We congratulate you on the successful completion of the first 25 Astrology Independent Study Modules, for we are confident that the knowledge which you have gained through it, if rightly used to help others as well as yourself, will be a great blessing to you and a great aid to your more rapid evolution.
We have 26 additional Astrology Independent Study modules dealing with the esoteric and higher aspects of astrology, which we believe you would find to your advantage to pursue. On this web page
you will find data sheet graphics containing the necessary information for the construction of a test horoscope. For this you will require an ephemeris for the year 1911.
Hoping that we may continue to number you among our students,
Your sincere friends, Fellow Students of
Contemporary Mystic
The Measure
of Amenability
to Planetary Vibrations
Part IV
Neptune may be said to represent the invisible worlds in their more positive aspects, and those who come under the adverse aspects of this planet are, therefore, brought into touch with the most undesirable occupants of the invisible worlds. Actual obsession whereby the owner of a body is deprived of his vehicle takes place under the ray of Neptune, and no materializing seance could ever be held were it not for this stellar vibration. Magic, white or black, can never be put to practical use save under and because of this Neptunian vibration. Apart from this ray it would remain theory, speculation, and book learning. Therefore the Initiates of every Mystery School, spiritual seers who have full control of their clairvoyant faculty, and astrologers are amenable in varying degrees to the ray of Neptune. The "black magician" and the hypnotist, who is a twin brother to the former, are also dependent upon the power of this stellar ray for use in their nefarious practices.
The highest human development at the present time, namely, the soul unfoldment which is undertaken in the Mystery Temples through Initiation, is directly the result of the Neptunian Ray. For just as evil configurations with Neptune lay men liable to assault by invisible entities, so the good configurations with Neptune are particularly required to enable a man to unfold by Initiation all his soul powers and become a conscious agent in the invisible worlds. Let us remember, however, that good or evil configurations are not the result of chance or luck. The horoscope shows the tendencies of the coming life; it shows what we have earned by our past living and therefore what we are entitled to in the present life.
Moreover, it should always be kept in mind that the stars impel but they do not compel. Because a man or woman has an evil configuration with Neptune or Uranus, it is not unavoidable that they should go into active, evil mediumship or black magic and thereby make life harder for themselves in the future. Their opportunity to do so and the temptation will come at certain times when the heavenly time-markers point to the right hour on the clock of destiny. Then is the time to stand firm for the good and for the right. Being forewarned through a knowledge of astrology, one is also forearmed and may the easier overcome when such an aspect culminates.
Thus we have seen in the three continued articles on this subject that man is amenable to the planetary rays in an increasing measure as he advances through evolution; but the more highly developed he becomes spiritually, the less he will allow the planets to dominate him, while the younger soul is driven unresistingly along with the tide of life in whatever direction the planetary vibrations propel him. It is the mark of the advanced soul that he keeps the true course regardless of planetary vibrations. Between these two extremes there are naturally all gradations. Some are excessively amenable to the rays of one planet, and the bark of life of such men and women is driven upon the rocks of sorrow and suffering that they may learn to evolve within themselves the will power that will finally free them from all domination by the ruling stars. As Goethe, the great mystic, said:
"From every power that holds the world in chains.
Man frees himself when self-control he gains."
It may be asked: Have we run the gamut of vibrations when we have learned to respond to all the seven planets which are mythically represented as the seven strings on Apollo's Lyre? In other words, is Neptune the highest vibration to which we shall ever respond? The Western Wisdom Teachings tell us that there are two more planets in the universe which will be known in future ages, and that these will have an influence in developing qualities of so transcendent a nature that we cannot now understand them. The number of Adam, man or humanity, is nine, and there are nine rungs upon the stellar ladder by which he is ascending to God. Up to the present time he has climbed only five of these rungs, namely, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, and even the vibrations of these he has not by any means learned. Uranus and Neptune are slowly coming into our lives; they will not become active in the same manner and to the same degree that, for instance, the Moon and Mars are at the present time, until many ages have passed. But even when we have learned to respond to them, there are two more of which we shall know something later on. It is the opinion of the writer that these two are probably not felt by any except those who have graduated from the Greater Mystery School and the Hierophants of that sublime institution.
In concluding this article, on the amenability of man to planetary vibrations we quote from The Rosicrucian Mysteries a part of the article on "Light, Color, and Consciousness".
"Truly, God is One and Undivided. He enfolds within His being all that is, as the while light embraces all colors. But He appears threefold in manifestation, as the white light is refracted in three primary colors, blue, yellow, and red. Wherever we see these colors they are emblematic of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These three primary rays of divine life are diffused or radiated through the sun, and produce life, consciousness, and form upon each of the seven light bearers, the planets, which are called the "Seven Spirits before the Throne." Their names are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. Bode's Law would indicate that Neptune does not belong to our solar system, and the reader is referred to Simplified Scientific Astrology by the present writer for mathematical demonstration of this contention.
"Each of the seven planets receives the light of the sun in a different measure according to its proximity to the central orb and the constitution of its atmosphere. The beings on each, according to their stage of development, have affinity for some of the solar rays. They absorb the color or colors congruous to them, and reflect the remainder upon the other planets. These reflected rays bear with them an impulse of the nature of the beings with whom they have been in contact.
"Thus the divine light and life come to each planet, either directly from the sun or reflected from the six planets. As the summer breeze which has been wafted over blooming fields carries upon its silent, invisible wings the blended fragrance of a multitude of flowers, so also the subtle influences from the Garden of God bring to us the mingled impulses of all the Spirits, and in that vari-colored light we live and move and have our being.
"The rays which come directly from the sun are productive of spiritual illumination; the reflected rays from other planets make for added consciousness and moral development; and the rays reflected by way of the Moon give physical growth.
"But as each planet can absorb only a certain quantity of one or more colors according to the general stage of evolution there, so each being upon earth — mineral, plant, animal, and man — can only absorb and thrive upon a certain quantity of the various rays projected upon the earth. The remainder does not affect it or produce sensation any more than the blind are conscious of light and color which exist everywhere around them. Therefore each being is differently affected by the stellar rays; and a knowledge of the science of astrology, a fundamental truth in nature, is of enormous benefit in the attainment of spiritual growth."
Besides the stellar vibrations which we have discussed in the foregoing there is one of vital importance to which all mankind is responsive, namely, that of the lunation or new moon. The progressed planets may be regarded as the hour hand of a clock. They mark the year when certain events are due according to their positions and their aspects and our amenability to their vibrations. By them the destiny or opportunity in store for mankind is forecast; but unless the moon, which corresponds to the minute hand in our illustration of the clock of destiny, moves along through the houses of the horoscope by progression and gives her consent by acting as a focus for the planetary vibrations, these would never take effect upon humanity.
Besides the actual progression of the moon and the planets in the horoscope at the rate of a day for a year, there is, as said in the first paragraph, the lunation, which occurs each month in a different sign of the zodiac by a conjunction of the moon with the sun. Whenever this conjunction occurs within three degrees of an aspect to any one of the planets in the natal horoscope, the effect of the configuration will be felt during the month governed by this lunation, provided of course that the person is responsive and amenable to that particular stellar influence.
The influences of these lunations may be divided into three classes according to whether they affect the Moon, Mars or Saturn at birth, producing physical results; the Sun, Venus, or Mercury, producing social, moral, and mental effects; or Jupiter, Uranus, or Neptune which would act upon the spiritual nature.
The results produced under the vibrations of a new moon will naturally depend upon the aspects. Squares and oppositions give trails and troubles. Sextiles and trines give pleasures of a nature consonant with the planetary aspects.
