
Simplified Scientific

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Independent Study
Module No. 23

The Measure of
Amenability to
Planetary Vibrations,
Part I

When judging a horoscope it is of prime importance that we take into consideration the social standing of the individual, for configurations which are of great significance in the horoscope of a highly educated individual may mean little or nothing in the figure of an uneducated individual, and vice versa. Neglect of this factor would inevitably lead to false conclusions, as we shall now explain.

It is a mystic maxim that the lower in the scale of evolution a being is placed, the more certainly he responds to the planetary rays, and conversely the higher we ascend in the scale of attainment the more man conquers and rules his stars, freeing himself from the leading strings of the Divine Hierarchies. This yoke, however, was not placed upon man in order to restrain him needlessly, but just as we in our ordinary life restrain a child from doing things in its ignorance which would hurt it and perhaps cripple it for life, so also are we restrained by the Divine Hierarchies through the planetary aspects in such a manner that we do not hurt ourselves beyond recovery in the experiences of life.

But coupled with this guidance there is of course a measure of free will, which grows as we evolve. The child in our midst has really very little free will; it is subject not only to its parents but to the servants, if such there be in the household, and to everybody with whom it is associated; all exercise control over it for its own good. As the child grows, this measure of restraint is by degrees relaxed; in the course of years the child will learn to exercise its free will.

This method has been followed by the Divine Hierarchies in the case of man. Infant humanity was absolutely guided by divine rules without having any will at all. "Thus shalt thou do, or not do," were injunctions laid upon them which must be implicitly obeyed, otherwise the divine displeasure was at once shown by such strenuous manifestations as appealed to infant humanity's mind, namely, lightning, thunder, earthquakes, and visitation of great plagues. This was for their collective guidance. For individual restraint there were strict laws, commandments, and ordinances. Tribute must be paid continually to the Divine Leader and offered upon the altar as sacrifices; for every offense against the law a certain sacrifice of material goods must be made. Fear was the dominant keynote of that dispensation, for "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom."

This regime was carried on under the planetary influences of Mars and the Moon. Mars, being the home of the dominant Lucifer spirits, gave to mankind the energy necessary that evolution might be accomplished. This Martian energy was of the very greatest importance, particularly, of course, in the earlier stages. The Moon, which is the home of the angels under their divine leader, Jehovah, gave to infant humanity the childlike brain mind which is amenable to rulership, and bends itself readily before authority.

These rays with those of Saturn were the only planetary rays which affected mankind as a whole during the Lemurian Epoch. If a horoscope were erected for any of the people who lived then, it would be unnecessary to enter the other planets, because the people of that day could not have responded to their rays. Even today a great part of mankind has not evolved very far beyond that point.

Under their impulses these people act with automatic certainty in a specific manner, and it is possible to predict exactly what they will do under a certain aspect of these planets, because they live entirely in their emotions and are scarcely, if at all, responsive to the intellectual vibrations of Mercury. Neither can they appreciate such emotions as are signified by Venus or its higher octave, Uranus; they respond solely to the lower nature, the animal passions. They move under the impulses of Mars and the Moon respecting sex and sustenance. Their pleasures are of the lowest and most sensual nature; they live altogether in the physical; their creed is, "Eat, drink, and be merry." Their desires run chiefly to "wine and woman," for they have not yet awakened to the charm of song. Neither has beauty had a chance to enchant the unsophisticated heart at this stage of development, for that comes from the Venus rays which are beyond such people. Woman is to the man of this stage only a beast of burden and a convenience.

Meanwhile "Father Time," represented by the planet Saturn, keeps the score and wields over them the whiplash of necessity to drive them forward on the evolutionary path, meting out to each the fruits of his labor at the harvest time between lives. When the man has cultivated the savage virtues of bravery, physical endurance, and the like, he dreams in the postmortem existence of new fields to conquer; he sees where he was lacking and why his desires were frustrated because of lack of implements. Gradually the constructive Martian ray and the Saturn cunning fertilize the lunar brain which he is building, so that in time he learns to make the crude implements necessary for the attainment of his primitive ambitions. Even today we see the same cunning traits of character, the same crude crafts displayed for the purpose of irrigating land, mining ores, or milling grain. All those earliest implements were the result of the planetary rays of Saturn, Moon, and Mars, impinging on the undeveloped brain of infant humanity.

A little further along the path of evolution, in the Atlantean Epoch, the Lords of Venus and the Lords of Mercury came to the earth for the purpose of giving a further impulse to man's mental and emotional development. It was the task of Venus to combat the lower emotions and raise the brutish animal passion of Mars to the softer and more beautiful Venus love. She was to add beauty to strength, and to attain that ideal the Lords of Venus fostered the plastic arts, painting and sculpture. These were not taught to the general public at that time. The ideals which are to be developed in the human race are always first taught to the most advanced ones in a mystery temple. At that time Initiation included no spiritual instruction, but consisted of an education in the liberal arts. Sculpture taught how the beautiful might be incorporated in physical form; it called attention to the body, and idealized the softly curved lines. The result is now incorporated in our own contemporary human body, for it should be thoroughly understood that in a mystery school an ideal is not taught today simply to be forgotten tomorrow or the next generation, but ideals are inculcated so that in time they may become part of the very life, soul, and body of humanity.

