"Mars is essentially egotistical, separative,
frictional, and dynamic. His is the voice of I am, I want, I will get, I
defend myself, I defeat my enemies, I must survive. It is through his
vibration that we see other manifestations of life — people, experiences,
things — as obstacles to be overcome. They, in our consciousness, stand as
threats to our life, satisfactions, and progress."
So much favorable comment has come to us concerning
the astrological articles by Elman Bacher which appeared in our Rays from the
Rose Cross during past years that we feel sure this volume Will be cordially
welcomed by all students of spiritual astrology.
Mr. Bacher's profound knowledge of and devotion to the
stellar science, along with an uncanny understanding of human nature, made it
possible for him to present material which undoubtedly places him among the
best of modern esoteric astrologers. As the truth and value of astrology
become more and more generally accepted, his presentations will serve
increasingly to help people know themselves and fulfill their highest destiny.
Before his passing in 1951, Mr. Bacher expressed a
keen desire to have us publish his articles in book form, and although we
deeply regret that he is not here to see the culmination of his desire, we are
happy in knowing that his wish is now being fulfilled.
To the Rosicrucian student astrology is a phase of
religion, basically a spiritual science. More than any other study it reveals
man to himself. No other science is so sublime, so profound, and so all-
embracing. It portrays the relation between God, the macrocosm, and man, the
microcosm, showing them to be fundamentally one.
Esoteric science, investigating the subtler forces that
impinge upon man, the Spirit, and his vehicles, has charted their effects with
no less definiteness than has academic science the reactions of sea and soil,
plant and animal to the solar and lunar rays.
With this knowledge we may determine the astrological
pattern of each individual and know the relative strength and weakness of the
various forces operating in each life. To the degree that we are in possession
of such knowledge we can begin systematic, scientific character building — and
characterize destiny! We note times and seasons cosmically advantageous to
unfolding undeveloped qualities, correcting faulty traits, and eliminating
destructive propensities.
The divine science of astrology reveals the hidden
causes at work in our lives. It counsels the adult in regard to vocation, the
parent in the guidance of children, the teacher in management of pupils, the
physician in diagnosing diseases, thus lending aid to each and all ill
whatever position they may find themselves.
No other subject within the range of human knowledge
appears to hold for this day and age the possibilities open to astrologers for
helping people to their own dignity as gods-in-the-making, to a greater grasp
of universal law, and to a realization that we are eternally secure within the
caressing fold of Infinite Life and Boundless Being.
As the Sun symbolizes the creative center of things,
so Mars stands for the energy which flows, like blood, through the life of
manifestations and makes possible all forms of growth, sustainment, and
progress. Mars may be called the Sun's "right-hand-man." The two together
synthesize the masculine polarity and, in primitive or undeveloped types, who
live in emotion and desire rather than in will, Mars takes the place of the
Sun until certain stages of evolution have been transcended.
Mars is essentially egotistical, separative,
frictional, and dynamic. His is the voice of I am, I want, I will get, I
defend myself, I defeat my enemies, I must survive. It is through his
vibration that we see other manifestations of life — people, experiences,
things — as obstacles to be overcome. They, in our consciousness, stand as
threats to our life, satisfactions, and progress.
Thus, Mars is seen, in the horoscope, as the center
from which we struggle for self-sustainment — on all planes. He represents our
degree of eagerness to live, our determination to keep going,
our urge upward and onward; he is the steely eye, facing the slings
and arrows of outrageous fortune. Mars, unregenerate, is I will have
what I want — at whatever the cost to others; regenerate, is alchemicalized
into the shining gold of courage — his cardinal virtue.
Thus, we see that Mars is the maker of karma, because
he is our projection into life. He is the basis for action, but not its
fulfillment. He is the objectification of consciousness because in what we
do we reflect that which we are. Through Mars we live in, and
for, ourselves, but when energy is expressed in terms of union with others
(the Venus vibration) then Mars finds his regeneration.
Mars, as energy, is the principle of work. His degree
of expression indicates how we bring zest, enthusiasm, force, and drive into
that form of experience which represents our contribution to life and the
channels through which we make a living. There is a universe of difference, in
consciousness, between work and labor. In the first, we do the
thing we want to do, as a form of self-expression and psychological release;
in the second, we simply do something for the pay involved. To the first we
bring an urge of the heart to do our best, in terms of action; in the second,
material self-sustainment is the only concern — a routine, automatic doing in
order to make money.