The ordinary lunation does not produce effects for more than one month. But if the lunation happens to be an eclipse, the effect will be felt for a full year from the time of its occurrence. Every time that year when a lunation falls in square to the place of the eclipse, it will re-awaken the evil, if any, experienced at the time when the eclipse, it will re-awaken the evil, if any, experienced at the time when the eclipse occurred. Similarly, if the original lunation was good, then every formation of sextile and trine to its place will bring correspondingly good results.
Work For The Student:
(You are welcome to e-mail your answers and/or
comments to us. Please be sure to include the course name and self-study module number in your
e-mail to us. You will find the answers to the questions below in the next Astrology Independent Study Module.)
1. Please erect the horoscope for a child born September 15, 1911, 9:20 P.M., Standard Time, at Chicago, Ill., Latitude 42 N., Longitude 83 W.
Horoscope Data Sheet:
Name: Astrology Independent Study Module No. 26
Place: Chicago, IL, USA
Lat.: 42 deg. N.
Long.: 88 deg. W.
Birth Date: September 15, 1911
Birth Time: 9:20 P.M.
(Std. Time)
Std Time:
(Choose One:
True Local Time:
Calc. Sid. Time:
Nearest Sid. Time:
Greenwich Mean Time:
Adj. Calc. Date:
Dragon's Head:
Dragon's Tail:
Part of Fortune:
Dragon's Head:
Dragon's Tail:
Part of Fortune:
True Local Time:
Birth Hour
according to Standard Time:
(if Daylight Saving Time
in effect, subtract
one hour):
Degrees birthplace is East
or West of Standard Time
Meridian in use at birth:
Multiply this number of
degrees by 4 minutes,
(Add if birthplace is
East of this Meridian.
Subtract if birthplace
is West of this Meridian)
Gives True Local Time
(T.L.T.) of Birth:
Sidereal Time:
Sidereal Time (S.T.) at
Greenwich for noon
previous to T.L.T.
of birth:
Correction of 10 seconds
for each 15 degrees of
Longitude (10/15 or
2/3 x Long.):
(Add if West Longitude.
Deduct if East Longitude)
Interval between previous
noon and true local time
of birth:
Add correction of 10
seconds per hour of
Gives Sidereal Time (S.T.)
at birthplace at
birth hour:
Nearest S. T. in Tables
of Houses:
Greenwich Mean Time:
True Local Time of Birth:
Degrees East or West of
Multiply this number of
degrees by 4 minutes
(Add, if West Longitude.
Deduct if East Longitude)
Gives Greenwich Mean Time
Interval to nearest noon:
Logarithm for this interval
(Permanent Logarithm):
Position of Planets:
Coming Noon Position
(after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position
(before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
(Direct planets: add to
previous noon position if
G.M.T. is P.M.; deduct
from coming noon position
if G.M.T. is A.M.
Retrograde Planets,
reverse this rule.)
Position of Sun:
House Location of Sun:
Coming Noon Position
(after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position
before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
(Direct planets: add to
previous noon position if
G.M.T. is P.M.; deduct
from coming noon position
if G.M.T. is A.M.
Retrograde Planets,
reverse this rule.)
Position of Venus:
House Location of Venus:
Coming Noon Position
(after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position
(before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
(Direct planets: add to
previous noon position if
G.M.T. is P.M.; deduct
from coming noon position
if G.M.T. is A.M.
Retrograde Planets,
reverse this rule.)
Position of Mercury:
House Location of Mercury:
Coming Noon Position
(after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position
(before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
(Direct planets: add to
previous noon position if
G.M.T. is P.M.; deduct
from coming noon position
if G.M.T. is A.M.
Retrograde Planets,
reverse this rule.)
Position of Moon:
House Location of Moon:
Coming Noon Position
(after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position
(before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
(Direct planets: add to
previous noon position if
G.M.T. is P.M.; deduct
from coming noon position
if G.M.T. is A.M.
Retrograde Planets,
reverse this rule.)
Position of Mars:
House Location of Mars:
Position of Saturn:
House Location of Saturn:
Position of Jupiter:
House Location of Jupiter:
Position of Uranus:
House Location of Uranus:
Position of Neptune:
House Location of Neptune:
Position of Pluto:
House Location of Pluto:
Position of Dragon's Head:
House Location of
Dragon's Head:
The Astrologer as
Scientist, Artist,
and Priest-Teacher
The symbols of the circle, its quadrants, the zodiacal signs, the planets and
their aspects must be understood to be symbols of life-essences, their
purposes and functions, if astrology is to take its rightful place in the
family of Illuminations. The approach that anything that is depicted in
astrology is essentially bad makes it, relatively, impossible for the
constructive work to be adequately fulfilled; further, such an approach has
about as much correspondence to astrological truth as has the "hell-fire-and-
damnation" version of Christianity to the simple, luminous teachings of Jesus.
"Philosophy" means "love of Wisdom" and man's paths
toward the attainment of understanding are many. Since astrology is one of the
principle paths by which humanity finds illumination this material is
presented so that students may come into a clearer recognition of the three
paths which should be traversed by them, in some degree, and must be traversed
if they are to fulfill their purposes as "Astro-Philosophers."
The wheel of the horoscope and its "vibratory
ingredients" contain the essential secrets of man's patterns of all kinds — and
in all degrees and levels. The progress of the wheel, from ascendant through
twelfth house — counter-clockwise — opens up to our understanding the
"onwardness and upwardness" of evolutionary unfoldment as it expresses the
song of "I am" in the four quadrants. Cosmic "Triune-ity" is physically
manifested by what we usually refer to as the "three dimensions" of length,
width, and height but no one of these three can manifest without the other
two. This triune-ity of one composite physical dimension has its astrological
correspondence in the triune-ity of each quadrant's division of three houses;
the four quadrants are then seen to express the totality of the wheel in
twelve houses; four triune-dimensional levels of consciousness and unfoldment.
This is the symbolic picturing of "Pilgrim's Progress."
Since, then, the pattern of the twelve-housed wheel
depicts the essential progress of any human unfoldment, it naturally follows
that its symbols can refer to our experience as astrologers. In other words,
certain specialized faculties and qualities of consciousness, in composite,
comprise the "astrologer-part" of our being; and for a certain number of
incarnations this realm of consciousness is exercised to a certain way as a
factor in our unfoldment.
Our "astrologer-consciousness," because of its
specializations, may be likened to a "sub-entity" in the entity of our
composite consciousness, similar, shall we say, to "yellow" or "purple" being
sub-entities in the composite vibrational entity that we call "color." Each
sub-entity has, of course, its principal divisions and they, in turn, their
myriads of variational expressions. So it is with the wheel and the signs by
division in decanates, degrees, minutes, and seconds.
The "astrologer-part" of human consciousness is a
composite of those factors which make us scientist, artist, and priest-
teacher. Just as the cardinal color-vibrations are linked to each other by
their gradations so do these three human correlatives blend into each other to
make the "spectrum" of astrological consciousness. All people who work in
astrology may tend, to a degree, to align themselves essentially to one of the
three classifications, but we must come to a point of "synthesizing ourselves"
with all three if our astrological "chapter of development" is to be complete
and well-rounded out.
The essential meanings of the first three houses
contain the secrets of the remaining three quadrants, the second, third, and
fourth quadrants being "extensions" of the first. It is felt that by "X-ray"
consideration of the first quadrant we can unlock the secret of these
qualities and capacities of human consciousness which in specialized
expression, give definition to our "astrological self" — the sum-total of which
pictures humanity as "astro-philosopher."