It may be objected that our art is degenerating compared with what is shown in Hellenic arts, but this is positively not so. It is rather that we have not yet attained to the highest ideal. In ancient Greece the mystery temples occupied a much more prominent position than today; the beautiful form was then idolized to the detriment of the mind, notwithstanding the fact that Greece had a Plato and a Socrates.

The Lords of Mercury, who had charge of the development of mind at the time when the Lords of Venus exercised their great influence on the emotions, had not then been able to make a universally strong impression on early humanity. We are well aware even today that it is wearisome to think but it is easy to follow the emotions. At the present time the middle class of the West is much further advanced than were the ancient Greeks, because of the influence of these two planetary rays in our lives. Woman naturally excels in the highly imaginative Venus faculty, because of her part in the creative function, which faculty aids in molding the body of the race. On that account her figure has the graceful curves which naturally express beauty, while man has the worldly wise intellect fostered by the Lords of Mercury, and is the exponent of reason, the creative agency of physical progress in the world's work.

We always long for, admire, and aspire to what we lack. In days of savagery when kicks and cuffs were her daily fare, woman longed for a caress from her lord. The Venus ray gave her beauty and made her an adept in the feminine arts, which have conquered the masculine heart, so that now man plays the role of protector on the plea that woman is not mentally competent. Meanwhile he is becoming that which he admires in her: he is more gentle and kind; Venus is conquering Mars. But the Mercury delusion of intellectual superiority needs another influence to conquer it, and this, woman is now attracting by her aspiration for it. As she mastered Martian brutality by Venus beauty, so also will she free herself from Mercurial bondage by Uranian intuition.

Work for
the Student

(You are welcome to e-mail your answers and/or comments to us. Please be sure to include the course name and Independent Study Module number in your e-mail to us. You will find the answers to the questions below in the next Astrology Independent Study Module.)

1.  When you have studied this Astrology Independent Study Module, please set up the practice horoscope below, (Birth Place: Atlantic City, NJ, USA; Lat.: 39 deg. N.; Long.: 74 deg. W.; Birth Date: July 4, 1912; Birth Time: 3:00 A.M.) and return it to us. Upon receipt of this we will send you the next Astrology Independent Study Module. (optional)

Horoscope Data Sheet:

Name: Astrology Self-Study Module No. 23
Place: Atlantic City, NJ, USA
Lat.: 39 deg. N.
Long.: 74 deg. W.
Birth Date: July 4, 1912
Birth Time: 3:00 A.M.
(Std. Time)
Std Time:
(Choose One:
True Local Time:
Calc. Sid. Time:
Nearest Sid. Time:
Greenwich Mean Time:
Adj. Calc. Date:

House Cusps:

2nd House:
3rd House:
4th House:
5th House:
6th House:
7th House:
8th House:
9th House:
10th House:
11th House:
12th House:


Essentially Dignified:
Critical Degree:

Planets' Declination:

Dragon's Head:
Dragon's Tail:
Part of Fortune:


Dragon's Head:
Dragon's Tail:
Part of Fortune:

True Local Time:

Birth Hour according to Standard Time:
  (if Daylight Saving Time in effect, subtract one hour):
Degrees birthplace is East or West of Standard Time Meridian in use at birth :
Multiply this number of degrees by 4 minutes, equals:
  (Add if birthplace is East of this Meridian. Subtract if birthplace is West of this Meridian)
Gives True Local Time (T.L.T.) of Birth:

Sidereal Time:

Sidereal Time (S.T.) at Greenwich for noon previous to T.L.T. of birth:
Correction of 10 seconds for each 15 degrees of Longitude (10/15 or 2/3 x Long.):
  (Add if West Longitude. Deduct if East Longitude) Interval between previous noon and true local time of birth:
Add correction of 10 seconds per hour of interval:
Gives Sidereal Time (S.T.) at birthplace at birth hour:
Nearest S. T. in Tables of Houses:

Greenwich Mean Time:

True Local Time of Birth:
Degrees East or West of Greenwich:
Multiply this number of degrees by 4 minutes equals:
  (Add, if West Longitude. Deduct if East Longitude)
Gives Greenwich Mean Time (G.M.T.):
Interval to nearest noon:
Logarithm for this interval (Permanent Logarithm):

Position of Planets:


