"Neptune's slow travel indicates it to be of great value from the standpoint of cyclic research. Millions of incarnations are
made during Neptune's position in any sign; each group is like a miniature
'life-wave' attuned to certain expressions of cosmic consciousness. The
correlation of Uranus with Neptune in this respect is of particular value."
It is interesting to note the correlation of Neptune,
ruler of Pisces, with the other two signs of the water triplicity. Cancer,
cardinal and ruled by the Moon, is water as a generator of power-rivers,
streams, waterfall, and rain; Scorpio, fixed, is ice — compressed and static —
symbolizing resource of power; Pisces, mutable, is water as an enveloping
agency — fog, mists, miasmas, and above all the mighty ocean which encircles
all bodies of land.
Cancer is the maternal body which generates sustenance
for the new incarnation. Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, is the "collective
unconscious" — the vast ocean of astral forces which surrounds the body of
humanity. Pisces is the "Great Overshadowing" — the Divine Life in which we
move and have our being. Neptune represents our capacity to "open up" or to
"tune in" to the recognition of the Higher Agencies and to unfold our
awareness of the divinity of Life. Through the "instrumentation faculty" of
Neptune we can, depending on our states of consciousness, contact the sources
of exalted inspiration or we can open the door to Pluto's realm and walk in
the caverns of our unregenerate states.
This "overshadowing" of Neptune has been treated
previously by interpretations of the patterns involving the twelfth house — the
overshadowing of our own past incarnation which must be redeemed, to a degree,
in the present one. However, your own personal variation of Neptune's
direct influence is shown by the house of your chart that has Pisces on the
cusp — or Pisces intercepted — and the house which Neptune itself occupies.
The former shows where illusion and disillusionment are concentrated; the
channel of experience that indicates your need for developing Faith; if
Neptune is afflicted, the Pisces house indicates where and how, in the past,
you betrayed Faith and now need realignment with Principle. The Pisces house
can indicate a relationship-pattern of deep spiritual value or one that is
masked and veiled — its inner reality is not outwardly recognized by others. It
is well to realize that the Pisces house of your chart is the one which you,
yourself, may understand the least clearly — its realities are more "esoteric"
than objective in quality and significance. It is where you can mislead
yourself because it shows how, in the past, you may have misled others. In the
extremities of your difficulties the Pisces house will show what, most likely,
will impel you to seek Divine Assistance; seeing that chapter of your life
through dark glasses you are moved to ask for guidance from Him who sees
The house containing your Neptune is your direct expression of spiritual consciousness, the department of life in which you
can be qualified to lead others to establish Faith, the focal point of your
idealism, your capacity for establishing Heaven-on-Earth. Through your Neptune
house the Divine says: "Be ye the voice for my words and the hands for my
work." It is where and how you express your understanding of "Thy will be
done, in earth, as it is in heaven."
Because of Neptune's affinity with the element of
water, the fourth, eighth, and twelfth houses may be understood to be the most
"congenial" for its placement. They represent the emotional and astral levels
of consciousness and, placed therein, Neptune's sensitivity is more definitely
emphasized. The signs Pisces and Cancer are considered Neptune's two "best
signs" because of their fluidic, emotional quality. Furthermore, since the
Moon and Neptune are "personal mother" and "universal mother," respectively,
the Moon's sign corresponds to the Neptune quality more than does any other,
except Pisces. Therefore Cancer is considered the "exaltation sign" of
Neptune — the dynamic, cardinal quality of the sign amplifies the sensitive
mutability of Pisces. Neptune in this sign expresses with more "force" than it
does in its dignity.
Neptune's slow travel indicates it to be of great
value from the standpoint of cyclic research. Millions of incarnations are
made during Neptune's position in any sign; each group is like a miniature
"life-wave" attuned to certain expressions of cosmic consciousness. The
correlation of Uranus with Neptune in this respect is of particular value.