First House: the Ascendant of every horoscope; the
first utterance of "I am"; the physical envelope which instrumentates the
consciousness; the awareness of being and of physical manifestation; the
awareness of the "being-ness" of all things; the exoteric consciousness which
identifies humanity as a factor in the manifested universe; in the beginning,
man perceives this manifestation as form exterior to himself;
subsequently, in unfoldment from the chrysalis of first-house consciousness,
he perceives the multi-dimensionality of life by "esoteric" or "subjective"
awareness and realization.
As expression of the first house, the astro-
philosopher is "astrologer-as-scientist." His approach to the subject is based
on his desire to understand the physical expression of life from a basis that
is different from any he has had before. Since his attention is focused on
form, he naturally pays careful attention to quality and
measurement. He trains himself to scrupulous accuracy regarding the
mathematical calculations involved because they are the skeletal form upon
which his interpretative abilities will develop. Further, he seeks to unlock
the secrets of abstract symbols as they serve to delineate the
processes by which the Physical World manifests. He recognizes that
humanity functions by its specialized principles as a machine functions
according to its mechanical principles. He studies events as they represent
the "form-side" of astrological-patterns-in-action. He studies his own chart
in terms of synchronizing event with aspect; in early stages of development he
identifies his aspects by relating them to vibrational action outside of
Since he is a "first house expression," the astro-
scientist is the astrological pioneer. He is a path-breaker in the sense that
he "projects" awareness of astrological truths into his circle of
acquaintances and associations. He is a "stimulator," bringing knowledge of a
"new subject" to his immediate circle or to the world at large.
The developments of the astro-scientist are shown by
the first house of the second and third quadrants; i.e. the fourth and seventh
houses. It is through these chapters that the astro-scientist begins to
develop his subjective awareness, because on these levels he must turn his
"astro-scientific eyes" into the charts of those to whom he is drawn in
family-pattern and in relationship-pattern. The "scientificness" of his
approach urges him, naturally, to try to understand the charts of those who
are nearest and dearest to him in personal relationship. The astro-scientist
fails at this point if he permits his astrological awareness to be disturbed
and distorted by his feelings toward the charts — and their contexts — of those
who are close to him. The objective, unemotional, scientific part of him must
be trained and disciplined to hold to its own truth, regardless of the
feelings he has toward the person whose chart he is studying. Astro-
philosophy, in this way, proves its value as an "impersonalizer" of the
desire-nature; it makes possible a technique by which the mind may be trained
to "see clearly" in spite of the claims of the desire-nature; as astro-
philosophers, we must all acquire and maintain this impersonal scientific
approach toward all charts.
In his tenth house expression the astro-scientist
rounds out his studies by including an understanding of many, if not all, of
the patterns of interpretation. He studies horary astrology; he studies the
charts of nations and governments, groups, institutions, and events which
pertain to many people together. He studies astro-biology and astro-diagnosis;
he knows something of how different "systems" present the subject. In other
words, this scientificness is extended in scope to include an understanding of
the vibratory essentials of any and all kinds of manifestations of the
objectified life of humanity. The astro-scientist who keeps his interest in
the subject uncommercial has the best chance of unfolding in a rhythmic and
natural way.
Second House: abstractly ruled by Venus, the second
house is the feminine correlative of the first. It is the first of the fixed
houses, its cusp is the starting-point of the trine-symbol and it initiates
those levels of consciousness by which the astro-artist is born. Since this is
the only feminine sign of the first quadrant, it initiates the two
triplicities of the earth and water trines which include the symbolizings of
humanity's emotional resources and responsiveness, its urge-to-love and its
urge-to-transmute; its urge-to-beauty, with all of that urge's attendant
inspirations and aspirations, visions, dreams, and ideals.
The term "astro-artist" is used to designate that
part of our consciousness which projects the first house into realms of
identity with people, not just of "understanding things." It is from
the love-center that all artistry is cultivated, all true service projected,
and all refinements realized. The astro-artist sees in astrology a channeling
for the releasement of his emotional urges; also, through knowledge
accumulated in his "scientific stage," he expresses the desire to harmonize
and beautify human life by bringing to people an awareness of the essential
goodnesses and beauties inherent in the great Principles of Life as they are
designated in symbology.
The essential mainspring of the astro-artist's
motivation is sympathy, a basic attribute of the feminine consciousness
(second house: Taurus, ruled by Venus, exaltation point of the Moon). The
astro-artist wants to help, to encourage, to console, to lift, and to inspire.
If he has not grounded himself in the requirements of the "scientific stage"
his urge to help and to express his sympathetic feeling, may be, to a degree,
impeded because he has failed to train himself in the technicalities of the
subject. In other words since he is functioning from the center of feelings —
an intensely personal motivation — he must develop the "form side" of the
subject so that his interpretations will be made from accurate pictures. By
adherence to sincerity of motivation, the astro-artist avoids the pitfalls
that may be in the way of all people whose emotional responsiveness is
the keynote of their natures. These pitfalls may be sympathy uncontrolled by
knowledge, false pity by which the astro-artist tends to turn away from
pictures of needed redirection that are shown in the chart, and failure to
perceive how each individual can learn to help himself by understanding himself. The "complete" astro-artist cultivates detachment from emotional
involvement in the problems of his client; he utilizes his awareness of the
Principle of Cause-and-Effect as it manifests in the horoscope and sees the
Law in operation throughout. However, his heart, mind, and hands are open to
all who need his guidance; by adhering to the truth of astro-artistry he
unfolds those transcendent areas of consciousness and faculty by which
intuition and inspiration are born.
Third House: in this expression, the astro-
philosopher combines the qualities of the first two and adds to them knowledge
of the human consciousness that makes it possible for him to interpret the
astrological patterns in their most deeply subjective phases. He has skill, a
trained mentality, a sound technique. To this he adds a compassionate heart — a
consciousness warmly responsive to the inner needs of his fellow-beings. To
this, in turn, he adds an inclusive mental grasp of the meaning of
astrological symbols and patterns as they picture states of being, states of
relationship, and states of evolution — not just events and suffering. Since
the third house is polarized into the ninth, we see that the astro-philosopher
of the third house type is scientist, artist, and teacher. The compositeness
of his consciousness permits him to be designated as priest-teacher or "astro-
priest." He is the "elder brother" to all who seek his guidance, because he
has traversed the experience-patterns of those who come to him; he understands
because he has realized through his own experience.
He knows sex and marriage because he has distilled
understanding from his incarnations as male and female; he knows husbandhood
and wifehood, passion and sacrifice, childhood and parenthood. He knows that
the outer is a reflection of the inner and seeks, always, to bring the minds
of people into alignment with this truth. Because he stands as an intermediary
between man's ignorance and enlightenment; the astro-priest fulfills the same
function in his astrological service that any priest does in a ceremonial
religion; as priest, he "sees the problem" from the vantage-point of wisdom.
The astro-scientist knows the effect of vibratory forces on individuals and
groups; the astro-priest understands the vibratory life of humanity. The
scientist is objective, the priest is subjective; the artist may be one or the
other, depending on which of the two classifications he aligns himself with
most strongly. However, the astro-priest's motivation is not scientific; he
includes that level but his extensions include the upper, transcendent levels
of both mind and heart.
The unfoldments of the astro-philosopher as priest-
teacher are very interesting because the last phase of his "cross" (the
mutable signs) is the twelfth house — the "finale" of the wheel. Since he is a
composite of the first two types, plus something else, his development stages
involve testings and rewardings that are comparatively greater than those of
the other two.