Coming Noon Position (after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position (before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
  (Direct planets: add to previous noon position if G.M.T. is P.M.;
  deduct from coming noon position if G.M.T. is A.M. Retrograde Planets, reverse this rule.)
Position of Sun:
House Location of Sun:


Coming Noon Position (after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position (before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
  (Direct planets: add to previous noon position if G.M.T. is P.M.;
  deduct from coming noon position if G.M.T. is A.M. Retrograde Planets, reverse this rule.)
Position of Venus:
House Location of Venus:


Coming Noon Position (after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position (before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
  (Direct planets: add to previous noon position if G.M.T. is P.M.;
  deduct from coming noon position if G.M.T. is A.M. Retrograde Planets, reverse this rule.)
Position of Mercury:
House Location of Mercury :


Coming Noon Position (after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position (before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
  (Direct planets: add to previous noon position if G.M.T. is P.M.;
  deduct from coming noon position if G.M.T. is A.M. Retrograde Planets, reverse this rule.)
Position of Moon:
House Location of Moon:


Coming Noon Position (after G.M.T.):
Previous Noon Position (before G.M.T.):
Travel in 24 hours:
Logarithm of Travel:
Permanent Logarithm:
Sum of Logarithms:
Travel During Interval:
  (Direct planets: add to previous noon position if G.M.T. is P.M.;
  deduct from coming noon position if G.M.T. is A.M. Retrograde Planets, reverse this rule.)
Position of Mars:
House Location of Mars:

Position of Saturn:
House Location of Saturn:

Position of Jupiter:
House Location of Jupiter:

Position of Uranus:
House Location of Uranus:

Position of Neptune:
House Location of Neptune:

Position of Pluto:
House Location of Pluto:

Position of Dragon's Head :
House Location of Dragon's Head:

(End of Chart)

How to Erect
a Chart for
South Latitude

To erect a chart for South latitude simply add 12 hours to the Sidereal Time at birth. First proceed according to instructions given in Simplified Scientific Astrology and Self-Study Modules No's. 1 to 5. Then, to the calculated Sidereal Time add 12 hours; if the sum is more than 24 hours and the reminder will be the Sidereal Time at birth, for a birth occurring in South latitude. At the bottom of the page in the Tables of Houses you will see the word Houses followed by 4-5-6-7-8-9; these are the houses you use, that is, you start with the 4th house instead of the 10th as usual. For example if Cancer is on the 10th house, then in a chart for South latitude it will be on the 4th and Capricorn will be on the 10th house.

The reason for adding 12 hours to the Sidereal Time and starting with the 4th house cusp in the Tables of Houses, is that houses in the Southern Hemisphere are rotated and inverted in their relationship to the ecliptic from their counterparts in the Northern Hemisphere. This procedure makes it possible to use the same Table for both north and south latitudes.

Answers to Astrology
Independent Study
Module No. 22:

Keyword of Mars: Dynamic energy
Keyword of Virgo: Purity, service, mental qualities
Keyword of 8th house: Inheritance, regeneration, death
Keyword of Moon: Fecundation, imagination, the public
Keyword of Cancer: Sympathy, tenacity, love of home
Keyword of 7th house: Partnership, marriage, the public

The sextile being a harmonious aspect, the above will be related in a constructive, harmonious manner, resulting in:

An energetic and discriminating mind will enable the native to select a home-loving, magnetic, fruitful partner. There will inheritance through a death and money through the partner. An energized imagination may express itself through the fine arts, bringing success with the public and at home. Death may occur at the end of a useful and active life, probably due to too great an expenditure of energy.

Summary asked for: Uranus sextile Jupiter:

The optimistic altruism of the native, working through philosophy and religion, together with humanitarianism, will produce successful friendships and an original personality with much health and popularity.

Summary asked for: Saturn opposition Jupiter:

Weak, easy-going nature, and indolence will bring extravagant friends, some of the sporting type. Persistent fear will obstruct the religious inclinations. There will be limitations in matters of education and writings, caused by a scarcity of worthy friends. Unless the lower nature is covercome, educational matters will be neglected for gambling and sport. He will be limited in matters connected with pleasure and children.

Remember, the above two aspects occur in the same chart. We are truly mixtures of "good" and "bad."