Mars, as the principle of work, does not
necessarily mean a Mars type of work. A musician, poet, philosopher, teacher,
nurse, lecturer, or what-not can bring to his line of activity this principle
of work-as-fulfillment. Mars shows how strong is the urge to work, to
self-expression, to effort, to development; any afflicted, or inhibitive,
aspect to Mars in the chart shows a depletion of urge, a scattering of energy,
a lack of courage, and a tendency to knuckle under rather than to carve out
We must not confuse the indications of a talent with
the indications for a life work. A person may have all the indications of
being a gifted artist of some kind, but if Mars is not connected with this
pattern, the art expression cannot be taken as the vocational pattern, since
his urge is not expressed through it. He may use it as a hobby or for creative
release in some way, but his life-work pattern, to be authentic, must include
some degree of the Mars vibration to insure success and fullest
accomplishment. Anyone who follows, as a life work, some activity unconnected
with his Mars potential, does not, and cannot, really work-he just labors and
struggles and wonders why he can't seem to get ahead, and ultimately insuring
unhappiness for himself. Mars, as a factor of the life-work-pattern, may show
by direct aspect to other planets involved, by being strong himself, or by his
dispositorship of others.
In line with present-day concepts of constructive
psychology, we know that much internal disorder is due to the misdirections of
Mars, because Mars is the prime symbol of the sex impulse, the creative
motivation of all life. In the vibration of Mars, mankind finds one of its
chief sources of Ego-expression through the accomplishment of sex exchange —
or, as undeveloped people express it, sex conquest. Mars, as conquest, in this
reference is seen as an expression of utter selfishness, in which the
satisfaction of the desire urge is the only objective. It is only when this
urge is experienced in terms of mutuality that "exchange" takes place. In this
case, Mars, through Venus, is gradually redeemed or regenerated into higher
and higher expressions of love.
In primitive life, Mars finds its feminine counterpart
in the Moon. One is the urge to initiate or project life, the other is the
urge to bear and nurture it. The Mars-Moon pattern in the horoscope of either
male or female may be described as the desire potential; Mars-Venus is
the love potential, and the Sun must be taken into account in the
analysis of the parenthood potential. Synthesis of the patterns of
Mars, Moon, Sun, and Venus will indicate the possibilities of fulfillments,
frustrations, predominant emotional tendencies, and polarity urges of the
person's nature. Careful attention to the afflicted aspect that exists between
any two of these planets that is most nearly exact by degree will indicate the
pattern that contains the most deeply rooted potential for frustration or
disharmony in the emotional nature.
Space does not permit a complete, detailed discussion
of Mars all its patterns with all the other planets, but, because we are
primarily concerned with psychological factors in astrology, we must, at this
time, offer some material in reference to Mars and the sex urge. In recent
years, the sexual factor of human nature has been the object of intensive
study on the part of all people who seek to assist others in their
development, and the astro-analyst has a big contribution to make in this
connection. He sees in the horoscope a picture, like an X-ray, of the
emotional potentialities, not just as static patterns of reaction, but,
karmically, as expressions of the Law of Cause and Effect — from the past,
through the present, and pointing to the future. We are now concerned with
"afflicted" aspects.
Mars-Moon: The subconscious mind is charged with
unfulfilled, disordered sex pictures; sexual reactions are easily aroused and,
when expressed, are done so with intensity. Great wastage can result if
scientific and spiritual sex instruction is neglected — the subconscious
pictures must be cleansed and re-organized. Parents should allow sex awareness
to come into the lives of such children without fear or "nasty-niceness"
because these false attitudes only serve to make the problem more difficult.
Naturally honest and honorable approaches should be made as soon as the child
evinces sex interest. His energies should be given constructive and productive
outlets, and, without undue strictness or harshness, the child's early life
should contain a certain routine of activity that can serve as a mold for his
energy outlets. Well balanced physical training is very beneficial, since the
organism then has a chance to develop through energy output, and wholesome
respect for the physical body can be inculcated. The child must be taught
respect for his sex organism, and with such redirection of his
subconscious, healthy attitudes may be absorbed. These factors become
comparatively more important to the degree that Mars is strong by sign (Aries,
and particularly Scorpio and Capricorn) and/or if the Moon is in Scorpio and
the planetary occupancy of water signs is marked.
Mars-Venus: The fires of Mars (desire-passion), when
distilled through the alchemy of Venus result in the flowering of human love
because Venus is the result of energy expressed in terms of the other fellow.
Venus in the chart may be strong by sign, aspects, etc., but if Mars is weak,
then the love potential is slight. In this case, Venus would be identified as
culture, artistic or social abilities, love of beauty, etc. The love
potential is clearly shown as a possibility of fruition if Mars and Venus are
in aspect to each other — the desire impulse then has a direct contact with its
alchemical agency, but careful synthesis must be made regarding possible
factors of frustration or inhibition of this process.
When Mars is strong and Venus weak, if the two aspect
each other the pattern shows a possibility, in this incarnation, of developing
the love nature. This pattern shows a predominance of the masculine impulse
(initiative, conquest, etc.), which, for flowering, must be harmoniously
cultivated. When Venus is the stronger, and Mars is debilitated, then the
receptive, or feminine qualities, predominate and the person is sub-
consciously attracted to a more positive or dynamic partner. Mars square Venus
is a detriment to the expression of Venus, however well aspected she may be
otherwise, because she does not, in this case, receive the dynamic impulse in
constructive or fruitful form. The result of this aspect may show as: a deep
urge to love, but the inability to express it; the tendency to express love in
terms of ego assertion rather than heart expression; an over-predominance of
the basic masculine qualities that creates an unresponsiveness to the feminine
expressions of life — or a lack of understanding of them; the person may prefer to live his life in terms of work rather than love.