The astro-priest, in his "primitive stage" is the
moralist, sub-expression of the ninth house. His literal interpretations of
principle are necessary because he has not, as yet, had sufficient experience
to round out his understanding. In this level, the astro-priest sees the chart
as "picturing of good-versus-evil." Since he himself stands as a point of
differentiation of these two factors in the minds of his clients — and they are
attracted to him by the power of vibratory sympathy — his "moral consciousness"
is the focal point of his interpretations. He very often, in this level,
cannot perceive the "relativity" of what he calls "good and bad" and reads
into the chart of his client his own standards. He may have the best of the
first two types, but his own truth is, as yet, unevolved. The polarity of the
third house is the ninth and it, in turn, is the result of the quadrant
initiated by the seventh house and realized by the transmutations of the
eighth house. The resultant understanding is what is represented by the ninth
and it is that which the astro-philosopher, as priest-teacher, strives for in
his unfoldment, as the door into the fourth quadrant.
The third house comes into its "flowerings" in the
seventh and eleventh houses; in these chapters, the astro-priest recognizes
his "parallelity" with all people; as his unfoldment progresses by
transcendence of experience, he realizes love-wisdom. He recognizes that the
human is a suspension of the cosmic in all of its expressions and, in himself,
he finds that which reflects the solution of his client's problems. Then it is
seen that the composite goal of the astro-philosopher is realization that the
worst in his client has been his own worst, at some time in the past; his best
is an illumination into the dark corners of his client's conditions and
reactions to those conditions. His wisdom and his love become fathomless
resources for the re-direction of human patterns.
Discusses Government
Government is the "functioning of the Universe in
accordance with Cosmic Principles." It is the One Directive which impels the
cause of, organizes and harmonizes the effect of, every creative and
epigenetic action in the Cosmos. Since it is the expression of the One Will,
cosmic government is archetypal Autocracy; it is the root-pattern by which
every Logos, microcosmically, orders the life of its manifestation and it is
that which, in human terms, we designate as mastery. Rulership, in any
octave, is an aspect of the Directive Power symbolized by the Sun; all
planetary powers are derivatives of this Unity.
The symbolic design we call the "square aspect" — a
square resting on its horizontal base — is the arch-symbol of compressed
congestion of potentials. It is made up of two expressions of the dynamic
vertical and two expressions of the receptive horizontal; it pictures the
juxtaposition of diametric opposites seemingly in contention with each other.
A congestion has the effect of gravitational down-pulling, inhibition,
suppression of expressive possibilities, slowing up of expressive and
responsive action. It pictures an intensification of the tendency-to-inertia
which, after a certain point, is death of the form as a vehicle of the Spirit.
This pictures the "reign of the Devil," the domination of expression by
suppression, the bondage of "on-and-up-going-ness" to "in-and-down-going-
ness." The Spirit, Solar Power in its biune expression of Love-Wisdom, seeks
always, in human consciousness, to overthrow and disintegrate this "rulership
by shadow."
The symbol for government as Cosmic or Archetypal
Ordering is the diagonal square. This is the symmetrically balanced
square standing on its lower angle. Each of its four lines is a symmetrical
diagonal, hence each composites verticality and horizontality. Herein is seen
the difference, as symbol of consciousness, between this square and the static
square. Therefore rhythmic sequence is pictured by travel around its
circumference. When the cross of horizontal and vertical diameters is added
within this square, each of the two lines bisects a pair of opposite angles
and the polarity of each angle-point is thereby objectified. By this four-fold
bisection of angles, the Masculine-Feminine of Male-Female of Immature-Mature
of microcosms of any archetype is outpictured. We are concerned with humans as
individualizations of the archetype "Humanity," so this diagonal square with
its structure cross, pictures macrocosmically the government of this archetype
and microcosmically the "government-consciousness," passive and active, of the
individual human.
We now transpose this symbol into the octave of
astrological symbolism; place the circular symbol of the Sun at the center
(the jointure of the two cross-lines) and the symbols for Aries, Capricorn,
Libra, and Cancer at the left, upper, right, and lower angle-points,
respectively. The result is the Great Mandala without its circumscribing
circle — the "skeleton" of Humanity as an evolving — not evolved — archetype and
that of the individual human as an epigenetically evolving microcosm. We will
discuss the "problems" of "Government of humans by humans" as they specialize
in the three basic types of "being governed."
Considering the dynamic essence of Aries-Mars as the
"personality" of the incarnated human archetype, we are sensitive to the
"controlling agencies" represented by the other three structure-points which
are all, generically speaking, more feminine than Aries. The feminine polarity
of the Cosmos is that which receives and shapes the dynamic essences. As
Aries, through Mars, "blasts forth his energies from the Ascendant-point,"
Capricorn-Saturn, Libra-Venus, and Cancer-Moon stand as organizers and
co-ordinators of the vital expressions. "That which Aries comes from" — as the
"thing incarnated" in this mandate — is parentage; by parentage is the
individualized form begotten, by parentage is the form sustained, protected,
and nurtured. Therefore, Cancer-Capricorn as archetypal parentage is the first
coordinator-governor of the individual's expression. The first of these,
however, is Cancer — the symbol of Matrix, and the arch-symbol of seed-source.
This, in group-terms, is government for the perpetuation and preservation of
forces; it is the most primitive form of group-government. The primitive human
was subjected entirely to the directive power of the elders of the tribe, and
his significance was not as an individual, for himself, but as a factor of the
tribal unity. His evaluation to the tribe was physical — his strength, prowess,
combative and generative ability were the ear-marks of his value to the life
of the tribe. His identity was tribal, his virtue was obedience to the
directives of the elders. In relationship to that narrow directive he was
"child" and child he remained until he, in time, began to realize an awareness
of himself as an individual. To accept external directive unquestioningly,
unthinkingly, is to be subject to the parental principle of government,
secular or religious. And this applies to people living now as well as those
who inhabited the jungles thousands of years ago.
Governments that encourage such attitudes in their
people as blind, unthinking adherence, in whatever form, to such a concept as
"Mother Church"; fanatic patriotism; dependency on group-opinion and group-
feeling for guidance; racial prejudice and hatred; or habitual addiction to
governmental bounty for material sustainment are those that are functioning as
external moldings of a very limited consciousness. They have their karmic and
evolutionary place, and as such they are good. But no government of this kind
was, is, or can be a permanent pattern for any group because its essential
function is to coordinate and focus a collective primitivity. Evolution serves
to transcend primitivity on any octave. Cancer-Capricorn is archetypal
structure; it is the symbol of security to the subconscious of Humanity. It
symbolizes "that which was," and primitive (ignorant, fearful) people cling to
an established external (parents, home, church, nationality-concept, etc.) to
realize security. A government that congests on this function is one which
discourages individual effort and thought; and in that way lies the path to
dictatorship, which is "parental government" that has been allowed to become
the tool for an intensely focused negative power-consciousness (of an
individual or a group of allied individuals or nations). In primitive times,
people thrived and progressed under the protective administration of men
relatively wise, but the same basic type of government, in the hands of
unprincipled and heartless persons, turns the parental quality into tyranny —
by which the collective residues of hatreds, greeds and cruelties become
focused in the power-lusts of the ruler who personifies such a nation. This
type of government becomes degenerate the moment the welfare of the people at
large is disregarded or when the attributes of individual initiative and
expression are weakened through over-giving. Too much protection and bounty
are as out of line with governmental principles as are cruel suppression and
disregard of human rights. No one evolves who copies, in his personal life,
the degenerate example of bad rulers; he simply adds negative power to the
"power-for-evil" of the ruler and to the collective, congested evil of his
fellows. To accept national or government bounty as a "timely assistance" and
use it for its purpose (to "get going again") is in keeping with the principle
of the type of government; to make a habit of accepting assistance from
"Father-Mother Government" is to traduce one's incentives for growth,
fulfillment, and maturity. (Parents — governors of your family circles — do you
encourage dependency in your children? Or do you encourage the exercise of
reason and ability so that your children may rhythmically develop the maturity
of self-reliance?) It is true that some adults are so conditioned that they
feel they have no reason for existing unless someone is leaning on them; they
would rather "feel strong by comparison" than try to encourage the individual
abilities of the weaker one. They are functioning, subconsciously, to try to
compensate for a guilt (unfulfilled responsibility) complex . They resent any
attempt of the "weaker person" to develop his own potentials and they are, in
this respect, not too unlike some politicians who promise to give everything
in return for a vote. Think about this in terms of present-day conditions. To
be prominent and highly placed, to be called wonderful, great, kind, generous,
etc., is the be-all and end-all of what they call happiness; and they are
conditioned — and willing — to give anything in payment for this kind of
approbation. A family formed by two such parents, a nation directed by such a
ruler, will achieve pretty much the same kind of results — a parasitic
undependable child on one hand, and a parasitic undependable, irresponsible
citizenry on the other.