During the later years of the eighteenth century
occurred a stellar event of primary magnitude — the conjunction of Uranus with
Neptune in the sign Sagittarius. New concepts were born, new ideals, new
visions, and new prophecies of a liberated mankind were projected into the
human scheme of things. Revolutions occurred, the old was shattered by blows
of disintegrative effect. This conjunction carried over into Capricorn in the
early 1800s. Metaphysical teachings were released, new concepts of art and
morality were promulgated.
This activation by Uranus and Neptune was in the
nature of a "cosmic lunation" — the dynamic Uranus and the spiritualizing
Neptune provided a "new birth" for the entire human race. The "full moon" of
this "lunation" was the opposition of Uranus in Sagittarius-Capricorn to
Neptune in Gemini-Cancer during the early years of the twentieth century. A
world war of devastating significance brought out into the open the levels of
unrest and change which had been "gestating" all during the last century. In
other words, Uranus had returned to the "lunation point" and Neptune, like the
full moon after a Sun-Moon lunation, had reached its halfway point. Persons
who incarnate during a major planetary opposition do so for greater
awareness of certain soul principles; Uranus-opposition-Neptune is
awareness for the entire human family — a critical point in our
Those persons who incarnated while Neptune was in Aries were of the generation of visionary pioneers, particularly those who had
Neptune in Aries and Uranus in Cancer — tumultuous souls who busied themselves
in establishing the "new look" in human affairs: metaphysical teachings,
woman's suffrage, birth control and all the other agencies of freeing humanity
from outworn and crystallized concepts. We who incarnated during the
opposition of the two planetary giants came into a world full of unrest and
disturbance. We, by inner development and understanding, can take our rightful
place in the scheme of things and make our contribution to the New Age, or, by
inner undevelopment we can live — or try to live — by approaches that pertain to
a bygone age and so find ourselves "out of line" with the changing aspect of
things. Study Neptune in charts to determine how the persons concerned can be
considered of this age, not just in it. Study the twelfth house
conditions, the Saturn conditions and the afflictions to Neptune or to
Neptune-Uranus, and get some sort of picture of how — or how not — the person is cyclicly "at home with this age."
Neptune by position in the fourth, eighth, and
twelfth houses conveys a certain natural sensitivity even if it is unaspected — this pattern holds promise that sometime during the incarnation esoteric
experiences are to be met and dealt with. It naturally follows that afflicted
aspects to Neptune when in these houses are particularly acute.
Neptune unaspected, like any other unaspected planet, is, on a given cycle, a "traveler starting out on a journey." If a traveler is
not properly guided or instructed he easily risks taking the wrong roads, thus
making many detours and delays before he arrives at his destination. Since
Neptune is the transcendent expression of the "mental triad" (Moon, Mercury,
and Neptune being the "triad of transmission" — the start of its new journey
must be prepared for by (1) discipline and transmutation of subconscious
feelings and redirection of feminine reaction-patterns — symbolized by the
Moon — and (2) knowledge by acquisition of facts pertaining to spiritual
life — as an expression of the intellectual faculties, symbolized by Mercury.
Neptune, misdirected, can result in perversion of understanding which can
bring the person into contact with the forces of black magic; such experiences
result in various forms of disintegration and loss of "inner plane awareness."
This in turn brings many difficult experiences — during later lives — by which realignment with Truth must be made. Study carefully the house position and house rulership of an unaspected Neptune to determine, as clearly as
possible, what direction Neptune should take for its immediate unfoldment.