Mars-Uranus: This, on the emotional plane, is
dynamite. The potential for passion is very great and, if Venus is connected,
love may be developed to extraordinary degrees. Intensity is the keyword,
whatever the expression. Since Uranus is the fusion of Mars-Venus into
creativity, this aspect shows a tremendous urge to create or invent, in some
way, and the aspect shows the need for much control and direction. Inhibited,
the dynamic energies can be banked up and choked to such a degree that there
is great danger of destructive outbursts, emotionally or physically.
The negative expressions of Mars-Uranus combinations
show that energy may be wasted or dispersed in extreme degrees and, in the
sexual expressions of life, this aspect indicates a pattern of unregenerate
sex as protest or lawlessness. This is a symbol of possible libertinism — the
person may scatter himself as the impulse moves him; he doesn't want to — or
can't — be held down to what he calls "limitations" or "bondage of
relationship." He is, in his terms, a "free soul;" so free is he that,
emotionally, he can't keep his feet on the ground at all-but flits hither and
thither. Such a person should be advised that unless love impulses are molded
into constructive and fruitful forms, nothing but wastage is the result.
Other conditions allowing, Mars-Uranus can indicate
the possibilities of powerful sublimations, if the energies are directed. A
cause, an ideal, a lifework, any of these may be the channel through which the
person redirects his sex potentials into impersonal expressions. This process
presupposes a strong willpower, and if such is lacking in the chart, the
scattering of this intense expression of Mars energy can result in very
difficult and painful karma. Mars-Uranus also indicates a possibility of
perverse expressions of sex through over-balance of the masculine polarity,
and emotional balance and fulfillment difficult to attain. This pattern should
be carefully compared with the feminine indications in order to ascertain the
possibilities of emotional integration.
Mars-Neptune: In this afflicted pattern we have a
symbol of many obscure and difficult-to-put-the-finger-on conditions
that have been the object of re-search by psychiatrists and psychologists for
many years. It is an indication of a high-strung and easily affected nervous
system which, under certain types of stimuli, can result in serious deviations
of the sex-impulse. We may describe this pattern as sex-illusion.
Attended by a pattern of frustration, this Neptune
influence may cause the person to seek release through the "liberations" of
drink and/or drugs. The organism is sensitive to these stimuli, and since — or
if — the love potential is deficient, the person has the urge to find his
sexual releases through false and illusionary forms. These releases are
unhealthy, destructive and, because the lower astral vibrations are repeatedly
contacted, very contaminating. The energy releases are diffused into "dreams"
and emotional health retarded — in extreme cases, destroyed completely.
However, reactions to drink and drugs can be
corrected by therapeutics; Mars-Neptune can indicate something even worse —
expressing the sexual nature and impulses through symbols. In this form
of pathology, subconscious pictures have been brought over in which the person
does not, or cannot, express his sex urges with another person at all — he can
only be stimulated by some inanimate thing which symbolizes to him an
object of desire. These perverse forms can only be uprooted by careful
analysis and therapeutic or spiritual psychology. Something "devilish-way down
deep" has become an emotional reality to the person which twists and deflects
his urges out of all normal perspective. Check the chart carefully for every
indication of possible healthy emotional expression, by which the
person's sex impulses may be brought into alignment with the reality of human
The above pertains to extreme or complicated
conditions involving Mars and Neptune, and of course other factors must
contribute to indications of such perverse tendencies. However, Mars-Neptune
does indicate some form of sex expressions that deviates from the norm. Let us
consider a few possibilities of regenerating this pattern:
Energy may be sublimated through creative art, music,
or drama; work may be found dealing with the healing professions; devotion to
human welfare in some form could be a splendid corrective measure in
redirecting the desire nature; knowledge and understanding of sex,
physiologically, psychologically, and esoterically, would certainly serve to
clarify the mental pictures so that the person could, to greater degree,
understand his problem; establishment of cleanliness as a factor in his
physical habits could bring his consciousness into attunement with the ideal
of inner and outer purity; and, above all, establishing in the consciousness
the goal of love by which all desire impulses find their regeneration.
Mars-Saturn: The essence of emotional frustration. To
the degree that Mars is strong by sign and aspects, this frustrating pattern
can create trouble and pain, and cause the person to develop all manner of
complexes, inferiorities, self-deficiencies, and fears. Study the chart
esoterically to determine the purpose of this frustration — why is the
person being held back by Saturn? What must he fulfill through Saturn. Then,
when fulfillment of the responsibility has been made, what avenues does Mars
have for constructive, creative, and healthy living. This aspect serves a
serious purpose, wherever found in the chart. Mars has been misused in the
past, and now must by karma, be held in restraint, for his energies are needed
to rebuild a distorted pattern. Appeal to the person's self-respect, honor,
and courage — he must understand that the inhibitive force must be dealt with and so transcended.
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