The polarization of this governmental type is
Capricorn, the Saturn vibration, symbol of the aristocratic type of
government. Its keyword is Hierarchy — it is the first type extended into much
more diffusion of expression by many classes which, congested and
unregenerate, results in the infamy of caste. Cultivated, it provides the
manifestation of cultivation and refinement (externally at least), the
exercise of abundance through wealth for artistic and educational purposes.
The vice of this type of government is seen in the emphasis of
superficialities (ancestry, family background, money) as standards by which
the individual is valued. The policy or slogan: "As long as it looks all right
it's good" is typical of the surface-evaluation of this type. Ambition to
realize place in the hierarchy takes the place of aspiration to realize
self-improvement; adherence to crystallized formal standards of conduct,
thought and belief may designate the identity of a "member in good standing"
but it hardly can be taken as an identity of a person who is exercising his
individual values and capacities. Saturn, the condensation of matrix,
characterizes this type through the tendency to resist — stubbornly — needed
changes; maintenance of established forms becomes so fixated a purpose that
improvements which would benefit all are either ignored or disdained. The
practice, over long periods of time, of wealth being congested in specific
points of the hierarchy breeds corruption, because it discourages individual
exercise. The monetary "fluid" — the life-blood of practical exchange — is a
means by which humans can realize certain benefits by use of their individual
faculties and intelligence. When it is handed down through generations in a
relatively limited scope it becomes a karmic testing of individuals to
take it and use it without making effort for themselves and so weaken
themselves, or it makes possible a material compensation, of a karmic nature,
to those who are conditioned to use it wisely for the improvement, progress,
and well-being of themselves and others. However, a true aristocrat does not
need family-background, this-and-that of ancestry, so much inherited wealth,
and such-and-such a "position" to demonstrate the refinement of his nature and
inclinations. He graces and beautifies whatever "station God has seen fit to
place him"; his influence is one of refinement on all who know him. The
aristocratic government that uses the public, but which has forgotten that it
too has a pattern of service to fulfill to the public, traduces the best of
its qualities. To have the advantages of education and not use them for a more
extended good, to have access to large sums of money and congest on
triviality, to disdain one's fellowman because of difference of position is no
aristocracy — it is only a shadow of a mask of it. And the mask smiles —
cynically and unbeautifully. Aristocracy gives humanity the opportunity to
observe its collective consciousness of separativeness in action. The study of
aristocratic governments throughout various historical periods and in
different nations tells us what ultimately happens when, by an illusionary
concept, we seek to separate our common destiny-patterns from our fellows.
This concept, diffused through the mechanism of organized religions, Christian
or otherwise, has resulted in some of the most terrible karmic causation
because, by its very nature it seeks to fight against the very thing that all
religion seeks to establish — the ever-clarified sense of (God's and Life's)
Unity in the human consciousness. The parent, separated in his consciousness
from his child as a fellow-human, says: "Do what I say. I am your parent."
There is nothing in such a statement to appeal to the reason or heart of the
child. It serves to intensify his feeling of inferiority-difference in
subservient relationship to his parent instead of increasing fellowship.
The "I am"-ness of Aries as Ascendant of this mandala
pictures Humanity as a potential self-ruler because it is, by attribute, an
individualized expressor. For the most part, most of us do not have the power-
consciousness to rule ourselves, much less to rule others. But, because we are
expressors we influence (a microcosmic octave of rulership) others by
everything or anything that we think, feel, say, and do. There is only one
Ascendant, archetypally or concretely, and since rulership is the ordering of
the cosmos we can improve the quality of our influence on other people. It is
true, and this is an interesting point, that we cannot rule or influence
anyone who is indifferent to us or who is more perfectly organized than we
are — we are influenced by those people much more than we affect them.
Therefore we have to rule ourselves better if we are going to attract better
"rulership-influence" from others. Apply this to the relationship of a
nation's citizenry to its hereditary or elected rulers. Look at the story of
France's civilization under the reigns of Louis XIV, XV, and XVI. The
corruption and cynicism of the first two perfectly outpictured much that was
degenerate in the general life-concepts of the people. The ineffectuality of
Louis XVI made it possible for the disintegrative forces of revolt — he
couldn't even stand up for the class he represented — to decrystallize that
particular form of aristocratic government and pave the way for the more
democratic form.
If our life-purpose requires that we exercise power in
public offices, then we know that we have the opportunity to stand as symbols
of good influence or of bad influence; we will symbolize whatever we conceive
to be the principles of government. We can remain congested in our ignorances
of these principles and so reflect the ignorance of the people we represent or
we can be adjustable to learn and so symbolize an ever-improving quality of
In consideration of the Great Mandala we see that the
Cancer-Capricorn diameter — as the "parentage-line" — exemplifies the pattern of
"government of people by people": the two types of government represented are
communal (Cancer) and aristocratic (Capricorn). Now to consider the
significance of Aries as individual ruler-ship-expression:
The "I am" quality of this sign symbolizes the sense
of individualized beingness. Since it is that from which all expression, as
personal individualization, is made possible, it is also that by which all
octaves of human-rulership are made possible. A ruler — of whatever kind —
cannot at any time be any more than he is as an individual human — his
rulership expression is projected through his consciousness of himself as a
person. Keep in mind that rulership, in the political sense, is an extension
of parentage. The same keywords that apply to different types of rulers apply
also, in a more localized sense, to different types of parents. This is so
because the matrix-quality of the Cancer-Capricorn diameter designates our
citizenship in the family-group and the nation-group into which we incarnate
by karmic law and vibratory attraction.
The lowest vibratory octave of Mars is seen to be in
his office as releaser of Pluto-Scorpio compressions. This is the ruler as
autocratic dictator. His "I am" is "I Am a personalized symbol of all the
congested ignorances, hates, and greeds of my subjects." The Russian czar,
Ivan the Terrible, was a perfect example of this type of ruler; his people
were a barbaric, ignorant, and brutish lot and their subservience to his
infamously despotic rule was the epitome of slavishness. The next octave —
synchronizing with the evolutionary needs of the Russian people — was
exemplified in Peter the Great. Every bit as despotic as was "the terrible
one," this man functioned on a higher octave of perception and purpose. His
will, enormously focused, served to co-ordinate his people, and he worked for
years to develop and expand the economic power of his nation and to bring to
it at least the vestiges of western European culture. In this type of ruler
the characteristics of insensitiveness, forceful brutality, egotism, and lack
of compassion arc strongly pronounced. Their egotism does serve, however, a
most important purpose — that of welding the nation into a coherent identity
and unity. The dormant "I Am" of the national group-vibration is ignited by
the personal "I Am" power of the autocratic ruler. The "I Am" of a degenerate
aristocratic ruler is exemplified in the character and personality of France's
King Louis XV. The vacuity and cynicism of this man, ruler-symbol of one of
the most degenerate and corrupt periods in the history of this nation,
perfectly out-pictured the crystallized negatives of this type of government —
that of hierarchy — the form that provides points of concentration of power
within the national edifice. A regenerate example of this type of government —
and a remarkable example she was — was the great Queen Elizabeth of England.