Since Neptune is a fluidic, feminine, and
impressionable vibration give careful study to the planet which disposits
it (Venus for Taurus and Libra, Mercury for Gemini and Virgo, Moon for
Cancer, and Sun for Leo) — because the conditions of the dispositor will
indicate the essence of "what comes through Neptune." For example, if Neptune
is in Cancer — where it is particularly sensitive anyway — and the Moon carries an afflicted Mars vibration, the indication is that the sex urge and the
potential for destruction can be strongly stimulated by the activities of
Neptune by lunations, progressed Moon, etc. If Neptune is in Taurus and Venus
is unafflicted then the person can be a focal point for a very spiritual love-
radiation, as well as an artistic agency. Synthesize the dispositor of Neptune
very carefully and, in your assistance to another, plan your "road map" so
that the person will know ahead of time when certain subconscious tendencies
will be activated and he can prepare his inner defenses. Help him to
understand the subtlety of Neptune's expressions — people who appear on the
scene when his Neptune is activated negatively simply objectify his own inner
subconscious levels. They may "tempt" him, try to mislead him for their own
selfish purposes, or give him false instructions. Therefore he must, for best
results, "cleanse his thoughts and reactions" and establish awareness of
what he really is, why he is, and what he can become.
The above observations also apply to Neptune with sextiles, trines, and no afflicted aspects. These patterns promise certain
realization of spiritual states in this incarnation, but still the Moon,
Mercury, and the dispositor must be studied. During the years of childhood and
adolescence many subconscious negatives can be intensified by repeated
reaction and the full expression of a trine to Neptune may not be realized
until later in life. Neptune "floats on the waves of feeling and thought" — if the mental faculties and capacities are undisciplined and unregenerate
subconscious reactions have been intensified, a state of consciousness may
prevail that obscures the full realization of the Neptune-potential. We
cannot, in justice to those we seek to assist, take sextiles and trines to
Neptune for granted since they are the flowerings of redirected
Neptune, wherever placed and however aspected, throws a decided influence toward the feminine, or passive, tendencies of the chart. If there is a "plus" of the earth and water elements and Moon and Venus are more in evidence than the Sun and Mars, then the whole chart carries
a "hyper-feminine" quality. Neptune does not, of itself, act dynamically; it is we, as patterns of consciousness, who "act through Neptune;" if our channels are
clear and clean we open up to inspirational and spiritualizing impulses; if
they are not we bring through the opposite.
The person who incarnates with Neptune on the
Ascendent has evidently invited a difficult experience. Even with the best of
aspects the physical body is sensitive to an extreme degree; susceptible to
all manner of thought forms, atmospheres, and emotional vibrations. This
position of Neptune is the arch-symbol of the "instrumentalist;" the vehicle
can be used, beautifully, by the White Forces or disastrously by those of
Blackness. Such a chart must be approached with great care; it is advisable to
find out a few things about the person to acquire a perspective on the
"Neptune-picture." A highly developed Ego can be represented by this position,
and the planetary afflictions to Neptune could represent the difficulties he
may have in "keeping his feet on the ground" in adjusting to the practical
phases of life. These aspects can tell a story karmically, of the phases of
human life which the person can regenerate by his own spirituality. Since
"planets are people," each square or opposition to the Ascendent-Neptune can
symbolize persons who need the spiritualizing influence or persons who serve
as "testers" for the Neptune person. This person, to neutralize the negative
effects of unregenerate influences must keep himself "inwardly alive" by
repeated spiritual recharging. Particularly difficult is the pattern of
Ascendant-Neptune being squared or opposed by the ruler of the chart, whatever
that planet might be. The Ascendant and its ruler are the "newness" of the
personality — its focal point of expression for this incarnation. This pattern presents a picture of the physical body itself being particularly sensitive to Black Forces and the indication is clearly shown that psychic training of only the most spiritual kind can be dealt with. This person needs continual alignment with White Forces through dedicated service, prayer, physical
purity, and inspirational agencies such as music. If he chooses to walk a
spiritual path, in his life activities, his motives and purposes must be
immaculate, and he must acquire conscious understanding of the psychic
nature of the human organism — he must come into an understanding of his
own sensitivity and the responsibility that he has to those around him to "be
a Light." Without understanding of his own nature and potentials he could be
misdirected into negative expressions and eventually find himself on the
downward grade.
