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Death of Joseph

   Joseph died at the age of one hundred and ten years. Seventeen of these years he lived in Canaan; for ten years he was a servant of Potiphar; three years were spent in prison; for eighty years he ruled all the lands of Egypt. The number one hundred and ten is the tenfold power of eleven, the master number of attainment. He arrived at its high status after seventeen years of preparation, ten of service, three of trial, and eighty years of fruitful work for humanity. World service followed his years in prison, the time when, in terms of soul experience, every external aid is withdrawn leaving only inner resources of the spirit to be drawn upon. If these be uncovered and developed, as they were in Joseph's case, new power is available wherewith to minister to the needs of the world.

   Joseph typifies the man in whom the higher Christed mind has become operative under the guidance of the Sagittarian Hierarchy, the Lords of Mind. He has entered into a superior condition and assures his brethren that God will surely visit them and bring them out of this land (material mindedness) into the land (Christed mind) which He sware to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Joseph and Zion Compared

   The Bible gives its deepest message in symbols. The same truth is presented in many ways, under different figures and allegories. It is as though it were written in many languages so that if a reader should fail to get its meaning in one tongue, he may, perchance, grasp it in another.

   An illustration of this is the symbolical use it makes of the man Joseph and of the city of Zion. Both are representative of various phases through which humanity passes in its struggle toward the light. Both are symbols of Initiation. When these facts are recognized, it is not surprising that there should be so many similar references to the two. Some of these parallels have been cataloged in the follow ing passages taken from the Talmud, a holy book of the Hebrews:

 — Corinne Heline

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