Cultured, enormously learned, devoted to her country's progress and welfare
with every fiber of her being, this brilliant and intrepid woman symbolized
the cultural and economic aspirations of her vigorous and enterprising people.
She was definitely a cut above many such rulers of class-conscious societies
in that her intense patriotic love made warfare and destruction abhorrent to
her; she has been considered to be the most humanly motivated and enlightened
ruler of her age and one of the outstanding rulers in human history. Her
unifying of her country as a world power, under a motivation of intense
national pride, emphasized the Capricorn quality of superiority that
characterizes this nation — an interesting example of national personality-
trait. Further degeneracies of hierarchical concept — and this in a most
crystallized form — are seen in the age-old, only recently decrystallized
concept of caste in India. This concept (derived from human imagining of
Cosmic Hierarchy) provided karmic bondage for millions of humans for many
There have been several remarkable examples of
Cancer-government. This is the type of government that is focused on the
perpetuity of welfare, material or spiritual. Corruption of this pattern is
seen in the giving of money, food, entertainment, etc., to the populace by
such individuals as the Roman rulers Nero and Caligula. An outer gesture of
concern for the public masked, in these cases, a hideous fear and greed. They
exemplified, in their policy of giving, the very worst aspects of this
governmental pattern. Regenerate, we see in the government of the humane
Quaker religion one of the finest examples of this type in modern times. Their
policy of universal pacifism is, of course, a spiritual motivation of
tremendous power for good in the world. Their contribution to human welfare
has been outstanding. The administration of the Salvation Army is another
example. The teaching and healing service performed by certain religious
orders represents a fine aspect of this concept of government. Even those who
function entirely in what is called "contemplative orders" make, if they are
sufficiently evolved, a remarkable redemptive contribution through their work
on the inner planes; this service is not perceived or observed by the outer
world — it is a vibratory nurture based on renunciation of personality-
consciousness. In fact, we may consider that the Jupiter vibration, as
significator of the abstract ninth house, is mixed with the Moon-Cancer
vibration to designate the essence of rulership by organization of religious
authority. You might enjoy a study of biographies of rulers — from the
illumined Pharaoh, Akhnaton, down through the ages — and come into a clearer
understanding of how rulers, as individual humans, personify the collective
unconscious, the collective ignorance and congestion, and the collective
evolutionary needs of the populace. It is a fascinating study and one to which
every esoteric and philosophical student should give some time and thought.
Now we will undertake to study the principles of
government as they are symbolically designated by the exaltation of planets.
These represent government by relative mastership — the expression, as
rulership, of solar power by highly evolved (kingly) humans which has, as its
purpose, the illumination of the consciousness of mankind. This approach to
rulership reveals the spiritual attributes inherent in each type as well as
the spiritual obligations attendant upon this form of service.
The first of these is the exaltation of the Sun
itself in the sign Aries. The identity is "I Am a Begotten Son, or Daughter,
of Father-Mother God." This is the identity of spiritual birth and the
consciousness of possessing divine attributes. The rulership implied by this
vibration is self-mastery which is the source from which all other spiritual
government is derived, and from which all expressions of transcendent love and
wisdom are emanated. The priest-kings of ancient Egypt, beautifully described
by Joan Grant in her lovely book, "The Winged Pharaoh," exemplify this type.
These great rulers were spiritually tested for their qualifications to serve
as rulers of their people in what was one of the outstanding spiritual epochs
in human history. Since specializations are emanated from the One, this
exaltation-point of the Sun resources every other type of spiritual
government. The ruler of Aries, Mars, is exalted in Capricorn. In this study,
Capricorn is seen to symbolize the hierarchical concept of aristocratic
government; the specialization of "class" reflects (what should be) the
gradations of spiritual evolution. Originally the Brahmanic religion of India
was based on this concept; Plato spoke of "the rule by the philosophical
elect." The exaltation of Mars in Capricorn, in genetic terms, is the maturity
of the male principle in responsibility-fulfillment. Therein is seen the
spiritual qualification that designates true rulers in a hierarchical
government: the responsibility to keep the spiritual "I Am" alive so that the
offices of governing the less-evolved may be carried on with positiveness,
courage, and a sense of father-love as the protective love-motivation. To give
life is the attribute of parentage; to maintain principles of government that
contribute to the general welfare and progress (materially, intellectually,
and culturally) is that life which the true aristocratic ruler contributes to
his people. His Mars-attribute makes it possible for him to defend himself,
and consequently his people, from the crystallizations of prejudice, caste-
congestion, and superficial evaluations. It keeps alive in his consciousness —
because Mars is the arch-masculine vibration, as a derivative of the Sun — the
sense of valuing and appreciating himself as a worker in the world. The vigor,
virility, and positiveness of regenerate Mars is health-giving in its effect;
exercise of this attribute neutralizes the dangers of congestion on indolence,
luxury, and parasitism which seep into a society that is founded on the
principle of inherited money, place, and value. Mars in Capricorn is
vitalization of the sense of father-love; its exercise demands self-discipline
and work.
The Moon's exaltation in Taurus, second earth-sign,
raises the instinct to feed and protect the immature into the consciousness of
stewardship. The weak are to become strong. The immature are to become mature.
The negative of the Cancer-vibration is to over-protect and to over-nurture
those who are, at a given point, dependent. The stewardship of the development
of the weak and immature is the exalted octave of the Moon's power. To protect
the development is a contribution to evolutionary progress; to foster the
weakness is to contribute to retardation. England's great Elizabeth had Moon
in Taurus, fourth house, and certainly no ruler at any time has ever been more
respectfully alert and sensitive to the vigorous evolutionary potential of the
ruled nation. A most significant psychological factor is seen in this
position: Taurus is the Moon's eleventh house-sign; as such it relates to
Moon's Cancer as Aquarius-Uranus relates to Aries. This position of the Moon
(an eleventh house-sign relationship to its dignity) imposes on the
spiritually mature the necessity to decrystallize the sense of possessing the
immature or weak ones. To seek maternally (Moonishly) to possess another is to
identify Taurus as the polarization of Scorpio; the two together form the
diameter of desire-power. Any individual or any ruler who has the
responsibility to nurture through the Moon's position in Taurus is warned to
abstain from regarding the weaker, more immature person as a personal
possession. The nation and the wealth of the nation are not possessions of the
ruling agency. A ruler receives recompense for his work as any other worker
does; that recompense should be an expression of exchange from the nation's
people in return for his service as a coordinative guardian. The
"overshadowing influence" of Uranus to be found in this pattern is the
decrystallization of congestion-by-desire-and- possessiveness into stewardship
of growth and development by respect for the individual's potentials for
growth and fulfillment. Apply this instruction personally or nationally — the
pattern is archetypal. The evolutionary aspiration of the Solar Logos Itself
masses possible epigenetic action on the part of microcosms — thus the respect
of Father-Mother God for Its children is pictured. Solar power released
through the Moon principle says: "Let the begotten microcosm grow, develop,
express, and fulfill its potentials; help it, guide it, instruct it, feed it,
nurture it, protect it but let my power flow through it in ever-increasing
strength; do not over-protect it from access to my Creative Stimulus.
Encourage always the ever-extending radiation of love by the microcosm; set no
barriers to this expression by congestive possessiveness.
