacob pronounced upon his sons. Both are of cosmic import; both correlate to the twelve zodiacal Rays. Yet there are important differences. In the four centuries that had elapsed between the utterance of Jacob, as recorded in the forty-ninth chapter of Genesis, and that of Moses, as recorded in the thirty-third chapter of Deuteronomy, the race had made much progress. Consciousness had expanded, spiritual insight had deepened. The blessings of Moses reveal more of the higher qualities in man and his universe than do Jacob's. Jacob described the zodiacal influences as they registered in the mass consciousness; Moses expressed rather the reactions of the advanced few.

   Jacob spoke from Egypt, the land of darkness; Moses from Mount Nebo, the heights of wisdom. Both Jacob and Moses gave their blessings just prior to their transition into the beyond, when their spiritual insight was calm and clear, and when their realization of Reality reached beyond ordinary boundaries of earthly awareness.

   Reuben is the Aquarian pioneer. He has learned the glorious lesson of conscious immortality. He does "not die." He embodies the brotherhood ideal of the coming age; "Let not his men be few."

   Love will fulfill the law in the Age of Aquaria. It will be sufficient for the New Age man, an effective weapon with which to overcome his enemies. Hear, therefore, the "voice of Judah" (the son of Leo, the heart) "and bring him to his people."

   Simeon and Levi are representative of the dual characteristics of Gemini. On the lower plane this sign manifests as division and separativeness; on the higher plane, as polarity. Simeon expresses the former; Levi the latter. Significantly, Simeon is not mentioned specifically in the Mosaic blessing, while Levi is emphasized.

   Jacob, in his blessing to Simeon, refers to the lower aspects of Gemini as digging down a wall and as killing a man. Moses, seeing more clearly the higher operation of the sign of the Twins, addresses Levi only. The quality of equilibrium, which comes only after the trial of Massah and the conflict at Meribah in which the lower nature is subjugated, is expressed in the powers of the Thummim and the Urim. Let these be with "thy holy one," says Moses.

   Benjamin typifies Cancer, sign of the Initiate whose wisdom is the result of a close and continuous communion with the operations of spiritual law. That law covers "him all the day long"; it dwells "between his shoulders."

   Joseph expresses powers of the higher mind which belong to the office of Sagittarius. He typifies the New Age pioneer in whom the mind has been spiritualized, and the functions of head and heart brought into equilibrium. The glory of such a character is likened to "the firstling of his bullock." His abilities enable him to bring forth the precious fruits of the Earth and Sun and Moon. The "horns" with which he shall "push people together" are the double powers of the illumined heart and mind. When these become active in man the manifold nations and races will be united in bonds of good will and common endeavor.

   Zebulun relates to Pisces, the last sign in the Zodiac. This sign closes a cycle of experience, after which the soul "goes out." The expression used applies to liberation from earthly experience at the end of an evolutionary period; to freedom from the wheel of birth and death after attaining powers of an Initiate; to release from the physical body at death; or, in a still smaller cycle of life, to entrance of the soul into inner realms during hours when the phsyical body is asleep. Pisces opens on the boundless ocean of life. Jacob refers to Piscean Zebulun as dwelling "at the haven of the sea," and Moses bids him rejoice in his "going out" into the expanse of being that knows neither time nor space. In the ampler consciousness of the race that is yet to come, death will have lost its terrors, and the soul will welcome it as the open door to a larger life to which it will go forth rejoicingly.

   Issachar lives in the mansion of Taurus, where karmic debts are paid by loving self-forgetting service. With this accomplishment comes peace and contentment. There is a realization that divine justice is ever operative, and that man receives as he gives and pays as he earns. Living in harmony with this law removes the stress and strain which violation places upon one's whole nature. The mind, the tent in which consciousness dwells during earthly life, is at ease; it truly rejoices.

   Gad expresses the fiery, cardinal, mental qualities of Aries. He stands at the point of new endeavor; "blessed be he that enlargeth" that beginning. The powers of Aries are centered in the head. Utilizing these, Gad carves out a portion: first for himself, and then for others. Jacob says of him "a troop shall overcome him, but he shall overcome at the last." Mind will ultimately rule supreme over matter.

   Dan expresses the attributes of Scorpio, sign of form, generation and death. These aspects of human life result from misuse of the love (Leo, the lion) principle. They are its off-spring. Through regeneration the spirit will one day "leap" from the sorrows and limitations it now suffers. It will rise on eagle's wings (higher Scorpio) into a larger freedom.

   Naphtali comes under Capricorn, the sign of enlightenment born of compassion. Jacob referred to him as "a hind let loose , meaning release for a new cycle of soul expression. Filled with "the blessings of the Lord," he is bidden to possess the west and the south points of the earth plane, symbolical of darkness and death. They are for Naphtali's conquest.

   Asher correlates to Libra, the sign which, in the Old Dispensation, divides spirit from matter. In the New it unites the two, and Asher becomes the new Adam in whom the higher forces are operative. Jacob declares, "he shall yield royal dainties;" Moses adds that he shall be blessed with many children (followers). "Let him dip his foot (understanding) in oil (regeneration)." Moses' closing blessing is addressed to the whole of Israel (redeemed humanity).

   The time will come when a redeemed humanity (Israel) shall "dwell in safety alone." They will dwell in a land of corn and wine (the balanced potencies of mind and heart). Oppositional forces of the world, which have attained to "high places," shall be under control; and the God of Israel will rule "in his excellency on the sky." The race will live in a consciousness that "underneath are the everlasting arms."

 — Corinne Heline

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