Student Material:

The Trine and
Grand-Trine Aspects

The Trine and Grand-Trine have regenerate correspondence, respectively, to the T-Cross and Grand-Cross Aspects. The lines connecting the three planetary points of a minimum T-Cross form a triangle, and each diameter of the square formed by the connecting lines of a Grand-Cross cuts the square into two triangles. The esoteric difference between the two types is that in the Cross-aspects, the principal structural angle is the right-angle of exactly or approximately ninety degrees which depicts the tension, resistance, congestion, and gravitational pull of the Square aspect. Lines from the center of a horoscopical circle which touch the circumference at three points representing planets which are exactly in Grand-Trine aspect to each other, form three angles of 120 degrees at the circle 's center. Any line connecting two of these planetary points to each other is one of the three sides of an equilateral triangle, identifying the relationship of the two planets to each other as being in Trine aspect. The spiritualized essence of Trine aspects is pictorially revealed in the fact that the three angles of a Grand-Trine are each sixty degrees — the numerical value of the Sextile aspect. Since the Grand-Trine is an enclosed figure, its design and angle- quality reveal that it is a result, in consciousness of previous sextilic exercises in regeneration and alchemy. The center-angle formed by two radii connected to planetary points that are Trine to each other is 120 degrees, the sum of two sextiles. The single trine is not enclosed, but it indicates a stage of relative equilibrium having been attained by the person who is now, possibly, in the process of creating a Grand-Trine. The single Trine is evolutionary flowering, the Grand-Trine is evolutionary fruitage.

We must keep in mind that the Trine and Grand- Trine aspects portray regenerated consciousness of those pure essences of Spirit represented by the planets concerned, each of which is a specialized unit for expression and reaction. It is the realization of Spirit that defines our evolutionary goal through experience in the sequence of incarnations. The presence of a Trine or Grand-Trine in a natal horoscope is evidence of relative attainment of realization-of-Spirit on the present cycle of evolution. By "Spirit" is here meant the Divine attributes of Power, Love and Truth which, synthesized in the word "God," indicate the state of pure being. Regardless of aspect-patterns, any planetary point can be studied in terms of its Sign-rulership, House-rulership, Sign-occupancy and House-occupancy; these four factors indicate the basic "blue-print" of the evolutionary life- assignment in terms of the planet's principles and potencies for expression and reaction. However, when the planet is related to another planet by the Trine-aspect, then the indication is given that the person has developed a facet of his nature and abilities through conscious regeneration in past lives and the aspect now portrays a relatively evolved realization of Spirit which is to be used in the present life to alchemicalize other factors of the personality and to contribute to the spiritual on-going of humanity. The attainment, by realization, of Power brings the responsibility to use it rightly and creatively. By the law of magnetic attraction, the person who has a Trine aspect in his chart will of course attract into his experience those refinements, abundances, harmonizations and happinesses which are consistent with the mode of his realized consciousness of Good (God, Spirit). But that which the Trine represents as internal integrity, spiritual autonomy, evolvement of capacity, and attainment of ability must be kept in use for further regeneration. If it is only "taken from," it will be depleted; the negative and congestive tendencies in personality will thereby gain proportionate ascendancy in consciousness.

No one can know how many lives were utilized in which effort was made that now is indicated, as result, by the Trine aspect in a natal chart. Therefore, if your chart contains even one Trine aspect know that you applied yourself for perhaps a longtime through specialized development and training in Action and in the subjective realm of Thought. That time and effort should not be wasted in the present life by allowing those powers of consciousness to "provide only pleasure and ease." They have been attained, as anything is attained, for use. In the use of Trine-qualities and Trine-powers we can resolve much of our karma that is heavy and dark and serve thereby to further the en-light-enment of any with whom we come in contact and, esoterically, with Humanity at large. As we utilize and express our Trine-abilities we induce, by the inspiration of example, the incentive to spiritual efforts on the part of others who may be walking on our phase of the Path. This is not for our personal self-glorification, but that we may use our earned privileges to be channels for power as love and truth.

Just as no human lives "unto himself alone," so a Trine-aspect is significant to a chart not only by regard to its particular planetary factors and Sign-House placement but in correlation with every other chart-factor. Some students reveal the interpretative view-point that, because a chart contains a Trine or a Grand-Trine, "everything will turn out all right." This viewpoint ignores the evaluation of the aspect by synthesis with the whole chart. Let us consider the correlative possibilities: either planetary point of a Trine aspect may have:

No other aspect; one of the other possible aspects; several aspects of tension and congestion; several aspects of regenerate quality; a variety of both kinds: It may be dignified, being in the Sign of its rulership; it may be disposited by another planet, being in the Sign ruled by that planet; it may be the Ascendant-ruler, the"personal significator;" it may be the Descendant ruler the "focus of complementation." If it is in the Sign of its dignity it may be a "singleton," having no dispositorship influence, or it maybe the dispositer of several other planets. It may be the only "unafflicted" planet in the chart; it may disposit, or be disposited by, the planet that is most" afflicted."