Saturn's exaltation in Venus' Libra is the spiritual
alchemical fusion of justice with mercy. It is the dissolving of over-
strictness and crystallization-of-concept by the exercise of humane impulses.
It is also (because Libra in this mandala symbolizes the democratic government
concept) the balancing of self-expression in government by the consciousness
of responsibility of citizens to each other through their fraternal identity
as co-nationalities. The exaltation of Saturn in this sign is the astrological
symbol of the concept of justice for all — a law applies to poor and rich,
learned and ignorant, and it means that true laws are those which counterpart
divine laws in the sense that no one is an exception to them. Laws which
protect one at the expense of another represent the degeneracies
characteristic of corrupted Saturn-aristocracy — the illusion of caste-
superiority and injustices by adherence to evaluations by wealth-possession.
In this sense, the administration of a certain world-wide religious government
is seen to be, at its best, a devotee of this law of justice for all. Its
doors are open to all, its corrective measures apply to all, regardless of
worldly placement or possession. At its worst, the Saturn in Libra symbol
balances wrongs by material payment. In societies where financial possession
is considered to be the standard of evaluation, a spiritual transgression
against an individual or a group or the nation itself is considered redeemed
if a certain financial transaction is made. This congestion-in-ignorance has
played an infamous part in human history — it is one of the most blasphemous
actions of which man is capable. It is a congestion in such darkness that
life-long karma of the ruler may be required to decrystallize and adjust the
unbalance. In human consciousness — that is, in the consciousness of
individuals who are rulers — this position of Saturn in the mandala displays
the White Light of Saturn when the ruler recognizes his fraternity — as a
fellow-citizen — with his subjects. This is the balanced justice and
equilibrium of the ruler-citizen relationship. Let no ruler forget this
principle; upon it depends the resource of spiritual value of governmental
Libra, as a significator of the democratic
governmental principle, is the fusion of the principles of marriage with the
principles of contributive self-government. In a democracy males and females
are privileged to express and this governmental concept is one which, probably
more than any other group-pattern, has most served to decrystallize the
illusion of superiority and inferiority of the sexes, relative to each other.
Marriage is a two-pointed citizenship of mutual exchange, mutual development,
and mutual fulfillment. Democracy is a multi-pointed citizenship of mutual
exchange, mutual development, and mutual fulfillment. One married couple is
microcosm of all males and females in a particular nation; the polarity of the
nation is the extension of the polarity of the couple. To incarnate in a
democratic government is to realize a result from many incarnations of
regenerative effort as an individual; as with the trine-aspect, such
realization imposes the responsibility (Saturn) to contribute for mutual good
and justice of all.
The exaltation of Venus in Pisces (as ruler of Libra)
is the consciousness of spiritual powers as the governing agencies of the
affairs of mankind. To perceive the truths that are behind the placement of
rulers, the experiences of nations, and the spiritual alchemy which is
continually at work to realize the ideal of Humanity makes possible the
realization of inter-fraternity between mankind and other earth-life.
The essential nature of Citizenship is "Fraternity
localized." As inhabitants of this solar system, our first citizenship-
identity is that of (what we will call) "solarians." This identity is derived
from the fact that all life-expressions on this planet and all life-
expressions on the other planets of this system are microcosms of a common
source — our Solar-Logos. If there were some way of identifying our system in
its relationship with the other solar systems of our galaxy, we could further
qualify our identity as "galactic citizens," then "arch-galactic citizens,"
then the final identity which we have with all other life-expressions as
"Universarians" or "Cosmosians." However, our immediate localization in the
Cosmos is by identity with our immediate Creative Source, the Manifestor and
Governor of this system. We could designate this Source by a personalized
name, for example, "Helios." This could specify the identity of our Source in
the interfraternity of other Solar-Logoi of our galaxy. Then our citizenship-
identity could be, as members of this system, "Heliosolarians" to
differentiate our citizenship-status from other "Solarians" of our galaxy. As
an American citizen of Spanish ancestry is a "Spanish American" (the
background — derivative — qualifies the localized identity), so we would be
designated as "Heliosolarian Earthians" to specify our immediate citizenship
on planet Earth of the solar system of "Helios." In our horoscopes the
circular traditional symbol for the Sun placed in the center of the wheel is
the astrological symbol of "Helios" as our Creative Source; the suggested
symbol of "semi-circle on horizontal line" (a symbol-picture of the rising
Sun) is our personalized consciousness of the existence and nature of
"Helios"; we designate this new symbol simply as "Sun" because it represents a
relative comprehension of the nature of "Helios."
The archetypal astrological symbol of democratic
citizenship (as the principle of fraternity manifesting in a governmental
form) is the sign Libra, seventh house-sign of the Great Mandala and cardinal
initiator of the air-trine from which all specifications of fraternity are
derived. Because the four cardinal signs indicate the basic specifications of
our polaric-generic Being, the mandala with Libra as Ascendant will now be
considered as the root of our democratic citizenship consciousness.
As "Cosmosians," the Libra mandala pictures our
attribute as "Reactors and Reflectors" — we react to the stimulus of other
people's expressions. The esoteric mystery of the positive aspect of the
vibratory power of Venus, as ruler of a cardinal sign, is seen in the fact
that the action that we express subsequent to a reaction to another person's
negative expression can be an expression of transmutative alchemy; we may
react with pain but we do not have to re-project according to the pain-
reaction; we can re-project in such a way that the friction, disharmony, or
negative condition in general is neutralized. Thus, in this mandala, Libra
(one of the signs which are focalized by Venus) is the expressor, but its
expression, because Libra is the reflective polarity of Aries, is that of
counter-active or transmutative alchemy. In this mandala, the
"transcendencies" of the signs Libra through Pisces focalize the elements of
soul-consciousness in those archetypal experience-chapters which usually
pertain to the consciousness of the "separative self." To react and express by
transmutative alchemy is to raise the consciousness of separative self into a
degree of the octave of the "inclusive self." To the degree that regenerate
action follows reaction will the combined vibratory forces of two, or many,
people magnetized in relationship be transmuted.
In physical terms, this mandala portrays woman as
expressor, man as reactor; it portrays, in a more abstract sense, the
expressiveness of soul-consciousness, the reactiveness of self-consciousness.
Dynamic expressions of negative selfishness are the things which bombard the
receptivity of the Venus-vibration; the reactive expression of Venus is to
neutralize the destructive element and thereby establish a greater degree of
unified good. In the democratic fraternity of marriage, this Libra-Ascendant
pictures not only woman; it pictures the composite soul-conscious-ness of both
people; it symbolizes the beauties and perfections which each person sees in
the other; it symbolizes the beauties and perfections of each that are ignited
in consciousness by the dynamic essence of the other. This is the "raising in
love" (not "falling in love") by which two humans, citizens in the world of an
intensely focused relationship, are enabled to perceive their soul-elements
through mutual ignition of idealities. The transmutative alchemy that takes
place in a love-relationship (and all love-relationship is marriage in the
realms of consciousness) is Libra as initiator of new life-consciousness and
as epigenitor of a new world of experience. Husband and wife — twofold
manifestations of lover-beloved — are fraternal citizens in the "democratic
country of the union which they establish;" the epigenetic development of
each, through physical, mental, emotional, and vibratory inter-fusion, is the
purpose of the union; individualized expression of both, mutual respect of
individualities, and cooperative action in the love-service of child-begetting
and child-stewardship composite the democratic quality of true love-union.