Neptune conjunction Moon is the arch-symbol of
psychic sensitivity — particularly when found in the charts of women. Women
with this position would do well, if circumstances permit at some time during
their lives, to transcend the purely personal phases of woman-experience by
"reaching out with hands and heart" to express motherhood in terms of welfare
of those not connected with them by blood relationship. This position
intensifies the maternal urge and the qualities of sympathy and tenderness are
very deep and strong. Concentrated on the comparatively narrow sphere of home
circle it can be very confined. Such women have come to a starting point in
impersonal living and "all those who need nurture can be their children."
Fortified by strong aspects, this Neptune-Moon conjunction can indicate the
"born medium" — the faculty of living consciously in the higher dimensions of
realization through clairvoyance or clairaudience. But, as noted before, solid
groundwork must be established — such a sensitive person cannot risk attunement with that which is false and misleading.
Neptune-Saturn combinations are very important — and very interesting. These two planets represent the "extremes" of the feminine polarity; Saturn is the most condensed vibration of the planetary spectrum; gravitational in function, it symbolizes the vibration of earth. Neptune, however, is the most sensitive, the most ethereal and "un-earthy" in the
spectrum. The square and opposition aspects of these two to each other must
first be analyzed by determining which one is the stronger by position, sign,
and scope of influence in the chart. Also a comparison must be made from the
standpoint of which is the more "afflicted" by other planets. Whichever one of
the two is otherwise unafflicted is the key to the solution of the square or
opposition "problem" since, being a free agent, it serves to counteract the
negatives of the other. Too much Neptune, undirected and undisciplined, is
"clear out of this world" — impractical, irresponsible, perhaps inspired but
probably just a little too "precious;" too much Saturn, laying on with a heavy
hand, "obscures the starlight," the consciousness is trapped in the world of
forms and effects, idealism is strangled by the heaviness of burdens to be
borne and responsibilities to be fulfilled. The opposition aspect of
Saturn-Neptune is very significant — it indicates that this incarnation provides opportunities for the spiritualizing of attitudes toward responsibility — fulfillments by Faith and Idealism and the demonstration of spiritual consciousness as a redemption of responsibility-karma. Both vibrations must be used to establish equilibrium between these two forces — by living a synchronized expression of both, the best of both can be utilized. Saturn in
favorable aspect to an otherwise afflicted Neptune is a marvelous antidote to
the swamping of astral conditions; also this pattern promises a
relationship — or relationships — with people who objectify the fine Saturn quality; they will
be persons who act as "steadying-agencies" in the subject's life, through whom
he will — or can — become alerted to the maturity of
responsibility-fulfillment. They will vibrate harmoniously with serious aspects of his nature and through
association with them the finer qualities of his character can take on added
depth and significance of expression.
An unafflicted Neptune in favorable aspect to "heavy" Saturn is like fresh water on a parched garden. The persons represented by the Neptune will be a source of inspiration and spiritual refreshment to the
subject, who, by the afflictions from Saturn, may find life quite a drudgery
through responsibilities and his own "limitation consciousness." If such a
chart is heavily characterized by the earth vibration and Uranus is not much
in evidence the subject may feel that his Neptune friends are rather a strange
lot — he may not be able to understand them very well, but he will recognize
his needs for their "lifting touch" in his life. He needs their realization of
the inner life-his own is so preoccupied with the outer — and the aspect
basically promises that through them he may take steps in this life to free
his consciousness from the heavy chains of form.
Neptune is the cry of the human consciousness for
"Shangri-la — the place of Peace, the source of Life-giving waters." Peace is
established in the human heart when living is done through adherence to
thebest, the finest, and the most perfect realizations.
The perfected state is first dreamed about, then visualized, then approached
through processes of transmutation, and when the pull of Earth consciousness
has been transcended the gates of true realization are open to Beauty,
Inner Peace, and Knowledge of Truth.
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