The greatest spiritual and evolutionary need for the person to use and expand his use of a trined planet is indicated if that planet is also one of the two planets that makes the closest to exact square aspect. The closest-to-exact square aspect (closest to ninety degree orb) indicates the greatest tendency to congestion, inertia, ignorance, and inner darkness. One of its planets, being also trined, must be used alchemically to regenerate that phase of consciousness represented by the other planet of the square. The suggestion is offered, for development of fluency, that you create a listing of variations of Square-and-Trine to each planet, studying them from the standpoint of the Square as being the most needed plan for regeneration and the Trine as being the most powerful spiritual alchemistry. For expansion of this listing, you can combine the zodiacal Signs and the environmental Houses with each planetary triad. Start with the simple form of Square and Trine, see the Spirit-power working on the Square through the agency of the Trine; the planet common to both aspects is thereby revealed to be an evolutionary turning Point. In each group, the "turning-point planet" may be thought of as "mortal mind," in reference to the Square aspect; in reference to the Trine aspect, it becomes — or is revealed to be — a mode of "enspiritualizing" power. This procedure is a basic technique for gaining fluency in perceiving alchemical potentials in a horoscope; it provides a splendidly fruitful exercise in perceiving the right use of the Trine aspect. Then when you undertake to analyze actual horoscopes, you will find yourself much more perceptive to the spiritualizing and regenerating possibilities of the persons you may seek to assist. Whatever else an Astrologer may be, he should be a mirror of Truth to others, just as their horoscopes are mirrors by which the Truth of their life-assignments is revealed to him. It is in this way that he uses the Trine-Powers of his astrologer-Identity in their purest form, and that use is a continuous and ever-expanding assignment. The more he prayerfully and sincerely seeks Truth through exercise of mind and consciousness, the more Truth he will see in horoscopes and the more he can thereby reveal as en-light-ening guidance.

Consideration should be given to the parallel between the Trine aspect and the point opposite the right-angle point of a T- Cross. To illustrate: two planets are Trine to each other in ten Taurus and ten Virgo; these are the Fixed and Mutable Signs, respectively, of the Earth- Trinity — the third and Cardinal of which is Capricorn. In this example, regenerative induction takes place when transits and progressions activate those degrees which are in orb of ten Capricorn. Such activations bring about a "temporary Grand-Trine condition" in the chart, since the natal Taurus-Virgo Trine is sympathetically activated from Capricorn. It is at such timings that the person is inwardly stimulated to expand his realization and use of the natal Trine and, also, to "realize happiness" from what is correspondingly brought about in his environment, relationships and endeavors.

In this illustration, there are four points (or, by orb, "degree-areas") which, when activated, impel the use of Trine powers. These are the 10th degrees of Aquarius and Leo (squaring Taurus) and the 10th degree of Gemini and Sagittarius (squaring Virgo). Also, when the person represented by the illustration comes in contact with someone who has those areas occupied by planets in his chart, the Trine-power of Taurus-Virgo is impelled into use by vibratory induction. If the other person's planets, in orb of the 10th degree of Aquarius, Leo, Gemini or Sagittarius are unregeneratively aspected, then the induced impulsion to use the Taurus-Virgo Trine attains the status of a spiritual testing, perhaps even initiation, through the personal contact or the resultant relationship-experience. This is given as a simple example to illustrate an important point in correlating a natal Trine with other horoscopical factors. It can be used as a "spring- board" into the consideration of more complex inter-weaving of planetary force.

The principle of subjective polarity is interestingly combined with Trine-power in the following illustration: a natal chart having planetary placements in, or in orb of the 10th degree of Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo and Pisces. This pattern reveals two inter-acting Opposition aspects, Taurus-Scorpio and Virgo-Pisces; two Sextiles, Pisces-Taurus and Virgo-Scorpio; two Trines, Taurus-Virgo and Scorpio-Pisces. This is an extremely interesting example of alchemy at work inhuman consciousness because relative spiritualizations (the Trines) and alchemical potentials (the Sextiles) work hand-in-hand with the two inter-related Oppositions, which represent a double pattern of tension. In this example, activations in Capricorn will trine the Earth-points and sextile the Water-points; activations in Cancer will trine the Water-points and sextile the Earth-points when an activation conjuncts one of the planets of this pattern, the entire implication of the four-point aspect is "ignited," and it is well to study other current activations to determine, as clearly as possible, the fullest significance of the timing of the conjunction. The Oppositions in this type of compound aspect "give the Trines and Sextiles something to work on" and they insure that the life of the person will contain a considerable variety of experience and endeavor. Connection of the four planetary points, on the circle's circumference, by straight lines results in the formation of a rectangle enclosing two diameters, just as the Grand-Cross forms a rectangle enclosing two diameters, the difference between them being that the former is patterned by two Trines and two Sextiles, the latter is patterned by four Squares. One might suppose that the "Trine-Sextile" rectangle is evidence that a previous Grand-Cross has been alchemicalized by regenerative endeavors; or that, if the Trines and Sextiles are not exercised in the present life, the present rectangle could become a Grand-Cross in the future. The inclusion of two opposition aspects in both of these rectangular formations indicates that considerable polarization — one way or the other — is being effected in the present incarnation.