Consequently we see that a government based on democratic principles is, of
all governments, the one most highly charged with the essence of love-
consciousness. Only people who had evolved a high degree of awareness of the
unity of love-power were qualified to promulgate democratic governmental
principles. They were people who had, to a degree, realized the ideal of
interfraternity of humans as Earthians and as citizens of a localized national
group. The respect for the individual rights of males and females and the
provision of opportunity for individual expression picture the spiritual love-
principles of marriage transposed into the extended octave of the
"togetherness" of males and females on this planet or in a specific racial
type or in a particular national form. The individual human, in the
localization of his or her personal family life, proves the type of his ruler-
ship-consciousness; as he is in his consciousness, so is he in his family and
so is he in his relationship with fellow-nationals.
Now to consider the "childhood of attainment." We
refer to the sign Gemini in the Great Mandala as the immaturity of the
citizenship-consciousness of Humanity. This is the third house-sign; as a
root-sign it is the twelfth house-sign of the matrix-sign Cancer — it is that
which "lies behind all parental expression." In this respect, Gemini's
relationship to Cancer (and its polarity, Capricorn) is that which impels
>parentage; it is the physical sons and daughters to a specific couple of
husband and wife; it is the karmic sons and daughters born to a specific
polarization of national ancestral background. Cancer-Capricorn, in
relationship to Aries-Libra, is "that from which Form (manifestation) is
derived." We do not inherit national traits; we are magnetized to parents of
specific ancestry by the quality of our consciousness. "National trait" is
just another way of saying "vibratory quality concentrated in a large number
of people." We have words like "Scandinavian," "Spanish," "Polish," etc., to
designate the citizenship of our physical birth or the national background of
our parents, but there are many people who are not similar in nationalistic
quality to their parentage; in fact they can be unsympathetic to the
traditions and nationalistic viewpoints of their parentage. These people prove
that, in consciousness, they are citizens of a different ideality — they find
their affinity with people whose interests, ideals, and aspirations parallel
their own. However, born in the localization known as "The United States of
America," all children, by karmic magnetization are brought in contact with
the ideals and aspirations expressed by the spiritually-minded founders of
this nation; the essence of democratic citizenship is the cornerstone of the
national edifice which they established. As Gemini, then, our children are
"young, immature, growing Americans."
It may safely be said at this point that incarnation
as "American citizen" means that every child (regardless of his karmic or
ancestral background) is timed to learn more of the spiritual ideal of
democratic living. There have been many great democratically-minded
individuals in human history. Democracy does not mean "political party"; it is
a state of spiritual consciousness. The immortal Akhnaton, Pharaoh of Egypt
almost six thousand years ago, has been called the first democratic ruler in
human history; as sovereign of his people he sought to establish the
principles of religious freedom, legal equality of the sexes and spiritual
education as integral parts of the life of his subjects. He was, by the
transcendent quality of his mind, heart, and spirit, a true "Son of Helios":
his concepts of rulership included a sense of his basic fraternity with his
subjects and that of his subjects to each other. If modern education in this
country can teach, or vitalize, an awareness of fraternity in the minds of
today's children, it will have fulfilled its esoteric purpose. If modern
education can teach the Law of Cause and Effect it will have fulfilled its
principal exoteric purpose because understanding of this law is the root of
all education. The education of the factual intellect is important, of course,
but brilliantly-endowed intellects can, and some do, live in a world which
they interpret as chaotic, incoherent, confused, and unintelligible because
they themselves are chaotic, incoherent, confused, and unintelligible in their
relationship to themselves and to other people. They do not know that they
themselves cause the conditions which register as effects in their lives.
Gemini natives, then, as specific children born of specific parents in a
specific locality, are citizens in the world of learning, the world of home
and school. In a democratic governmental administration, the recognition is
given to the right of every child to learn, to organize and coordinate his
mental faculties, to extend his knowledge (brought over from past
incarnations) of the objective world, to unfold his talents and potentialities
for work-service and to become more spiritually informed. This recognition is
given by virtue of respect for the child's individualized existence on this
planet and respect for the good which he, potentially, may do as an adult. The
generic essence of Gemini, in such designation, is feminine; the boy-student
and girl-student function through the years of their learning-experience as
in-takers; they function as receptors of and reactors to educational stimuli
which are projected by the dynamic essence of Gemini's planetary polarity,
Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius). The Jupiterian polarization of Mercury's
Gemini states that all true education is spiritual — knowledge of principles is
macrocosm to knowledge of effects; knowledge of cause-and-effect clears the
channelings for all other knowledge. The evolutionary instinct to spiritualize
the concept of life-service is shown by the Virgo-Pisces vertical diameter of
the Gemini mandala; the ideal of perfect personal and impersonal service is
that which "gestates" the aspiration to learn. Knowledge (or understanding)
that is not used for contributive improvement of human life is, relatively,
"dead material." Therefore, as members of family-groups and of school groups,
children are citizens in the state of mental maturing. The stewardship
principle of this identity is the Cancer-Capricorn diameter on the second and
eighth cusps — the "possession of group or national or family citizenship" is
to be transposed into the octave of stewardship of the human group by exercise
of that which is intellectually and spiritually learned. As long as we
incarnate in the human archetype, we have citizenship only as "Earthians"; to
congest on possession of American citizenship is to inhibit and constrict the
sense of identity as Earth-citizenship. The human archetype is our family, it
is the "society" to which we belong, it is the specification of our identity
in relationship to our solar logos, "Helios," of whose power we are the
highest epigenetic manifestation on this planet. Gemini is ninth house-sign of
the Libra mandala — the sense of fraternity distilled from past incarnations
represents the wisdom aspect of our focused complementary relationship-
consciousness in the present incarnation. Injustices of viewpoint regarding
the principles of polarity in human relationship serve to congest the
flowering of love-relationship, marital experience, and fraternal citizenship
with compatriots and fellow-students-in-life generally.
Aquarius, fixed air-sign, is eleventh house-sign of
the Great Mandala and fifth house-sign of the Libra mandala. As the latter, it
is the transcendent essence of love-power in human relationships. It is
"personal love that knows no barriers of external qualification," it is love
that perceives the inner value and the inner reality of human individuality.
It is the decrystallization of congested, egoistic aspects of personal Leo-
love; it is love as the "heart-aspect" of the Master-ship-consciousness.
The Aquarius mandala shows Capricorn at the twelfth
cusp; that which is to be redeemed is crystallization of concept of separative
human group-identity. Nations separate and different from each other,
competitive against each other in fear and insecurity, are to he, by the
Uranus vibration as ruler of Aquarius, re-identified as structure points in
the edifice of the total of human society. This mandala, and the placement of
Capricorn-Cancer, definitely pictures the influence of the Masters as those
who serve by recharging the crystallized concepts of "separate nation-
families" by the scope and power of their love-perceptions into a clearer
realization of the one nation and the one family. The national placement of a
Master — or of one who loves with a degree of Master-love — is the vibratory
form into which he incarnates to fulfill his spiritual service; Joan of Arc
for France, Queen Elizabeth for England, Kahlil Gibran for the people of
Syria, etc. In all of these cases a service of inspired regeneration was
performed for specified human groups but the entire race ultimately benefited
by that service. If for example, Gibran thought of himself, in a congested
way, only as a Syrian, the power of his poetry and painting would have been
correspondingly depleted. He was a Syrian only by localized national identity;
he was, and he knew it, in reality an Earthian and a "Solarian." The fraternal
citizenship symbolized by Aquarius is the most complete picture of democratic
principle in action because the scope of its power and influence includes all
humans, regardless of outer aspects, background,or parentage. Aquarius, as
ninth house-sign from Gemini, is fraternity universalized; as fifth house-sign
from Libra it is love-radiation impersonalized and love-exchange
spiritualized. All who learn are fellow-citizens and all who love are members
of the heart's democracy.
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