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Divine Justice: The Law of Consequence

   As cosmic principles are shown operating in all parts of the Bible history, so in the Psalms also we find them exemplified. In Psalms 15, 37, 47 and 82 we find two important lessons: The first deals with the operation of the cosmic Law of Consequence and Rebirth, and the second with "living the life."

   One of the loveliest lyrics and most inspiring of the Psalms is the first Psalm, which is so rich in spiritual insight:

   Regardless of all evidence to the contrary, evil does not, and never has, triumphed over good. Good is an aspect of God, the Eternal, and destroys evil as surely as light destroys darkness. There is no power in darkness by which it can destroy the light. Darkness must be, and is, always vanquished by light, for it is not a thing in itself, but the mere absence of the positive power of light. It is only when we see life bounded by one birth and one death that inequalities seem triumphant; but when through Initiation we are able to trace the journey of the ego from incarnation to incarnation, then the just operation of the Law of Consequence becomes clear to us, and we know that the righteous is indeed a Tree planted by the waters of Life, bringing forth fruit in its season. The wicked also must reap as they sow, and "are like the chaff which the wind driveth away." They "shall not stand in the judgment."

   Note again how this Psalm, given a ieading place in our entire collection, stresses the value of meditation. "On his Law doth he meditate day and night." "His delight is in the Law."

   To the beginner it seems impossible that meditation can be a source of the keenest spiritual pleasure and delight, a delight which transcends every sensual pleasure imaginable. But as he treads the Path the time comes when such will become his own experience. By lifting the mind into the rarefied concepts of Cosmic Thought, by thinking God's thoughts after Him, the true joy of living will have been found. Sensual delights are dull and heavy as compared with the celestial ecstasy of the soul. Dante describes how when Beatrice looked upon him he fell fainting with ecstasy, which to the sense-man may have. the sound of a poetic exaggeration. Anyone who has seen an Angelic Being or even an angelical human being, and has felt the curiously overpowering sweetness which emanates from him, can say with truth that the spiritual consciousness is truly a delight, yea, an ecstasy, which the earthly intellect cannot endure.

   "Delight thyself in Jehovah," is therefore no empty maxim, and when the mind is quiet through understanding Eternal justice, this delight becomes the daily wine of the neophyte, and it is no hardship for him to "Trust in Jehovah, and do good," as the 37th Psalm commands.

   Again the 7th Psalm enunciates the Law of Cause and Effect in the words, "The righteous God trieth the minds and hearts, His mischief shall return upon his own head;" and the triumph of the New Order, in which Cosmic Law is fulfilled, is promised in the 2nd Psalm:

   Thomas Troward, the celebrated metaphysician and author of Bible Mystery and Bible Meaning, says that the 1st and 2nd Psalms contain the teachings of the entire Bible in miniature.

In Psalms 15 and 47 we find the perfect expression of the precepts for "living the life." The 15th Psalm constitutes the Temple Decalogue. It is a perfect picture of the Saturnian virtues, which are the foundation Rock of Initiation.

 — Corinne Heline

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