Of the individual Trine-aspects, in pure evaluation, there is none that represents greater "advantage in consciousness" than a Trine aspect to the Sun and especially if this "planetary Sun" has no squares or oppositions. There maybe much dark and heavy destiny represented by the Moon and other planets, but when the Sun point is clear and trined, the person has access to a free flow of Spirit power in and through his consciousness. If the Sunpoint is trined and squared, we see the evidence of a great spiritual test in this life: the consciousness of Power challenged by a tendency to misuse or abuse it. Such a person would do well to keep himself spiritually attuned by concentration or meditation on the lives and characters of eminent persons who have had great power and have used it wisely, creatively and spiritually.

Correlation with the rest of the chart is especially important in the study of the Grand-Trine. Of itself, it represents an established pattern of internal poise and equilibrium. But if the dynamic factors of the chart lack aspect-scope or if the Moon, Venus and Earth-Signs are particularly strong, then the Grand-Trine could depict a tendency to take things too easily for progress. A static or quiescent chart can represent a lifetime characterized by restfulness after perhaps several lives of great effort and activity-a sort of "evolutionary Sabbatical." A Grand-Trine in such a chart seems to say: "I've worked hard for a long time and now I 'm going to enjoy rest for awhile."

Other types of charts can indicate, by aspect- correlation, that the person brings in a Grand-Trine to alchemicalize great areas of unfulfilled or unregenerate destiny. In which case, he will be impelled — for survival and resolution — to put to use the full extent of his Grand-Trine powers and abilities in term of his own individual on-going in relationship to his race and to Humanity in general. A comparative correlation of Saturn with the Dynamic Factors — Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus — in sympathy or contrast with the Grand-Trine is important to this type of chart. If Saturn is one of the Grand-Trine Planets, then the powers of patience, practicality, conscientiousness, and thoroughness are indicated to be part of the enspiritualizing equipment. But if Saturn contrasts with the Grand-Trine, then the picture is shown in a general way that old, deep karmic conditions must be resolved by the regenerating exercise of the Grand-Trine powers.

The Variable Aspects

In addition to the fire major aspect-patterns (conjunction, sextile, square, trine, and opposition) there are three others with which the astrological student should be acquainted for more complete evaluation of horoscopes. They are the semi-sextile and semi-square and the quincunx. The semi-sextile and semi-square are "young" aspects. The quincunx is particularly important from an alchemical standpoint; it is the most variable of all aspect-patterns and is of prime importance to all astrological study pertaining to "inertia versus propulsion" in consciousness. It is the one aspect-pattern which, in itself, illustrates alchemical potential which is stimulated in variable ways by rhythmic activations.

First, we will consider the real meaning of "aspect-pattern." The Sun, Moon, and planets — as "planetary points" — represent the faculties and powers for expression and reaction on all planes of human functioning. As such they are the expressive focalizers of the zodiacal signs. For clarity in writing and reading, we indicate their symbols inside the circle of the horoscope, but actually these symbols should be accurately placed on the circumference of the circle, because the study of astrology considers the zodiacal position of the planets as seen from the a Earth. If it were possible to do so, the planetary aspects would be depicted by straight lines drawn from the center of the horoscopical circle to the planetary points accurately indicated on the circumference. The numerical degree of the angle made at the center by any two ''planetary lines" is the planetary aspect. We may consider as valid an orb of eight degrees for the five major aspect- patterns, six degrees for the quincunx, and a maximum of three degrees for the semi-sextile and semi-square aspects.

In imagination you are standing in the exact center of your room. On the floor around you is drawn a large circle of which you are the center. On the circumference of this circle are placed the zodiacal symbols that are indicated on the cusps of your natal chart. You face due north — to the cusp of your fourth house; you make a quarter turn to the right — and face your Ascendant; another quarter turn to the right to face your Midheaven; another quarter to the right to face your Descendant, cusp of your seventh house; one more quarter-turn to the right again to face your fourth cusp. Straight lines are drawn on the floor from the exact center, upon which you are standing, to each of ten points on the circumference representing your planetary-point positions. The lines which are connected to any two planetary points which indicate a square aspect will form, exactly or approximately an angle of ninety degrees at the center where you are; each trine aspect will reveal an angle of one hundred and twenty degrees, etc. As you turn yourself to see each of your aspects in sequence you get a different "viewpoint" of your chart, and a planetary aspect in your chart means "viewpoint as consciousness." As you face each aspect which includes, for example, your Mars, you have to turn yourself at the center where you stand. In life and experience, as you are called upon to deal with qualities in yourself which pertain to the principle of Mars, you have to adjust your viewpoint to events, people, environments, and subjective conditions. If your home is the nuclear center of your life-environment, remember that as you look out of each window of your house you perceive a different aspect of your exterior environment; in other words, you see your exterior environment from a slightly different viewpoint as you look through each of the various windows.

So it is with your chart; each planetary relationship represents a quality of viewpoint, centered in your consciousness, by which you tend to regard and interpret the principles of life. To regenerate your viewpoint so that you can appreciate and interpret your experience more truthfully would correspond to the action of thoroughly washing the windows of your house so that you call see your exterior environment without impediment or obstruction. By a comprehension of the meanings of your planetary aspects you can intelligently use your timings for alchemical exercise and regenerative endeavors. There are periodic timings throughout your life when each planetary aspect is emphasized by the various types of stimulus and ignition in order that you may have the opportunities to "wash the windows of your soul." This "washing" is regeneration of consciousness, the universal alchemy of the Spirit.

The semi-sextile aspect is exactly what the term implies: half a sextile. Its symbol is the horizontal and the two upper diagonals of the sextile aspect, like a "V" standing on a horizontal line. Because everything in life starts from a process of germination, all aspect- patterns start from the vibratory fusion we call the conjunction; from this vibratory unification or " joining of forces," the planets register the various aspect-patterns from life to life in accordance with the way you use your consciousness and mind. The semi-sextile is the promise of the sextile, which in turn is the mechanism for the generation of the trine: it is like the delicate green leaf which is externalized on the tree-branch at spring-time, the promise of blossom and fruit to come. The registration of a semi-sextile in your chart is the indication that you have already started, in the past a regenerative program concerning your consciousness of the planetary principles involved. Know that it is up to you to handle that "delicate green leaf" with care, to cultivate its qualities with thoughtfulness and patience, to make yourself constantly more and more aware of its evidences in your life. Give meditative spiritual consideration to the principles represented by the planets concerned and the signs they rule; having already made the regenerative start, you will naturally want to persevere in apprehending the spiritual values indicated as potential by this aspect.

Remember that the semi-sextile, in comparison with the other aspects, is like a young child in relation to older boys and girls, adolescents, young men and women, parents, and elders. It is " impressionable" just as a child is, it can be easily marred if it is not tended and cared for with understanding and consideration. With spiritual diligence and unwavering patience, it is possible that in the course of one life-time the person who "tends his semi-sextile" can unfold a degree of spiritual understanding or awareness that would correspond to a sextile aspect between the two planets. In other words, his next-life horoscope would register the sextile aspect. This is comparable to seeing the first evidence of the blossom during the course of a day-the unmistakable evidence that the blossom has appeared when this morning there was only the leaf. You first become aware of your divine self in a new phase of evolution through your semi-sextile — the childhood of your "Christ Within" being externalized through your consciousness. We owe to our semi-sextiles the same kind of consideration that we tend to give to anything that is young, delicate and impressionable; its growth must be carefully fostered and nurtured, perhaps over a long period of time, through many stages of development. But the goal is the ultimate fruition which we identify astrologically as the trine aspect — the "viewpoint" by which Power, Love, and Truth are apprehended in terms of internal equilibrium, beauty, capacity, affluence, and joy. The exact semi-sextile aspect is thirty degrees; by orb, twenty-seven to thirty-three degrees. It is interesting to note that the cusps of the twelve houses are in sequences of thirty degrees as are the first degrees of each of the zodiacal signs.

The semi-square aspect (exact, forty-five degrees; by orb, forty-two to forty-eight degrees) requires a little geocentric consideration. As seen from the Earth, the semi-square is the largest of the valid aspects which can be made between Venus and Sun. The Sun, Moon, and all other planets can form the semi-square to each other. (The sextile is the largest geocentric aspect possible between Mercury and Venus.) The semi- square — half of a square — is a warning; like the semi-sextile it is a "young aspect." The tiny cavity in the tooth which, it not corrected, becomes in time a dental horror, or the first evidence of rot in the tree which, if allowed to spread, kills it, are fairly good illustrative analogies. The semi-square in the natal horoscope is evidence that the person has begun to congest on those awarenesses of spiritual principle represented by the planets concerned. It is as though the person in the past, sought to experiment with life through ignorance of what he was really dealing with, and now the semi-square holds up a warning finger and says "Stop, Look and Listen." The old maxim, "A stitch in time saves nine," is applicable to the semi-square's indications; mend that little run in the stocking of your soul now-this life-or you will risk ruining the stocking. The semi-square is evidence of gathering tension, the appearance on the horizon of the cloud which might bring rain and spoil your picnic plans. You can't do anything about the storm cloud, but if you don't want to risk having a disappointing experience you will postpone your picnic plans until you know for sure how the weather will be. In other words, you won't stubbornly go ahead with plans when you have the evidence that postponement would be a more practical measure. The experience of feeling a growing progression of fear or anger is like the meaning of the semi-square; while the emotion is still intensifying it can be dealt with and controlled or transmuted, but after it reaches a certain degree of intensity, the astral potency overwhelms your mental-directive power and you plunge into an experience characterized by considerable pain and suffering. If you have occasion to deal with a chart containing several semi-squares keep the thought of past experimentation through ignorance in mind as an interpretive key; such a registration indicates that this present life will contain, for the person, many opportunities to learn from the evidence of instinctual negative tendencies but which must be dealt with regeneratively now or suffer grave consequences in future. Of course the two planets of any semi-square aspect may be regeneratively aspected in many ways by other points in the chart, but the semi-square registers a negative tendency. Understanding of it is necessary so that the person may — in this present life — know what he is dealing with inside of himself, rather than continuing on the path of ignorance and un-awareness that may have characterized his experience in the past in certain ways. Since you, as the astrological reader, stand as a personalized symbol to the person of awareness and knowledge, study the semi- squares by a careful correlation with all regenerative indication in the chart — from semi-sextile to trine — that are involved with the semi-square planets. Look, with the eyes of your Spirit, at that semi-square as though you were a dentist studying a small cavity as pictured in an X-ray — your job as a reader is to understand that warning as completely as possible.

The quincunx (exact, 150 degrees, five signs; by orb, 144 to 156 degrees) is a fascinating astrological factor; it is like a "coat of many colors," a kaleidoscope and a chameleon all in one. Several pictorial symbols have been devised for it; the author suggests the following: the composite of the symbol for the semi-sextile aspect with a down-ward vertical from the center. These lines would correspond to the cusps of Aries, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Libra and Cancer of the Great Mandala and the picture it presents suggests an unfolded flower on a vertical stem. The quincunx is the only aspect that pictures alchemy within itself because the 150 degrees of its exact scope are primarily focalized by the ninety degrees of the square and the sixty degrees of the sextiles. It also implies the possibilities of the following aspect sequences: five semi-sextiles, semi-sextile and trine, trine and semi-sextile, sextile and square, square and sextile. The following formula may be applied to each of the zodiacal signs as a starting point:

Aries quincunx Virgo. Aries semi-sextile Taurus, Taurus trine Virgo. Aries trine Leo, Leo semi-sextile Virgo. Aries sextile Gemini, Gemini square Virgo. Aries square Cancer, Cancer sextile Virgo. Semi- sextiles: Aries-Taurus-Gemini-Cancer-Leo-Virgo.

Another formula, picturing the quincunx within the Great Mandala is this: Aries quincunx Virgo. Scorpio quincunx Aries. Virgo sextile Scorpio.

Two quincunx aspects which both include one particular zodiacal sign total the entire zodiac when the sixty degrees of the sextile are added to them. All the "variation" of alchemy which is depicted by the contents of each 150-degree aspect is thus shown to have self-directed regeneration as the key-note. In other words the degree of realization of completeness implied as potential by the quincunx is made possible only through self-regeneration. It is suggested particularly to those students who as yet have not "done very much" with the quincunx aspect, that a complete tabulation of the above-mentioned zodiacal formulas be prepared for memorization and use in chart-analysis. (Considerable mental fluency is promised thereby!) An incisive, fluent mental grasp of zodiacal factors is required for the study and interpretation of the quincunx aspect because of the great variation implied by it. To concentrate one's knowledge and perception of the quincunx is to expand automatically one's fluency with all other aspect-patterns.

For practical astrological use, the quincunx is most important in the study of timings. As a natal aspect it pictures a potential of alchemical variation; when studied in terms of activations it reveals a continual periodic emphasis which alternates the yet-to-be- regenerated factors and the relatively regenerated factors. A simple illustration: Sun in 15 Aries, quincunx Saturn in 15 Virgo; 15 Gemini: sextile Sun, square Saturn; 15 Cancer: square Sun, sextile Saturn; 15 Sagittarius: trine Sun, square Saturn; 16 Capricorn: square Sun, trine Saturn. The l50 degrees of each exact quincunx are zodiacally counterparted by the remaining 210 degrees which include a two-fold sequence of square and trine to the natal quincunx planets. Within the 150 degree area, sextilic powers are to be employed to regenerate the square tendencies; in the 210 degree area, trine- powers are used to alchemicalize the square tendencies. In the above Sun- Saturn illustration, it would appear that the unfoldment of spiritualized executive power and ability is the purpose of the quincunx by experiences and training in leadership, personal autonomy, responsibility fulfillment in work and development of the power of patience. By combining the essential spiritual key-words pertaining to the two planets of a quincux aspect, the spiritual or evolutionary purpose of the alchemical exercises maybe discerned. From this approach it may be clearly seen that the quincunx is really not a "minor" aspect at all because it is a registration of opportunity in this life to effect very significant transmutations in consciousness. It is like the framework of a building which, depending upon what is put into it and how that equipment is used, can become a hovel or a lovely home.

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